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SSS: Year One (Supernatural Spy School Book 1)

Page 28

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Make sure you look into that ring, Ms. Solange," he voiced again, looking over his shoulder to meet my intrigued eyes.

  "Yes, Professor Xin," I replied, nodding for extra emphasis.

  He returned the nod and headed out the door. The others moved to where we sat, Wolfgang placing his hands on Yuriel's shoulders.

  "You have a brother?!" he exclaimed.

  "Yeah. He's dumb," Yuriel casually replied.

  "He cares for you," Ryuu quietly announced, catching the rest of our attention.

  Yuriel slowly nodded. "I know."

  "Was class hard with the two of you being in the same room?" Dimitri asked, moving to stand behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and began giving me a massage. "And you look tired, Blossom."

  "Do I?" I questioned. "I'm okay."

  "Some snitch pointed out that I was sleeping in class and got humiliated by my brother. He doesn't have the patience for snitches. Actually, he just doesn't have patience," Yuriel explained and rose up.

  "He noticed the ring, huh. Why did he say you should look into it?" Ryuu asked.

  "I'm not sure," I admitted.

  "It does make Silver appear like an angel shifter, though. He also mentioned we should start training soon, or at least before second semester," Yuriel elaborated.

  "Man. First day of classes isn't even over yet and it feels like six weeks since school started." Dimitri sighed.

  "With the schedule we currently have, I really doubt we'll have much training time. Maybe on the weekends?" Wolfgang suggested.

  "Let's see how it goes," Ryuu suggested. "We can even try one-hour sessions. We all do some sort of training or meditation. We can make it into a group thing."

  "That sounds like fun," I admitted.

  "Until she kicks our asses," Dimitri noted.

  "I would do no such thing," I dramatically replied in shock.

  "Why are your eyes twinkling as if we approved you to go on a murder spree?" Ryuu questioned.

  "They are not." I blinked my eyes innocently. Wolfgang and Yuriel looked my way.

  "Nah. She looks like she's planning to kick our asses and then go on a murder spree."

  "Innocent until proven guilty," Yuriel noted. "But in this case, she looks guilty."

  "You guys are acting silly." I giggled. Rising, I picked up my bag and noticed Star was now in Dimitri's hands.

  "We heard a few students talking about a uni-kitten in class," Dimitri revealed.

  "Ah. Yeah...about that. Star's been appearing a lot today," I admitted.

  "Are you anxious cause it’s the first day?" Yuriel asked.

  "I'm not sure. I'm usually really calm…or at least, I try to be. Who knows." I glanced at each of them and smiled. "But it's okay. One more class and we're going home."

  "Let's stick together for gym class. I heard from a few students that it’s challenging and you have to choose your team wisely," Ryuu suggested.

  "Agreed." The rest of us nodded in approval. We headed to the door, Wolfgang taking the lead while Yuriel and Dimitri walked alongside me and Ryuu stayed behind.

  One more class to go. Let's hope there are no more problems.


  Year One- Spy Combat Testing A.K.A. Gym

  "Ugh. I hate change rooms," I grumbled under my breath, doing my best not to be annoyed by the high-pitched squeals and laughter that seemed to echo throughout the room.

  It just made the torture of changing into gym clothes worse.

  I wasn't nervous about changing in front of girls, but in a locker room full of shifters who loved to show off their tails between their voluptuous asses, it felt really awkward.

  Our gym class was happening in Auditorium C, and consisted of 50 students. Due to gym class being a big chunk of the final period for many of the students, there were Auditoriums A-Z to accommodate.

  I heard in the hallway that it would only be like this for a good two weeks before people started dropping, failing, or in worse cases, dying.

  Our gym professor wouldn't be the same each week. It would alternate from the professors we had in our classes, though we'd still have a few new professors we hadn't met yet, which was expected.

  At the moment, I wasn't at all worried about what was to come. In fact, I was confident in my magic abilities and fighting skills.

