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Taught to Submit: A Novel of Escape into Slavery

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by Powerone

  She was excited to hear that her mother was dating Bill again tonight. She wore her regular schoolgirl outfit that the Catholic school required; figuring Bill would require her to raise up her skirt anyway. She paced the floor, nervous, while her hands moved down between her legs to rub her pussy, already feeling the wetness. She didn't wait for Bill to ring the bell, but hurried to open the door when she heard his footsteps. Her breathing was already rapid.

  "Up against the wall.” His voice was gruffer then usual, more demanding. “Nose against the wall, hands high above your head, touching the wall. Hurry, your mother will be home soon.” He grew impatient as she slowly moved into position.

  Smack, striking her ass. “Quickly now.” He ordered and saw her move quicker with the sting of his hand on her butt.

  She felt so vulnerable, hands high over her head, face pressed tightly against the wall. She felt his hands at her waist; felt the rush of cold air as her skirt was pulled up high, the bottom of the skirt tucked into her waistband. She held her breath, waiting for his hands to begin to fondle her.

  "Hold still, Elise.” His hands gripping the top of her panties and slowly pulled them down over her hips, revealing her white cheeks as he knelt behind her, her ass stuck into his face.

  "N-no. Please, no,” she begged when she felt him pull her panties down. She hadn't expected this, had not even contemplated what she would do if it did happen. He was the first male to see her naked body. Another sharp slap to her now naked cheek sent heat tingling from the blow. She felt her panties slip down her legs to fall at her ankles, shivering as she felt Bill's breath on her butt, knowing he was so close to her intimate body, and feeling ashamed at how she must look to him.

  "Step out of them Elise,” seeing her lift each leg up, Bill quickly gathering up her panties and stuck them in his pocket as a souvenir. He lightly tapped the insides of her thighs, “Spread your legs for me, Elise. Let me see your treasures."

  "No, I can't do that,” she cried out, tears running down her cheeks. His fingers pressed between her cheeks, pulling outward. She ran from the room when she heard the doorknob jiggle, saved by her mother, and quickly hiding her naked body before she saw her. She couldn't even masturbate tonight, too ashamed at how she acted, too humiliated at how exposed she was, naked from the waist down, almost forced to show her naked pussy and anus.

  "Two more days, Elise. Then it's off for our vacation.” Her mother seemed happier, maybe she was looking forward to the vacation as much as Elise was. “How's Bill taking it that you are going on vacation for two weeks?

  "Bill. Well, Bill and I broke up last night.” She seemed as if she wasn't sorry for it.

  "What happened?” afraid she had seen them and dumped him because he was playing with her daughter. Did she see them with his hands on her naked ass?

  "Nothing to be concerned about. It will make the vacation better.” Lisa left the room, leaving Elise to wonder if she had something to do with the breakup. She left him because he was getting more demanding. It had started off with simple tying up, making Lisa feel vulnerable. Her hands were bound, then her mouth stuffed full of panties, unable to even verbally protest anything he wanted to do to her—and he did just about anything, using her pussy, taking her hard and brutally. Even when he fucked her mouth, he controlled her, forcing her to take it deep inside her mouth, choking and gagging her before finally dumping his load of cum on her face, rubbing it all over her cheeks and lips before he released her. But it was herself she was most afraid of. Her desires were getting more perverse, actually wanting him to use her more brutally, forcing her into even more degrading acts. She didn't know if she could stop him, or that she wanted to stop him. So she stopped seeing him, making some foolish sounding excuse. Bill wasn't interested in hearing the excuse, as though he wasn't really interested in her anyway.


