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A Pirate's Wife

Page 12

by Lynelle Clark


  Several days later Rosa-Lee was nearly healed after the storm. The bruises on her face were almost completely gone and the shoulder was without pain although still tender to the touch. The rest of the bruises were now something of the past and the relationship between Roberto and Rosa-Lee had grown. She was now more aware of him as a man. His constant companionship convincing her that he was genuine in his feelings. His courting was obvious as he spent time with her, making sure her needs were met. What amazed her was that he did not care what the men said in passing. They joked about his affections when they were on the upper deck. The hardened pirate was all soft and mellow in her presence and she learned more about him during this time. Still he did not speak about the thing he wanted to ask her. She could see how he stopped himself on several occasions and when she asked him about this he said he was waiting for her to heal completely which she thought was considerate of him. But still it kept her wakeful most nights, her feelings in turmoil.

  One thing she knew was that she was not indifferent to him as he had put it. She cared about him. She felt safe in his presence. The man captured her thoughts as days went by and their destination came closer and closer.

  She and Pierre also developed a friendship under the vigilance of Roberto. The three spoke about life at sea, the stars and many more subjects in great depth. Roberto was always taking care of her, which caused a lot of banter between the two friends. Their relationship had been born a few years back when Roberto had saved Pierre’s life. One could not miss the respect and devotion between the two. They knew each other well.

  One evening, just after the meal, Roberto had to attend to some paperwork in his cabin and she went out on the upper deck to stroll in the moonlight. By now, her wounds had healed. She was left with a scar on her shoulder, the only reminder of that night, a night filled with fear, but also with the revelation of Roberto’s love for her.

  The doctor assured her that with time it too would fade. She kept her hair over the shoulder to cover it from public view. Twice Roberto removed the soft strands to touch the deep pink scar, his eyes smouldering with passion. The previous evening while taking her for a stroll he once again did so and planted a soft kiss on it. His lips barely brushed her skin and the whole act left her breathless. She wondered how it would feel to be loved by him. There was no rush in his action as he stroked her neck and shoulder and told her how beautiful she looked. She was lost in his eyes and when the moment passed she felt deprived, her body shivering at the loss.

  She loved the evening walks; the sea breeze in her long hair, the sound of the ship cleaving the waters. It always made her feel that she was a part of something bigger.

  Over the past few days she and Roberto became good friends. He never mentioned his feelings again and she left it there, searching her own heart for the feelings she had for him.

  She told him about their life in Portugal as landowners, the tension among the people, and other landowners not listening to the complaints.

  The villagers had caused a few funny moments, which she told with zeal. She really missed them all.

  Every night they would stroll on deck, enjoying the night air. Sometimes he would tell her something funny that had happened during the day that made her laugh loudly.

  One night when Roberto was called away Rosa-Lee continued walking alone. When she came to the port side, she noticed a figure in the shadows. At first she gave it no attention since there were always men around, and screamed when a cold, calloused hand pressed her down.

  Roberto, engrossed in his work, heard the scream. Every bone in his body came to life. Immediately he rushed up to the upper deck. When his eyes were used to the darkness around him, he saw two figures struggling on the port side.

  He could make out that the one had to be Rosa-Lee because of her dress. He rushed over, hearing a blunt voice speaking to her in a frightful manner. Anger filled Roberto when he realized what was going on. The man held her down tight against the railing.

  “Come on, Señorita, one kiss,” he hissed with a lustful tone.

  “No! Leave me alone!” she screamed, struggling in his hold.

  He smirked again. She tried to get away, pushing and slapping him with one hand she had managed to free but he was too strong for her.

  “Stop!” Roberto shouted out. “Who is there?”

  Startled, the dark figure looked at him, pushed her hard against the railing and ran away.

  It looked like the new sailor; the one man that he did not trust on his ship. Roberto followed him as he ran down the steps to the lower deck right into the arms of the doctor who was on his way up. The doctor seized him. When Roberto caught up with him he was seething.

  He did not take too kindly to men that forced themselves on ladies, especially his lady.

  “You were out of line, sailor.” His voice was stern and cold.

  “Yeah, but she is worth it. I want to have a taste of that lady as much as you do.” He was arrogant and defiant.

  “With one difference. The lady is not interested in you, you rat! Her scream made her intentions well-known.” Roberto clipped out.

