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Taught to Submit: A Novel of Escape into Slavery

Page 3

by Powerone

  "Thank you, but we'll all get in the same line. We're together,” Lisa spoke up.

  "Not necessary, ma'am. The lines will all empty out into the same room. It just makes it faster this way, you do want this to go quickly, don't you?” He sneered as he continued to usher them into separate lines.

  "Its okay, girls, we'll all meet on the other side. Nothing to worry about, it's not like we're entering the country. We'll be leaving in a couple of hours.” Lisa thought nothing about it any longer, the good news being that the lines tended to move quickly. Elise was almost up to the guard. Christina and Lisa still about five minutes behind. At least someone was quick.

  The guard looked up at Elise, seeing how beautiful she was. Blondes were not prevalent in Panama. I wonder if she is natural, he thought. Maybe they will let me see. He had already been informed about her, passing all the people in front of her hurriedly through. “Welcome to Bocus Del Toro, Elise is it?” He looked at her passport. “How long will you be in our country?"

  "We are just getting off the plane while it is being repaired, our destination is Rio. It should only be a couple of hours. That's not a problem is it?” She looked around, her mother and sister still far behind in the line.

  "No, senorita, no problem at all for you. Private, will you escort Senorita Elise to room one?” He motioned her toward the hallway to the right.

  "Is that the lobby?” Elise began to worry a bit.

  "Just one more formality, then you can go to the terminal lobby. Please follow the private to room one, Elise.” He became more forward, his voice more demanding of her. “Now please, I have many more people waiting."

  The private gripped her arm, pulling her toward the hallway. “Follow me, senorita. Don't start any trouble.” He wasn't as nice as the first soldier, more demanding that she follow his orders without hesitation.

  The private pulled her toward the first door, held it open, and pushed Elise inside. Elise felt a sigh of relief when she saw a female soldier sitting at a large wooden desk in the center of the room. The top was clear except for a small folder she was reading. A straight back wooden chair sat in front of the desk. A black curtain that covered the back of the room, pulled tightly closed.

  "Sit,” the private ordered as he left, slamming the door behind him.

  Elise heard the door click when it closed, locking automatically. The female soldier had not acknowledged Elise's presence. She looked to be about twenty-five, with jet black hair, and dark complexion. Her uniform seemed to cling to her breasts, the buttons looking like they were straining to stay closed.

  "Excuse me,” she said softly.

  She finally looked up at Elise. So this is what the Captain wanted. A blonde, wondering if it was natural. She was a bit jealous; after all, the Captain was very handsome and single. She'd do her part, knowing that she would be replaced by the Captain shortly.

  "Elise, is it?"

  "Yes. Is there a problem?"

  "I hope not, Elise. Would you please stand?"

  "What's the matter?” She began to get a little afraid. “My mother is in the other line. Can you bring her in here?"

  "Not necessary, Elise, it is you that I am interested in. Now I'm not going to tell you again to stand.” Her voice rose a notch, a hint of impatience in it.

  Elise stood, her body beginning to tremble as the soldier looked at her. She got up, and moved toward Elise.

  "I expect you to follow my orders Elise. Can you do that, or should I bring in a few of the male soldiers to help me? I can assure you that you would not like them watching while I search you."

  "Search me. Why do you have to search me? I don't have anything on me. Please, get my mother,” she begged.

  "Nonsense, you're a woman, aren't you, not a little girl? At least you look like one. Now stand tall, stop slouching. That's better. Now hold still.” She stood behind Elise, feeling her shaking as she couldn't see what she was about to do. She let her hand touch Elise's neck. Elise jerked as if she burned by a hot iron. “Relax, Elise.” She moving her hand up to Elise's hair, her fingers running through it, feeling the soft strands shimmer in her hands. She let her hands run through the silky strands. She rubbed the scalp from front to back. “Very good, you may comb your hair when we are through. Raise your arms above your head.” She waited for Elise to act.

  "Why do I have to put my hands in the air?” The command scared her, not sure where this whole thing was leading to. What did she mean by “search her?"

