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Rome's Perfect Boy

Page 3

by Alex Fox

  I breathed hard and Master said at my side, “I will give you only three stripes; a strapping to brand you as mine. This is what I am doing: I am marking you as mine, branding you, claiming you. And once it is done, you will be truly mine—all of you; your body, your life, your soul and all that is inside you. You will be mine and mine alone. My boy, my possession, to do with as I wish. Only three straps for now, until you can learn to take more."

  "Master, please no."

  I sobbed and broke down, I did not expect this from him! He kissed my tears, so gently, his lips against my cheek.

  Again, he reassured me, “Only three. I must brand you, Marcus, to claim your body. Do you wish to be mine?"

  "I do!"

  "Do you wish to submit to my every desire and please me?"

  "I do!"

  "Do you wish to know the wonderful release and freedom you will find under my discipline?"

  "Yes, Master, I do."

  "Then push out your buttocks and take my branding."

  I did it; I pushed out my buttocks and braced myself for his strap—I breathed in deep, still not understanding why I must be whipped. He moved to my side, took his belt, and laid a fast and hard strap across the round of my left cheek. Oh! I felt it sting! And I gasped and shivered and cried.

  "Only two more,” he said.

  He moved to my other side and strapped me again, fast and hard across my right cheek. This time I shivered deeper and felt the burn of it running down my legs and up my spine; the feeling of it took over my whole body, and I waited for the third and final strap. He whipped me this time across both cheeks together, such a beautiful whip! It thrilled me out of my mind! Pained me just as much and I sobbed and cried again, shivering.

  He said to me, “You are so beautiful when you shiver; look, I can see the red welts rising on your beautiful buttocks.” And suddenly he fell on his knees behind me and began laying tiny kisses on the stinging welts.

  This sensation was too much for me to endure! So good, so painful, and so pleasurable all at once—the two things becoming one inside me, flooding my body with desires of its own; desires and feelings I did not even know resided inside me. Now, these sensations, feelings, emotions flooded my whole body and mind. I moaned as his kissing lips touched the welts, as he gently parted my cheeks and gave my hole a sudden lick, only one! One to drive me wild! I cried out, and he stood up and released me from my bonds; he took me to lie down on the couch on my stomach, and here he told me to rest.

  He went to the window as I lay still and breathed; for a long time he stood looking out of the window at the beautiful evening sky. What was he thinking? What had he done to me? As I lay, I let myself feel the stinging pain of the strapping, now hot and sending strange sensations of possession throughout my body—in my stomach, up my spine, filling me head to foot with the very feelings he said I would feel; a long delicious sense of freedom, of being owned, of being loved, of being wanted like I had never felt before in my life.

  Master had given this feeling to me! The way I felt now was all his doing—his gift, his wonderful fulfilling gift—and I stunned myself when I knew that I wanted more...

  I lifted my head and looked at my beautiful Master, his figure tall and lean and muscled like a Spartan athlete; short dark hair and dark eyes, full lips, and a noble nose, my Master! I wanted to please him for giving me this gift—my body desired to be released. How strange to feel release in bondage, to feel pleasure in being strapped, to feel love in being owned and possessed.

  My member began throbbing, and I said, “Master Antonius?"

  "Yes, boy, are you all right now?"

  He turned to face me; he looked so handsome.

  I asked him, “Master, would it please you if I begged for more strapping? I did not know I would feel this way and I want it. I want more. I need to feel it! You make me feel so much, so many new sensations, so many new emotions, so many new feelings; I cannot even understand. Oh Master, please give me more."

  Through all my babbling, Master only stood and stared down at me; his eyes grew wide, his lips slightly parted and he knelt down at my side. “Marcus, do you understand what your requests have done to me? Oh, how I dreamed of finding a boy who would need my strap, my discipline, who would offer himself to me body and soul. I have searched and searched for such a boy and could you be he? Could you be the one? Marcus, tell me this is no jest to appease me. Tell me the truth. Do you wish for more? To truly be mine in every way? If you say yes, I will take you far and you will know ecstasy. I will make you mine down to the last beautiful hair on your head. I have looked for such a one as you all my life."

