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SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1)

Page 4

by Yumoyori Wilson

  The teenage girl inside me wanted to help. To interfere once again, even if it put me in danger.

  Even if this woman kept putting herself in the same situation over again.

  "Stop being like that, baby. I'll do anything for you if you give me what I want. If you're super quiet, no one will hear us." The man's rough voice sent chills through me, awakening memories I fought not to relive in my mind.

  "I'll do anything for you, Silver. You trust me, don't you?"

  Shaking the thought away, I bit my lip hard and began to make my way into the alley.

  "Hey, douchebag. She said she wasn't in the mood."

  The man's lips formed into a sweet smile, and his attention shifted from the woman whose eyes were wide with fear and a hint of annoyance.

  I tried to ignore it, knowing exactly what would follow after I told this guy to scram, but the ungratefulness this woman showed after a year of having me save her from deadbeats like this was getting ridiculous.

  "Little girls should mind their own business."

  "Too bad I'm not little, but I do agree. I should try and not stick my nose into smelly situations. For one, you smell like yesterday's dog shit. Why don't you run along before you get hurt?"

  I began to zip the silver zippers of my pockets, making sure my valuables were nice and secure before I removed my varsity jacket, holding it in my right hand.

  Cracking my neck, my body was one step ahead of me, sensing the static electricity of magic thundering between us. This guy must have been a mage of some kind, but I sensed a darker side to him, leaving me to wonder if he was a vampire.

  He moved off the wall, his attention focused on me. The woman began to shiver, sensing the charge of energy surrounding us.

  The grey clouds that were up in the dark sky took that moment to cover the moon, and roaring thunder bounced around us.

  "You'll regret not walking away, sweetcakes." He cracked his neck and eyed me slowly, taking in my figure while his tongue slowly glided along his bottom lip, revealing a glimpse of his sharp fangs.

  Definitely a vampire.

  They loved to take in all of their prey's features before attacking. It apparently heightened the sexual response that followed with each suck of their victim's blood.

  "I doubt it," I replied with a shrug. "But I'm sure my jacket won't touch the ground before you're scrambling away from here."

  He laughed and cracked his knuckles. "Let's see you try."

  The power within me began to fight against my burning body, dying to escape my control and accept the challenge this vampire had offered us. With a swing upwards, my jacket was up in the air, leaving me two seconds to react to the blinding speed of a punch heading straight for my face.

  No way can I go home with a black eye. My sister would end the entire town.

  I caught his fist with ease, not missing a beat as I let go of my restraint on my magic. The vampire gasped at the burst of heat, followed by the wave of energy that sent him off his feet and flying backward.

  My once-transparent wave of energy manifested into physical form, a mixture of fire and wind wrapping around me effortlessly, creating a large phoenix.

  Its body alone was as big as the alley space, its wings having to expand upward in order for it to hover in the small space.

  The heat was already leaving an imprint on our surroundings, the ripped, drenched newspapers splattered on the ground beginning to dry up with the puddles and crumble.

  Miss Ungrateful was trembling on the ground, sweat beginning to roll down her cheeks, but her eyes were on the man who was seconds away from the ground.

  Pointing to his falling body, my flaming bird darted forward, aiming a direct attack at the man. I could hear his curse from here, but a second before my phoenix could burn his body to ash, I stopped her.

  The man fell to the ground, looking up at the massive bird before his eyes locked onto mine. My smug look was a big enough hint that I'd paused the attack.

  That I had conquered him.

  Cursing under his breath, he was scrambling off the ground and running to the other side of the alleyway, disappearing from our sight.

  "What a waste of energy," I grumbled, needing a second to tame my phoenix that desperately wanted to chase after that jerk who dared question our power.

  Be at ease. The enemy has fled in fear. Rejoice and enjoy the bliss of victory.

  The phoenix let out a cry of triumph, lifting into the air and doing a back arch, nose-diving straight down. I leaned back far enough for the scorching heat of flames to shoot into my chest.

