Book Read Free


Page 17

by Sarah Stevens

  “I agree with you Cam, I’ll make a point to talk to Angie later. So, should I slap some tape on this wrist for you, so it looks like I did something for you?” I laugh

  “Sure, why not. A little extra support never hurt anyone.”

  The team heads out on the ice while Chris and I finish setting up the bench. Coach has his meeting with the team and then it’s showtime. I get positioned in the tunnel while Chris is on the bench.

  I try to find Angie a few different times, but I can’t locate her. Parker notices that I’m looking for her too and tries to find her after each whistle blows without any avail. The first period is over, and I meet Parker to take a look at his face. So far, our plan is working. I freshen up the dressing with a new one.

  “Parker, I can’t find Angie and Callie in the stands. I know exactly where their ticket was and I’m having no luck.”

  “I didn’t see them either. Try her cell and see if she answers,” he suggests.

  I try her cell and no answer. I’m starting to get a little worried now but brush it off for Parker’s sake and everyone else on the team that has already come to love my little girl. They have a game to play and I don’t need to give them a distraction. So, I lie, “Angie just texted and said she’s changing Callie’s diaper. Callie has been a bit uneasy and she’s been walking around the arena with her.”

  “Okay, good.”

  Parker goes back to the locker room to catch what Coach has to say about the first and what they need to do in the second. Basically, keep on what they are doing because we are up three goals to one. Intermission is over and the team is back on the ice for the second period. Another good period, there isn’t a score change and that’s definitely a good thing. I’m glad for no injuries at this point.

  Another intermission and another check on Parker’s face down, one period left. This game has both been the longest and fastest game. I still can’t see Angie in the stands, and I haven’t been able to reach her. The buzzer sounds and we win the game, four to one. I tell Chris I have to run and find Angie before she goes back to the hotel and that I’ll be right back.

  However, I wasn’t able to find them and now I’m terrified something has happened.



  Another win in the books, we’re on fire this season, and it’s looking good to be a top contender for the cup this year. After the game they announce the three stars of the game, me being one of them. I do my interview then I go in search of Mandy. She’s nowhere to be found. I ask Chris where she is, and he tells me she went to go find Angie before she goes back to the hotel.

  I continue doing what I need to do after the game, getting myself cleaned up, talking to the media and look for Mandy again so she can treat my face. Still nowhere to be found. Maybe she went back to the hotel with Angie. Then my phone rings. It’s Mandy.

  “Mandy, where are you?”

  “Parker they’re gone. I can’t find Callie and Angie.” She screams into the phone.

  “Where are you?” I ask as I grab Cam and Coach’s attention, waving them over to me.

  “I’m at the hotel. I haven’t heard from Angie all night. I didn’t want to concern you during the game, so I lied.”

  “Nevermind that, call the police and we’ll be back at the hotel as fast as we can.”

  “Okay. I’m scared.” She starts to cry.

  “I know sweetheart, me too. We will be there as soon as we can. Love you.” Those two words slip out of my mouth out of nowhere.

  She ignores my words and says, “Hurry.”

  Coach and Cam are looking at me with questions in their eyes. “Callie and Angie are missing. We have to get back now.” I grab my bag and rush to I don’t even know where, I just need to get to Mandy. Cam emerges in front of me stopping me in my tracks.

  “Marsh stop. Take a breath for a second. You can’t go running out the door and down the street. The team is loading up the bus now, Coach told me to get us an Uber and to call him when we get to the hotel.”

  I haven’t ever felt this way before, like my heart is trying to bust out of my chest. I put my hands on my knees bent over and try and catch my breath. I feel Cam’s hand on my back like he is holding me in place. Then I hear him say, “Fuck. Stay here I’ll be right back.”

  I find the wall next to me and slide down it, still trying to catch my breath and slow my heart down. It isn’t working. A few hundred heartbeats later Coach and Cam come running back to me.

