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Ruined: A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance

Page 7

by Lisa Lace

  Questions started feeding her mind again. Why was he being so mysterious? Why did he bring her here to a hotel? Was he embarrassed about his apartment? Did he not live alone? Was he married? Was she his mistress? She watched him, worried about what she was getting herself into.

  “Who are you?” she asked more to herself than to him, but she asked aloud.

  “No questions, please. Not tonight. Just let this be a perfect night.”

  She had so many things to ask. When the elevator reached the top floor, and the doors opened into the penthouse suite, Mia’s jaw dropped as she stepped off the elevator and into the room. The luxury and the detail were beyond what she could imagine.

  “This place is…” She didn’t have the proper words to describe it.

  “Expensive, I know. Luckily, I have the company card. Shhh, don’t tell my boss.”

  Champagne colored curtains cascaded from gold curtain rods. Perfect lighting set the mood in the room.

  “I could fit my entire apartment in here.”

  “Come here. Look.” He led her to the large window and pulled the curtains back to reveal an immaculate view of the tops of the trees in Central Park. The view let her see clear across the park and beyond.

  “Gorgeous,” she muttered.

  He came up behind her and slid his arms around her. “Yes, you are.” His lips touched her neck and her eyes closed, and she let the feel of him soak into her body.

  “Nothing could feel better than the way I feel right now.”

  “I hope I can change that.”

  She turned toward him, a bit apprehensive but as soon as his lips touched hers, her worries evaporated. He sank into her, tightening his arms around her body. Her lips parted, and his tongue invaded the space, pushing into her mouth, warm and arousing. He slid his hand up her stomach to her breast and caressed her. The arousal she felt the night he was in her thoughts returned, and she held onto that feeling with everything she had, begging for it to stay.

  She fed her fingers around his neck and into his hair, allowing the feel of him to take over her existence. He picked her up and carried her through the lavish room, down a hallway and into a large bedroom with a bed fit for a king and queen. When he lay her on the edge of the soft mattress, he stood over her, his eyes taking her in. He peeled his suit coat from his shoulders, and she felt her breath catch. This was really happening. The man who invaded her dreams, who she hadn’t seen in over a week with no way to contact him, who was as mysterious and unknown to her as any stranger on the street was about to make love to her. Did she have what it took to please him? Would she feel the satisfaction she has longed for her entire life? If he didn’t, would she fake it for his sake? She hardly knew Eddie, but she felt like she was falling for him.

  His suit coat lay on the chair next to the bed, and his fingers slowly unbuttoned the dark blue shirt that covered him. Mia sat up and pulled her sweater up until he stopped her.

  “No,” he said calmly. “Not yet.”

  She put it back down and waited for a reason why. Nothing was said until he pulled his shirt off and let it fall to the floor. His body was beautiful, just like she imagined it to be. Toned, tight, perfect. She wanted to touch him.

  “Come here,” he said.

  She climbed off the bed and stood in front of him. He combed his fingers through her long hair, pulling it forward over her shoulders. His finger glided along her jaw to her chin and back again, causing a light shiver to run down her body.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered. He cradled her face in his hands and leaned in, kissing her deeply, a moan escaping his lips. “Mia.” His lips were so close to her ear, the warmth gave her another shiver. “There are things I want to do to you, things you may not approve of.”

  “What?” She pulled away from him for the first time. “What kind of things?”

  His eyes penetrated her, and she felt vulnerable. “You have to trust me. Can you do that, Mia?” He stepped closer.

  “I want to.” She stepped back. “I’m not sure.”

  “Shhh. I promise you, it will be pleasurable. I won’t do anything you don’t like, and I will not hurt you. Will you trust me?”

  She looked around the room, a room big enough to get lost in, a room she was alone in with a man she barely knew. A first name and a promise were not enough to trust anyone. She wasn’t even sure if the name he gave her was his.

  “I should go.” She felt a panic fester in her stomach. What if he didn’t let her leave? “I can’t do this.”

  His lips tightened, and he nodded, picking up his shirt and walking out of the room, leaving Mia sitting on the edge of the bed. She waited for him to return, but he didn’t. Was she being hasty? Her mind was reeling. When she walked out of the bedroom, she found him on the balcony, the doors wide open and a gentle breeze allowing the curtains to flutter lightly into the room.

  She walked up to him, his back to her. She reached up and wanted to touch him. “Eddie?” An ache replaced the panic. An ache for him to want her again. “I’m sorry.”

  “I will call my driver to pick you up.”

  She stared at his back, the silhouette so perfect against the view of the city. “You don’t have to.”

  When he turned to look at her, the desire in his face was gone. The lust in his eyes had dissipated, and he was angry or hurt or disappointed. She wasn’t sure which, but she didn’t like it.

  “I’m sorry,” she said again.

  “I don’t play games, Mia. When I want something, I go after it. We are adults, and we both desire each other, am I right?”

  “Yes,” she said bluntly.

  “If you want this, then you want it to the end. If not, leave now, and don’t waste my time.”

  She nodded, her eyes glued to his.

  “What will it be?”

