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Rome's Perfect Boy

Page 2

by Alex Fox

  "Nothing,” I said, and bathed myself. I tried not to look at this one named Lucan, or at his hanging cock and his low hung balls. The other three seemed fine, friendly in the way they looked at me, they smiled; they did not display their penises to me. But soon they got up and picked up their robes, and together, the three left the room, leaving me alone with Lucan.

  Once his friends had gone, he got up and came and lowered himself into the bath with me. He looked at me for a moment and I moved away.

  He followed me, came close, then closer. “Kiss me,” he said. “Kiss me, you are beautiful, Master has chosen well this time. Kiss me.” He took my head and pulled my mouth to his lips, and we kissed.

  I had never kissed another boy before; never kissed anyone before. I liked it very much and the memory of Master's fingers thrusting into my anus was still hot on my skin. My penis began to swell. It swelled more when Lucan pushed his tongue into my mouth, when he sucked my tongue into his mouth and explored me.

  He released me too soon and said, “Master does not mind us boys kissing and playing with each other's cocks. Shall we play?"

  "If it is allowed. But I will not do anything Master has forbidden."

  "Nothing is forbidden! Do you think such as him would forbid anything at all? You have no idea what he has planned for you—what he will do to you and how he will use you. He is perverse, and he plans to use your body in ways you cannot even imagine.” He began kissing me again, then stopped and said, “Let's get out of this bath, come and lie with me on the towels."

  "Only if it is allowed,” I said. I was scared, but excited. I did not know what was allowed and what was not.

  "Of course it is allowed, you fool."

  He climbed out of the bath, took towels from the shelves, and threw them down for us to lie on. I got out of the water to join him; I did not know what was right and what was wrong. But Lucan was older and wiser, he knew the Master's ways and would teach me, I hoped.

  He told me to lie down on my stomach; I did. He took more towels and rolled them tight and pushed them under my hips to lift my buttocks high and open.

  He got up behind me, and like my Master, opened my buttock cheeks and inspected me; he said, “You are a virgin."

  "I am,” I said and gasped when he lowered between my buttocks and I felt a new sensation; almost more exquisite than my Master's thrusting fingers.

  His tongue, licking and lapping at my anus, his lips kissing my hole, his tongue trying to enter me, and I lifted higher and opened more so he could thrust his warm wet tongue in as deep as he could.

  He licked, thrusting the tip of his tongue deep against my virgin hole; but soon he stopped and said, “Did Master do this to you?"

  "No, he did not. But it is good, Lucan, is this what he will do?"

  "This, and much, much more, but this will be all for now. I will teach you nothing more—you must learn it from him. If he should come now, he will kill me. Now, get up, boy, and wait for him. It will be supper time soon."

  I did not want him to stop licking me. My penis was swollen and I wished for release, but Lucan would not give it. I did not understand him and he frustrated me. I was so new to these sensations of sexual delight, and I did not want it to stop, never. So I wriggled my bottom at him and begged him for more.

  This stopped him and he said, “I like it when you beg,” and he reached down and took my penis and jerked on it a moment, saying, “You are well hung, a big cock and fine round balls; Master will love you and forget me."

  "Lick me,” I begged him. “Please, I have never felt such things before; I am a virgin, lick me ... please..."

  "Beg me more!"

  "Please, Lucan, please, please.” I could not stop myself wriggling and I reached and spread open my cheeks wide, using my fingers to stretch my hole and open it for his tongue. “Please, more, more..."

  "Only a little; if I am caught doing this with you, Master will whip me, then throw me out onto the street with the dogs; if he doesn't sell me first. Why should I pleasure you, my replacement?"

  He lowered himself over my back; I felt his stiff member pushing against my anus. He rubbed it up and down and said into my ear, “It is forbidden for us to fuck, but I would fuck your tight virgin hole, merely for revenge on him, if I dared. And maybe I will one day soon before he sells me on."

  He took his cock and tried to push it inside me. I felt his cock-head enter me; I gasped and pushed, clenched tight and he cried out and pulled away.

