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Ruined: A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance

Page 6

by Lisa Lace

  Steven’s phone interrupted, and he quickly answered. “Yeah. What do you have?” He looked up at Mia, and his expression was lost. “You’re kidding me. Oh, my God.” He covered his mouth and looked at Mia. “Okay, thank you.”

  “What, Steven? Tell me what happened.”

  “I know why the meeting was canceled today.”


  “Reese Donovan is dead.”


  The funeral home was packed with virtually everyone from Reese’s past and present. Edward assumed they all wanted a piece of the pie and figured their heartfelt presence would help change the decision somehow.

  “How are you holding up?” Edward asked as Jack approached him.

  “Fine. Were you expecting tears?” Jack responded with a slight smile.

  “He was our father.”

  “I prefer the term warden.”

  “The least you could do is show a little sympathy, Jack.”

  “I’ll work on that later. Right now, I have an empire to take care of. As soon as this little soiree is over, I’ll be heading back to the office. There is a lot to take care of. I could use your help.”

  “Of course. I’ll do what I can.”

  “Edward, I’m so sorry,” a teary-eyed Claire interrupted as she hugged Edward tightly. “Jack,” she said, rubbing his arm. “If there is anything you need, anything at all, please let me know.” She began to cry a little harder as she brought a tissue to her nose. “I can’t believe he’s gone. Who knew his heart was so weak?”

  “We’re okay, Claire,” said Edward, hugging her back. “Thank you for being here.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. As strong-minded as Reese was, he was nothing but good to me all these years. We were very close.”

  “I find that hard to believe.” Jack stepped forward, almost pushing in between them. “My father wasn’t close to anyone or anything unless it involved making money, and no disrespect, but I doubt you made him any.”

  “Jack,” spat Edward. “That’s enough.”

  “I know your father had a difficult time showing love for you boys, but contrary to what you may believe,” Claire interrupted, not showing the slightest bit of upset, “he did have the best intentions in mind. He was very strict in his activities, and he only wanted the best for you boys.”

  “It showed,” Jack said, crinkling his nose in sarcasm. “Reese Donovan, father of the fucking year. I love it. As soon as I’m officially the head of Donovan Technologies, I’ll be sure to make a special plaque in his honor.”

  “Jack, stop it.” Edward realized Jack had been drinking.

  “Don’t worry, little brother.” Jack slapped Edward’s shoulder, grabbing on and shaking him slightly. “I’m there for you, man.”

  “I’m sure you are,” Edward said, looking at him with a disgusted eye.

  Edward was affected by his father’s death more than he thought. He didn’t feel he was able to prove his worth to him or the company, and he had a difficult time keeping his emotions inside. Claire noticed and waited for Jack to move on to the next poor soul who had to deal with his rants.

  “Edward,” Claire said, putting her hand on his arm. “Rest assured, my boy, your father took good care of you.”

  “Thank you, Claire. I appreciate that.”

  When the reading of the will was scheduled, Edward thought long and hard about whether he really wanted to be there or not. Regardless of the outcome, he knew there would be drama, and he wasn’t in the mood for any of it.

  “I’m sorry, Edward,” said Claire. “Your presence is mandatory. If the requested parties are not present at the time of the reading, it will be postponed until everyone is there.”

  “My father,” he snickered. “He always did get what he wanted. Okay, lead the way.” He got up and followed Claire out of the room and out the door.

  Sitting around the long conference table, waiting for the lawyer to begin, was worse than going to the dentist. Edward sat next to Claire, across from Jack, and among a few others who were required to be there.

  “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,” the lawyer began promptly as he looked around the room. “Since we are all present, I believe we can begin. I am honored to read Mr. Reese Donovan’s last will and testament as it was documented and notarized.” Once he began reading, he didn’t look up from the document.

  “I, Reese Witherow Donovan, being of sound mind and body, do hereby declare this to be my last will and testament.”

  Edward looked around the room and studied each face present, as the lawyer’s words pushed on. He wished he could have made his father proud. He wished he had a stronger connection with him, but no matter what he had tried to do, no matter how hard he tried, it never happened. He took a deep breath and concentrated on Jack. Edward wondered why he always needed the upper hand. Ever since they were boys growing up, Jack was more a bully to him than he ever was a brother. The grin on his face as he listened to the lawyer give their father’s things away was proof that this was his only happiness. Like father, like son, he thought.

  “To my son, Jack Donovan, I leave two hundred and fifty million dollars, my penthouse in Barcelona, Spain, as well as Chanye Incorporated, located in Beijing, China.”

  Edward felt Claire’s hand on his arm as the lawyer glanced up at him. He looked at the lawyer, then at Jack, who had lost his grin and was staring a hole through him.

  “To my son, Edward Donovan, I bequeath full control of Donovan Technologies and all related financial bank accounts and trusts, as well as my stock portfolio, as listed in the envelope marked with his name.”

  Edward felt a weight press down on him as the lawyer passed a large manila envelope to him. He stared at it, shocked at his father’s final wishes.

