Book Read Free


Page 16

by Sarah Stevens

  “All I saw was red and couldn’t get to you fast enough. I remember hearing about that one player that took a skate to the throat and almost died. Man, I sure am glad you were okay and only needed Mandy to stitch you up.” Cam winks at Mandy before giving me an awkward hug like Seb.

  “Hey, plane’s ready we can all load up now!” Coach yells to the team.

  Mandy quickly introduces Angie, her nanny to me, before Cam and Ski grab their bags and baby gear to bring it to the plane. Cam tosses his bag at me to bring out. “Thanks man, appreciate it. Would’ve hurt if you hit my face.”

  “Anytime,” Cam starts laughing as he walks away.

  It’s a free for all when we get on the plane and Mandy takes the two seats across from Cam who Angie sits next to leaving me nowhere to sit that’s even close to Mandy, I think that was the point. Once I get settled in my seat next to Seb three rows back, I pull out my phone and notice I have a text message alert.

  Mandy: Chris implied we have a spy in our presence.

  Parker: What do you mean? Who?

  Mandy: Meyers. He was asking some weird questions after the game about why it took so long for you to come back to the bench.

  Parker: So, we have to now be careful everywhere, Fuck.

  Mandy: Yeah.

  Well now I know why she seemed on edge at my arrival. I want a moment of peace and to not have to worry about what I do, say, or who I am two feet away from. Thankfully, the flight is long enough where I can get some rest, I just hope Mandy can get some with Callie attached to her chest. I put my ear buds in and tune out the world for the next three or so hours.

  Once we touch down, it gets chaotic with everyone unloading off the plane and then loading onto the buses to the hotel. I see Cam and Seb helping Angie and Mandy with their bags and I’m grateful to have them as friends. Callie is all snug as a bug in her car seat and a tired Mandy is following Cam who is carrying it for her onto the bus. I hang back a bit watching them, wishing it was me. This is going to be a long season on the road if this is what I have to endure.

  The bus ride is quick, and thankfully late enough in Las Vegas that there are no fans waiting for our arrival. A curse of staying at the same place every time we’re in town is, we have fans waiting for us, most of the time. The same thing happens when we get to the hotel, except this time Mandy has Callie and the guys are helping with the bags and portable crib. Our room keys are handed out to us and we are released for the night. I hate doing after game traveling because we’re so worn out. We have the morning off with no skate time so I can sleep in. Mandy sees me and smiles before turning for the elevator with Angie by her side.

  Cam comes up to me, “Hey man, not looking so good.”

  “Yeah well it isn’t really any fun watching the girl who snagged my heart being taken care of by his best friends. Little like a punch to the gut. Did Mandy mention anything about Meyers to you?” I ask as we make our way up to our shared room for the night.

  “Yeah, she told me that Chris warned her about Meyers being some sort of look out and he’s bitter because he knows his contract is done at the end of the season and they brought her in basically to replace him. All this seems fishy to me. How can all these people be connected?”

  “I have no idea man. I just need to get through this season unscathed. Hopefully, the custody thing gets figured out soon and then things chill the fuck out. I’m sick of being on edge whenever I’m off the ice and I can’t live a normal life anymore. But hey, I want to thank you for helping out Mandy and Angie. She seems like a nice girl.”

  “Nice, hot, and married. Just my luck, right?”

  “Sorry Man. I’m drained, I’m going to hit the hay.”

  “Me too.”

  We both settle in for the night and have a who can snore the loudest competition.

  The next morning, I run downstairs to get some coffee from the hotel cafe for both Cam and I, and decide that I’ll bring some to Mandy and Angie too. I know they will be up because Callie won’t let them sleep in. A risky endeavor but I’m doing it anyway.

  Once I have coffee in hand I turn and almost run into Meyers. “Shit man, I didn’t see you there.”

  “All good Marsh, how’s your face doing this morning?”

  “Could be worse, I’m hoping to be in the net tonight, but we’ll have to see what Chris says. He gets the final say.”