  Thank you, flames of justice.

  The alley was quiet, and I felt the first drop of rain hit my nose. Lowering my head to see the same purse on the ground, I walked over to it and picked it up.

  Glancing over to the woman, I offered her the bag. "When are you going to learn? Do you really like this lifestyle?"

  "Shut it, kid. You don't know anything. Those men can give me whatever I desire," she snapped, reaching out for her bag.

  Her eyes widened with confusion when I moved the bag away, the sympathy I wore on my face falling short at her pure ignorance.

  "Those men can give you everything, and yet here you are. In this shitty alleyway waiting for some scum bag that has no respect for you or your body to fuck you with their nasty cocks that have been everywhere. I'm a kid lecturing you about the risk of AIDS and all the other vast STD's you can get from these drug addict assholes, but they can give you the world. I'm sure if they kept to their promises, you'd be living the best life possible by now."

  I had to fight not to laugh, my anger raging through me like a blaze. My magic was still on high and fire was one of the hardest elements to control, due to its raging temper.

  "Trust me. I know what it's like to put your trust in men, only to have it crushed when you give them every part of you. Stop being a fool," I snapped, gripping her bag tightly.

  Two seconds later, the bag was encased in a block of ice. Letting it fall to the ground, I was impressed that the solid block didn't shatter.

  The woman stared down at it, her eyes slowly looking back up at me.

  "This is the last time I'm helping you. You're an adult. Do what you want. Just don't cry wolf and pity yourself when those men who promise you the world are the same who will pin you down and fuck you against your will. You allow this to continue happening, might as well learn to get into the mood."

  Outstretching my right arm, my varsity jacket fell gracefully onto it.

  The winds from the magic I'd unleashed held it up in the air above me, a technique I'd known for years and loved to use when I didn't want to get my jackets dirty.

  Slipping it on, I spun around and headed on my way back home. The rain took its golden opportunity to begin to pour, and I quietly welcomed it.

  I needed to cool off my temper, wishing I'd stayed home instead of accepting the shift in the first place.

  By the time I reached home, my body was drenched, but I paused midway from our front door.

  With an audible sigh, I turned around and stood in front of the mailbox I'd purposely ignored. With a deep breath, I opened it up, only to see it was empty once again.

  Wow. This day just sucks.

  Shutting the little mail door, I made my way inside. It only took me a few seconds to realize no one else was home, the house giving off a hollow impression.

  Mom must have gone to work. Sister's probably on a date or something.

  A cool but gentle breeze wrapped around me, slowly growing warmer until my body was practically dry again. A relieved smile formed on my lips, and I pressed my hand against the wall of the hall. "Thank you."

  This house was a wonderful blessing, and I loved how it showed so much compassion to us.

  After taking my shoes off and hanging up my jacket, I took my phone from my pocket and went upstairs to my room.

  Snapping my fingers, I was in the perfect set of shorts and pajama t-shirt. My hair was now dry, and I put it up in
a messy bun. With a drawled exhale, I fell onto the bed.

  It seemed like the horrible day finally hit me there, but I wouldn't let my tired mind ponder on it. With only enough energy to pull the covers over my body and clap my hands twice, I snuggled with one of my pillows and closed my eyes.

  Maybe my dreams would be filled with hidden hope.


  Sniffing Opportunity

  Inhaling deeply, I tapped my running shoes against the concrete, excited to be able to expel some energy this morning.

  With a nod to myself, I got into position, my eyes focused on the path forward. With a mental signal, I dashed forward, beginning my 10-mile morning run.

  For as long as I could remember, I’d loved running. It gave me the opportunity to zone out while still being active.

  The best ideas and inspiration came when I was lost in this element of training, enjoying how fast my heart beat against my chest while my lungs burned from the intense and swift movement.

  I loved morning runs the best, because they gave me the chance to view the gorgeous sunrise, breathe in the purity of air that wasn't yet polluted by the smoke from the passing cars racing to get to work on time, and center my mind.