  He got up and snatched up his robes and said, “I will see you tomorrow.” He went out of the bathhouse, leaving me with my arse high in the air and begging to feel again something hard inside me.

  * * * *

  I slept all night in fevered dreams of my new Master. Before falling asleep, I remembered, again and again, his thrusting fingers, and I had to release myself into my hand. After it, I entered dreams of frustrated desire. All this was so new to me! And the thrill of Master coming to teach me more was unbearable. I was grateful for the old manservant who came in the morning after breakfast to take me out into the garden for exercise. To release my newfound passions.

  As the old man walked me out through the villa, he said, “My name is Nodus. Now, you can exercise with the other boys. You must wear loincloths in the garden and you are forbidden to touch each other. If I see a cock out, I will tell him! There are good games to be had here, but no cocks."

  And out we went into the long narrow garden, the grass here very green from rainwater sprinkled on it by two simple gardeners. Olive trees lined each side of the long length of the green for shade. Here I saw Lucan, Allectus, Dorian, and Adrian, all in a small group and throwing a large heavy looking ball from one to the other. I knew the ball was heavy, for they strained and sweated with the effort to toss and catch it.

  Lucan was their leader, of course; I had learned that last night. Now he stood and looked at me as I came to join them; they all wore loincloths and their bodies were oiled and sweating in the sun; they were tanned and I was not. I wondered if Master Antonius would care if my skin spoiled in the sun like my old master had done. I took off my robe and stood with the others, also wearing nothing but a loincloth. My hair was long down my back in dark waves, and this protected my shoulders from sunburning, but Lucan came and brushed my hair to one side and over my left shoulder.

  "So beautiful you are, Marcus. I thought of you all night last night. I had to jerk off my cock for thinking of you. I almost had you, didn't I?"

  He laughed so brightly, I warmed to him. Maybe he did not hate me so much after all, and I began to relax in his company and the other boys too.

  Adrian was so sweet and gentle with soft brown eyes and short curly hair; he led me out of the sun and we sat together under the trees in the shade.

  He asked me about my last master. I told him, “He only looked, never touched. I'm a virgin."

  "You won't be for long, not when Master Antonius finally has you, but he will make it last a long time before he penetrates you. He likes to make the agony of anticipation last for as long as he can."

  I thought about this, and wondered how it would feel to have Master's penis deep inside me.

  "Are you afraid?” Adrian asked me as I continued to watch Lucan and the other two carry on exercising with the giant ball.

  I said, “I am afraid, a little. But looking forward to Master's teachings. I have never been broken in and never touched. I did not even know it could feel so good. Is Master a big man?” I looked at Adrian and saw him smile.

  "He is huge, and the biggest balls I've ever seen. He is like the horses he rides; he is of the Equestrian Class and is trying to get into the Praetorian Guard. That is why he's away from home so often: sometimes we do not see him for days, and we go hungry for his delights. I miss the playroom so much!"

  I could not answer this; I had not yet experienced the playroom; that is, beyond my first day with his fingers inside me. “What more could there be?” I asked Adrian.

said, “Did you notice the ring high on the wall in that room?"

  "No, I didn't. What does that mean?"

  My heart was beating suddenly fast. Ring?

  "There is a ring high on the wall. He will sling you from it, that is, by your wrists. Then, depending on what you have done or how well you've pleased or displeased him, he will strap your bare arse, and more ... but I am not allowed to divulge any more of what goes on there. We are all sworn to secrecy on Master's orders. So, Marcus, you can only find out by going there!” He laughed and jumped up to go and join the game.

  Lucan called me over to play with them. I went, my heart still pounding from Adrian's news of the playroom. I began to sweat and tremble, but soon put it aside as Lucan tossed me the giant ball. It almost knocked me down as I caught it; it rammed the breath from my chest. I dropped it.

  "Come on, you weakling!” Lucan shouted at me. “Pick it up and throw it to Allectus!"