  “Marsh we have a big problem. The video was leaked. We need to get you back to the hotel as fast as possible and Uber is taking forever. I’ve got a car waiting for you and Cam right outside the door. You two get to Mandy and get yourselves out of the public eye. I’ll be there with the team shortly,” Coach tells me as Cam picks my ass up off the floor, then leads me to the door and waiting car. Right as the door is about to close Seb and Ski come rushing towards us. “We’re coming too,” they say in unison.

  The four of us are taken to the back entrance of the hotel and led to a service elevator up to the team’s floor. I see Mandy standing in the hallway crying and talking to a police officer. When she sees me, she comes running at me and into my arms. I catch her and hold her as tight as I can without crushing her.

  I lift her face, so she is looking in my eyes and say, “Hey, we’ll find them. Come on, and let’s go back and talk to the police.” She nods her head and I tuck her into my side to walk back to the police officer. Cam, Ski, and Seb are right behind us. I’m sure we are an intimidating sight at the moment. We are all pissed off and scared for Callie, not to mention we all are over six feet tall.

  When we approach the officer, I introduce myself, “Hi officer, I’m Parker Marshall, this is Seb, Ski, and Cam. We’re all friends of Ms. Hutton. What is happening to find her daughter Callie?” I try and be cordial, but I can’t help the hard edge in my tone.

  “I’m Officer Jansen.” he shakes my hand. “We have officers down in the security office right now looking at security footage. I have my IT guy trying to pinpoint a location on Mrs. Angie Goodwin’s phone. We were unable to locate it in the room and have to assume she has it on her. Nothing seems disturbed in the room, so our best bet is to see what he security footage looks like. Ms. Hutton, I have to ask is there anyone you can think of that would take Callie?”

  “I’ll tell you who would take her, that is her biological father who is fighting for custody after relinquishing his parental rights before Callie was even born, Connor Davis. He has an order of protection to stay away from Callie and Mandy and he isn’t too happy about anything.”

  Mandy interjects, “If you call and talk to Officer Daniels in Trentonville, Tennessee, he will have all the info about it and Henry Gibson is the team’s lawyer as well as mine, he might be of assistance too. He has been working my case since the beginning.”

  “Okay, why don’t you all go into the room and wait for me to come back with more information after I check in with my people.”

  We move to go into the room when Coach and the entire team shows up on the floor. “What’s going on?” Coach asks.

  “We don’t have any information right now. We were just going to go to Mandy’s room to wait and see if the guys checking security video came up with anything,” I tell him.

  I usher Mandy into the room as I hear Coach address the concerned team in the hallway, “We don’t have anything guys. Go to your rooms and try and get some rest. We will let you know if we get any information via text.” Then he follows us into the room with Cam, Ski, and Seb. The police officer makes his way downstairs.

  “Marsh, the rumors are flying, and the police here doesn’t help. People think you’re getting arrested.”

  “What are you talking about Coach?” Mandy asks.

  I answer her. “The video got leaked. I found out right after I heard from you about Callie. This is more than coincidence. I don’t like it.”

  “I’m not sure that Meyers was the snitch, Parker. Meyers caught up to me
earlier today at the coffee shop telling me to be careful. He was warning me, and I think he was warning me about Chris. I went earlier to the arena with Chris to get set up and he seemed a bit off all evening. I keep noticing he’s watching me more than the ice tonight. I don’t like any of this one bit,” Mandy tells us.

  “I need to call Henry, he’s going to kill me to be calling this late.” Coach goes out to the hallway to make his call.

  “Oh God, I need to call Grandma.” Mandy bursts into tears. Cam comes to the other side of her and drapes his arm around her. “I’ll call her Mandy, you sit here with Parker. I got you.”