  “I’ll stay.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “It’s just that, I’ve had a lot of bad relationships, no satisfaction and this, all of this,” she said, looking around. “It’s all so new to me. I don’t know you, and you’re so damned mysterious. I don’t know how to handle it. I need some reassurance.”

  He rushed toward her and picked her up off her feet. She felt like a limp rag doll at first until she felt his hands underneath her, picking her up and feeding her legs around his waist. His hand went to her neck and pulled her to him, his lips covering hers and kissing her hard. Their bodies slammed into the wall next to the open window. She had forgotten everything she needed to say, why she stopped him in the first place, and every thought in between.

  She felt his hands underneath her top as they imprisoned her small waist against the wall, working their way up to her breasts. He grabbed her bra and yanked it down forcefully, pushing her up the wall and filling his mouth with her nipple. Her breath caught in her throat when she felt a shock of pain shoot through her.

  She looked down and saw him looking up at her with devious eyes and a sly grin on his face. She flung her head back and closed her eyes. If he couldn’t satisfy her, she was going to join the convent and become a nun.

  He let her go enough for her to put her feet back on the floor but only long enough to get a hold of her and pick her up over his shoulder. He carried her toward the bedroom and put her back on the bed. Her body was shaking at the thought of what was going to happen to her. He loomed over her and watched as she squirmed.

  “You have one safe word. Use it only if you want me to stop. I want this to be good for both of us.”

  She nodded, her eyes fixed on his.

  “Your safe word is red. You only need to say it once so be sure it is what you want. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly.


  He pulled her sandals off her feet and let them drop to the floor as he watched her face. He climbed on top of her and slowly pulled her shirt from her body, exposing her white bra still pulled down below her breasts. He discarded it along with her top and looked her over, cocking his
head and smiling.

  “You are an angel,” he said, bending down and kissing a trail of small kisses up her side. Her body shook and trembled under his touch.

  He hooked his fingers into the sides of her pants and jimmied them down her legs leaving just her little white panties. He looked up at her as he lowered his face to her stomach, kissing her belly button and moving down an inch. He kissed just below her belly button and moved down a bit more. Her breath caught again when he reached the waistband of her panties, grabbing them with his teeth and pulling them up. She felt the palm of his hand press into her pussy as he blew warm air across her stomach.

  “Tell me how you feel, Mia.”

  “Amazing. I’ve never felt this way before.”

  “Never?” He climbed up to her and lay next to her. “You’ve never had an orgasm? Are you a virgin?”

  “No. I’m not a virgin.” Heat flooded her face, and she looked away, embarrassed at her shortcomings.

  “Talk to me.”

  “No one has ever been able to satisfy me.”

  “Hmmm, well, I’d like to give it a try.”

  She laughed and braced herself for more.

  He moved his mouth down her belly. Before she was ready, he covered the front of her panties with his mouth and began to hum.

  Mia opened her mouth and sucked a breath in as arousal slammed into her. She was familiar with the tingling sensation that crept in, slowly, stuck around for a little while, then disappeared. This was different, bringing blood surging to her heated center. He looked up at her and grinned sexily, taking a big breath in and covering her panties again in the perfect spot. He hummed deeply, from his throat, vibrating her panties and everything inside. She twisted and squirmed with the buildup of an orgasm rippling through her, and buried her hands in his hair to press him closer.


  Feeling Mia struggle beneath him was affecting him more than he’d expected. It had seemed easy to have one amazing night with her before she had to find out who he was, and they parted. But now, with her in his arms, pliable and warm, welcoming and submitting to him, everything had changed. Being with her felt wonderful, and as he watched her writhe under his touch and ministrations, his own arousal sharpened. Yet the sharp teeth of fear pierced his shoulder, reminded him that after tomorrow’s meeting, she might well despise him.

  Climbing off the bed, he stood and looked at her. Could he do this? If not now, then it would never happen. He had to show her what he could give to her, the depth of his feelings—perhaps that would blot out the stain of his name, his family.

  Lying naked on his bed, she looked so unguarded and relaxed. If he turned his back on her now, she would be sure to hate him, no matter how things turned out. If he gave everything to her, he might still win her over after the storm.

  He took her hands and pulled her up to a sitting position. Without a word, he walked to the chair next to the bed and pulled his tie from his shirt. He turned toward her, wrapping the tie around each of his hands, leaving two feet of space in between. He pulled it taut and watched her shiver as he approached her.

  “Don’t be afraid,” he whispered, kneeling in front of her. “No matter what—tonight, tomorrow, whenever—you can trust me.” He grazed the back of his hand along her cheek. “Do you understand that?”

  She parted her lips in anticipation and nodded. He leaned forward, his eyes on hers until he covered them, wrapping the tie around her head and securing it tightly behind her. He kissed her cheek, smiling as she flinched. He kissed her other cheek as she swallowed, nervous tension gripping her. He hesitated then leaned in and kissed her lips, her little intake of breath arousing him.

  He glided his fingertips down her neck and over her breasts, feeling goosebumps form on her skin. He followed with warm breath from his mouth, kissing just above and below her nipple. Every chance he got, he watched her face and her reactions to his touch.