  I'd slept through the night, but the buzzing disappointment from yesterday was still fresh like an open wound. I couldn't fathom why it was bothering me as much as it was.

  My usual motto was to brush away the negative and move forward, for life always had ups and downs. Was it because my best friend was leaving me behind?

  Nikko was my ride-or-die friend, but our friendship wasn't perfect. We'd had our share of bumps in the road, especially when my ex used to be in the picture.

  This was just one of those hills we had to climb and I was sure we'd be okay once again.

  Even though it was five in the morning, it was a quiet Sunday with barely any movement. It was what I loved about the seventh day of the week: most shifters slept in.

  Of course, the transit stations were still booming popular, with many students still making their way back to S.S.S. after staying the night in this area.

  It was expected after the huge event from last night, a festival that always occurred before the initiation process. I thought it was a way for people to have something good to remember if they didn't get through.

  Some positivity to balance the disappointment of not being accepted.

  Too bad I didn't get to go. Maybe it would have helped me feel better.

  Going off the main sidewalk, I turned into the park and headed to my usual trail. I tried to alternate from time to time, never wanting to follow a specific pattern that someone could predict. The area wasn't necessarily bad, but it had its share of crazy and druggie alcoholics.

  It wasn't something I worried about. If someone wanted to try to take me on, I dared them.

  Turning into an open space where I could see the small lake, I noticed a 6'1" male looking around left and right.

  He had shoulder-length black hair with hints of red, orange, and gold. It was almost like they glowed when the rising rays of the sun hit at a certain angle. He seemed to be sniffing a lot, which made him look super weird and out of place, but I kept on running, knowing he wouldn't see me from this side of the path I was on.

  A part of me wondered if he was lost, trying to find his way out of the somewhat deep forest trail, but I wasn't sure if I should approach him. It was like the common law in the horror movies to NOT go inquire if someone was okay in the depths of the forest by yourself.

  I could already hear Nikko's voice, giving me a lecture on how I fit the typical stereotype of white girls in horror movies.

  I'm sure it isn't true...right?

  Shaking the thought out of my mind, I kept going. Reaching my five-mile checkpoint, I turned around to head back home. On my way back, I couldn't help but look for the man, my eyes locking onto him.

  My legs slowly came to a stop and I took the chance to catch my breath, still analyzing the man who looked so lost I felt bad.

  He was currently sniffing some leaves, the disgusted look that formed as he wrinkled his nose making me grin.

  He's pretty! Silver. That's how they get you. Be alert and cautious.

  Taking a calming breath, I made my way over to him. He didn’t notice me until I was standing next to him.

  "Why do you look like a lost adult in Narnia?" I asked.

  Would he even know what Narnia is?

  The guy looked into my eyes, and I had to stop myself from gasping

  Shit. His eyes are magnificent.

  They were like a mixture of molten lava with the neon essence of red and orange, the burning flames of fire adding a highlight to the orange pigment while hints of gold trickled through.

  As they stared into mine, it was as if there was magic coursing through them, the flaming lava dancing around his orbs as he took me in.

  He sniffed once, then twice, before leaning in until his nose was an inch from mine. My face grew hot at his sudden closeness, unsure what he was doing.

  Is he smelling me?

  "What are you doing?" I asked, trying to sound calm even though my heart was beating as fast as it had been when I was running.

  "You smell really nice. A mix of Japanese cherry blossom, mint, and a bit of vanilla. Weird mix, but it smells nice coming from you."

  "Did you miss the scent of my sweat or smelly running shoes?" I questioned, feeling confused as to how he was able to smell my blossom body wash, mint lotion, and vanilla dry shampoo.

  "Hmm. That doesn't really overpower your rooted scents. Those types of aromas are always picked up first if you know how to smell properly."

  "There's a way to smell properly?" Now I was getting confused.