  Seb and Ski look a bit uncomfortable not knowing what to do as they lean against the wall. I suggest they go and find some coffee for all of us and then I pull Mandy closer into me and let her cry on my shoulder. I don’t even try and console her, I just hold her close. When I first met Mandy, I fell on my ass for her, not knowing all the things that would happen next in both our lives, I’d still do it all again. I can’t say I like the way things have been going but I do like having Mandy around. I’m scared right now though I don’t show it, that idiot seems like he’s a bit on the crazy side. He won’t like the results if I find him first.

  Coach comes back in the room letting us know Henry will be here in the morning and that Maggie is flying with him. Thankfully, we had a day off in between games because we aren’t going anywhere right now. When Seb and Ski return with coffee, they have the police hot on their tails.

  “Did you find anything?” Mandy questions.

  “Ms. Hutton, the video for the hotel have your daughter and Mrs. Goodwin getting into a car at approximately five this evening. The bellhop was able to confirm that is was a ride share. I’m convinced this happened when they got to their destination. I still have our IT guy trying to pin her phone location. We’re about to go to the arena and check their cameras since you told me earlier that was where they were supposed to be. I have your number and will let you know if we find anything. For now, I’d stay put and see if anyone contacts you. If they do, please let me know immediately.” He hands me his card with his information on it and leaves.

  I hug Mandy closer and kiss the top of her head that is tucked into my shoulder, Coach grabs my attention mouthing, “We need to talk”

  “Mandy, I need to go and talk to Coach, stay here with Cam and drink some coffee I’ll be right back.” I gently push her weight off mine transferring it to Cam before I get up and follow Coach to his room. I don’t want to leave Mandy, but I still have my own situation going on.

  “Coach, what’s up?” I ask as soon as his door closes.

  “Let me start with fuck,” he half yells in anger. After a couple of breaths, he continues, “Parker this isn’t good at all. Meyers was found in his room a little while ago unconscious, Chris was with him, doing CPR and waiting for EMT. Callie and her nanny are missing, and on top of all that, they want to try and charge you with domestic violence, if they can locate the girl in the video. I already have Henry on that, and PR is already armed with our statement. But Parker, I don’t know if I can make this go away. You know how the NHL deals with domestic violence, they have no policy and it’s up to one guy. Good thing we had the thought to mention this video beforehand so hopefully there won’t be a suspension for you. This is your year and I want to take you and the team to the cup.”

  “What is our next step?”

  “PR will release your statement in the morning, and Henry will be here first thing to help with anything legal. I have to tell you though if it all works out for you and this little blackmail mission didn’t work, you will have to go with the team the day after tomorrow when the plane leaves at eight in the morning, even if Callie isn’t found by then.”

  “I know, don’t remind me,” I grumble.

  “I have to go and see what is going on with Meyers. Did I hear Mandy mention him earlier?”

  “Yeah, she said he seemed drunk earlier in the day, that’s why he wasn’t at the game. Tonight he was ordered to sleep it off. When Mandy stopped for a coffee before the game he came up and gave her a cryptic warning. The other day, Chris told Mandy that she was being watched by Meyers, and to be careful around him with our interactions. Coach at this point I don’t know who to trust besides you, Mandy and the three amigos in the other room. Let me know what you find out about Meyers. But I have to say, I’ve never seen him drink more than two beers ever. And two won’t get you drunk.”

  “You know, you’re right. There are a lot of things that don’t add up tonight and a lot of things concern me. Go back with Mandy and keep me updated.”

  “Will do Coach.” I walk out the door, then stand there taking a moment to wrap my head around everything before going back to Mandy’s side. I’m just hoping with all the evidence we have that at least I will be okay with this domestic thing or lack thereof. The NHL does not mess around with anyone when a domestic charge comes into play. Henry better be able to stop that shit before it gets me in cuffs.

  I go back to Mandy, still wrapped up in Cam’s side, at least her crying has lessened some. I feel helpless at the moment. Cam gets up from her side and comes over to me to get an update.


  “Unfortunately, no, we seem to both be in limbo, me until at least the morning. Has the officer called with any info?”

  “No, not yet,” he replies.