  "Now!” The guard yelled, frightening Elise.

  Elise raised her arms, trembling in fear, afraid that she had made the guard angry.

  "Hold still. I won't tell you again. My country can be very cruel to girls from America.” She moved her hands around to grasp Elise by the waist, and felt Elise's sharp gasp. She moved higher, cupping Elise's breasts like twin globes, hefting them higher. “Hold still, I have to check you for drugs.” She squeezed her breasts, hard, hearing Elise squeal. “Very good,” her hands moved back down to her waist and continued lower, sliding over her hips and moving back to grip her by the ass. “Please remove your dress and hand it to me, now!” She didn't want any hesitation.

  Elise felt strange having a female touch her so intimately, but at least grateful it wasn't a man who was doing it. “Why—” she tried to blurt out when ordered to remove her dress.

  "Shut up and remove your dress.” The soldier's voice rose higher as her patience wore thin.

  Elise's trembling fingers slowly opened the buttons, working her way down the front of her dress. She let it slip from her shoulders, sliding it down her arms until she was able to step out of it. She handed it to the soldier, and stood shivering in the warm room, the fear of the unknown so powerful to her now.

  The soldier grabbed the dress, running her hands up and down the fabric, looking for any drugs sewn into the seams. “I will keep this over here for now,” her eyes looking up and down Elise's body. Such a pretty set of bra and panties, much more then she could afford. The American looked good, perched high upon her heels, the muscles of her legs drawn up tight, her stomach flat. She took the dress and hung it on a hook, leaving Elise standing there puzzled.

  * * * *

  The Captain had already calmed Lisa and Christina. They were beginning to make a fuss in the lobby when they realized Elise was nowhere to be found. He approached Lisa, admiring her beauty and her lovely body. Now she knew where Elise got her figure. If it wasn't for Elise, it would have been Lisa in the room now stripped down to her bra and panties.

  "Do not worry Señora. I have just checked on your other daughter, Elise, I think her name is. It is as you do in America at your airports. The security searches when you are looking for terrorists. You pick people out at random for further questioning and searching. No particular reason except as you say, their number came up. This is what happened to Elise, her number came up.” He laughed as he said it, already seeing Lisa's face show less concern.

  Lisa was already feeling better. The Captain was obviously a gentleman, and showed great concern for Elise, having already checked on her. He had such a rugged, trusting face. His eyes seem to burn through her, feeling as if he could read her mind. I hope it doesn't read mine; I would love to have him tie me up and fuck me hard. “So she will be out in a few minutes?"

  "It will be a bit longer than that. It seems my superior has decided to inspect our security today. I would have been glad to release her. Obviously, she is not a terrorist, but I'm afraid everything has to be done by the book today."

  He seemed to be doing everything he could do. “I understand, Captain. How long will it take?"

  "Unfortunately, it will be a couple of hours. There are endless questions the regulations say must be answered. Then we have to check with your embassy to verify her passport is valid. But I will stop in and check on her every once in a while. Now why don't you and your darling daughter go over to the restaurant and get into some cool air and have lunch. I will have Elise brought to you as soon as
possible. Don't worry about her. You have my word that Elise will have my personal attention.” He smiled at Lisa. He was sure Elise got many of her traits from her mother, figuring both to be submissive. But with Lisa, it was also something more. He wasn't sure exactly, but he could almost smell it on her. If only she was going to stay in Bocus Del Toro for a while, he would have loved for one of his friends to try to date her. To try to find out what her dirty sexual perversions were.

  The Captain watched as they walked away. He was eager to see Elise. He moved to the examination rooms, walking into room one, and saw Elise standing in the center of the room, half naked, trying to hide her body from his eyes. No need to hide from me Elise, soon you will be spreading yourself open for me.

  Elise turned toward the door, startled when she heard it opening, one hand crossing over her breasts, her other hand cupping her sex as they door opened. Surprised, Elise recognized the stranger from the airport, the one who made her spread her legs with just the will of his eyes. “Wwwhhaat,” she stammered, interrupted by the other soldier.