  "Master, yes, yes, yes, please; I want more, so much more I could die. I wish to die in your ecstasy. I want you to teach me, show me what my body and mind can truly have and feel. Oh, Master, I need you so much. Take all of me, all of me, make my life and body yours and only yours. Strap me more!"

  My passions overcame me and I sobbed as he lifted me from the couch and gazed at me with a wild look of awe and amazement in his beautiful eyes. He took me to the ring and bound my wrists again high over my head. Already I felt the thrill of his coming strap. My member stood up at once, so stiff and hard it was a throbbing rod the like I had never had before in my short life.

  My master's breathing was fast; his own cock stood up like mine, only bigger under his kilt, and his control was masterful—he never touched himself, and never gave himself relief before me. Oh, how I wished to see it, his great throbbing member! But then, all I could know was his strap: he came to me and doubled it over.

  "Are you ready, my beautiful boy? Brace yourself."

  "I am ready, Master."

  And so it began; my baptism into his discipline and his love—he strapped me fast and hard again over my buttocks and I stiffened and shivered.

  He said after two more brandings, “If it hurts too much, just tell me to stop. Say the word ‘stop’ and I will do so immediately. You must not destroy yourself for my sake, as I need you healthy and alive so we can have much more of each other. Marcus, do you understand me? This is an order. Say stop when you want me to stop."

  "I will, Master,” I said, breathing hard and fast. “I'm ready for more."

  Again, I braced, feeling my heart beating so fast that it thumped in my neck and head, my cock rigid. My master then gave me more, up my back, and he sent me wild with pain and pleasure. A burning thrill again took hold of my entire body; burning! Stinging! He strapped me again and again, my back, my shoulders, and each strap felt like he was making love to me, claiming me as his, controlling me; oh, I wished to submit and fall on my knees to his strength and control, my master!

  Eight strappings I took and said, “Stop Master!” I slumped in my bonds, my body on fire, and I cried for the pain I had let him give me. I was shivering and he took me down and gently led me to the couch again and lowered me to rest.

  He stroked through my hair and kissed my face. He said, “Did I take you too far for your first time, boy? But I will look after you; your every need will be met and more."

  He continued to stroke my hair and kiss my face. I was in bliss to bear this pain for him. I would do anything for him, go anywhere, endure any hardship, suffer any pain. He cared for me!

  He said, “I will have Nodus tend to your welts, but it is not as bad as it feels, Marcus. I did not draw blood, and the welts look so beautiful on your delicate skin—my brandings, my marks, my claim, you are mine, my possession. I will use you well. Care for you and give you pleasure. This you will learn, and with me, I will liberate you. Thank you, Marcus, thank you for your submission."

  "Master,” I sighed. “Master ... I am happy, and sore!"

  "Then rest; I will send Nodus to tend to your welts, and after you have rested and recovered, I will give you something else, a gift. Rest well, my boy, and I will see you again later tonight."

  "Yes Master.” Again he left me; left me feeling bereft of his care and his command, his deep voice and his loving whip
s. I closed my eyes and let myself feel the way he had possessed my body with his brandings. Oh, how could I ever think he wanted to hurt me? No, he only wanted to love and possess me. And I wanted it; I wanted it so much I began to cry again, not from the pain but the joy that I had found in this wonderful man, this master...

  Nodus soon came to tend me with cooling salves for my welts. He did not speak as he laid out his little pots on the table, and like we boys, he was wearing nothing but a loincloth. This surprised me; did Master use Nodus as well? I was also surprised to see that his body did not look decrepit with age, but he was well toned for an old man.

  He came and patted me over my back and buttocks with a little ball of cotton soaked in salve. I sighed with pleasure to feel the coolness on my raging skin. He did this for a while, then finished and left me alone to rest.

  I got up and poured myself some water from the pitcher on the table; I drank the sweet rainwater, then went back to rest on the couch. Here I slept for a while, and woke later to the blessed return of my master.

  "Do you feel better, my boy?” he asked me.