  “I figured you’d go see Mandy and have her check it out since she sewed you up.”

  “That she did, and she did a great job too. But nah, I have to be cleared by Chris, he’ll take a look a little later this morning. He’s coming up to my room in about an hour or so since we don’t have a morning skate today.”

  “Cool. I’ll see you later then. Enjoy the caffeine, looks like you’re headed to a coffee party.” He laughs what I can only describe as a little evil.

  “Just me and the guys. Have a good day, Meyers.”

  Now I have to pay attention to my surroundings, that interaction felt a little weird. I head up to our blocked off floor and straight to Mandy’s room. As I’m raising my hand to knock the door swings open and Angie stands in front of me.

  “Morning,” I say with a chuckle at her shocked expression.

  “Dang, you scared me.”

  “Sorry, not my intention. I did however intend to fill you and Mandy up with some coffee.”

  “Thanks, that is exactly where I was headed. Come in.” She opens the door wider to let me in.

  “Morning Mandy, I brought coffee.”

  “Thank God. I forgot how exhausting traveling is, and now with Callie, even more so. Good morning to you too, by the way. How is the face this morning?”

  “I’m good, I wanted to drop this off. I need to go before someone sees me in here. We don’t need any more problems.” I turn towards the door to leave when Mandy cuts in.

  “I’m sorry this is happening, Parker. I hope we can get back to normal again soon. Thanks for the coffee.”

  “I’ll see you later.” It’s all I have in me to say as I walk out the door.

  “What took you so long?” Cam asks as soon as I walk in the door.

  “Ran into Meyers who asked me a bunch of questions then dropped coffee off to the ladies.”

  “Careful with that,” is all he says as he takes his coffee and inhales its scent. “Heaven.”

  “I know, I’m trying.”

  We drink coffee and watch some game footage while I wait on Chris to evaluate my injury before tonight’s game. Before too long there is a knock at the door and Cam goes to answer it and finds not only Chris, but Mandy is standing by his side. “Come in,” I hear Cam say as a smile appears on my face which kind of hurts a little bit.

  “Figured since she stitched you up, Mandy may as well come with me for the pre-game eval,” he says, knowing that I will take any second with Mandy as I can get. “Let’s see what we have going on here,” he says as he gently removes the bandage Mandy placed there last night.

  “Damn girl, you did an amazing job with this,” Chris praises Mandy.

  “Thanks,” is all she says.

  “What do you think we should do after seeing the placement of the wound and knowing he has to wear a goalie mask?” he questions her.

  “Ideally, I’d say that we wait at least five days before he puts a mask on due to the rubbing and possible stitches being ripped out, destroying the work I did.” She chuckles. “However, knowing this player, he’d fight that decision, so I recommend we put some steri strips on over the stitches to keep them in place and then maybe tape over that before pregame warmups. This way he is protected while not becoming a bear because he is benched.”

  “Well, call me impressed. Instead of just going for the medical opinion you threw in some personal knowledge of the player and came up with a good alternative. Great job. I’m glad to have you by my side out there,” he praises again before turning to me. “Marsh, I’ll agree to this plan, but you have to keep the helmet on as much as possible to avoid rubbing and
then let one of us check on it between periods. If it’s looking bad at any point in time or a stitch got pulled out, I will personally bench you until it is healed. Got it?”

  “Yeah I got it. Thanks for clearing me to play, and Mandy thanks for thinking outside the box so I can be out there in the net.” I want to hug her.

  “Anytime, however it would be easier if you didn’t get injured in the future.”

  “True that.” I laugh.

  “Well guys, rest up and we’ll see you at the arena later.” Chris heads to the door leaving Mandy standing there. I take the two steps that separate us and wrap my arms around her in a hug and kiss her temple. As fast as I grabbed her in my arms, I released her. “See you later,” I take the two steps backwards to the spot I was in, looking into her eyes. She smiles, then turns around and walks out the door with Chris.



