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A Pirate's Wife

Page 11

by Lynelle Clark


  Another week passed before a storm hit them. Heavy rains fell like buckets from the sky onto them and the strong winds blew them around like a feather on the ocean. Rosa-Lee had to tie ropes around herself to stay on top of the deck, trying very hard not to panic as the water crashed over them. Pierre tried several times to convince her to go below deck but she refused. The stifling cabin would not become her coffin. When the first heavy rain fell she came topside, fear gripping her thoughts. She stayed in the middle as men scattered around her to tie the equipment to the rails. Bravely she watched as the waves pounded down on them, Roberto barking orders through the thunderous clouds. He could barely hear his voice as a whisper but it did not stop the men from doing their work. When the pounding became uncontrollable she decided to tie herself down.

  Waves higher than the ship fell on them all with crushing strength. Men rushed over the deck as water ran like strong currents over the rolling deck. Everyone was drenched, tired and cold but they could not slacken and during this time after another brutal crash Rosa-Lee was swept into the ocean. The rope and a part of the ship’s railing were still tied around her. Shock and fear gripped her heart the moment she plunged into the dark angry depths. She tried desperately to untangle herself but it was futile. Her chest burned and with one last desperate attempt she reached out her hand to be pulled back in, losing all consciousness.

  The cry went out that a man was overboard. Roberto rushed over to see who it was. His heart raced as Alexi yelled that it was Rosa-Lee. Without any thought, he tied a rope around his waist and dove into the whirlpool of dark waters.

  Praying to God above to save her as the dark waters covered his body he searched the darkness for the fragile body.

  With the first few attempts, he could not find her. It was pitch black as waves continue to crash down over him, burning his eyes and lungs. Desperately he kicked around him. Men brought lanterns closer and as the glimmer of the light fell on the dark waters. He finally saw her pale blue dress bobbing in the swells, her head disappearing at an alarming rate into the dark depths. He had to go after her. Her dress was too heavy for her to stay afloat on the water. Kicking with everything he had within him, he followed the lifeless body.

  When he reached her, he pulled the rope, indicating that they could pull them up. Steadily the sailors pulled them in. Breaking through the water’s surface he sucked in huge gulps of air as more water broke over them. He swallowed mouthfuls of the salty water. Finally, they reached safety on the rolling deck. Men grabbed them and hoisted them over the railing. Getting his footing, Roberto laid the lifeless body down. He pounded on her back out of desperation to get the water out her lungs and much needed air in. Her face was a grey-blue and water dripped down her bruised face. He brushed her hair away, trying to do whatever he could to get her to live, even slapping her face but nothing happened. He called out her name in desperation. Cold and lifeless, she lay in front of him, and he thought his life was over.

  The ropes around her had cut into her flesh and he had to cut them away. The flesh on her shoulder was slashed open where she had scraped against wood and nails, covering the normally creamy skin in red blood. She looked terrible. Roberto panicked for the first time in his life, the storm forgotten, as he was fixated on her.

  He called for the doctor while gripping her body to him, slapping her face and whispering how much he loved her. Everything happened so fast, the roaring sounds of the storm vanishing as his heart pounded in his chest.

  He loved her. The concept emerged within his heart and he had no time to tell her. But there was no time to ponder this new revelation.

  She was lifeless and pale grey. The doctor rushed to her side, working over her. Finally she gave that one desperate gasp for air, coughing up water, making it run from her mouth and nose, and breathing in the life-giving oxygen.

  Roberto was so relieved that he grabbed her body in a fierce embrace, kissing the ice-cold face with desperate kisses. Over the past few weeks, he really had started to care for her and when the true reflection of his heart shimmered through, he did not care who saw him. He wanted to tell her, his face adorned in a smile in the midst of the still-raging storm.

  “You are hurting me,” she coughed out, and the doctor grinned.

  “Sorry,” He replied in a whisper. She smiled and fell into a deep sleep. Shocked, he looked at the doctor but he squeezed his shoulder.

  “It is all right. She will be fine.”

  The doctor wanted to carry her but Roberto just lifted her in his arms and carried her to her cabin. He brushed soft kisses over her face, his heart too big for his chest. When he placed her on the bed, he thought she was the most stunning woman he had ever met.