  Pierre just heard the commotion and also came out of his cabin, hearing the last words of the defiant rat.

  “They all like to scream until you kiss them and then they become like putty in your hands,” the sailor bragged.

  “You reckon? Pierre, take him away. We will deal with him in the morning.” Roberto said in a low, cold tone.

  When he stalked out, the arrogant bastard called out behind him, “I will have my turn.” Roberto turned around. With lightning speed and with one blow to the jaw he sent him against Pierre with a thud. The sailor was silent as blood formed on his lip.

  “Bastard, lock him up!” he seethed. With one pull Pierre led him away.

  Roberto ran upstairs as Rosa-Lee came towards him, rubbing her arms, shaking from the sudden scare.

  “Are you all right, my Rosa?” he asked the moment he saw her. He opened his arms and she stepped in as he folded her into his chest.

  It was the second time that she had heard the term of endearment and her heart sped up.

  “I am all right. A little shaky.” She wrapped her arms around his neck without any hesitation and stood in his embrace, her head on his shoulder. For a while, they stood there, the thumping of his heart in her ears. It was a beautiful sound to her, a sound filled with love and hope.

  He caressed her until he could feel that she relaxed against him and then let her go.

  “Again, my hero,” she said, smiling. “It’s becoming a trend now.”

  He smiled. “I will always protect you.” Drawing her closer, he placed a kiss on her forehead.

  “When are you going to talk to me?” she whispered in his coat and he pushed her slightly away, searching her eyes. All he saw was trust, and could it be? Love? He pressed her against him and said, “Follow me,” and directed her down the stairs to his grand cabin.

  Once inside with the door closed he offered her wine, since she was still trembling, and sat next to her.

  Each took a few sips to calm them from the sudden rush. He looked at her, making sure she was all right, and placed his glass on the desk.

  Rosa-Lee watched in awe as Roberto knelt before her, removing the glass from her hand, and asked,

  “How do you feel about me?” his dark ochre eyes were wide and serious. Careful curiosity filled them as he watched her. His face was still stern but a muscle rippled in his jaw. He was nervous, she realized, and whatever he wanted to ask was causing this.

  Her answer was critical to him. He held both her hands in a firm grip, his tension real.

  For several days she had thought about her feelings and the things he invoked in her. His presence was secure and strong. He was not afraid of admitting how he felt. She knew she cared for him, trusted him, but could it be love? Last night as she had read her parents” journals once again she realized the love she had seen and the emotions she felt for him were the same.
She could not deny it anymore.

  “I love you, Roberto,” she whispered, and light dawned in the ochre eyes so that they were more of a rich golden colour. Surprise and joy filled his face. The scar she had come to love softened and creases formed over his cheeks. “Really?”

  “Yes, I am sure.” He lowered his head and brushed against her lips. “Marry me.” She gasped with delight and shock. Her body trembled and she stared wide-eyed up to him. Did she hear right? Marriage. Did he just propose?

  “Marry me, my Rosa,” he repeated, this time louder. She could not help but just stare as his lips touched her once again. He was hesitant and soft at first before he took her mouth hungrily. She leaned into him and returned the kiss. She was warm and inviting and when he finally pulled back she smiled. “You know how to pursue a girl,” and giggled.

  “Does that means it is a yes?” he asked with a smile breaking over his whole face.

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Rosa, my Rosa.” and she vanished into his embrace as he devoured her lips once again.

  It was a while before they broke apart and he sat down and held her hand, visibly trembling with excitement.

  Roberto could not believe that this brave and stunning woman had agreed to be his wife. She was everything he wanted.

  It was late when he returned her to her cabin, light-headed with the love he felt for her. When he entered his cabin Pierre arrived and informed him the pirate who had attacked Rosa-Lee was ranting in his cell and not happy at all.

  Roberto dismissed the subject and Pierre looked at the Captain in stunned disbelief. He knew Roberto was smitten with Rosa-Lee but it was worse. He never thought he would see the pirate fall for a woman like Captain Roberto did for Rosa-Lee. It pleased him greatly.


  The next morning at six, the sailor was flogged. When Rosa-Lee heard the first lash, she hurried onto the upper deck, stepping closer till she was just behind Roberto. The crew were looking at their crewmate with disgust. The news had spread amongst them.