  First Day of Vacation

  Christina was glad to go on vacation. Boys had become an awful bother; Christina had to fight them off constantly. Her date with John had gone like most of the others. He worshipped her, and she treated him like dirt. The worse she treated him, the nicer he treated her. Boys were so dumb, so easy to control. They parked after the movie, and she let him feel up her breasts, liking the feel of his fingers on her nipples, even when he pinched too hard. She let him slip his hands into her panties, spreading her legs open, letting him slip two fingers inside her wet pussy. She wasn't a virgin, at least technically. She didn't have a hymen, but she had never had a cock inside her before. She was too scared of getting pregnant—her mother's strong influence on her. John was better then most, paying attention to her, two fingers inside her pussy, sliding up and down on her juices, while his other hand found her clit, pinching it between two fingers. She let her head hang back, her legs spread, and enjoyed the orgasm that washed over her body as John worked so eagerly to please her.

  John pulled his cock out of his pants, wanting Christina to reciprocate, moving her hand over to touch his cock. She hated to do this, especially after she had already cum, her desires now satisfied. She wanted to go home and curl up into her comfortable bed. “It makes me so hot to see you stroke your massive cock, John. Please, show me how you do it.” It always worked, you stroke their ego, and they will stroke their own cock. She laughed to herself as John begin to masturbate for her, looking the other way in the darkened car. He didn't realize that he might as well be playing with himself at home. He quickly came as she gave him a few more words of encouragement about his large cock, his hands receiving his load of cum. Christina moved to the other side of the car, eager to go home.

  The vacation had been planned for months now, a surprise for their nineteenth birthdays. And surprise it was. After eighteen years of almost living like nuns, their mother was setting them free. The strict curfews, the almost no dating boys, the constant lectures on premarital and safe sex were gone, to be replaced with free will. Her mother told them they were adults now, able to make their own decisions. They were going to Rio, to the Carnival. Two weeks of decadent living—or so the girls imagined it to be.

  "You can do what you want on vacation, I won't nag you, lecture you or even worry about you. You are adults. And I will do the same. Ever since your father died, I have only dated one man, and that was only in the last month. I'm still young and attractive and want to live life a little fuller, now that you are both grown up and going off to college, leaving your poor old mother alone,” she teased them. “The only thing I ask is that you leave a message in the hotel room at least daily, so I know you are alright, and that includes me. Now get your ass in gear, we're leaving in four hours.” Everyone rushed off to finish packing, eager to leave their dull lives behind for a new adventure. None of them had any idea what was in store for them, or they might not have been so eager to leave.

  * * * *

  They sat in the airport, waiting impatiently as the plane was late in boarding. Mechanical problems the ticket counter had said. They had booked the fare on a discount charter flight. The trip was expensive, and they wanted to save as much money as possible to spend in Rio. The plane was scheduled to stop in Panama, on the island of Bocus Del Toro to let off some local travelers. Most flights to Bocus Del Toro came from Panama City. Their small plane carried eighty passengers and was owned by a group of hotel owners in Bocus Del Toro. It could never fill the plane with just passengers to Bocus Del Toro, so it often ended up going to further destinations depending on the time of year. At Rio Carnival, now the popular destination, only ten passengers disembarked at Bocus Del Toro.

  Lisa and Christina had grown restless from waiting. Her mother went to the gift shop to buy some new magazines, having already read the two she brought. Christina sat over the other side of the room, finding a more comfortable spot. She put her feet up on the chair across from her, not caring if anyone could see her naked legs. Elise read a book, her head buried in it. Many of the people waiting had left to grab a quick bite, or a magazine. It would be another hour be
fore they boarded the plane—or so they said—and the waiting room was fairly empty. Elise's eyes were a little tired, and she looked up from the book, scanning the room. She saw him instantly, their eyes locked. He was two rows over from her, staring at her unashamedly. He was Spanish. He must have been mid forties. He had a light beard that gave him a rugged look, and was dressed impeccably in a dark blue suit, tailored to fit his body. He appeared to be muscular, but Elise was unable to make out much of the rest of his build since he was sitting.