  I tried; I truly did try, but the ball weighed so much, I could only lift it so far and run with it. I played this game for a long time, until we all fell exhausted onto the cool grass on our backs. And lying on my back, I looked up at the blue sky and the light white clouds, and saw Lucan's face appear above me. He slipped a hand down into my loincloth, and began fondling me; he slipped a finger down lower between my cheeks and gave a wiggle.

  I sighed and opened my legs for more, and he lowered for a kiss; we kissed hotly, deeper than I expected, and he sighed. “Marcus, oh, Marcus, you are beautiful, I want you so much; shall we go and play? You know we are allowed to masturbate each other and kiss, so will you come? If I can make you come, will you?"

  He kissed me again and I enjoyed him, him and his probing finger between my buttocks.

  But a voice said over us, “Stop that! Stop it at once! Lucan, leave him!"

  Lucan growled. “Go away, you old bastard, I will have him if I want him!"

  It was the old manservant, Nodus, glaring down at us, a white rage showing in his eyes. He cried again, “Stop it, or I will tell the Master, and if you spoil this boy for him, he will kill you, Lucan, he will kill you. Perhaps he will put you in the arena as bait for the gladiators! Stop it."

  Slowly Lucan withdrew his finger from my hole, too much now I wanted my hole played with.

  I said to the old servant, “Can we not play? What harm is being done?"

  "Just this, young man, you are the Master's property; you are for him to despoil, not this one here. This one only wants to poke you to spoil you for the Master, for revenge. The Master bought you for himself and no other. If you do not obey, I will lock you in your room and no supper tonight."

  Lucan gave a laugh and sat up. “All right, old man, have it your way. I will leave him alone, only do not lock him in his room, let him exercise with us."

  "I will, and I will be watching you, boy!” Nodus pointed a shaking finger at us both, and went striding off to join the gardeners. There he sat down on a bench and watched.

  So it was I spent the rest of the day exercising, and Lucan, I could see, found it hard to keep his hands off me. But he did. We bathed together later, again under watch by the old man, then had supper and off to bed, alone.

  Another two days this routine was repeated and I wondered when Master would come home. I had known him only one day, but it was enough for me to think of him with anticipation and longing. When would he come home?

  * * * *

  I knew the Master was back when I felt a thrill run through my body as I heard his voice in the corridor outside of my room. Three more days I had to wait for him—him and his deep commanding voice.

  I was lazing on my bed with the window open to play the sweet summer air over my naked skin; I was rapidly probing my own anus with my fingers. Master had taught me the joy of this, and then I heard his voice calling the servants to bring him some lunch. Excited, I sat up but my door opened the moment I pulled my fingers from my hole. Master strode into my room, saw me naked and panting. His eyes opened wider; oh, he was so handsome! How could I have forgotten his lean strength, and dressed in his gleaming equestrian armour. My cock jumped at the sight of him.

  "Marcus, I see you are eager for more lessons from me; good boy. First, I must go and change, wash and have something to eat. I will send the servant to bring you to my playroom later. But I order you; keep your hands off yourself! Do not touch yourself when I am home, do you understand me?"

  "Yes, Master, I do."

  He turned to leave, but stopped, looked back at me from the door, “I had almost forgotten what a beauty I had bought, and now I am home for a while, I can play with you and get my money's worth. Wait for me and no touching yourself."

  Then he was gone, the door closed and I fell back on my bed in a swoon of delight and anticipation. My Master was home and he wanted me...

  But in the end, he did not call for me until after my bath and strigil that night; the old manservant led me to the playroom, and here I found my Master ready and waiting for me. He sat in his red padded chair and relaxed in his toga. He stood up for me and told Nodus to leave us. The room was supplied with water in a pitcher, red cameo glassware, a bowl of fruit and dates. I tried to glance for the ring high on the wall, but I could not take my eyes from my Master's face. He was shaved clean and looking fine. I had combed my own hair over my left shoulder, and the moment he saw me, he rose from his chair and came to me, undid my robes, and took off my loincloth.