  “Thanks for staying with her. I owe you.”

  “Marsh you don’t owe me anything. Mandy and Callie are important to all of us in this room. Do you want us to stay or head out and wait for any info?”

  “You guys try and get some rest. I’m staying here with Mandy. Apparently, Meyers is on his way to the hospital. He was found unconscious in his room after the game. This entire night is a shitshow. If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.”

  “I thought it weird when Mandy said Meyers was drunk and stumbling around earlier. I’ve never seen him drink more than two and never have I seen him drunk.” He goes and gives Mandy a hug, then Seb and Ski follow suit before they leave the room leaving Mandy and I alone for the first time in weeks. I wish it was under different circumstances, but at this point it doesn’t matter. She needs me, and I’m here for her.



  This night has become a blur. In all honesty, I don’t know who has been at my side in the past two hours. The room is silent, everyone has left, and no answers have been found, leaving Parker and me. Through this night I’ve been able to see the side of Parker he’s been wanting me to see all along and I have to admit I love it. He’s loving and caring and is completely focused on me even with his own issues brewing strong.

  “Parker, will you be all right with the video being sent out?”

  “Mandy don’t even worry about it. We have Callie and Angie that needs our focus. I’ll worry about my stuff tomorrow. Now come here and try and relax some,” he says as he sits against the headboard and pulls me with him making me lay across his body. His arms are wrapped tight around me, like he is trying to keep me grounded. I have Callie’s pink flamingo held tight to my chest, just so I have a connection with her.

  “I wish for a time that everything is easy, and we don’t have anything to face, no custody battle, no bogus video held over your head, I want to live life, work and play hockey. Why is that too much to ask?” I question no one in particular.

  We lay on the bed not really talking for the longest time, then my phone starts ringing. I immediately sit up and answer the phone. It’s the police officer.

  “Hello, have you found them?”

  “Hi Ms. Hutton, I wanted to call and give you what information I do have. We haven’t located Callie or Angie, but we seem to have a lead. It appears they took the scheduled Uber to the arena and upon arrival there was someone that met them at the car. It looks like a security member, female had red hair. We have conformation that there was no red headed security member on duty. In the security footage, the girls were led to a back entran
ce where a car was waiting, and they were forced in. The car left the premises. We have someone trying to clean up the footage so we can read the plate information right now. We haven’t been able to pinpoint a location on Angie’s phone yet either. There was also a driver we have yet to identify. I wish I had more for you, but I will let you know. Do you know who the red head might be?”

  “I know who it could be, Parker Marshall had a video released tonight and has been being blackmailed by a red head that calls herself Little Red. We have a suspicion this person might be involved with my ex who is fighting for custody. I think I mentioned him earlier, I have a restraining order against him.”

  “Ah, yes you mentioned that earlier, and I spoke to Officer Daniels in Tennessee. So, both of these things are probably connected,” he says.

  “We’re starting to think so, yes.”

  “Okay, I’ll make sure to notate this in the file. I wish I had more information for you Ms. Hutton but as soon as I do you will hear from me. Hang in there, we will find them.”

  “Thanks, the team had planned to stay another night, so we won’t be going anywhere.”

  “I’ll be in touch,” then he hangs up.

  “What did he say?” Parker asks.

  “The red head strikes again. A red headed security member apparently, greeted them at the area and then ushered Angie to a waiting car. They are trying to clear the image of the plate number right now. Parker, this is bad. Connor has to be behind it all, from trying to keep us apart, to the custody battle. I wish I knew why he wanted Callie so badly all of a sudden.”

  “I know babe, me too. We will find her, even if I have to stay here with you and let the team go on without me. I’m here and not going anywhere.” He pulls me back into his side and kisses the top of my head.

  “I appreciate it Parker, but you know you can’t do that. The team needs you and Grandma will be here in the morning. If Callie and Angie aren’t located by the time you and the team have to go, I want you to go with them, win the game for Callie.”


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