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Behind the Eight Ball

Page 12

by M. A. Church

  Kids ran past, laughing and screaming, and the moment was gone.

  Lawson gulped his Coke then glared at me. “You, you… are so bad.” He took a deep breath, then another. “I’ll remember this, don’t think I won’t.”

  I smirked at him as he calmed. “Good. I sincerely hope you do.”

  He wanted time? I’d give him time. I would. This was a big deal. What I hadn’t done was promise not to remind him what he was missing every second of every day. Yeah, cats can be devious. On the flip side, we were both going to have a bad case of blue balls before this was done.

  We tossed our trash and returned to the main area. As we walked around, I noticed the cheesy, old-school haunted carnival ride. “Oh man, look! I love those things. Come on, let’s go.”

  Lawson shook his head as I dragged him behind me. “Seriously?”

  “Oh yeah. This is one of my favorites.” We got in line. I turned to him, bugging my eyes out and curling my fingers like they were claws. I could let my claws out, but there were too many humans around so I faked it. I then hauled out my best creeptastic voice as I crowded into Lawson. “I vant to suck your blood!”

  My mate just laughed at me. The line wasn’t long, so our wait was short. We sat in the little electronic car and took off down the ramp.

  Lawson leaned over to me. “You forget I know creatures who do actually drink blood. Just saying.”

  “Crap.” He was right. Marshell transformed was a sight that made you sit up and pay attention. Then scream.

  The little car turned into the haunted house. I seized Lawson’s hand as the dark enveloped us and the car lurched down the ramp. Okay, my stomach did an odd little twist at the drop. Canned screams surrounded us as did odd, eerie music. I wasn’t scared, but hell, it was dark. No one was around, and my mate was next to me.

  We didn’t get far before a creature in a cage shrieked at us. I didn’t have a chance to see what it was before the car jerked us away. There was another sharp turn and more deadly things rattled in their cages. They moaned as they reached out, claws extended. I was willing to bet mine were sharper.

  Pictures of creepy crawlies greeted us. Something swooped down over our heads then vanished in the darkness. I jumped, but it was more from Lawson’s hand on my dick than a ghosty floating around.

  “Boo,” Lawson whispered, then crashed his mouth down on mine.

  The car shook and rattled along, things moaned and growled… and Lawson kissed me while rubbing his palm over my cock furiously. Right before we left the darkness, he stopped kissing me and removed his hand.

  I did some moaning and growling of my own as the car parked and the ride ended. I probably did look a fright and not because of the damn ride.

  “Payback, baby,” Lawson whispered gleefully.

  Carefully my hard cock and I climbed out of the car. I flashed an evil glare at Lawson. “Ohhhh, it’s so on.”

  Chapter Eleven


  AS I found out Heller meant what he said. We wandered around for a while, even played a few of the games. Heller mentioned there were shifters who worked here. While they didn’t say anything, the scowls cast Heller’s way as he won several stuffed animals said they knew he had an unfair advantage.

  Frankly I thought it was funny. Everyone knew the games were rigged. They were purposely damn near impossible to win, but Heller made it look easy. I was especially proud of the sparkly rainbow-colored unicorn he won. Even the carnie’s lips twitched when Heller won it and presented the thing to me with a bow and a flourish.

  As we left the games, I checked my watch. “Hate to say it, but it’s getting late. Are you about ready to go?”

  “Yeah, I guess we better. You got work in the morning, right?”

  “Yup.” I tugged on Heller’s arm to get him to change direction. “But I really want to ride the Ferris wheel before we leave.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

  The line was longer than some of the other rides, but I wasn’t leaving until we rode this one. As a kid it had been my favorite, even though it wasn’t the fastest or scariest. Our time came and we got on.

  I made sure my stuffed animal crew wouldn’t fall out. Then we were slowly lifted up as the operator filled the other cars with passengers. Finally it was full and we were able to go without stopping every few feet. Around and around it went. It was so peaceful, even though we could hear the crowds below us.