  "Such beauty should never be covered,” he told me, walking around me again and studying my form. “Have you been exercising with Lucan and the others?"

  "Yes, Master, I have."

  "Good boy, and did Lucan make passes at you? Be honest, he is allowed only small kisses; I allow him this for being so good to me all these years. So, small kisses?"

  "Yes Master, he did kiss me."

  "It is permissible; I like my boys to kiss and fondle. Did he do more to you?” He walked around me as he spoke and stroked my buttocks.

  "He kissed me, that is all, Master."

  "Did he put his cock in you?"

  "No, Master, he did not."

  "I would kill him if he did; so you must swear on my household Gods, did he put his cock in you?"

  "No, Master, I swear to your household Gods, he did not put his cock in me."

  "Good boy. I believe you, Marcus. Go and sit on my chair and part your legs wide."

  I did as he ordered, sat and opened my legs wide for him. He came and looked at my manhood and saw I was wearing the cock-ring he had given me to wear.

  He said, “Take it off; I have something else I want to do to you, and I think now, the cock-ring is not right for you."

  "Yes, Master."

  I gently rolled the ring off my penis and put it down on the low table before the couch; I waited for what he had planned for me next. He went to the chest, took out a long piece of leather twine, and put it down on the table near me; he took off his robes and stood before me only in his army kilt. His chest was strong, with light dark hair, his nipples erect, his arms long and lean and strong, and for the first time, I saw his massive erection lifting his kilt, but I could not see his penis itself.

  He made no sound other than his deep breathing as he began to tie the twine about my testicles to bind them; he did not do it too tight, only enough to pull them from my body. He breathed and stopped, then wound the twine around the base of my member and tied it off.

  "I want your cock in bondage to me,” he said. “Such a fine cock you have, Marcus, and I want to show it off. Is the twine too tight?"

  "No, Master, it feels fine."

  He stood up and adjusted his erection from under his kilt; still I did not see his member, and it drove me wild, as it was so huge and I almost begged him to reveal it to me. Only he bid me to stand; he took more twine from the chest and bound my wrists together, again not too tight, and led me to the wall and reached up with my arms so he could bind my wrists to the wall-ring. When he had tied me firmly, he stood back to admire me. />
  "So beautiful, Marcus, your body, your lips; should I kiss you now? So beautifully bound for my pleasure."

  "Please, Master, do with me what you will. I am yours to command, and I wish you would command me. If you wish to kiss me, please, please..."

  "Oh, my Gods! You even beg sweetly."

  He grabbed a handful of my long hair and pulled my head back and kissed all over my face and neck, but he did not touch my lips. And again, he drove me wild; how I wanted his kiss! But he did not give it; always he held me back on the very edge of madness and desire. I began to squirm in my bonds, again with my member swelling, and I felt the twine tighten around my balls. I loved it! Oh, the feeling was tremendous pleasure. Master came and loosened the twine around the base of my penis, and saw it swelling to erection, but he did not touch it. Again, he was driving me wild!

  I began to pant and beg, “Master, please, touch me..."

  "Not yet, my boy, I have something special planned for you tonight."

  He went again to his chest and opened the doors. I could not believe it when he took out a belt strap; my pleasure then turned to fear. I had never been beaten or whipped before!

  My fear was great and I began to whimper and beg, “Master please, what have I done wrong? I have done nothing to have you punish me now!” I was so afraid that I began to cry. My tears ran, he came and wiped them onto his fingers and sucked them.

  He said, so kindly, “Marcus, I am not about hurting you, but pleasuring you. I am the giver of pleasure, and I am not going to strap you for punishment, but for discipline. My discipline will take you places you have never been before. At least, I wish for it. I wish for you to feel and know my kind of pleasure through discipline. Remember this; I am not doing it to hurt you for being bad. I am doing it to release you into your true self, to set you free."

  I did not understand him; I shivered with fear. I did not know pain, I had never had it, never been beaten.


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