  Parker is getting more and more daring with our interactions and I’m slowly breaking. I can feel it. After going with Chris to check on Parker’s injury and deeming him okay to play tonight, I go find Angie and Callie to grab some lunch before the day gets super crazy with tonight’s game.

  We plan to have Angie bring Callie to the game closer to game time and then go back to the hotel before the team. The best bet is for her to grab an Uber both ways. After lunch, we still have some time to spare so we take Callie down to the pool to see what she thinks.

  “I can’t wait to see how she reacts to the water,” I say as we walk out to the pool deck where I find Meyers sitting by the bar with a drink in hand. Totally against game day policies to be drinking.

  “I know this will be exciting, honestly for both of us. I haven’t been to Las Vegas before. It’s so different than Nashville,” Angie says.

  “I’m glad I’m able to get you away and do some exploring, even if it’s just a stop in a new city for the night. You can still add them to your list of places you’ve been.”

  “I appreciate the opportunity, and we get to catch up too. It’s been way too long since we have spent any time together.”

  “I know. I’m glad we have this chance to reconnect.”

  We get settled in a spot near the shallow end of the pool and as I’m taking my cover-up off Meyers steps up to my side.

  “Hey Mandy. How was Parker today?” he seems a little tipsy.

  “Good, he’ll play tonight with a little extra precaution. Chris signed off on it about an hour or so ago.”

  “Good to hear. Well, have a good day, I’ll see you later.” Then he walks away with a little sway to his step. I go about getting Callie ready to go into the pool and think about my interaction. I don’t like it but push it off to the side while I enjoy my time with Callie and Angie.

  “That was odd,” Angie looks at me with her eyebrow raised.

  “Very, I’m going to have to let Chris know he’s drunk. But after we have a little fun with Callie.”

  Callie isn’t so sure about the water, but she looks adorable as she dips her little toes in. Eventually we get her to be okay with getting wet and she’s laughing and squealing. We’re probably out at the pool for a half hour when I see the first yawn hit, followed by another.

  “I think it’s nap time for this one. Why don’t you bring her up to the room and get her settled in. I need to get a hold of Chris.” After Angie and I collect all our things, they head to the room. I get myself comfortable and call Chris.

  “Hey Mandy, what’s up?” he answers the phone.

  “Hey right back at ya. I was down by the pool with Callie and Angie and ran into Meyers. I think you have a problem on your hands. Chris, he was drunk and not even able to walk a straight line.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? We have game day rules for a reason. I can’t have him working on players if he isn’t sober.”

  “I know, that’s why I was calling you. There is no way in three hours he’ll be ready to work.”

  “God damnit, this isn’t the first time he’s done this Mandy, this will be his final out. Thank you for calling, I’ll go find him and talk to him.”

  I look up and across the pool to see Meyers in a lounge chair, staring right at me. “I don’t think you will have to look too hard. He’s still at the pool right across from me, and honestly I’m not too comfortable with the way he’s staring right at me.”

  “I’ll take care of it. Go back up to your room and get ready for tonight. We’ll be heading over to the arena before the team tonight so we can get accustomed to the training facilities. I’ll come up and grab you in about an hour and a half.”

  “Okay Chris, sounds good. Callie just went down for a nap, so I’ll run and grab some coffee and then start getting ready. See you soon.”

  “See ya soon.”

  I hang up with Chris and gather my few items and when I look across the pool, Meyers is doing the same, almost like he’s following me. It’s starting to creep me out, and he’s going to be pissed shortly when he realizes he lost his job because of me and my call to Chris. I go about my business and make my way to the cute little coffee shop for my caffeine fix, noticing Meyers is still following me. I turn around and confront him, “Meyers, why are you following me?”

  “Just making sure you aren’t going to go visit your goalie.”

  “What are you talking about?” I question him.

  “You know what I’m talking about. Do you want to destroy his career with a certain video?”

  “Meyers you’re acting crazy. Why don’t you go take a nap before tonight, and leave me alone? I’m here to do my job and nothing more.”