  After a few times around, it stopped with us at the very top. The night breeze was gentle, but cool. Heller scooted closer and eased his arm around my shoulder.

  “The view is spectacular,” I said.

  “Yeah, it is.” Heller nudged my chin with his hand until I looked at him. “It really is.”

  I felt my face heat.

  “It’s dark up here too. The lights on the wheel aren’t too bright.”


  “Oh yeah.” He ran his fingers across the back of my neck, and I shivered. “Cold?”


  “Ah.” He teased the back of my neck again, a featherlight touch that sent pleasant tingles through me. “Horny?”

  “Fuck yes. Wonder why?”

  “Oh, I’ve no idea.” Smirking, Heller let his other hand rest on my cock.

  “Right. It wouldn’t have anything to do with you getting even, now would it?”

  “Who? Me?” Heller unbuttoned my jeans then moved his hand up toward my stomach.

  I sucked a surprised breath in. “W-what are you doing?”

  “What am I doing? You don’t know?”

  My breath stuttered as his cool fingers teased my skin right above my waistband, and my stomach muscled fluttered. “Of course I know. What I mean is I’m not sure this is… aw dammit, Heller.”

  He slipped his hand under the band of my underwear and wrapped his fingers around my cock. Slowly he stroked me from tip to root. “Hmm? You were saying?”

  “Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh my God, you’re evil.”

  Heller moved closer and his hot breath whispered across my ear. Chills ran across my skin. “Can’t move too much. Don’t want this thing we’re seated in to rock. Folks might wonder what’s going on in here.”

  Yeah, didn’t want them to know he had a handful of cock. He stroked me faster, and I moaned. “Just you wait.”

  “Wait for what? Tomorrow? The ride to start? You to come?”

  “Me to get even. I—holy shit, do that again—I will.”

  “I’m not going to make you come here,” Heller said. “I don’t dare go down on you out here, so coming would make a mess. You don’t want that.”

  I fought not to grab his hand and make him go faster. “I just might.”

  “Naw. When I wrap my lips around you, it’ll be just us and endless time to make you feel it. Hear me? My hot, wet mouth.”


  “Then I’m going to get lick the head and get the tongue action going.” Heller squeezed my cock.

  God, that tongue. That damn tongue was going to get him in trouble.

  “Can you see me on my knees in front of you? See me staring up at you? Can you see how bad I want you? I’m going to suck you dry, take all you got.”

  “Fucking hell. Stop, Heller, or I’m gonna….”

  Heller grasped the bottom of my cock. He tightened his hold and stopped me from coming. I gritted my teeth and fought not to lose my shit. After a moment, I could breathe without gasping or yelling. Oh yeah, one day soon I was going to edge him for hours.

  “You okay?” Heller buttoned my jeans back up.

  “That may have cost me brain cells, but yes, I’m okay.” The Ferris wheel started moving again.

  “Gods, I hope not. We’d all be drooling idiots if that’s so.”

  “Well, depending on who you ask….” I winked at him.

  We finally made it off the ride and headed for the front gate. It was getting late. On the way out he bought pink cotton candy. I hadn’t had that stuff in years. Once
in the truck our kisses turned sugary sweet and sticky.

  The next morning started with breakfast and a good-bye kiss. The workday flew. The first couple of nights we didn’t go out. Heller cooked and we watched TV. It was so… normal. Easy. He teased me about eating ketchup on everything, and I joked about him refusing to eat what he called “rabbit food” meaning salads. After dinner I washed the plates off and loaded the dishwasher while he packed up the leftovers and wiped down the countertops.

  We argued over the remote and what to watch. Grocery shopping was an experience too. He wanted to push the cart and get only what was on the list. I wanted to go up every aisle. We laughed and joked as we shopped. I always hated that chore, but this time it flew by.

  That wasn’t to say we didn’t argue. Heller would get a snack then leave his dirty cup or plate by the sink, not in it. Who did that kind of crap? Also, when he brushed his teeth, he didn’t clean up the excess toothpaste so that greeted me when I got there. And good God, the hair care products and, and… whatever else all that other stuff was he bought.

