Book Read Free

Finding You

Page 7

by Ivy Love

  “Fine, but you’re not bringing this or any other firearm you have with you.”

  “Fine,” she shrugs, “There’s tape in my nightstand drawer, just tape it underneath the nightstand.”

  She has a pile of clothes in her hand as she turns and dumps them into the open suitcase.

  “Two minutes and I’m ready,” she says walking towards her bathroom.

  I shake my head and do as she suggests. She will never need another gun as long as I’m around. I watch her walk back into the room with a few toiletries in hand. She drops them on top of her clothes and zips up her bag. She looks around the floor, finds her sandals and slides them on.

  “Ready,” she says grabbing her bag.

  I want to say something, instead I just shake my head and motion towards the door, “Ladies first.”

  We walk out to the car and I’m instantly on alert again, I really hate this place and the fact that she lives here alone. I hope by the time we come back I can convince her to stay with me.

  Chapter 12


  Jack and I spend about fifteen minutes grabbing things for Izzy. I want to get back out to her, but Jack makes the point that I should take the few extra minutes and pick up a few things that might help keep her calm while she’s away. I wish he wasn’t right, but I know he is. Even with Liz coming I’m not sure that will be enough to keep her relaxed.

  “Do you think I have enough?” I ask Jack, holding up the few things I thought she might like.

  “Yeah, that should be good,” he says.

  “So, Ryker and Liz are coming?” Jack says, picking up the suitcase we packed.

  “Yeah, they should be on their way to the airstrip now,” I say.

  “Speaking of, we should be on our way too,” Jack says.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” I say walking out of the room.

  “Liz,” I start to say.

  “Shh!” Matt says, pointing at the couch.

  I look over at the couch and see Izzy sleeping. She looks so peaceful. I just want to stand there and watch her sleep, unfortunately, we don’t have that kind of time. I know she wants to take out money, but I really don’t want to wake her. She’s just going to have to deal with me taking care of her from now on.

  “We’re ready to go. Will you pick up Izzy and carry her out to the car?” I ask Matt.

  He nods and goes to lift her off the couch. I watch as he picks her up and cradles her in his arms. I can see the way he looks at her. It’s the same way I do. I meant what I said about not standing in the way, but there’s no way I’m going to leave her, so I hope she’s ready for both of us.

  “Oh by the way, Liz and Ryker are coming too,” I add.

  Matt looks at me in confusion, “What’s going on?”

  “I honestly don’t know, all he said was some shit went down and they need to be on some neutral ground.”

  He nods, “I get that. I hope everything is okay with them.”

  “We’ll find out soon enough. The good thing is that at least Izzy will have another female to talk to.”

  “That’s true,” Matt agrees.

  “C’mon guys, I hate to break this up, but we’ve gotta go. The car is running and I’m ready to get you in the air,” Jack interrupts.

  “Yea, I know. Okay, let’s go. Matt, you got her?” I ask.

  He nods and begins walking towards the door. Jack follows him and I follow behind him. I turn and look at the room behind me in disgust. I hope this house burns with all the pain inside it. I walk out the door and shut it. I don’t bother locking it. I hope all his shit gets taken, but it won’t be by her.

  I jump in the car and Jack takes off into the night. I watch as the house behind us gets smaller and smaller. Goodbye and good riddance. It’s time for a new beginning.

  Chapter 13


  Where am I? I look around and all I see is black.

  “Come here you fucking bitch! Come get what you deserve.”

  That’s Jared’s voice. What is he doing here? Where are Matt and Anthony?

  “You really think those two men want you? You’re nothing.”

  No, they like me, they wouldn’t lie to me. They wouldn’t do it if they didn’t care.

  I hear laughing coming at me from every direction.

  “Ha, ha, ha! They feel bad for you, you’re nothing but an obligation to them.”

  I can feel myself whimpering. I need to get out of here.