  Rosa-Lee Almaida looked fragile and small, but he did not see that. He only saw her beauty gripping his heart.

  The markings of the rope on her shoulder were red and swollen. Her dress was torn and they knew they would have to get it off and as he held her, peeling the wet, torn fabric from her body, he could not help but to look at her, appreciating the curves in front of him. The good doctor spoke sternly and he let her down, covering the body with a blanket.

  “We will have to hope that she does not get an infection in that shoulder.” The doctor looked closer and found a broken nail imbedded in her shoulder. Roberto brought a light closer while the doctor searched in his bag. He pulled tweezers out, dipping them in rum he had with him, and pulled the nail out. She flinched, still unconscious. Blood streamed from her shoulder and Roberto gasped softly. Roberto watched as the doctor worked on her. He put a few stitches in the shoulder and bandaged it with a white cloth. The rest of the bruises and cuts he disinfected and placed a powder on them before he closed them as well. Her face was bruised and swollen but the doctor assured him that would go away. The cuts would not become permanent scars and for that, he was grateful.

  That whole night, despite Roberto’s tiredness, he sat with her after the doctor left. Pierre brought him some dry clothes and he towelled himself down, slumping into the chair next to her bed. The storm calmed down about an hour later.

  Sometime he dozed off because, when he woke the sun was streaming into the cabin and she was looking at him, smiling.

  What a welcome sight.

  “I owe you thanks for saving me.” Her voice was still rough from the near-drowning.

  “Can I give you some water?” he asked as he came closer, squinting his eyes. They were still burning from the salt water.

  “Yes, please. I hear the storm has calmed down. Is there much damage to the ship?”

  “It is manageable. Nothing that we cannot repair.”

  He smiled back, his heart racing at her smile. The paleness had made way for colour and she looked beautiful against the white sheets. Her dark hair was dry and dishevelled, but that made her more appealing to him.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Tired, stiff and aching all over my body, but happy to be alive. I remember you dove into the waters to rescue me. You are a real hero. How will I ever repay you?”

  “By allowing me to love you,” he said without thought. She looked at him in wonder, this man that she was trying very hard to understand.

  He loved her. A pirate had fallen in love with her. How was this possible?

  “I still hate you for what you have done to me and my parents.”

  “I know. However, it does not change the fact that I have feelings for you. Last night confirmed it. For me, there will be no one else but you,” he said with conviction as he came closer and knelt before her, his eyes trained on her with all the emotions he felt. He wanted her to see it. He wanted to convince her as he took her hand and brought it to his lips.

  She was stunned at his confession and had no reply as she saw the tenderness in his eyes. Love was prominent in the ochre depths, and she stared back into those depths, her future brightly shining as he opened his heart. Her heart raced as she struggled to sit up, forgetting the pain of her body. She was just bathing in his
revelation. The hate that she felt for him had melted away and in its place love shone in the depths of her own eyes. She touched his cheek, tracing the scar once again and when her finger stopped at the corner of his lips he kissed it.

  “Please let me love you,” he whispered before his lips touched her lips. She closed her eyes, just revelling in his touch, his tenderness. Her heart sped up another notch. Softly she sighed and leaned into him. He captured her mouth with a desperate plea, until he pulled her closer and she flinched in pain. Withdrawing, he laid her down, the love shining unmistakable, and she smiled.

  “You need to give me some time. This is very confusing to me,” she finally said. “I find your company pleasant and not once did I feel afraid while with you. You always treat me with respect and I admire you for the captain you are. This does not change the fact that you are still a pirate and that I am the price of a sick scheme.”

  He stood up and sat next to her on the bed, taking her other hand, clutching the two together in his warm hands and said,

  “Not everything is as it seems.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, looking up to him, eyes wide.

  “I am going to ask you to trust me. I will never hurt you intentionally. There are many things happening in the background that I cannot tell you about, but if you can trust me, it will be a great start. Love will come. You are not indifferent to me, and that much I know.” He kissed her hands for a second time. Her fingers tingled under his touch.