  "Yes, Master, I am happy and rested."

  "See? It was not as bad as it felt; I did not strap you too hard for your delicate skin. For you, your tenderness of flesh will not take a heavier branding; it is not necessary with you. It is enough what I gave you. Marcus, during the following weeks I will introduce you to another kind of discipline, special to my desires. I feel now that you will be able to endure it."

  He stood over me as I looked up at him from the couch; he was holding a lamp burning in its bowl, throwing light over his dark and handsome face. How powerful he looked! I wanted his special discipline, even though I knew not what it was.

  I said, “Yes Master, I will endure it."

  He laughed a little, deep and very arousing for me to hear. He said, “You do not even know what it is and still you agree. You are the perfect slave to me; I am growing too excited to think that you might be the one I have been looking for since I understood my own needs."

  He went away and put down the lamp on the table. He turned and went to the window. Here again I saw him look out into the night. From the window, his strongly muscled back to me, he said, “How old do you think I am, boy?"

  "Master, I cannot say. I have not known many men to judge; only old men that my old master used to bring to his house to view me."

  "Then make a guess; am I old to you?"

  "No, Master, you seem a man to me; the perfect man. Not old, still very young with virile strength that thrills me."

  "Guess my age; do it, my order."

  His voice commanded me to answer. “Thirty years."

  "Well done, boy, you are close. I am twenty and nine. Did you expect someone older? For I strive to join Legio X and its Praetorian Guard and I think Caesar cares for me. Now Marcus, our night is not yet finished, but almost. Go and lie yourself over the table top again, like you did on your first day."

  "Yes Master."

  I got up at once and did his bidding. I laid my bare chest over the padded tabletop and waited again in deep desire and anticipation for his touch, for what was he going to do to me now? Oh please! Let him touch me inside. I opened my legs wide even though he had not told me to do so.

  "Good boy,” he said. “You anticipate me well."

  And then he went again to his chest and opened the doors for another tool. He came and showed it to me, his new tool. Lying in a box lined with soft red silk was a small white phallus with a wide base, a perfectly shaped male member with its own foreskin ridged for pleasure; or so he told me, as I had never seen a phallus before.

  "Women use them too,” he told me. “This one is made of softwood but I have another one made of green jade from the Orient, much bigger than this one. But this one is perfect for you. When you are able to take more, I will use the green jade cock on you. For now, Marcus, the small and delicate softwood cock is yours."

  My heart began to race when he said these things. My breath short, I could not wait for him to begin. Again, I begged him, “Please, Master, please put it in me!"

  He laughed. “How eager you are. I have never had a boy so eager to receive my pleasures."

  He took the little white phallus and went to oil it from the bowl he kept on the chest top. I watched him oiling it, holding it in his hand and stroking it, his shadow on the wall from the lamplight.

  Oh! I could not wait and began to squirm. My bare buttocks and my own cock stiffened and throbbed as still I wore the leather twine that put my member in bondage. For a long time, Master oiled the little cock in his hand, then he came to me, and I took in a deep shuddering breath. First, he oiled my eager hole and I almost died from his mere touch. Around and around he oiled me with his thumb, just as he had done that wonderful first day.

  I gasped.

  He said, “Relax yourself, boy, and open; do not tighten, but open your hole when you feel it going in—open more, do not resist it."

  "Master, yes..."

  "Here it comes now."

  I stiffened and shook. He used his forefinger to open me and lead in the phallus; his fingers helped me open, and the little cock pushed in and stretched me wide and I loved it! Oh, it felt so good, to feel it opening me, filling me, only small but enough for my virgin anus to respond with spasms of joy and pleasure. I cried out as my master pushed it all the way up to its wide base, and then, he began gently thrusting it in and out. I felt its length gliding in with the oil and I began to thrust back and allow my stiff member to enjoy it too—I was so stiff! How my master commanded my body; it was a delight, nothing but delight, and added on top of my recent whipping. I began within moments to build to an orgasm that threatened to floor me.

  "Master! Oh Master, I'm going to orgasm! More, please, more, deeper, deeper, thrust it hard, deeper!"