  There were gels, sprays, conditioners, mousse, and things I didn’t even know what their use was all over the bathroom counter. That didn’t include his deodorants and lotions. At least it was all scent free since he said it bothered shifters. All I knew was I had very little space on the counter. I decided we’d be looking into storage solutions and soon.

  A week passed since that first night I stayed with Heller. This was my Sunday to work so here I was in my office staring at the wall, lost in thought. The past week we spent together was great. I enjoyed Heller’s company. He made me laugh even when he annoyed the hell out of me. He could be demanding, but I knew how to deal with that. I was sexually attracted to him, but more than that, I liked him.

  He had a dry sense of humor I found highly entertaining. I liked talking to him, hearing his thoughts on subjects. Sometimes we agreed, other times we didn’t. That was okay. Neither of us felt the need to force the other to change. We had fun, but we also were able to work out any problems we ran across.

  He was my friend.

  Now I needed him to be my lover. I was ready to take that next step, but sex for us would be so much more than just fucking. Oh, I had no doubt it would be hot and mind-blowing, down and dirty, but it would also involve biting and blood. Mating. Tying myself to a nonhuman for life. That life would change. I would change. Literally. My DNA would alter, and I would no longer be human. Heavy stuff.

  The thing was, I didn’t want anyone else, and neither did he. Heller was it for me. I had feelings for him, and I wanted to see where they went. What they could develop into. I was pretty sure I could fall in love with him. Hell, I was halfway there already. I wanted him. He wanted me.

  So all that was left was letting him mate me. Decision made, I planned how this was going to go down. I made a quick call to see what he was cooking for dinner since it was his turn in the kitchen. I made out like I was checking to see if he needed anything from the store. I didn’t tell him what I had decided. Knowing Heller, he’d get himself all worked up and not in a good way.

  Come on quitting time.

  I was out the door before the clock finished striking five. I stopped on the way home and picked up a dry Italian red wine to go with the spaghetti dinner Heller was cooking. It took forever to get home—and man, how much did I like thinking that? Home. I was going home to my partner. My mate. I parked in the drive and stared at the house for a moment.

  It was a lot like Heller. Beautiful on the outside. Perfect actually. But the inside was warm. Softly done and comfortable. Still there were areas that needed attention, just like the man. Hidden areas that cried out for love and attention. I was going to fill those areas up.

  I walked in and set the wine on the counter and Heller turned from the stove. His apron loudly proclaimed he would cook for sex. Well now, wasn’t that just perfect? Heller glanced at the wine, then at me.

  “Um, wine?” Heller squinted at the label. “A nice one too. Did I forget something? What are we celebrating?”


  “I’m all for it, but…. Can you clue me in a little here? I’m kind of lost.”

  I nodded at the apron. “I’m taking you up on that.”

  “Huh?” Heller looked down at the words on this apron.

  The scent of coconut washed over me. Oh, someone liked that, but I didn’t think he actually understood what it was I was saying.

  “Aw man.” Heller groaned, palming his cock. “Lawson, that’s just mean. I told you I can’t…. We can’t have sex…. I might bite you and that would not be good, considering…. Shit. I’ll be right back. Watch dinner for me.”

  I stepped in his way. “I don’t think you get it. I want sex, yes. I want you. I want the whole thing. You, the mating, being part of your clowder… everything. I want you as my mate. What do you want?”

  Heller reeled back. “W-W-What? You want to mate with me? Mate? Holy fucking cow, yes!” Heller shut off the stove, grabbed me by my shirt, and hauled me closer to him. “Yes, yes, yes! Are you freaking kidding me? Yes! There’s nothing more I want than you as my mate too.”

  My pleased grin lit up the room, and I leaned closer, our lips almost touching. “Excellent. I’m going to love you so good. Going to make you yell when I fuck that ass of yours.”

  Heller’s eyes widened and he gulped.

