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The Iron Tower Omnibus

Page 78

by Dennis L McKiernan

  Norv Odger: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Lieutenant in the Company of Whitby’s Barn.

  - O -

  Ogrus: (singular: Ogru): (Twyll; Valur: Trolls): evil creatures. Giant Rûcks. Twelve to fourteen feet tall. Dull witted. Stone-like hides. Enormous strength. Also known as Trolls.

  Old Barlo: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Archery teacher.

  old dammen’s tales: tales, rumors, facts, and half-truths passed from one generation to the next, usually by word of mouth, and usually from damman to damman.

  (the) Old Fort: q.v., Old Fortress.

  (the) Old Fortress: the ancient fortress atop Mont Challerain established as an outpost in elden times to guard the northland.

  (the) Old Rell Way: an abandoned trade road running south from the Crestan Pass down the west side of the Grimwall Mountains to Luren. Also known as the Old Way, the Way.

  (The) One: q.v., Adon.

  (the) One-Eyed Crow: a Boskydell inn in Woody Hollow. Also known as the ’Crow.

  (the) open market of Rian: a market at Challerain Keep.

  Orbin Theed: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Lieutenant in the Company of Whitby’s Barn.

  (the) Order of the Realmsmen: q.v., Realmsmen.

  Orm: q.v., Dragon.

  Othen Warrows: one of the four northern strains of Warrows. Othen Warrows traditionally live in fen stilt houses in marshlands.

  Othran the Seer: a Man from Atala, the Lost Land. In Othran’s tomb Tuck found the Red Quarrel and the Atalar Blade.

  Othran’s Crypt: q.v., Othran’s Tomb.

  Othran’s Tomb: a rune-marked stone tomb at the foot of Mont Challerain. Here lie the remains of Othran the Seer.

  Outside: the Lands beyond the borders of the Boskydells.

  Outsider: q.v., Beyonder.

  Overn: a Man of Jugo. Warrior Captain. A member of Aurion’s War-council. Slain at Challerain Keep.

  (the) Over Stair: the portage-way up the Great Escarpment at Bellon Falls.

  - P -

  Paddy: Danner’s nickname for Patrel Rushlock.

  Paren Warrows: one of the four northern strains of Warrows. Paren Warrows traditionally are field dwellers living in stone field-houses.

  Patrel Rushlock: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Hero of the Winter War. Captain of the Company of the King. A leader of the Struggles. One of Tuck’s companions. Wearer of the golden armor. Bearer of the Horn of Valon. A member of Brega’s squad. Also known as the Captain of the Infant Brigade, Captain Patrel, and as Paddy.

  Pellar: a Realm of Mithgar where dwells the High King in Caer Pendwyr. Bounded on the north by Riamon and also by Valon across the River Argon, and on the east and south by the Avagon Sea, and on the west by Jugo.

  Pellarian: a native of Pellar. Also a term meaning, of Pellar.

  Pellarion: the common language of Mithgar. So named because it originated in Pellar. Also known as the Common Tongue.

  Pendwyr Road: the road between Gûnarring Gap and Caer Pendwyr.

  Pibb: a buccan Warrow of Weiunwood. A lieutenant in the Weiunwood Alliance.

  (the) Pitch: a great slope of land falling away to the east of the Quadran. Also known as Baralan (Châkur) and Falanith (Sylva).

  (the) Plains of Dalara: q.v., (the) Dalara Plains.

  (the) Planes: the three levels of creation. (Q.v., the High Plane, the Middle Plane, the Low Plane; there is speculation that there are more than three Planes [for Mages come from a world known as Vadaria, and Dragons from Kelgor, and Hidden Ones from Faer, and other Folk from elsewhere], though it is thought that the High, Middle, and Low are the primary Planes).

  (the) Pony Field: a large field in Woody Hollow where ponies are kept.

  Postal Messengers: buccan Warrows charged with delivering the mail within the Boskydells. Generally, they serve more as roving gossips and heralds than as mail deliverers.

  (the) Post Road: the road between Luren and Challerain Keep.

  Preece: a Boskydell village south of Rood in Centerdell.

  Pudge: Baskin’s pony.

  puppet: q.v., Modru’s emissaries.

  (the) Purging: the successful efforts of the Lian Guardians and the Men of the Wilderland to drive dire creatures from Drearwood.

  - Q -

  Quadmere: a pure lakelet on the Pitch one mile from Dawn-Gate. Also known as Châk-alon (Châkur: Dwarf pure spirit), and as the ’Mere.

  (the) Quadran: the name collectively given to the four mountains of the Grimwall in which Kraggen-cor is delved: Greytower, Loftcrag, Grimspire, Stormhelm.

