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SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1)

Page 5

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I'm talking so much pain I had to drink a bottle of tequila to knock me out so the poor Symbol Master could finish.

  Apparently having a partner with you helped immensely, passion seeming to numb the pain of the symbol process, but there was no way I'd publicly make out with my ex, who was my new boyfriend at the time.

  Or go into the deeper realms of intimacy.

  My brisk steps didn't seem like a problem for the foreigner. Giving him a side glance, I saw he was meeting my pace with ease, not appearing out of breath or even bothered.

  He must be a shifter with good stamina.

  It didn't take long before we were at the station, but as we approached the pods, I realized they were going to leave at any moment.

  "Uh oh! Run, run, run," I announced, grabbing his hand and darting toward the doors. We got in just in time, the doors closing behind us. I blinked a few times before I groaned.

  I wasn't supposed to go with him!

  His eyes were glancing around the pod technology like he hadn't seen it before. It took him a few seconds, his gaze lowering to me.

  "Weren't you supposed to drop me off?" he clarified, rubbing more alcohol into the sore wound of my stupidity.

  With an eye roll, I tugged at his hand and pulled him to one of the private spots on the pod.

  There weren't many others on board, only about five individuals who all looked like they were heading to S.S.S. for the quests. After lowering his bags to the floor, we both sat down. It would only take four minutes to get to the school.

  I'll just drop him off and head back on.

  The pod transports always waited ten minutes whenever they arrived at the main stations to give people time to say goodbye and so on.

  "How long does it take to get to the school?" he asked.

  "About three minutes. The time shows right there," I noted, pointing to the digital screen that showed the map and estimated time frame.

  "That fast?" He looked intrigued. "We need to up our transportation services."

  I stared at him as he continued to focus his attention on the screen. Any other person surely would have made conversation with him, especially when he was so attractive, but I wasn't those types.

  He sniffed the air, wrinkling his nose. "Too clean."

  "Come again?" I asked.

  "It smells like bleach. Makes me wonder if someone died here."

  My baffled self just stared at him, unsure how he came to such conclusions. "Should I even ask?"

  He looked at me and smiled. "Where I come from, if you smell bleach, it means there was a crime scene or murder in that place. The authorities use bleach and other chemicals to remove blood stains and body odors."

  "So..." I took a moment to put my evidence together. "You're secretly a killer."

  He chuckled. How can a killer laugh so easily? He gives me all the red flags. Nikko would have annihilated him.

  "No. Just observant."

  "And you like to sniff everything," I commented.

  "It's part of my nature," he replied.

  There was an announcement informing us of our arrival in less than one minute. We both got up and I watched him put his backpack on.

  "Then you're a wolf?" I questioned.

  "Nah." He shook his head as he lifted his duffle bag. "Nice try, though."

  I wondered what he was, not getting a shifter scent off him. Whatever body wash or cologne he used still clung to his clothes, and I didn't have his 'go beyond the scent' skills to surpass it.

  The pod came to a stop, and we moved off onto the large platform. It wasn't super busy, but even from this distance, I could see the huge school; the golden gates practically glowed from the sun that was higher in the sky.

  Pointing to the large sign that read S.S.S. school AHEAD, I declared, "That will lead you straight to the school. I'm sure once you get there, you'll find someone who can help you figure out what you have to do."

  When he didn't answer, I turned my head, a second before something soft pressed against my left cheek.

  I must have blanked out for a few seconds; the sudden action made my brain overload and malfunction. The man smiled as he pulled back from kissing my cheek.

  "Thank you, sweet-smelling Blossom. I really appreciate your kindness. Hope I get to see you again."

  " just kissed me," I blurted out.

  "On the cheek, yes."

  "Is that like your way of showing thanks to anyone where you come from?" I asked. He grinned and shook his head.

  "Nope. Only to someone you like." He winked and fixed his bag that was on his back. "Hope to see you soon. Bye, Blossom." He began walking away.

  "My name's not Blossom, it's Silver!" I corrected, feeling my face grow hot.

  He stopped and looked over his shoulder, blessing me with a perfect teeth-glimmering smile while his eyes danced with satisfaction.

  "Nice to meet you, Silver." He walked away, leaving me speechless on the platform.

  If it wasn't for the warning sound of the pod's departure, I would have stood there for who knows how long.

  Getting back on the pod, I sank into the same seat I'd been in on the journey here. It wasn't until the pod was moving again before what had just happened finally sank in.

  He kissed my cheek. Oh no. I told him my name?! I'm doomed.

  Groaning, I rested my head back against the seat, giving up on trying to figure out a long-distance way of erasing that man's memory.

  Not like I can. I didn't even get his name. Total fail on your part, Silver.

  Five minutes went by and I was back on the path home. After taking off my sweater and wrapping it around my waist, I began to run again, needing some thinking time as the image of the handsome sniffing male continued to taunt me.

  Just remembering his body and striking features made my imagination wonder how he looked with no clothes on. I could see he was well-built in the muscle department, and his stamina told me he must have been active on the regular.