  “As for my investment company, Merge Incorporated, I have thought long and hard about this decision, and to be sure that my cold-hearted business sense is not passed on, I have decided that my ownership will be split evenly between the stockholders, giving a slight majority control to my trusted secretary and confidant, Claire Mulcahey.”

  Heads turned and looked around the room. Edward never knew Claire’s last name until that moment. He looked at her and wondered just how influential she really was in his father’s life. A tear formed in her eye, and she looked away before it had a chance to fall.

  Edward looked across the table at his brother and saw the glare being sent back. He knew this wasn’t going to end well.

  After the end of the reading, the lawyer thanked everyone for their presence and offered his services the rest of the week for finalization of paperwork and other legal matters.

  “Jack.” Edward stood up, and before he could say anything more, Jack stormed out of the room.

  “Are you okay?” Claire stood beside him, her eyes disconcerting.

  “Yeah. I’m letting the shock subside on what just happened.”

  “You have a lot to go over,” she said, touching the envelope in his hands. “I loved your father very much, but he was strong minded and very set in his ways. I didn’t agree with everything he did. I wanted you to know that.” She patted his hand that held the envelope. “I know you will make the right decisions.”

  He opened the envelope and pulled the contents, including controller documents for Donovan Technologies, a list of stocks now in Edward’s name, and the paperwork for the takeover that was still in the works at MWSA Cosmetics. He had the power in his hands to change the fate of everything.

  “Claire?” He ran toward her before she got to the door. “Forgive me for asking, but how do you know so much about what’s going on? How close were you to my father? I have a hard time believing you were only his secretary.”

  “We go way back, long before you and your brother were born.”

  “Then, why don’t I know you better?”

  “Perhaps you were too busy trying to get your father’s attention.” Her sincerity touched him. “He wasn’t good at showing his feelings, Edward,
but he always had the best intentions for you. Donovan Technologies was always going to be yours.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me?”

  “He wanted you to give him the best that you had.”

  “I did. I tried. He was never happy.”

  “He was. Trust me. He was a hard man, but he loved you very much. He was so proud of you.”

  Edward wanted to know more, but the door flew open just as he was about to ask. They both turned quickly as Jack walked straight toward Edward and Claire with a scowl on his face.

  “What the hell happened? How did I have control of so much before his death, when now I have nothing!” He screamed in Claire’s face.

  “Jack! Back off!” Edward pushed himself between them and shoved his chest against his brother’s.

  “It was supposed to be mine! You don’t have a fucking clue how to run it!”

  “Jack,” Claire said calmly. “You were a CEO underneath your father because of your strong sense of authority, but he was also able to keep a close eye on you and your activities within the company. He believed you weren’t equipped to control the company after his succession. This is why he willed it to Edward. It was his intention all along.”

  “I don’t know what kind of influence you had over him, but you will regret this. Both of you.” He stood his ground and stared at Edward, fists clenched and chest puffed until a security officer walked toward them. He glanced at the officer and stepped back, wanting to throw a punch, but knowing the consequences if he did. “Mark my words,” he seethed before storming out of the room again.

  “I knew he wasn’t going to take it well. I’m a little concerned with his behavior.”

  “I’ll handle him.” Edward was as concerned, but he didn’t want Claire to worry. The truth was, he had no idea how he was going to fix it. He turned back to her. “How did you know my father so well?” He stayed fixed on her mouth, waiting for her to tell him more about the father he wished he had.

  “He hired me several years ago, mostly to care for the house and such. I watched the women come into his life, love him then leave him when they knew they weren’t number one in his life, including your mother. When you and your brother came along, I took care of you as well.”

  “That’s impossible. I know there were several staff members at the house, but I would have remembered you. How could I not know you if this were true?”

  “He didn’t allow it. He had a certain image to uphold in the public eye. His wives gave a good woman on his arm. But, he needed a woman in his life to take care of him. Someone more stable, who understood that his business affairs came first. I was that woman. I was okay with staying behind the scenes. In the process, I grew to love him. It’s why I started working for him at Donovan Technologies. I could take care of him and spend time with him at the same time.”

  With a heavy heart, he hugged her tightly, realizing he wasn’t the only one who lost a huge part of his life. “I’m so sorry. I wish I would have known.”

  “It would have been detrimental if you did. It was better this way. Trust me.”


  “How are you holding up?” Steven leaned against Mia’s doorway in her office.

  “Hey. I’m doing okay.”

  “What are you working on?”

  “I’ve been pulling all of the information I can to put things back together.”

  “Is that why I haven’t seen you all week?”

  “Yeah,” she grinned. “I need to save this.” She typed away, then stopped and looked at Steven. “Since my life is already falling down around me, what was it you wanted to tell me about Eddie?”

  “Haven’t you talked to him recently?”

  “No. I don’t know how to get a hold of him, and I haven’t seen him anywhere.”

  Steven hesitated. “I worry that he is a player, that’s all. I want you to keep your smarts about you. Don’t let your heart get in the way.”

  “Have I ever?”