  Again she looked at him, perplexed, allowing herself to enjoy the kiss. His voice was soft and soothing. Again, she reached out, touching the scar on his face. It made him even more attractive to her. Her eyes showed her heart and he leaned over, brushing his lips over her face. She closed her eyes, enjoying the closeness of him, her heart racing. When he lifted his head he said softly,

  “I love you, Rosa-Lee Almaida.” She smiled, her body trembling with exhaustion and excitement. She relaxed into the softness of the mattress. He could see that her eyes wanted to close. Her tiredness was still evident on her. He bent over, placing again a kiss on her forehead and said,

  “I will leave for a while so that you can sleep. Later I will be back and we can give you some food to eat. There is something we need to discuss.” She nodded and dozed off into a deep sleep, a soft smile on the beautiful face. He smiled, stroking the bluish cheek before he walked out of her cabin. The smile on his face reflected his heart. He covered a yawn as he entered his own cabin.

  He was tired to the bone.


  Several hours later, awakened by the most delicious smells filling her cabin, she opened her eyes. When she tried to move, pain shot up into her shoulder and she moaned. Roberto rushed over to her.

  “Are you okay, my Rosa?”

  “My shoulder hurts,” she said hoarsely.

  “The doctor said your shoulder looks much better and there is no sign of infection but it will take a while to heal. The nails did do some damage on your shoulder,” he explained.

  “Thanks, Roberto, for taking such good care of me.” She smiled again. “A lady can get use to this.” He bent over and kissed her.

  This was not a dream. She thought she had dreamt all of it but now that he repeated the words and showed it by taking care of her, she knew it had to be true.

  “I would love to take care of you always,” he said softly, his eyes darker than normal, his breath warm against her skin. She leaned forward and kissed him softly.

  “See, there is hope for me,” he chuckled, helping her to sit up, draping a robe over her naked shoulders and brushing against the soft skin. Their eyes locked. The blush that appeared on her face was the most appealing thing he had ever seen. He smiled. “Beautiful.” He cupped the bruised face. “I love you.”

  “I thought it was a dream.” Her eyes wide in wonder

  “No dream, my Rosa.” And he kissed her on the cheek “This is real. I have to admit it caught me off guard but once I accepted the feeling I could not keep it for myself.” He touched her cheek softly. “Do you believe me?”

  Sheepishly she nodded her head as she stared up to him, her heart racing but her mind still in turmoil. “Yes, I believe you,” she finally said and he grinned.

  Walking to the table, he brought the food over and helped her to eat. She was not as tired anymore and they could talk a few minutes before Pierre called him away to attend to a matter on the upper deck.

  Later, after the doctor visited, she dozed off in a restful sleep and when she woke Enrico helped her wash her hair and she lay in the warm bath, careful not to dampen the bandaged shoulder, soaking the stiffness away. Her body stung, but it felt good to be clean again. She wiped the salt water from her body. Her face was swollen but Enrico ensured her she still look beautiful. All through the afternoon she thought about Roberto and his feelings for her. He asked her to trust him and she knew she did trust him. But would that be love, to respond to the love she could clearly see in his own eyes? He said he wanted to discuss something and he was quite serious. What could it be?

  When the evening bell rang she was at her place at the dining table. Her eyes met his briefly and she could feel her heart leap. She smiled at him and he returned the smile just before one man captured his attention.

  She was tired but happy. Her shoulder throbbed but it could not smother her heart rate every time she looked at him or listened to his strong, calming voice.

  The men were glad to see her, bringing her up to date with the condition of the ship as if she was a part of them. She listened intently, enjoying the food set before her.

  Roberto could not help but sit and stare at her with a sheepish grin on his face. Everyone knew his feelings, since he had confessed it loudly enough. That was his own stupidity, but it was no use in fighting it. He knew from the moment he saw her in the harbour of Lisbon he had lost his heart. And it had almost cost her life for him to recognize his feelings for her. Now he was not willing to let her go and he hoped that she would trust him enough to protect her the best way possible. Once she was in the Falcon’s hands there would be no way of protecting her. He had to act while still on the open seas. But to do that he needed her trust and love.

  Once he was on the upper deck the men had been congratulating him the whole day. There was much bantering among the men, which he took with a gracious smile, accepting it as part of his life.

  Now as he watched her he knew what he was about to offer to her was the only way to protect her and he was willing to do it.

  Later she excused herself stifling a yawn behind a hand and Roberto knew this would not be the best time to talk to her about this important subject. This would change both their lives in an instant.

  He followed making sure she was safe in her cabin before he too returned to his grand cabin to bring his journal up to date.


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