  "Yes, Sir,” the female soldier quickly snapping to attention, saluting the man in civilian clothes.

  "At ease, private."

  "I was just get ready to do the search, Captain."

  "Yes, I see you were.” looking over at a red-faced Elise as she tried to cover her half-naked body.

  "I will take over, private, you may leave. Send in my two guards."

  Elise felt frightened when the female guard left her with the stranger. “Who are you?"

  "I am a Captain in the Panama military. The airport is part of my command. That is enough questions from you. I will continue with your search."

  The door opened, his two aides walked in. They were both young privates, not much older then Elise. He liked that. It would make it so much more humiliating for Elise to do it in front of them, to be in the perverse and provocative positions he intended to pose her in, and the acts he would require her to perform. They stood next to Elise, staring at her near naked bodies. “At ease. I need you present in case Elise decides not to cooperate. Apenas observe las técnicas apropiadas en búsquedas de la tira y la cavidad del cuerpo busca.” He didn't want Elise to understand what he was going to do to her. The unexpected was always much worse.

  "Elise, I have spoken to your mother and explained your delay for the next two hours. She and your sister are dining in the restaurant, content that you fine. This gives us plenty of time to finish our necessary business. If you fail to cooperate, your mother and sister will join us here to undergo the same procedures. Is that what you would like?"

  "No,” she mumbled, too ashamed to say anything. The guard's eyes continually stared at her body scaring her.

  "Very good, Elise. We will do what is necessary, whether you cooperate or not. It will make it go quicker and less painful if you obey my orders immediately. Don't make me repeat myself. Is that understood? Are you going to obey?"

  "I want an answer,” his voice rose, not even giving Elise a chance to think about it.

  "Yes,” she finally blurted out.

  Miguel walked around to the front of the desk. Elise was almost cowering before him. “Stand up tall and raise your arms high over your head. It looks like you have a very beautiful body and you shouldn't be hiding it. Face this way and do it now."

  Elise was surrounded by three strange men. Their eyes looked up and down her body as though she was a piece of candy waiting to be devoured. The Captain, Miguel, she heard them call him was different then the other two. He seemed to mesmerize her, his searching eye seem to understand her all too well, despite the fact she didn't understand herself. It scared her the way she allowed Bill to fondle her, stripping her panties, and leaving her naked. She wasn't sure what would have happened if her mother hadn't come home so quickly. Then there was Miguel in the airport with just his eyes from across the room making her spread her legs and push up her skirt, to please him, a complete stranger.

  The privates were different, just young boys like the ones who were always following Christina, willing to do anything to get into her pants. But this was going to be different. There would be nothing to stop them except Miguel, and she wasn't sure he would do much to stop them. In fact, he looked as if he would do more to encourage them. That thought scared her. The reality came back as she raised her arms over her head, her body stretched tight, her stomach pulled in, her ass cheeks taut. The threat of bringing her mother and sister into this was unfathomable. She felt more naked with her heels still on, clad in only her lingerie as she looked around the room, seeing Miguel move in front of her.

  She flinched when his hands lightly touched her hips, his hands feeling so hot on her. Her silky panties barely covered anything. God, his calloused hands felt strange as they moved up to her naked skin, touching her slender waist.

  "Private, come over here and help Elise. Take off her bra.” He saw the look of panic in her eyes, no comfort given back by him as the private moved behind her. Miguel moved back, and sat on the desk in front of her. His hand reached down to his crotch to rearrange his cock, making sure Elise's eyes followed all the movement. He made sure she could see the huge bulge she was causing. He had used the privates before when strip searching young females, but never an American. He allowed them to take liberties with their bodies as they stripped them or hold them open for his inspection, even encouraged it. The humiliation that came over the young ladies faces was often priceless. “Put your hands down to your sides, Elise. Let the private help you with your bra."

  "Please, let me do it,” even stripping off her own clothes was better then the young soldiers doing it.