  She began to turn red as he stared at her, not sure why he was. She looked down, her legs crossed, her skirt riding rather high on her legs, a pair of high heels strapped to her ankles, her mother insisting they dress in skirt and blouse, not the shorts and tee that Christina wanted. She pulled her skirt down, tugging at it conspicuously. She looked up, and he nodded to her, smiling. She smiled back, putting her book down on the seat next to her, sitting up higher in her chair, not wanting to slouch. She looked over again, his eyes staring into hers, almost making her feel uncomfortable, but also giving her a strange feeling she couldn't describe. She saw his eyes move down, hers following his, looking down at her legs, her long legs still crossed.

  When she looked up again, his eyes were on hers, nodding again, looking down at her legs again. His eyes stared at her legs again, then returned to her face. He motioned to her, his gaze moving from her confused features, back to her legs. It suddenly dawned on her, not really able to believe that it was true. He motioned to her again, confirming what she thought. He wanted her to uncross her legs. Could he really be asking her to do that, in the middle of a busy airport? She looked at him as if questioning him. His smile and nod as he looked at her legs confirmed his request. Why would he think I would do such a thing? A perfect stranger, an older man asking a young girl to flash her legs to him! Her thoughts returned to Bill and what he made her do and what she willingly did for him. It had excited her when she exhibited herself for him. It aroused her to try to please him. She could almost feel the same glow now, the dampness between her legs. She looked around, and saw the other people engrossed in their books and magazines, as she and the man were the only two people here. She took a deep breath and uncrossed her legs, keeping her knees together as she placed them firmly on the ground. She looked up as he smiled at her.

  Such a lovely Señorita, Miguel thought as he stared at her. He saw her identical twin sister on the other side of the room, but this one was different. He could see it in her eyes. It was obvious the other one was more experienced with men, you could tell by the way she carried herself, the way she carelessly swung her legs up on the chair in front of her, oblivious to the impact she had on men around her or even care. This one seemed to be so coy, her legs crossed tightly as if she was protecting an important treasure. Maybe she was. He decided to try something, staring at her until she finally recognized his stare, smiling back at him so demurely, a look of innocence on her face. His eyes transmitted his request; he wanted her to uncross her legs. Her eyes fought his, but he finally won, seeing her relent as she uncrossed her legs, keeping them in front of her, her knees almost locked together. She seemed to be a bit flushed, almost as if she was ashamed of herself for submitting.

  It was boring in the airport lobby, so he thought he might play a little game with the Senorita. He motioned for her to spread her legs, moving his head from left to right, a large grin on his face, his eyes on her knees. She hesitated, a look of shock coming over her face as she realized what he wanted. He motioned to her again, this time the smile disappearing, his most stern look, a face that the Captain of the Military of Panama was very successful at using for his purposes. Her eyes seemed to be begging him not to force her to do it.

  His friendly smile seemed to have vanished, replaced with a look that seemed to say that he was not to be toyed with, that his commands should be carried out immediately, without any further hesitation. She began to panic. Even though she was in a crowded lobby, with her sister only twenty feet away, and her mother coming back soon, she feared him. It was as though she didn't have the will to refuse him. She didn't hesitate any longer, letting her knees move apart, her face blushing as she saw her knees at least six inches apart, his eyes instantly falling between her legs. She felt flushed, her sex getting hotter. She knew he couldn't see anything but darkness between her legs. She looked into his face, his smile re-appearing, pleasing Elise. She smiled back at him.

  She saw him nod again, and Elise shook her head no. He wanted her to part her legs further. His eyes went down to her legs then back up again, and the smile was gone, his commanding eyes returning. She shook her head in protest, but at the same time her legs spread wider, her knees now over a foot apart, the light moving up between her legs now. She felt her face turning red again as her body betrayed her. She felt cool air rush between her widely spaced thighs, and hit her superheated sex, felt the wetness that was forming between her legs. She looked up at him, his eyes glued to the space between her thighs, knowing he was enjoying a view few men had seen before. She wasn't even sure why she was succumbing to the spell he seemed to have over her. He looked up, smiling at her again.