  “Whatever you say Mandy, know there are eyes everywhere. You aren’t safe.”

  “Meyers, I have no idea what you are talking about, again, I am here to do the job I was hired to do and right now I need a coffee then I need to get ready for tonight. I’ll see you later.” I turn and walk into the shop get my coffee and then go back to my room. I brush off the encounter and walk quietly into my room, so I don’t wake up Callie and bother Angie.

  Angie is sleeping peacefully along with Callie, so I take a seat drink my coffee and watch Callie sleep in her portable crib. A little while later, when I’m getting up to grab a shower, I hear Angie stir.

  “Hey,” she whispers.

  “Hey, sorry to disrupt you. I was just going to grab a shower. Chris is coming to grab me a little early so we can head over before the team and get acquainted with the facility.”

  “I didn’t even intend to fall asleep. I was going to read while Callie took her nap. I must have been more tired than I thought. This traveling is going to take some getting used to.” She chuckles.

  Yeah, I feel you. I wish I had the time to take a nap. I might have you stay home next road trip. We’ll see how the rest of this one goes with Callie.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I toss my coffee cup in the trash and grab a shower that is much needed. I’m putting my sneakers on when Chris shoots me a text saying he’s on the way. I grab my bag and a hoodie, then give Callie a kiss since she just woke up.

  “I already scheduled you an Uber to pick you up at five. The game starts at six and there will be a ticket waiting for you at will call. Thank you for everything you’re doing to help me out.”

  “No thanks necessary, Callie is great, and I finally get to travel.”

  “I’ll see you later. Don’t forget if you get hungry, call for room service.” Then I walk out the door as Chris is coming down the hallway.

  “Ready?” He asks

  “I sure am, what happened with Meyers?”

  “He’s staying at the hotel tonight. We’ve got this game covered.”

  “Okay, is he fired?” I ask

  “I still need to talk to the organization, so we’ll see.”


  We get to the lobby and a car is waiting for us. I look off to the side and I see Parker and the guys grabbing some coffee, I smile at them then continue to get into the car. It’s a short fifteen-minute drive to
the arena and two and a half hours until game time. Once we show our identification saying we’re with the team we go in search of the trainers’ room and facilities. It’s a pretty standard away team facility. Not as many tubs for the players to have treatments, but it will do. It’s never as good of a facility when we’re at an away game.

  Chris starts to set everything up from our road trunk while I gather all the drinks and towels and other mundane things. I’ve lost track of the time and the players have started to arrive. I quickly go grab the ice for the pre-game ice baths and warm up the whirlpool so it’s nice and hot. As the players come in for their treatment, I start taping wrists and ankles. Parker comes in needing to be stretched and taped up and walks right to me.

  “Hey beautiful,” he whispers so no one can hear him. I smile and nod and go about getting all the supplies needed to work on him.

  “I’ll go ahead and get you stretched and then see about that face of yours. I want you to remember to keep your helmet on as much as possible and I want to check the bandage and wound after every period. Is it hurting at all today?”

  “Nah, a little achy, but I took some Motrin earlier before I came in and it’s feeling better. I promise I’ll be careful tonight and follow directions.”

  “Thank you.”

  I go about his pre-game routine and then tend to his face. On ice warmups are about to start soon. Then the big show in forty-five minutes. Parker is all set to go then I have Cam walk up to me asking if I can take a look at his wrist.

  “Sure, what’s the problem with it?” I ask as he takes a seat.

  “Nothing, I wanted to check in with you. I saw Angie earlier before we left in the lobby with Callie and she said something about Meyers bothering you today at the pool and now he isn’t here. I was wondering what was up with it.”

  “He was drunk Cam, on game day, so he’s at the hotel for the night, sleeping it off. He asked me a few questions about Parker but other than that I don’t know anything. “

  “Okay, as long as you’re good. I think though from now on you should have Angie and Callie come to the game with us on the bus, I’d feel better about it with everything going on lately. Things just don’t feel right.”


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