  “No. You have always been all about the business. I like that about you. Doesn’t mean I can’t worry about you.”


  “What are your plans for the company? It’s been almost a week, Mia. We have to make a decision.” Steven walked in and sat across from her in her office as she continued working.

  “I know. I am hoping for a miracle, I guess. With the information I was able to gather and the contact information in my phone records, I was able to salvage a few accounts. And the NY Runway show is still a possibility. Andrew has been gracious enough to continue working on that for me.”

  “It isn’t enough to keep going the way we have been.”

  “I know.”

  “I think we should talk to Donovan, weigh our options with them.”

  “You’re kidding me, right? Last I heard, the hostile takeover was still in the works.”

  “Now that the old man is gone, maybe that has all changed. Maybe his sons will give us a better chance. It’s worth a meeting.”

  “I don’t know. They are just as bad as he was.”

  “What choice do we have?”

  Mia’s phone interrupted them, and she looked at it, curious at the unknown caller. “Hello?”

  “Mia.” The deep tone instantly sent her into the clouds.

  “Eddie?” She smiled and glanced at Steven who nodded and left her office. “How did you get my number?”

  “I’m quite resourceful when I want to be.”

  “I was beginning to think you fell off the planet.”

  “Nah. I’ve been dealing with some shit. I would really like to see you.”

  “You would?” She beamed.

  “Will you meet me tonight?”

  “Of course, where?”

  At precisely eight that evening, Mia got out of a taxi cab in front of Bemelmans and went inside. She didn’t see Eddie anywhere, so she went to a table in view of the door so he wouldn’t miss her when he arrived. She ordered a drink and sat nervously as she waited for him.

  “Come with me,” he said from behind her, startling her. He took her hand and led her out of the bar and to his car.

  “Wow,” she said as he opened the door of the long black limousine. “I didn’t expect this.”

  He waited for her to slide inside the large cabin and climbed in after, sitting across from her. He watched her as she squirmed and felt the awkwardness between them.

  “Is there something wrong?” she asked.

  “No. Not at this moment.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I wanted to get away from everything. Life. The issues I’m dealing with. When I thought about where or who would do that best for me, I instantly thought of you.”

  She immediately smiled at the idea that he saw her as his tranquility.

  “I feel that I only have one more night of quiet bliss before everything changes for me, for us.”

  “I don’t understand. We just met. We could have an amazing relationship.”

  “No,” he interrupted. “I can’t explain it right now. But you’ll understand more very soon. I have one favor to ask of you. You can deny me, and I will not ask again. Or you can allow me this one favor, and I promise to make this evening unforgettable.”

  Mia sat across from him as the car drove down the street, wondering what could possibly make things so difficult between them. She thought he was perfect, what she knew of him.

  “Okay,” she said, her meek voice barely audible.

  “I want this one night with you to be perfect; no circumstances, no questions, no world around us, nothing.”

  “Eddie? Are you dying?” She held her breath, feeling a tremble in her chest.

  “No. I’m healthy as any man can be, I promise you that.”

  She took a deep breath. “I don’t know what your secret is, but if I agree to this, will you promise me something?”

  “Of course.”

  “After tonight, and after everything plays out, however that might be, promise me you won’t
disappear from my life.

  “I will let the decision about my involvement in your life be made by you, and you alone.”

  She nodded, her mind reeling with thoughts of what might be happening.

  “If you choose to do me this favor and allow me to create this night with the one woman I can’t stop thinking about, then accompany me out of this car when it stops. If you choose otherwise, stay inside, and my driver will take you wherever you wish to go.”

  She watched his face as he watched her, and she was incredibly aware of every bump in the road and ever turn the car made. She felt the tension in the air and knew the only thing she wanted at that moment was his touch. Something about him mesmerized her. If she didn’t get out of the car with him, she would be forever wondering what would have become of him. She had no idea how to contact him. She didn’t even know his last name. If she did get out with him, would this evening be followed by a broken heart? Would she see him again? Would she regret being with him?

  When the car pulled over and stopped in front of a high-end hotel, her heart leaped into her throat. She watched as he opened the door, never taking his eyes from her until he turned to pull himself out. He stood on the curb with the door open, and she froze. She could see his left arm, his hand half in his pocket, and the leg of his perfectly pressed pants. Her heart beat out of her chest, and it was hard to breathe. She wanted to get out of that car. She screamed for her body to move, but it wouldn’t. When the door closed and the car began to move, she started to panic.

  “Stop! Please!” The car did just that, and she quickly went to the door and opened it. “Thank you,” she said as she climbed out of the back. “I’m sorry,” she told Eddie, a smile slowly growing on his face. “I couldn’t move. I wanted to.”

  He walked to her as the car departed and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply. All of her inhibitions floated away. All of her fears and her questions dissipated with no after-thought or regret. She no longer cared about any of it.

  “Thank you, Mia. You have no idea what this means to me.” He took her hand, led her into the lavish hotel and directly to the large elevator. Once inside, they remained quiet as the elevator took them up.


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