  “You can run Izzy, but you’ll never hide from me,” he laughs.

  I feel shaking and my name being called. I can hear my voice, it sounds so sad.

  “Izzy! Wake up, Izzy, come on,” a voice says.

  “We’ve got you love, open those pretty eyes for me,” another voice says.

  My eyes shoot wide open, I can feel my arms and legs flailing, it hurts, but I have to run. I have to get away. I’m trying to scream but all that comes out is choked gargle.

  “Izzy, eyes here. Eyes on me,” a voice demands.

  My eyes fly wildly to his. It’s Anthony. I’m safe. My sobs come quickly and he tightens his grip on me and begins to rock me.

  “Dream. Jared was there,” I hiccup between sobs.

  “Nothing,” I’m able to say, before I bury my face against him.

  “Shh, sweetheart, I’ve got you,” he whispers.

  I feel a hand on my leg, “We’re not going anywhere, okay, love?”

  I try to stifle my cries and focus on their touch. I close my eyes and count to ten slowly. I try to clear my mind of everything and it helps a little bit. I’m at least able to open my eyes and look around. I try to push away the pain pulsating through my body and lift myself up a little.

  I’m sitting in Anthony’s lap, he’s holding me on a leather couch and Matt is kneeling in front of us. As I look back and forth to each of them, I see concern etched all over their faces. I look above Matt’s head and see Ryker and Liz standing next to one another. They are both watching me with concern on their faces.

  I clear my throat, “Where am I?”

  Chapter 14


  I throw my suitcase in the back seat and jump into the front seat. I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’m not only endangering Ryker, now I’m adding Matt, Anthony and Liz to the mix. It’s not fair. I wonder if I can convince him to take me some place different. Someplace that is far away from everyone. A door slams and completely disrupts my thoughts. I look over and see Ryker buckling his seat belt.

  “Ryker, are you sure we should be going with them? I mean after everything I told you? You should know it’s not safe for them.”

  “When was the last time they came after you?” He asks.

  “Um, about 6 months ago,” I respond, thinking back on the last attack.

  “The time before that?” He prods.

  “About 3 months.”

  “And before that?”

  I have to think for just a minute to remember. “About a month.”

  “So, the attacks are getting farther and farther apart,” he says matter-of-factly.

  I open my mouth to argue with him, but he’s right.

  “What the fuck?” I say, surprised.

  “How could I have not noticed that?”

  “You’re too close to it. You’re always on the lookout, always worried. You need someone who isn’t as close to the situation to evaluate things for you,” he pauses. “That’s where I come in,” he says with a grin.

  He looks over at me and puts his hand over my thigh. “Sorry to disappoint you Pet, but you’re stuck with me. Now that you’ve finally opened up to me, I’m not going anywhere.”

  I want to be mad at him, I really do, but I can’t. There’s the part of me that’s worried about him, but there is a part of me that says I could finally be safe.

  I sigh aloud and Ryker looks over at me. I look down at his hand and try to think. I guess, I’m just going to have to try and trust him and when that doesn’t work, I’ll leav
e everything behind. Again.

  “What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?”

  I smile at him, I’ll keep those thoughts to myself for now.

  “Just thinking, also wondering why Izzy, Matt and Anthony are coming along. You said you’d tell me when we were in the car, well, you got me here. So, what’s going on?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “Tricky little thing aren’t you?” he murmurs.

  He seems to think to himself for a minute before speaking again.

  “If I had to guess, they are taking her there to try and get her out of that house. They want to get her somewhere she’s never been, so there aren’t any negative memories. A place she can start to rebuild, possibly with the both of them.”

  “Wait, both of them?”

  “Mmhm, if I’m right, both Matt and Anthony have some pretty strong feelings towards her.”

  “Oh hell no!” I shout.

  “What are they thinking, she’s injured! They had better not be taking advantage of her, I will kick their ass,” I growl.

  “LIZ!” Ryker says with a deep tremble.