  The longer I thought about it, the more I wished for him to come back and let me slide my hands beneath his shirt to feel his chiseled chest and abs.

  God, I need a cold shower. Can't believe I'm even turned on by the thought of a stalker killer.

  Arriving home, I paused at the mailbox, staring at it maliciously. If only I got an invite. I would have been able to learn more about that guy.

  Reaching out for the handle, I peeked into the mailbox once more, knowing damn well the mailman wouldn't possibly deliver today.

  A sigh escaped my lips as I slowly closed the little door. It was a worth a shot.

  Entering the house, I noticed the switch of shoes. Taking a moment, I focused on the energy in the home but didn't sense my mom or sister.

  "She must have come home to change and gone out again," I mumbled to myself. My sister was a busybody. If she stayed home longer than a day, it was a miracle.

  I headed straight for the washroom, deciding to take myself up on that cold shower. Neither hot or cold bothered me. My body acclimated to both temperatures, but I didn't take a super long shower, seeing no need to.

  Today was my day off and I planned to go back to sleep after breakfast. Wrapping the dry white towel around my waist, I twirled my hand as I moved into the hall, warm wind rushing around me and lifting my wet strands.

  By the time I reached my room, my hair was completely dry. All I'd need to do was a quick brush through and I'd be set. Walking to my drawers, I picked out a pair of shorts and a crop top. Seeing as I was home alone, I didn't need to worry about a nipple slip here and there. My breasts were perky, but they weren't going to hold themselves up in position like they would with the assistance of a wired bra.

  I moved to my bed, only to stop and tilt my head at the solid gold envelope on my neatly made bed.

  What's this?

  Lowering my clothes on the edge of the bed, I moved to take a closer look at the envelope, noticing the sticky note that looked like the ones my sister loved placing everywhere. />
  Baby Sis.

  You got mail yesterday but left the house right before it came.

  I needed to sign for it and didn't want to leave it behind.

  Looks all shiny, smooth, and has some strong magic.

  I think a certain someone got into S.S.S.

  Mom and I will come home early tonight so we can celebrate.

  Love you, XOXO

  - Scarlet

  "No way," I whispered, tears already forming in my eyes.

  Cautiously lifting the sticky note from its place and putting it on the nightstand next to the family picture, my trembling hands worked diligently to open the seal carefully.

  By the time I pulled out the authentic gold folded paper, I thought I'd pass out from the lack of air.

  Opening it up, I scanned the words from top to bottom, until my eyes landed on that one word that made my heart soar in joy and a squeal escape me.

  "Accepted. I got a chance at the initiation for S.S.S. I got a shot!"

  I jumped up and down, clutching the precious letter to my chest as I laughed and cried at the same time.

  Moving to the nightstand, I picked up the picture frame, staring into Dad's loving eyes.

  "Dad. I'm going. Your little girl is about to secure her spot in the best spy school in the world. I'm going to make you proud."

  Taking a few shaky breaths, I continued to rejoice, the thought of meeting the sniffing foreigner coming to my mind.

  Maybe I'll meet him again. Hopefully, another sniffing opportunity will arise.


  Team Of Five

  "Are you nervous?"

  I gave my sister a composed smile, trying to hide the nerves and excited jitters running through me. "A little."

  Scarlet giggled, outstretching her hand toward me. I gave her a confused look, tilting my head to the right, but my eyes followed her hand as it landed on something on my left shoulder.

  My eyes landed on a little glowing ball of energy, and I realized my nerves had created a little ball of slime.

  A living ball of slime? Is it really slime or energy?

  Pouting my lips in my mental debate, I pointed my finger to the light blue ball and envisioned a kitten.

  No, kittens are so common for witches. I know!

  With a poke, the ball was engulfed with a small puff of white smoke. When it cleared there was a white kitten.

  Scarlet leaned back and raised an eyebrow at me, reaching out to hold the top rail as the moving pod shifted to the left. "What is that? Do not tell me that's a—"

  "A uni-kitty!" I said with pride.

  "Really?" Scarlet turned her attention to the kitten with a little gold and pink horn.

  She curled up next to my neck and I shrugged.

  "I'm nervous as fuck," I confessed.

  My magic always got riled up with my emotions, taking on a physical form. Whether it be a wolf, phoenix, or a little uni-kitten, the physical creation would either protect or comfort me.

  In this case, I really did need a little snuggle with a soft magical kitten.

  "You're going to be fine, Silver." Scarlet smiled at me.

  I glanced around, happy that the pod was fairly empty.

  We'd just missed the first travel pod that was completely packed with students, but another one arrived right away and since today was quest day, they altered the 10-minute wait rule by adding more pods to the schedule.

  It wasn't early in the morning either. After inspecting the rest of the letter, I’d had to use a simple spell to active the rest of the documents.

  Initiates were supposed to meet up in the main auditorium and would then gather in front of the quest board to get the opportunity to choose which quest they wanted to do.

  Sounded simple enough, but I was sure it couldn't be easy when their acceptance number was so low.

  I'd already packed my things in two large suitcases. They were now two miniature keychains on my main keys in the back pocket of my zipped black leather pants.