  He stood up and looked at her, backing up a few steps before unbuckling his pants and letting them fall to the floor. He tucked his thumbs into the sides of his boxer briefs and took a deep breath. This was the moment of no return. He could still walk away and let her decide on them, their connection and relationship, without sexual persuasion.

  Would it be enough to make her still love him?

  He shook his head at himself and pulled his underwear down, his cock springing forward. He picked them up and set them on the chair, then walked back to the bed and stood in front of her. He didn’t say a word. He didn’t make a noise. He watched until she pulled her arms over herself, vulnerable and exposed. She was growing more nervous as he watched. Every small sound he made caused her to react. She turned and cocked her head as if trying to hear something, anything.

  Just as she reached up to lift the blindfold, he lunged toward her, wrapping his arms around her, and pushing her back to the bed. He covered her body with his, his mouth on hers and his hands imprisoning her wrists above her head.

  Her gasp penetrated him, and her heavy breathing drugged him. All doubts he had were gone, and the only thoughts he had were of her and her need to be with him. He kissed her hard, shoving his tongue into her mouth and twirling it along hers. He pressed his weight into her, feeling her moan and tremble beneath him.

  His cock was hard, pressing into her pelvis with only a thin layer of material remaining between them. He wanted to take her. He fought the urge but found it very difficult to keep control. He dragged his hands along her arms, still pressing her into the bed.

  “Mia, whatever happens after tonight, I want you to know how much this means to me. How much you mean to me. I want you to savor this. I want you to remember tonight and how beautiful it was.”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you. I want you to love me, to touch me, give me what I need.” She could barely get the words out. She reared her head back and arched her back, her arms still outstretched on the bed as he worked his hands down her sides to her ass. He tucked his hands underneath her and pulled her into him, a gasp escaping her lips. He took the hard nub of her nipple into his mouth, flicking the tip with his tongue and feeling her body jerk each time.

  “Oh, God, you’re making me crazy.” She clutched the blanket beneath her, every twitch of her hips begging for more.

  She buried her fingers in his hair and tried pulling him up to her face, but he slammed her wrists back onto the bed and straddled her. Reaching to the side, he pulled the nightstand drawer open and pulled a long silk tie from it. Reaching forward, he fed the tie through the brass spindles just above her head in the headboard. He wrapped his hand around her wrist, watching her lips tremble as he caressed her waist. He slid one end of the tie around it and tied it tight.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice became shaky.

  He pulled the other end down and dragged it over her freed wrist. He leaned down and grazed her lips with his, stopping at her ear.

  “Position your wrist for me, Mia.”

  She hesitated, trembling, struggling between her logic and her desires. She slowly raised her hand off the mattress and held it there.

  “Good girl.”

  He wrapped it with the tie and secured it. Climbing off the bed, he stood at the foot and admired her body, her chest rising and falling noticeably with each breath, her lips parted, her stomach sucked in, trembling.

  “So beautiful.”

  He hooked the sides of her panties with his fingers and took his time as he pulled them down her legs, watching each beautiful inch of her as he did. Her sexy legs crossed automatically, trying to cover what he had just exposed.

  He walked out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen. He poured a glass of water and filled it with ice. Setting it on the counter, he pulled a bottle of whiskey from the cupboard and picked up a shot glass from the counter. Filling it, he sipped it, feeling the burn of the liquid invade his mouth like wildfire along dry brush. He could hear her calling out to him, and he smi
led. He licked his lips and downed the rest of the whiskey, giving a moment to enjoy the feeling of the burning liquid coat his throat and hit his stomach. He picked up the water and walked back into the bedroom, a smile forming on his lips at the sight of Mia still sprawled across his bed. She wasn’t moving so much, but her nerves still had her on edge.

  The moment she felt him kneel on the bed next to her, she seemed to calm herself. He leaned over her and lightly kissed her lips. When her lips parted, he pressed his lips into her deeper and penetrated his fiery tongue into her mouth. She took a deep breath and struggled against the ties that bound her. He held her there and kissed deeper, his hand cupping her pussy and his fingers moving back and forth. When he sat up again, he left her breathless, her body reeling from the pleasures and experiences she was enduring.

  He reached for the water and held the glass over her breast. Dragging his finger down the side, the cold condensation trickled down the glass and clung to the bottom for a moment. He watched her face as the droplet let go. The moment it hit her breast and trickled down the side, she sucked a small breath in and turned her head toward him. He put two fingers into the glass and jingled the cubes inside. Her reaction gave him a smile. Pulling a small cube from the liquid, he let it drop on her breast again and again, each time allowing the droplets to get closer to her nipple. He sucked on the cube and ran his finger over it again. The next drip, he raised the cube to her lips and allowed it to drop into her mouth. She opened her mouth, her tongue partially darting out in anticipation for another. He dragged it down between her breasts and down her stomach, around her navel and down to her hair line. He smiled at her reaction before putting the cube in his mouth.

  Twirling his tongue around the shrinking cube, he moved down and blew on her pink pearl. Protruding his tongue out of his mouth and into the folds of her sweet spot, he licked up and down, the cold penetrating her and pushing her further into her arousal.

  She pulled at the restraints and spread her legs further, panting and breathing harder.


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