  Seeing as the guys were with me in Auditorium C, we could keep our plan by sticking together, but I did feel the tension thrumming through the air.

  Everyone's ready to prove themselves. Including me.

  I quickly slipped into my gym wear: black shorts and a white short-sleeved T-shirt. The basics.

  I tied my hair up in a high bun, not wanting to deal with the chances of someone trying to yank it to gain an advantage. Slipping my shoes back on, I locked my items and pressed my hand against the metal pink door.

  Locshana Mevito

  I opened my eyes to see the tiny pink magic circle already fading away, my spell now in place.

  Even though our lockers had regular locks, I never trusted them without adding my own spell. It would protect the locker and the contents in it.

  There could be a damn explosion and my locker would be the last one standing.

  "Hey, girl with the silver hair."

  I looked to my left to see a few Succubi in nothing but underwear looking my way.

  "It's Silver. Not hard to remember," I announced, remembering they were in one of my classes from earlier. I had no idea which, but that just proved they weren't important.

  "Silver. Yeah. What's with you being all flirty with your team?" The girl in question was mixed-race with pink hair.

  "Yeah. You're dating that professor’s brother, aren't you? We saw you guys holding hands," another mixed girl with blonde hair noted.

  "She was holding hands with that hot dude earlier. The one with gold eyes and black hair," a third girl with orange hair added. She had the palest skin I'd ever seen. If it wasn't for her long purple tail in the shape of a heart, I would have mistaken her for a vampire.

  "Damn. First day at school and you already cheating on your man." Pink Hair giggled. "How slutty of you."

  "Are you guys done? I don't have time for any of you right now." I turned around and slipped my hands in my black shorts, thankful to have them. It was hard to get a pair of fitted shorts that didn't roll up and had pockets.

  "And let's make this known right here and now. Yes. I'm dating the professor's brother, and the guy with gold eyes and onyx hair, and the other two guys on my team. They're my boyfriends, and your group can't even talk shit about me because many shifters date more than one guy."

  The group was silent while a few of the other girls returned to changing into their gym wear, trying not to get involved.

  "Well...that's good," the pink-haired girl said.

  I nodded. "Yeah. Who would want one large cock when you can have four?”

  With a wink, I looked away and headed out of the change room.

  Wolfgang was leaning against the wall, his hands in his loose basketball shorts. He looked to his right, noticing my approach.

  "The others went to save a spot. People are already picking their teams so we might as well sit in the group we want to be in," he explained, offering me his hand.

  I placed mine in his, the two of us making our way to where the others were sitting in the left corner of the court.

  "A group of succubi tried to make fun of me for holding hands with all four of you," I mentioned as we reached Ryuu, Dimitri, and Yuriel, who were sitting cross-legged on the floor in the same black shorts and white t-shirt Wolfgang wore.

  "What did you say?" Ryuu asked.

  Wolfgang and I lowered to sit and I gave them a proud smile. "I told them I was dating all of you and four large cocks are better than one."

  The four of them burst into laughter, moving to pat my shoulders in praise. A few students were looking our way, but the guys clearly didn't care.

  "That's our Silver," Wolfgang declared. "Keep the clap-ba
cks coming."

  "Serves them right. None of their business," Yuriel stated.

  "Female shifters really have time. Guys are in and out. We don't want to be stuck in a change room full of naked guys for longer than two minutes," Ryuu noted.

  "And they're succubi? Who are they to make fun of you when they thrive on having multiple partners, and gender doesn't matter to them?" Dimitri acknowledged.

  "Are they friends with that Nikko girl?" Wolfgang inquired.

  "Could be?" I replied. "I don't really know who her friends are. When we hung out it would always be us. I don't really do group hangouts."

  I was never invited to them and I'm sure if Nikko did go to them, I clearly wasn't told to come along.

  "Group hangouts are overrated." Wolfgang ran his hand through his black locks.