  Oh shit, I’m in trouble.

  “Look. At. Me. Now.”

  His tone leaves no room for disobedience.

  I slowly raise my eyes to meet his stormy glare.

  “First, do you truly believe that they would hurt her after seeing what she’s been through?”

  “Well, probably not, but…”

  “No, but’s Liz. Yes or no?” He says stonily, his gaze drifting back from me to the road.

  “No,” I say meekly.

  “Second, what business is it of yours whether or not she has one man or two?”

  “I, I… she’s my friend. I don’t want two men breaking her heart because they see her as an easy target.”

  He slams on the breaks and pulls onto the side of the road, flipping his flashers on.

  “Out. Now.”

  I go to argue with him, but he’s not very happy with me right now. Instead, I open the car door and get out.

  He’s already on my side of the car and instead of letting me move, he crowds my personal space pushing my back against the car door without even touching me.

  “I admire your desire to keep people safe, Liz. Don’t confuse my anger towards you and my admiration for you, but you have to let people pick their own battles. If she wants both of them, then she’ll have them. Why? Because they both care about her, they both want to protect her and yes, they both probably want to fuck her. But that is her choice and her choice alone. I know those men, Liz, and they are good people. If they truly do care for her, like I think they do, they will protect her with their lives. We may be Dom’s but we have feelings and we’re not monsters.”

  I stare at him my mouth hanging open. I hurt him, by not trusting him. I hang my head.

  He lifts my chin with his finger, his face not as stern, instead I see a man hurting.

  “I’m sorry,” I choke out.

  “I didn’t mean to… I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t mean to not trust you or your judgment,” I say, tears starting to roll down my face. I drop my gaze again, feeling horrible.

  He nudges my chin again and I look into his eyes and see forgiveness as his lips touch lightly against mine. Instead of the punishing kisses I’m used to, he caresses my lips lightly. My arms start to rise and slide up his sides around his neck. His kiss deepens as his tongue finds its way between my closed lips. His tongue plunges leisurely in and out of my mouth, until he slowly pulls away.

  “I get that you’re worried about your friend, but please trust me enough to know my friends. Trust me to not let you or Izzy get hurt,” he says huskily.

  I nod, “I trust you. I’m sorry.”

  “Apology accepted for now,” he says pulling himself away from me.

  “In the car.”

  I watch as he walks around the car and opens his door. I open my door and get back in, buckling my belt.

  We drive the rest of the way in silence. I watch the world pass by lost in my own thoughts and worries. Before I know it we are at the airstrip and I am pulling my suitcase out of the back and dragging it towards the jet in front of me.

  “Jack?” I ask, surprised to see him standing by the steps to enter to the plane.

  He grabs my bag, “Hey Liz. Yup I’m a pilot too.”

  He winks at me and goes to put the bag under the plane. I feel a nudge behind me and see Ryker pushing me up the steps. I walk up the steps and into the jet. I look around, it’s beautiful. It’s got a dark cherry baseline color mixed with tans and browns. The front has four swiveling chairs and as you walk through the archway there’s a long couch on either side of the aisle and another chair at the end of each couch. On one couch, I see Anthony holding Izzy in his lap, while Matt sits at her feet alert to every ragged breath she draws. The other couch is empty and I’m guessing where Ryker and I will be sitting. Liz is passed out in Anthony’s arms. She needs the rest after everything that’s happened, I’m glad she’s getting it.

  “Take a seat,” Ryker says gesturing to the couch.

  I sit down and find a seatbelt to loop around my lap.

  Jack pops his head through the cabin, “Everyone ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be,” I mumble.