  She seemed to learn quickly, suffering his disapproval, relenting finally, submitting to his outrageous requests, spreading her legs like a two dollar whore in the middle of a crowded airport. He nodded again, moving his head side to side, requesting her to further spread her legs. He wanted to see her panties. He gestured for her to pull her skirt up higher. Her eyes questioned his latest request, not understanding, then suddenly lit with understanding. Her mouth protested his latest request, while she glanced furtively around the room.

  She wasn't sure if she was looking for help, or checking out who else was watching, deciding whether she would obey or not. She hesitated until his smile disappeared. Her legs spread wider, almost to the edges of the chair, her hands reaching down, pulling up her skirt until it almost reached her crotch, ashamed at how exposed she was, but also excited as her eyes searched the room to see if anyone else was watching. She looked back at him, his eyes staring between her legs, now able to see her panties. Elise wondered if he could tell she was soaked down there. She turned to the side, her mother next to her.

  "Elise, pull down your skirt, do you want everyone to see between your legs?"

  Flustered, Elise quickly pulled down her skirt, closing her legs as she did. She looked over. The stranger was gone.

  "Flight eighty five is now boarding at Gate C. Please have your boarding pass and your carry-on baggage ready for inspection. Flight eighty five now boarding at Gate C.” A sigh of relief from the passengers quickly filled the boarding area. Elise looked around, not seeing the stranger, and wondered if it was a sexual fantasy she had, or did it really happen. She got in line with her sister and mother in front of her, the line quickly boarding the plane.

  As Elise was ready to pass through the gate onto the airplane ramp, she shivered when she felt a hand on her ass, and a deep voice whispered into her ear. “Is your cunt wet from exhibiting yourself?” The hand pinched her ass cheek, pushing her along. The attendant quickly took her boarding pass and ushered her along the ramp. Elise was too afraid to turn around, and scurried to catch up with her mother and sister. She sat down, quickly scanning the nearby seats, not seeing the stranger, still feeling the touch of his pinch on her ass, still feeling the wetness between her legs. How did he know her so well?

  The plane had landed in Bocus Del Toro over an hour ago. Ten people left, while the rest waited for the charter flight to continue on to Rio. Even though the fans were going, the cabin began to get hot, the Caribbean mid-day heat overloading the capacity of the plane to cool itself using the standby generators.

  "When is this damn thing going to take off?” Lisa was already regretting the decision to make the girls and herself wear dresses, shorts and tees would have been more comfortable.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen. We have a delay due to a mechanical malfunction that will require at least a couple m
ore hours on the ground. We have been given the go-ahead to allow the passengers into the terminal. The only requirement is that all passengers must go through customs. In most cases, this should be fairly routine. Please disembark from the airplane using the rear stairs and proceed into the terminal. Service personnel will guide you to customs. The airlines apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay and will do everything to make it as short as possible. Please stay in the vicinity of the boarding area to listen for further announcements once you have been cleared by customs."

  "Great, stuck in this dumpy airport,” Christina stared out the window, at the airport which was tiny in comparison to most U.S. airports. Six small planes were scattered around the terminal. There was a one story nondescript building, with the tower perched precariously on top.

  The blast of hot air hit them like a furnace. The hot breeze whipped up their dresses as the mid-day sun glared down from the sky. “God, I hope Rio isn't this hot,” Christina complained.

  "Now, girls, make the best of this. It will only be a couple of hours. Let's if we can get something to drink. I don't think we want to eat anything here.” Lisa led the girls to the door leading into the small terminal.

  The guard looked at the three of them, staring at the nice bodies, the dresses blowing up, allowing a wide expanse of naked leg always on display. He looked over to the other guard. “It's the last one."

  "Welcome to Bocus Del Toro ladies. If you will please step this way to customs...” He guided them over to three lines forming, a soldier at the gate of each one. “Will you please get in each line,” moving Lisa toward one line, Christina the other, and his arm moving about Elise's waist, herding her over to the farthest gate.


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