  "If they don't really want you around, they aren't fun at all," Dimitri added. "It's like being the third wheel."

  "Not fun," I agreed.

  "I think that Nikko girl is in Auditorium B. We saw her walking down the hall," Dimitri revealed. "She could have told her friends to try and bother you."

  "I don't think she'd do that, but I can't say for sure anymore," I replied.

  Noticing Professor London's entrance, the noisy auditorium dimmed to a quiet murmur. Mr. London didn't speak until it was completely quiet.

  "Good afternoon and welcome to Spy Combat Testing. I'm Professor London and will be your advisor for today's class. Seeing as today is the first day, we won't be going into too much. I can tell you all have positioned yourself in groups of five. Smart. Make sure the individuals you are sitting next to are the ones you are willing to be teamed with the rest of your four years here."

  "Hold on. All four years? Not by semester?" a student questioned.

  Another student raised their hand before they spoke.

  "So if we decided to stick with the four people we choose to be in our team, we won't ever be able to change them? What about if one fails? Or two? Or all four, leaving you by yourself?"

  I could tell her apparent teammates were giving her a look as if she was using them as examples.

  Mr. London looked around the room and replied.

  "No one has time for every semester to come and go with you all spending half the class deciding who you want to be with. As future spies, you may have to choose your team which will remain permanent until the day you retire. S.S.S.’s mission is to find the best of the best. You have to change your mentality to think like a spy. Not base your decisions on friendships. You have five minutes. Decide who you want to be with for the rest of your four years. No matter if one or more of your teammates drops out, gets kicked from the school, or dies along the way. You will be assigned into another team that you wish to join if that does happen. Also remember, if your teammates die due to your lack of trying to protect or save them in the line of a mission or duty, be advised that others will be notified about that. You are responsible for the people in your team. The same way they are responsible for you. Choose wisely. I've started the timer."

  There was a long silence that flooded the room, and in seconds, people were getting up and moving around to discuss with other teams.

  We rose up, but none of us moved from our spots. I glanced to the four of my men.

  "Are we good with sticking together for the next four years?"

  "I'm down," Dimitri replied without any hesitation.

  "Four years? Easy." Wolfgang grinned.

  "Might as well. I don't get along with anyone else," Ryuu looked relaxed.

  "Sure," Yuriel agreed.

  I looked at each of them, wondering if they were just going along with it because we were dating.

  "You guys know we can't change our minds after this. What if we get mad at one another or you guys wanna break up with me or something?"

  Dimitri moved around and hugged me from behind. "As long as you keep using the same body wash, shampoo, whatever lotion, I'm fine."

  "What if I change it to" I tested.

  "I'll still like you. I'll just throw the bottle out when you're not home."

  The others groaned while Dimitri continued to smile happily.

  "Besides, no team is perfect. We're going to have arguments and dislikes. We don't know each other well enough yet, but we have four years to do it. No team in history has come together and been absolutely perfect," Ryuu elaborated.

  "Ryuu's right. We may not be a perfect fit, but we all want to try and graduate together, right? Shouldn't that be more than enough?" Wolfgang suggested.

  Yuriel met my worried gaze. "What do you want, Silver? Do you want to choose another team?"

  "No," I said immediately, looking directly into his eyes. "I want to be your teammate and deal with the craziness that I'm sure is in store for us. The four of you didn't know who I was, or my reasons to want to attend S.S.S., but you all supported me like we'd known each other for years. I'm sure we all met for a reason and I don't want to lose that. You’ve just got to get used to me."

  They all smiled and there was a sudden poof. "Mewr!"

  "Ah." The five of us outstretched our hands to catch the uni-kitten who appeared in the middle of our little circle.

  We somehow had our hands stacked upon one another, mine landing on top in time to catch Star, who looked innocently around us.


  "I swear I didn't summon her," I defended.

  "I think she just wants to be a part of the conversation." Wolfgang chuckled.

  Star purred as she snuggled into a little ball. In seconds, she was gone.