  He moved quicker, eager himself as I heard him breathing as fast as his thrusts. Using the phallus on me was giving him pleasure, for my own pleasure was commanding my mind and body. My legs went weak as he fucked my hole; he twisted it, took it all the way out, and then thrust it back in again, punishing my anus and then, suddenly he gave one huge thrust up to its base. I came with a great wailing cry and my cock went into great shuddering spasms of pleasure. So intense, I almost passed out and fell to the floor. He gave a great sigh with me and took my cock and milked it into his hand as I came again and again, spurting repeatedly through his beautiful long fingers.

  I died! I cried with joy, I breathed, and my master stroked my back and said, “Good boy, good boy, so beautiful you are, my Marcus..."

  He called me his Marcus. My Marcus, my Marcus ... I was his; his and his alone. He milked me until nothing was left, my seed splashed on the floor and on his fingers, and to know my seed was on his fingers thrilled me almost to death.

  He held my head down and said, “Breathe deeply, relax yourself. Listen to my voice and my orders."

  "I will, Master, I will."

  As he spoke, he carefully withdrew the phallus from my body, and it was a terrible loss. I felt empty, but he rubbed it very softly over my hole.

  He told me as he rubbed me, “In a moment, I will put it back in. I will push it up to its base and I want you to leave it in all night. Sleep with it up your anus, and do not take it out until morning. You must wear it for me all night. I will tie on your loincloth with a thong up your centre that will help hold it in place. Do you understand what I want you to do, Marcus?"

  "I think so, Master. I must wear it all night and not take it out until morning."

  "Yes, that is what I want you to do. It will give me deep pleasure to know you are wearing it for me all night. Tomorrow, I have decided to sell Allectus, Dorian, and Adrian. I will keep you and Lucan only. So, you will take out the phallus in the morning before I go to the salve markets."

  "Yes Master. Master?"

  "Yes, Marcus?"

  "Please make sure the boys go to good masters. They are good boys and were kind to me."

Again, he gave his light laugh, and said, “I will make sure of it; they are good boys and have given me much pleasure over the years. Only good masters will take them. I have some power in this city. I have Caesar's favour so no man will be cruel to one of my boys and live. Worry not, Marcus, worry not. These are not your concerns. All that must concern you is pleasing me by submitting to my every desire."

  "Yes Master, I will submit."

  "That is what I want to hear. I think this night is over; it has been a long night and you need your beauty sleep. Let me put this phallus back in now, and open yourself..."

  I did as he ordered me and opened again, and felt the delicious thing slide up to its base. Once fully inserted, Master helped me to stand upright; my legs were still weak from pleasure and my anus was full and tight. He bade me stand still for him to dress me, winding the loincloth around my hips and up between my legs and my centre to help hold the phallus in place.

  I gave a deep sigh; it felt so good to have this thing inside me, his gift. His gift filled my body and stretched my hole in a wonderful way. I felt wanted, loved, cared for, and even cherished. I studied his face as he fitted the loincloth. I wanted to taste his lips on mine, I wanted him to seize me and kiss me, to thrust his tongue deep into my mouth, thrust his massive member up where the phallus now was.

  When would he cock me? When would he kiss me?

  And when he had finished his dressing my body, he took my face in his two hands and gazed into my eyes. He kissed only my forehead. He said, “Sleep well, my beautiful boy, and keep that phallus inside you. I trust you to not remove it before breakfast."

  "I will not, Master."

  I smiled at him, and my eyes filled with tears for love of him. For my need of him and his great power to command me as I wanted. So much, I wanted to submit to him! My tears spilled and he laughed again.

  He said, “Wait here for Nodus; he will lead you to your room. Goodnight, Marcus.” Again, he went out of the room and left me alone, waiting for his old man servant.

  The old man led me well as I walked slowly. He knew I was wearing something plugged inside me; he was not surprised to see me walking oddly. To my room then, where a small supper waited on my table, the lamp alight. I could not sit down, so I ate my bread and cheese standing up.


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