  Quadran Pass: the pass across the Grimwall through the Quadran.

  Quadran Road: the road from Quadran Pass down the west side of Stormhelm.

  Quadran Run: the road, and the stream, from Quadran Pass down the east side of Stormhelm.

  (the) Quadrill: a river flowing southeasterly from the Quadran through Darda Galion and into the Argon River.

  (the) Quest of Black Mountain: the quest of Elyn and Thork to find the Kammerling (as detailed in the book, Dragondoom).

  Quiren Warrows: one of the four strains of northern Warrows. Quiren Warrows traditionally are tree dwellers living in wooden flet houses.

  - R -

  (the) Race: a narrow, high-walled river canyon through which the Argon River thunders at a great speed. Located south of the Dalgor Marches.

  Rach: (Valur: interjection): oathword of Valon, used to express frustration.

  Rael: Lian Elfess. Consort of Talarin. Mother of Gildor and Vanidor. Seeress and soothsayer.

  Rael’s sooth: a sooth divined by Rael predicting a great struggle to come when the Dawn Ride would once again be made, and the rider would bear the Dawn Sword.

  Raffin: a Boskydell village along the Crossland Road in Eastdell.

  Ragad Vale: a western Grimwall valley leading to Dusk-Door at the base of Grimspire Mountain. Also known as Ragad Valley, and as the Valley of the Door.

  Raiklen: a Man of Valon. Warrior Captain. Member of the War-council of Galen’s Legion.

  Ralo Pass: the pass across the Grimwall between Trellinath and Gûnar.

  Ralo Road: the road between Luren and Gûnarring Gap.

  rattlejaws: chatterers.

  rattlepates: flighty thinkers.

  Raven (Underbank-Greylock): a damman Warrow. Wife of Willen Greylock. Dam of Robin. Dammsel of Tuck and Merrilee. Raven was instrumental in the recording of .I Sir Tuckerby Underbank’s Unfinished Diary and His Accounting of the Winter War. .R Also known as Raven the Scholar.

  (The) Raven Book: q.v., Sir Tuckerby Underbank’s Unfinished Diary and His Accounting of the Winter War.

  (the) Ravenbook Scholars: a continuing group of Warrow historians originally organized by Willen Greylock to carry on the recording of the history of Mithgar. This group continued the work started by Tuck who had been commissioned by King Galen to do so.

  Ravenor: (Châkur: storm hammer): q.v., Stormhelm.

  ravers: ravagers.

  Reachmarshal: (from Reich-marshal): the Vanadurin rank below Hrosmarshal (q.v.).

  Reach Riders: Men of Valon.

  Reach Road: the road between Gûnarring Gap and Vanar, the capital of Valon.

  Realmsmen: agents of the High King. Defenders of the Land. Champions of Just Causes.

  Realmstone: any one of the obelisks marking the boundaries of Kingdoms; e.g., there is a Realmstone on the west bank of the Quadmere marking the Realm of Kraggen-cor.

  reavers: q.v., Ghûls.

  (the) red arrow: q.v., (the) Red Quarrel.

  Red Bale: q.v., Bale.

  (the) Red Caves: the Dwarven mineholt in the Red Hills. A famous Dwarven armory.

  Redeye: q.v., Aurion.

  red eye-patch: the scarlet patch worn by Aurion over an eye blinded in combat against the Rovers of Kistan when Aurion was a youth.

  Redguard: a small mountain just to the west of the Quadran.

  (the) Red Hills: a north-south range of mountains between Jugo and Valon.

  (the) Red Quarrel:
a red arrow made of a strange, light metal (coated lithium, magnesium?); found by Tuck in the tomb of Othran the Seer. A token of power loosed by Tuck in the Winter War; the Red Quarrel destroyed the Myrkenstone.

  Reedyville: a Boskydell hamlet in Downdell.

  (the) Refuge: q.v., Arden Valley.

  Reggian: Steward (q.v.) at Caer Pendwyr during the Winter War.

  Regin Burk: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Slain in the Battle of Brackenboro.

  Rell: an abandoned Land of Mithgar. Bounded on the north by Arden, the east and south by the Grimwall, and the west by the River Tumble along Rhone.

  Renegade Dragons: those Dragons not pledged (by the Dragonstone) to forgo ravaging the land (without due cause).

  (the) Rest Chamber: one of the chambers in Kraggen-cor through which the Deevewalkers strode.

  Rhone: an abandoned Land of Mithgar. Bounded on the north by the Rigga Mountains, the east and south by Arden and the River Tumble along Rell, and the west by the River Caire along Harth and Rian.

  Rhone Ford: a ford across the River Tumble between Rhone and Rell.