  "Yes. You have to train your nose to bypass the unnecessary scents and pick up on the ones you need to lead you in the right direction. If I wanted to find you, all I'd do is focus on your combined scent. It wouldn't matter if someone dosed you in perfume or even coffee beans. I'd find you."

  And he's a stalker.

  "I don't know whether to kick you in the balls and run away or to question if you're serious."

  He pouted his lips and took a step back, placing his hands on his groin. "Hmm. No wonder they say being honest can get you killed."

  "I'm not going to kill you." I rolled my eyes.

  "Kicking a guy in the balls is the same thing."

  "No, it's not." I shook my head. "I'm sure you'd be just fine."

  "I doubt it. Probably see my life flash before my eyes," he grumbled. Putting my hands to my hips, I looked at him with exhaustion.

  Where did this guy come from?

  "Are you a foreigner?" I asked, taking in his appearance.

  He wore black joggers, a black t-shirt with an orange-red wolf symbol on it, and when I leaned over to my left side to see if he had a tail of some sort, I noticed the black duffle bag and orange backpack sitting at the trunk of a tree.

  Moving my gaze back to him, he simply looked at me in confusion. "What's that?"

  "A person who doesn't live in these parts. Did you come from a different country?" I clarified. He looked a tad Asian, but he must have been mixed because his native ethnicity stood out more.

  It seemed to dawn on him that he hadn't introduced himself because he flinched and quickly bowed his head. "Sorry. Uh. Yes. Not from here. I'd introduce myself, but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."

  "And yet you're allowed to sniff people," I mumbled. "I think you failed at that duty, but sure. Anyways, why do you look so lost?" I decided to get to the point.

  Didn't want this potential stalker knowing my name either.

  "Ah." He looked around and frowned. "I'm trying to find S.S.S. school. I received acceptance and got instruction on how to get here, but the transportation line changed." He had that charming pout on his face, and my heart couldn't say no to him.

  He looks like a sad puppy.

  "Even though you give me stalker vibes, I don't want you getting f
urther lost in these parts. You’re way off from the station. I can take you there. As long as you promise not to stalk me later."

  "I won't stalk you." He gave me a nod. "Are you going to S.S.S. too?"

  "No." I shook my head. "No invite for me."

  He looked a bit sad at the news. "You'd be nice to be around," he admitted, turning around and heading to grab his bags.

  I waited for him to get his things, those simple but emotion-hitting words making me feel wanted.

  Doesn't even know me, but says I'd be nice to be around. See. If this was a movie, I surely would have been dead by now.

  Shaking my head, I waited for the sniffing stranger to return to my side. Overall, he was hot, in like, a cute boy type of way.

  "Guess I'll lead the way," I announced. "Try to keep up."

  On a normal basis, I walked pretty fast. It could have been my years of walking to and from work or that overpowering desire to reach my bed and sleep. I always ended up having to warn acquaintances that I walked fast so they wouldn't be offended.

  He nodded in understanding, and the two of us began to make our way to the station. I was glad that I always brought a light sweater with me when I ran.

  Today was no different as I untied the light teal sweater around my waist. It was the pop of color I needed to match my grey running tights and turquoise sports bra.

  I was comfortable in my body and didn't mind showing some skin, but having a sweater helped for those days I wanted to multitask and grab groceries or a drink before heading back home.

  The area knew me and surely didn't mind me wearing sports attire in the supermarket, but I always got one or two glares from elderly people who weren't too hyped about my confident exposure of skin, especially my six pack and rib tattoos.

  My tattoos were actually magic incantation symbols. When witches and wizards reached sixteen, we could get a symbol on our body.

  Normally, it was just one, but due to my uniqueness in magic, I had the privilege of two, one on each side of my ribs. They ran upward and seemingly cradled my breasts.

  Unless I was naked, you wouldn't get to see the true beauty of the final product. The more symbols you had, the more powerful some believed you became, but I wasn't sure if it was true. I definitely wanted more in the future, but it was a pain in the ass.


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