  "Yup." The others nodded in agreement.

  We lowered our hands, but I placed my left hand out, the ring glistening under the bright light from above.

  "The next four years is going to be intense. I don't know what's in store or if I'll be able to do my part as a leader this year, but I'm willing to learn and definitely try. Please be patient with me, and never hesitate to tell me what's on your mind. I may be the leader of our team on paper, but all of you have unique knowledge and skills that can help us along the way. If a mission, task, or issue arises, I'm happy to let one of you lead when it suits the situation. Most importantly, no matter the struggles, let's do our best to stay together. No matter the good or the ugly."

  Dimitri put his hand on mine first. "I'm in and ready to face whatever comes our way."

  Yuriel was next. "Fine by me."

  Ryuu placed his hand. "We'll deal with anything that comes our way."

  Wolfgang placed his hand. "And we'll have fun doing it."

  My ring burned with energy, and I noticed the small glow of light that wrapped around our extended left hands. We smiled, feeling our oath settle in the air with the help of our magic.

  It could have been our bond for all we knew, but the flow of calm that wrapped around me made any hidden worries fade away.

  I'd be able to trust these four men.

  They were all uniquely different, but they all wanted to achieve the same goal, without the added greed or desire for more power that many of the other students here desired.

  We noticed other groups were whispering and staring at us, but the others didn't seem bothered by it.

  I did catch the wide smile on Mr. London's face as he stared at our group. When our eyes met, he merely nodded, like he was giving us his approval from afar.

  We lined up and waited for the other students to figure themselves out. Yuriel and Wolfgang were on my left while Dimitri and Ryuu were on my right.

  Let's see how this gym class goes.

  "That was awesome!" I cheered.

  My voice was breathy, and I paused to catch my breath.

  "Silver, you aced that. Can you teach us that spell? The one where you literally canceled gravity and made them all float in the air? That was badass," Wolfgang cheered, moving to rub my back.

  "It's really hard," I admitted. "That's the first time I've tried it."

  "Don't tell me that's the skill brother taught us thi
s afternoon?" Yuriel questioned, looking shocked. The few strands that were out from his ponytail were stuck to his drenched face.

  "It was. I knew I could do it. The problem was how much energy it would take. I’ll definitely need a lot of food when we get home."

  "We'll order whatever you want, Silver. You're the reason we won," Ryuu praised.

  Dimitri walked over and offered me his hand. I took it and leaned back up. He closed his eyes and gently placed his hand on my forehead.

  It was warm at first but then cooled, taking away my shortness of breath.

  "That should help. We learned it in class earlier." Dimitri smiled at me.

  "Thank you," I replied, taking in the four of them. They were all drenched to the point that their white shirts clung to their chiseled frames, giving everyone a good dose of every line and muscled ab they carried.

  I couldn't talk much. Something told me to wear a black bra today, and I was certainly glad I did, for my shirt was just as drenched, clung to every curve, and showed the black outline of my bra.

  We were the last team to go up with our opponents, who just so happened to be the group of succubi from earlier. I hadn't underestimated their power, but fighting off their commands was the hardest part of the test.

  In order for us to win, I used the gravitational cancellation spell Professor Xin had explained to us during class and followed it by a silencing spell, cutting off their ability to speak for a shortened period of time.

  While I held the gravitational spell, Yuriel was the first to snap out of the succubi’s hold and command lightning to come out of nowhere and smite the five of them.

  The test was over just like that, and the team had to be carried out to the nurse's office. None of us knew we were going to do actual combat today, but I could now understand why Professor Xin had said to start training.

  Everyone really went all out, and today was the first day. It was difficult to imagine how we would survive doing this five days a week.

  Heck, my body was so sore, I wondered if I'd be able to walk tomorrow from all the running and cartwheel drills we did during the first half of class.

  The focus was to help us build not only combat skills, but our stamina, flexibility, and running speed.


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