  Riamon: a Realm of Mithgar, divided into two sparsely settled Kingdoms: North Riamon and its Trust, South Riamon. Bounded on the north by Aven, on the east by Garia, on the south by Pellar and Valon, and on the west by the Grimwall.

  Rian: a Realm of Mithgar. Bounded on the north by the Boreal Sea, on the east by the Rimmen Mountains, on the south by the Wilderland above Harth, and on the west by the Plains of Dalara.

  (the) Riders of the Valanreach: Men of Valon.

  (the) Riders of Valon: Men of Valon.

  (the) Rigga Mountains: a north-south chain of mountains between Rian to the west and Gron to the east, running from the Boreal Sea in the north to Grûwen Pass in the south.

  (the) Rillbridge: a bridge over the Dingle-rill in Woody Hollow.

  Rill Ford: a ford across the Southrill along Woody Hollow Road.

  (the) Rillmere: a lakelet along the southwest side of Budgens.

  (the) Rillrock: the center rock of the Rillstones (q.v.).

  (the) Rillsteps: the East Footway (q.v.) across the Dingle-rill.

  (the) Rillstones: the stones making up the Rillsteps (q.v.).

  (the) Rimmen Mountains: a great ring of mountains in Riamon.

  (the) Rimm River: a river in Aven flowing westerly from the Rimmen Mountains into the Argon River. There are two branches to the Rimm: the North Rimm, and the South Rimm.

  Rises: the name given to the levels in Kraggen-cor higher than the entrance at Dawn-Gate. (Q.v., Gate-Level.)

  (the) Rissanin River: a river running southwesterly from the Rimmen Mountains to the River Argon.

  River Drummers: merchants who ply their trade on the rivers of Mithgar.

  Riverwood: a great forest along the Rivers Caire and Isleborne, extending into the Lands of Trellinath, Harth, and Rell.

  Robin Greylock: damman Warrow of the Boskydells. Dammsel of Willen and Raven Greylock.

  Rollo Breed: buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Warrior of the Struggles. A member of Brega’s squad. Slain at the Kinstealer’s holt.

  Rood: the central village of the Boskydells. Located in Centerdell. Here is the seat of what little government there is in the Boskydells.

  (the) Rooks’ Roost: a great mound of rocks located at the junction of Two Fords Road and the Upland Way.

  (the) ’Roost: q.v., Rooks’ Roost.

  (The) Root: the name of Tuck’s burrow in Woody Hollow. So named because it lies at the root of the coomb in which Woody Hollow is situated. Also known as Tuckerby’s Warren.

  (the) Rothro River: a river originating on the wold east of Dawn-Gate and flowing south into the Quadrill.

  (the) Round Chamber: one of the chambers of Kraggen-cor through which the Deevewalkers strode.

  (the) Rovers of Kistan: reavers of the sea whose pirate holts are in the wild southern coastal lands of Kistan. Ancient enemies of Pellar.

  (the) Royal House of Aurion: q.v., House of Aurion.

  Rucha: (singular: Ruch): (Sylva: foul-ones): Elven name for Rûcks (q.v.).

  Rûckish: term meaning, of the Rûcks.

  Rûcks: (singular: Rûck: evil, goblin-like creatures from Neddra, four to five feet tall. Dark. Pointed teeth. Bat-wing ears. Skinny armed, bandy legged. Unskilled. Also known as Rucha (Sylva), Rukha (Old Pellarion), Rutcha (Valur), Ükhs (Châkur).

  Rûckslayer: a term used to describe any warrior who has slain several Rûcks.

  Rukha: (singular: Rukh): (Old Pellarion: filthy-ones): Pellarion name for Rûcks (q.v.).

  Rukh slayer: a Pellarion term meaning, Rûckslayer (q.v.).

  runes of power: arcane symbols and writing said to have magical properties.

  Rûpt: (Sylva: corpse-worms): an Elven term analogous to maggot-folk (q.v.).

  Rust: Igon’s roan horse.

  Rutcha: (singular: Rutch): (Valur: goblins): a term used by the Men of Valon meaning, Rûcks (q.v.).

  (the) Ryngar Arm of the Weston Ocean: an arm of the Weston Ocean nearly encircling the isle of Jute.

  - S -

  Sandy Pender: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. A member of the Eastdell Fourth and of the Company of the King. Slain at Challerain Keep.

  Sarain: a southern Realm of Mithgar, bounded by Harn to the north, Chabba and Thyra to the south, the Avagon Sea to the west.

  Saril: a Woman of Riamon. Eldest handmatron of Laurelin. Killed by Ghûls in the slaughter of Laurelin’s waggon train.