  My sister was coming with me to see me off like I'd done with the foreigner yesterday, but I was still super nervous about this.

  "But what about…you know?" I hinted out the main dilemma.

  Scarlet grinned and shrugged, reaching out to pet the uni-kitten once more.

  "You always find a way around things. I'm sure you'll be able to do the same with those requirements. They won't assess you until after you've completed your quest, and sometimes it's even bypassed."

  "You have far too much confidence in me."

  "Dad always said you'd do amazing things. I agree with him," Scarlet whispered.

  I noticed her gaze was focused on the passing trees, appearing as though she was reviewing a past memory in her line of vision.

  "I miss him." My voice was barely audible as I said the deep confession.

  "Me too, Silver. Me too."

  We were quiet for the rest of the ride, both of us lost in our own thoughts. It wasn't until we got onto the platform that Scarlet wrapped me up in her arms.

  "Ah. Scarlet, you're going to squish the uni-kitten," I groaned.

  "She's magical. She'll just appear somewhere else. Let me hug my little sis one more time."

  "You know I may not even make it and have to come home," I muttered.

  "What did we say about positive reinforcement? Nature is listening to you," she huffed, pulling back and lightly hitting the top of my head like it was a chopping board.


  "Mewr." I felt something hop onto my head. Scarlet giggled. "Aww, she's so cute. You should let your energy roam free more often."

  "If I did that, our uni-kitten up there would turn into a raging phoenix and try to burn everything," I replied, lifting my hand to where I felt the weight of the kitten.

  Picking her small body up, I lowered her to see her blue eyes that matched mine. Patting her head, I grinned.

  "I'm okay. Thank you." I didn't want to dismiss my magic until acknowledging how helpful the small bundle of fur was. I felt a tad better and expelling some of the nervous energy was a part of that pick-up in my mood.

  "Mewr!" With a purr, her body began to glow and shifted from blue to pink flames that wrapped around me until it hovered above. With a burst, multiple colored sprinkles rained down on me, almost like a firework.

  "Your magic is pretty creative when it comes to praising you." Scarlet nodded in approval.

  "I guess," I replied, lifting my hand to catch a few of the sprinkles that landed in my palm before vanishing completely. "Anything I need to know about the prestigious school before I embark on this amazing adventure?"

  I couldn't help adding some extra enthusiasm into my question. I was still trying to accept this was even happening.

  "You already know the basics. The school is all about skill, strength, and survival. In terms of grades, you have to achieve an S rank or higher to pass. The same goes for any physical and magic tests. You do have a three-strike system in effect for the first three years of school. The final year, you have to maintain S rank and above in everything to graduate."

  "Three strikes?"

  "If you get lower than S on a test, whether its written, physical, or magical, you can use one of your strikes. Some people do, others opt out."

  "Why would they opt out if they can use a strike?" I inquired.

  "Your strikes can also be used to give you another opportunity to reapply to SSS. If, for example, you're on your second failed grade and decide to save your two remaining strikes, you'll be able to apply for the school again using one strike. That means if you pass initiation again, you'll be able to re-attend."

  "Would that mean they would only have one strike left or would they get another three?" I asked.

  "They'll only have one strike left for the four years. That's why it's a gamble where you have to weigh your options. Some people screw up early in the game and think they'll be able to recover, using one of their three strikes. Others figure out later on — when everything becomes much harder
— where they stand magic-wise." Scarlet crossed her arms over her chest, looking serious.

  "Remember that S.S.S. is only easygoing in the first year. After that, all bets are off. It becomes a dangerous game where you always have to be alert. With that being said, many students realize where they stand physically and mentally by the second semester of their second year. When you reach that point, there's an option for students to continue forward or use one of their strikes to go home and apply again. Those who opt out and use one of their three strikes are, in my opinion, the smartest. They accept they're not at the level of strength and skill needed to survive in this school. Them owning up to that is seen as a positive with the professors and dean of the school, and they usually have a 100% chance of getting back in with little hassle. Even though they may have two strikes left, they'll apply when they're more than ready and have some experience with what's to come."

  "Sounds intense," I replied but felt a little excited. "Challenging, but makes me excited."

  "I knew you'd say that. Crazy sister." Scarlet shook her head.

  "How do you know so much about S.S.S?" I asked.

  "Boyfriend, remember?" she reminded.

  "I know, but was it hard for him?" I asked.

  Scarlet pondered for a moment. "It was life-changing for him. He had to essentially make a part of himself that has no mercy on anyone, even me. You'll understand what I mean when you reach year two. That's the year where the population goes down by 75%."

  "Seriously?" I gasped.

  "No joke. It's bad. Think about it. Graduating from this school means you're set for life. It also means you're obtaining skills that can bring down an entire organization. Being a spy is a scary job, but it's one that comes with various benefits and a level of satisfaction when your actions can save thousands or even millions. Many people only think of the benefits. They don't take into consideration the potential of them dying. Even though you guys are students, you will be sent out to real situations where you can die or get seriously injured. That's why the school is not made for the weak."


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