  "Nonsense, Elise, the private will do it, keep your hands at your side. Begin private."

  She jerked away from the first touch of the hands, and Miguel gave her a warning look, forcing her back into place, pushing her back into his hands as she felt his fingers fumbling with her bra strap, almost tearing it off, as he grew impatient. She moved her hands up when she finally felt the tension in the strap relieved, her hands clenching as she struggled with the urge to stop the bra from slipping off. He was letting his hands run across her back, his fingers almost caressing her skin, pushing the bra away until he reached her shoulders. He grabbed the straps in both his hands and slowly let them slide down off her shoulders, sliding easily to the floor, the rest of the bra falling quickly.

  Elise's hands rose up, cupping her breasts as the bra fell to the floor, a natural reaction. Her face grew red with shame as she tried to cover her. While her breasts were not huge, they did fill her palms, feeling her nipples pushing into her flesh, not sure why they were so hard. Could it be Miguel doing it, was he arousing her or was it the forced stripping of her body before these strange men?

  Miguel moved in front of Elise, only inches from her. He moved his hands to encircle hers. “Remove your hands, Elise. Let us see that lovely pair of tits.” He didn't wait for a response. His hands were more powerful and easily pulled her hands from her breasts. She had a pretty pair of tits, but more then ample to fill a hand, smooth white skin, her dark brown areolas contrasting the white skin. He fought back the urge to reach out and pinch the nipples or suck them in his mouth. He wanted her to beg first. She had shut her eyes. “Open your eyes, Elise.” Her face and upper chest turned red as she saw the three pairs of eyes trained on her chest. “Such a lovely pair, Elise. Do you like the boys playing with them?"

  She turned to see the boys watching her, and looked down, ashamed she was topless in front of them. Her nipples were big—she had never seen them so long. They ached to be touched, her hands trembling, wanting to touch them, afraid of what they might say if she did. “No one has ever touched them but me,” she blurted out. She didn't want them to think she was like this, stripping for complete strangers.

  Miguel let his hands caress her stomach, and felt her body tremble as he moved closer to her tits. He let his fingers trace underneath them, running from one to the other. “Would you like me to
touch them Elise? Would you like my fingers on your nipples?"

  God, how she wanted him to touch them, to rub his fingers over her tips. “No,” she silently lied.

  "Lace your hands behind your head Elise. Yes, like that,” her arms moved quickly to press behind her head—almost too quickly. “Now let your elbows go out to the side. Look how lovely it makes your tits, Elise."

  She looked down, knowing that her breasts rose when she put her hands behind her head, straining even higher when her elbows went to the side. She was ashamed at how she was exhibiting her body, but she still had this ache in her breasts, an ache for fingers and hands to run over her flesh.

  "Arch your back, Elise. More, push those lovely tits out for us."

  She obeyed so quickly, she frightened herself. The words “for us” reminded her that there were three watching her pose half naked for them. She looked down, her pose grossly exaggerated, her breasts thrust out almost in his face. Please touch them. Oh, how she needed them to be caressed.

  Miguel quickly stepped back, knowing Elise was ready to beg. “Ask me to touch your tits Elise."

  "Please don't make me beg."

  "But I like that in a young girl. I like for you to beg."

  "Please, I beg you,” her voice soft.

  "Louder Elise, what do you want me to do?"

  "Please touch my breasts,” she finally blurted out, her back arching out more. “I beg you."

  Miguel hated to do this. He would have rather been the first one to touch her breasts, but this was far more humiliating. “Privates, would you grant Elise her wish."

  The privates almost raced to her, each eagerly wanting to play with such a lovely girl. They stood on each side of her, their hands first reaching up to touch her, cupping her tits almost gently as if they were afraid she was going to stop them.

  Miguel looked at Elise, staring into her eyes. “Keep your arms up, and don't move. Let the boys play with your tits.” His eyes were fixed on hers as he watched her reaction, her eyes opening wide when she felt their hands grabbing her young breasts.


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