  (the) scarlet-and-gold of Pellar: the colors of the flag of Pellar: gold griffin rampant on a field of scarlet.

  Sea Road: a road along the banks of the Ironwater River between the Landover Road and Rhondor.

  (the) Seabane Islands: islands in the Boreal Sea off the coast of Gron. So named because here lies the Great Maelstrom in which Krakens are said to dwell.

  Second-Deputy Constable: a title of a Boskydell official. (Q.v., Constables.)

  sending: a spell, curse, visitation, or portent.

  Sentinel Falls: a waterfall of the Duskrill near the Dusk-Door. So named because of the sentinel post above the falls.

  (the) Sentinel Stand: a guard post atop a tall spire near the Dusk-Door where Dwarf sentries kept watch over Ragad Vale.

  (The) Separation: the separation of much of Mankind and his Lands from the remainder of the Free Folk, though it is said that secret ways exist to travel between the Realms.

  (the) servant of Gyphon: q.v., Modru.

  sevenday: one week.

  Sevendell Certain: a Boskydell phrase meaning, news to be relied upon.

  (the) Seven Dells: the Boskydells (q.v.). Called the Seven Dells because the Realm is divided into seven major districts, each called a Dell: Northdell, Eastdell, Southdell, Westdell, Centerdell, Updell, Downdell.

  Seventh Yule: the seventh day of Yule (q.v.); December 27.

  Shadowlight: the spectral light of the Dimmendark (q.v.).

  (the) Shadow Tide: an unseen tide carrying the souls of the departed out upon the Darkling Sea (q.v.).

  Shatter-sword: the name given to Galen by Gildor to note that Galen’s sword shattered in the gut of the Gargon.

  shell: an Elven boat.

  Shining Nomad: q.v., Cianin Andele.

  Shouter: q.v., Ctor.

  (the) Signal Mountains: a north-to-east-to-south arc of weather-worn, sparse, wide-spread mountains. Mont Challerain is the northernmost mountain, Beacontor the southernmost. So named because signal fires upon their crests were used to pass along news of import.

  (the) silver armor: q.v., silveron armor.

  Silverbranch: q.v., Vanidor.

  (the) silver horn of Valon: q.v., Horn of Valon.

  Silverlarks: q.v., Vani-lêrihha.

  silveron: a rare and precious metal of Mithgar. Probably an alloy. Also known as starsilver.

  (the) silveron armor: the armor worn by Tuck during the Winter War. Originally made by the Dwarves of Drimmen-deeve for Princelings of the Royal House of the High King, the armor wa
s given to Tuck by Laurelin to wear at her birthday feast. The armor was ultimately placed on display at Tuckerby’s Warren, where it was to remain in possession of the Warrows until recalled by the shade of Aurion. Also known as the silver armor, the silveron mail.

  (the) silveron mail: q.v., silveron armor.

  silver penny: one of three common types of coins used for commerce in Mithgar (gold and copper being the other common types, though, in places, bronze and pewter are used, as well as jade and ivory.)

  (the) Silver Suns: the Suns that shine down upon the Darkling Sea (q.v.).

  Sir Danner Bramblethorn: a title given to Danner by Laurelin and by other members of Royalty.

  sire: father.

  Sir Tuckerby Underbank: a title given to Tuck by Laurelin and by other members of Royalty.

  Sir Tuckerby Underbank’s Unfinished Diary and His Accounting of the Winter War: the chronicle compiled by Tuck and various scribes to describe the Winter War. Tuck’s diary was unfinished, for he was blinded by the Myrkenstone and wrote in it no more. Yet it, plus Tuck’s accounting of his memories, and the accounts of others, made up the history of the Winter War. Commissioned by High King Galen, funds were set aside to hire scribes to aid Tuck in this work. Raven aided immeasurably; hence, the history is also called The Raven Book.

  Siven Warrows: one of the four strains of northern Warrows. Siven Warrows traditionally live in burrows dug into hillsides.

  Skail of the Barrens: the Dragon that bore the Hèlarms to the Dark Mere at Dusk-Door.

  skut: (Twyll; Valur: interjection): oathword used by Warrows to perhaps mean, filth. Oathword of Valon used to express anger.

  (the) slain forty: q.v., Brega’s Dwarven Company.

  (the) slaughtered waggon train: Laurelin’s waggon train from Challerain Keep; except for Laurelin and Igon and the horse Rust, all members of the train were slain by Ghola.

  Slayer: a Pellarion term for, berserker.

  (the) sleep of Elves: the sleep of Elves is different from that of other Folk. Elves can rest their minds in gentle memories; however, after a prolonged time, even Elves must truly sleep.


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