  Chapter 15


  I watch my girl clench the side of the couch as the plane lurches and begins to move. I can’t tell if she’s scared or anxious. Either way, I want to be the person to calm her down. I move my hand to her leg and begin to stroke her right above her knee. She twitches, but that’s the only acknowledgment she gives me that she can feel me. I listen to Matt and Anthony talking and begin bringing my hand a bit higher up her thigh. I can feel as she clenches her legs beneath my touch. She’s not as unaffected as she appears. The plane turns and begins to taxi. I let my hand slide up her thigh and dip between her legs, letting my fingers brush across her covered pussy. I hear her take a sharp intake of breath as she looks at me.

  I feel as the plane lifts the ground and I lean over and take her lips in a punishing kiss. Taking her lips with a force I didn’t exert earlier. I pull away with a grin.

  “Feeling better?”

  “How did you...?” She starts, “No, never mind, yes, thank you I’m feeling better.”

  “We’ve almost leveled off,” I say.

  “I have to admit, you did successfully distract me.”

  “That’s what I’m here for,” I wink.

  She sticks her tongue out at me and I lean over and whisper in her ear, “Watch where you stick that tongue Pet. I’m not above taking you to the back room and making you cum so hard, you won’t be able to walk off this plane.”

  “I didn’t even have to hear what you said to her Ryker, her cheeks are a beautiful pink right now,” Anthony laughs.

  “I have some toys in the back if you want to play, including a gag or two so she doesn’t wake Liz,” he grins.

  “You wouldn’t!” She sputters.

  “Oh, I absolutely would.”

  I stand up and hold out my hand.

  “You can’t be serious,” she whispers fiercely.

  “Oh, I can and I am. I know we don’t play with one another outside the club, but that’s about to change. We’re on our way to an exclusive resort on an island far away from home, so you better get used to the idea, Pet.”

  She stares at me in shock as if she didn’t really think things through before she got on the plane. If I knew she was truly worried, I’d stop, but she’s not. She’s worried about me getting to close to her. Unfortunately for her it’s going to happen whether she likes it or not.

  I leave my hand out in front of her. She stares at it a bit longer and I watch the emotions flicker across her eyes. I watch her face as she finally makes her decision and slips her hand into mine.

  Inwardly I sigh in relief. Even though we’ve been talking for a few months, 0ur relationship is still new, we’re still in the stage of discovering th
ings about one another. Especially now, since she’s dropped this newest piece of knowledge on me.

  For now, I push all that out of my head and focus on this moment. I lead her to the back of the plane and shut the door. You can’t say that Anthony is a cheap man, he goes all out in everything he does. I look around at the room, he’s got a queen sized bed and there’s a toy bag sitting in the middle of it.

  “Strip,” I say to Liz.

  I watch out of the corner of my eye as she slowly removes her clothes. I open the bag and see a ball gag, a blindfold, a couple vibrators, lube and a few other small things. This is going to be fast and fun.

  “Quickly,” I say turning to face her.

  She hurriedly removes the rest of her clothes, folds them and puts them on the dresser in the corner. I nod to the floor and she kneels. She lowers her head and places her hands on her thighs. She is absolutely gorgeous kneeling there for me, waiting for her next command.

  “We got interrupted the last time we played, that will not happen again.”

  I begin to circle her and stop at her back. Her hair is flowing across her bare back and just beckoning for my hands to grab it. I grasp her hair, twist it around my hand and pull her head backward.


  She pushes herself up and turns her body towards mine. I tilt her head back and lean down to kiss her. I let my lips brush against her. She tries to arch towards my lips and I just smile at her. I tilt her head to the side and let my nose trail against her neck. When I get to the spot where her neck meets her shoulder, I give a little lick and watch as goosebumps pop up all over her skin. Then I bite down lightly and feel her shudder. I nibble and lick, alternating sides of her neck. I feel her starting to tremble and bite hard into her skin. I listen to her cry out, rather loudly and pull back.

  “You’re being loud Pet. You don’t want to wake Izzy, do you?” I murmur, pushing her back against the bed.

  “No, Sir.”

  “That’s what I thought,” I say pulling the small gag out of the bag.


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