  The man received ten lashes and was untied. When he fell on the deck, salt water was poured over him. He flinched without making a sound. When he spotted her behind Roberto he smirked, his beady eyes sending a clear message. I will be back. She shivered.

  “Take him below,” Pierre instructed with a stern voice. Roberto turned and saw her standing there. He smiled, his love visible in the ochre depths of his eyes.

  “Good morning Môn Petite, are you feeling better?”

  “Yes, Captain, thanks once again,” she said respectfully, lifting her lips to receive a soft kiss.

  “Let’s go and eat. I am starving.” She looped her arm into his with a smile playing over her face.

  After breakfast he took her to his grand cabin and said, “I want us to get married today.” She gasped. She had hardly slept last night. The pure thrill of being in his arms, of loving him was so new that it kept her up. She looked at him in surprise and wonder, “But why so quickly?”

  “Why not?” came the gruff reply. “I love you and don’t want to wait. Last night just confirmed how vulnerable you are on this ship.”

  “But you saved me. There is no need to be in a hurry. Besides, I would love to have my parents present.”

  “No,” he said, unexpectedly loud.


  “No, Rosa-Lee. I asked you to trust me and this is the only way I know how to ensure your safety.”

  “But Roberto, I can defend myself,” she insisted.

  “Not against men like the Falcon and that pirate last night. You are too precious to me. Besides,” and he wrapped her in his arms, “I want to love you.” He kissed her breathless and she chuckled as she gave herself to him, her arms around his neck. All shyness was gone as she gave herself over to the bliss he offered. She understood what he meant. She had never been with a man before and he did things to her that were unknown to her but yet exciting. She had to admit she wanted more than just this.

  But still, this was too soon. And what would her parents say of this sudden marriage? Her marriage to a pirate no less. As much as she cared for him, would her love persuade her parents to allow this wedding to take place? Her father was always clear in his feelings towards pirates and for her to bring him home would ensure heartache. She did not want to be the one who caused them any more grief. Questions poured through her, bringing her back to reality.

  Her smile faltered briefly and she dropped her arms to her sides. She tried to move away but he did not let her.

  Roberto saw the change, stopped her, and lifted her chin with a finger. His eyes were wary as he looked upon her youthful face.

  “What is wrong, Rosa?”

  Her eyes were wide with concern and hesitance. “Roberto.” She did not want to let him know about her concerns and she pushed him away, her breath swallow as she tried to gather her wits. But this was important to her. “I really want my parents to witness this occasion. You know how I feel about them.” Among others, she thought, not meeting his gaze. But he was a very perceptive man and forced her back to him.

  “That is not your biggest concern though?” She swallowed. She could not lie to him or be dishonest.

  “Rosa-Lee, look at me,” he insisted. “It is because of what I am, isn’t it?” She looked at him in dismay. “Roberto ...” But he put a finger on her lips, quieting her. “Rosa, I know my occupation is not desirable for any woman, or her family, but if you trust me everything will work out at the end.”

  “How, Roberto?”

  “You will see, my love,” He kissed her softly.

  “Roberto,” she whispered and clasped his arms. He looked at her, his own thoughts buried deep in his mind where she would not be able to see. For now he had to convince her that this marriage was important not only to him but to her safety.

  “I know, my love, but once I have returned you safely back to Portugal, we can talk to your father and have the great occasion you want. But for now, my men will be the only guests at our wedding.” His authoritative voice left no room for argument. She looked at him with concern etched in her mind. She knew her father would understand once he was past the initial shock, but still, it could put a damper on their happiness. She really loved the man that stood in front of her. Her whole being cried out to be with him. She touched his face once again. Worry and concern stood out in the lines of his mouth and eyes and she want to remove that. She wanted to be part of him. Another question dawned on her and she started to chuckle, her eyes filled with merriment as she asked.

  “Who would marry us?”

  “Pierre is also a captain,” he said as a smile softened his own features and he pulled her closer. “Does this means yes?”

  She smiled. “Not to sound like a parrot but you do know how to change my mind.” He chuckled as his mouth once again captured her mouth.

  Minutes later he released her and said softly, “You make me a happy man.”


  “Yes.” And he kissed her. “Let me go to Pierre and tell him the wedding is on.”

  “You already talked to him?”


  “You are conceited, Mr Pirate.”

  “I cannot help it, it is my nature, and you do this to me, my Rosa.” She groaned when he kissed her again.


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