  Seeing Heller’s reaction, I swore softly. “Oh man, please don’t tell me you have a problem with bottoming. Heller, I like to top. Most of the time I do top.”

  “I, ah—I, ah…. Oh boy. I’ve never bottomed.” Heller darted his gaze around the room. “I’ve only fucked other paranormals… and, well, being a beta, they just assumed I’d top them.”

  “Please don’t tell you’re one of those guys that think bottoming makes you appear weak.” I pulled Heller over the couch so we could talk.

  “No, not really. It just that they assumed… I let them think that I… I don’t think being a bottom makes a guy weak, but the shifters I hooked up with wanted me to top.” Heller bit his lip and frowned. “Huh. So maybe being a beta did mean I had to top in all those situations. I mean, I have a position of power, and most shifters think that I…. Fuck. Maybe I did think bottoming would make me appear weak.”

  Huh. Is that from arrogance or insecurity? “Have you ever thought about bottoming?”

  “Well, sometimes.” Heller blushed at my look. “Fine, more than sometimes. I did wonder what the big fuss was about. My partners seemed to get off on it. At least that’s the impression I got from all the grunting and swearing, so bottoming must be good. Not to brag, but I made sure they felt good too. But doing that, letting someone stick his cock up my ass… I just couldn’t. What if….”

  “What if what?”

  Heller dropped his head back against the couch. “What if they questioned why Dolf’s dad picked me as a beta? What if someone challenged me for my position if they found out I like it up the ass? I just couldn’t take that chance.”

  I took a deep breath. “All right, question. You said claiming involved biting, blood, and coming in your mate, right? So I’m assuming when your heir apparent mated with Kirk, there was fucking on both sides. Kirk must have made love to Dolf in order to mate him. Is that right?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  Surely Heller could see where I was going with this. “Does that make Dolf less of a leader to you? Less of a man?”

  Heller jerked up, surprise all over his face. “Fuck no.”

  “Do you think Dolf really cares what anyone thinks of him?’

  Heller snorted. “No, but he’s an Alpha. I’m not.”

  “You may not be an Alpha, but you were picked for this position for a reason. I seriously doubt whether you top or bottom even entered in that discussion.”

  Heller nodded. “I see what you’re saying, but—”

  “It’s a matter of trust, right? You couldn’t take a chance with some shifter you just hooked up with. But keep
in mind I’m not a shifter, and I’m sure not going to challenge you for your beta position. I’m your mate, and I promise that I respect you and what you’ve gone through.”

  Heller slumped back against the couch. “It would… it would be so nice to just… let go, you know? I get so tired of having to be the one always in control just because of my position as a beta. I want the other guy to feel good, but it would be nice for someone to cater to my needs for once.”

  “You can let go with me, and I won’t think less of you,” I said. “Give up that control. Let me take care of you. Let me make love to you.”

  Chapter Twelve


  MY BODY tensed. I’d always wondered what it would be like. If I was honest, I’d done more than wonder, but the fear of others perceiving me as weak stopped me from trying much of anything. I’d stuck a finger up there but wasn’t able to find my prostate. I didn’t get much out of it and didn’t really understand why others found it so awesome.

  “Heller? Babe?”

  Oh. Oh, Lawson called me “babe.” A bunch of butterflies took flight in my stomach. No one had ever called me sweet little pet names before.

  Lawson traced the shell of my ear, and then he blew in it. “I’ll go slow and take my time. Trust me, I’m going to savor every glorious inch of you.”

  I trembled, and a little purr slipped out. I loved my ears being played with. “I… I, yes. Yes. Please, please show me.”

  Lawson licked my ear and then moved back so he could face me. “I am. I’m going to tie you up in knots, then unravel you.” Lawson planted a quick kiss to the tip of my nose. “You’re mine, and I plan on claiming what’s mine tonight.”

  A shudder ran from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. The force of Lawson’s voice, the demand in his tone, lit me up inside. My cock jumped and filled—the blood left my head so fast my eyes wanted to cross. I never dreamed the dominance Lawson showed could turn me on so much. But it did.


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