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Rome's Perfect Boy

Page 7

by Alex Fox

  But he came to me as I cried; he took hold of me and held me, kissed my hair.

  "Poor Marcus, you feel the loss of me deeply, that I have been using Lucan and not you. I have been testing him, to see how far he will go for me. I need to compare him to you and then, I will make my choice. You or him. He gave me a lot of pleasure over these past nights, but I have this sense that he only did it for me to keep him here. He does not enjoy it like you do. He does not submit so completely as you do, he does not abandon himself to me fully like you do. So tonight, I will give you what I gave him last night, and I will see which of you reacts the best to my needs and desires."

  I sobbed, “So this is another test. And if I pass?"

  "We will see."

  "Master, sir, do you love him?"

  He laughed. “In some way I do, for I would not have kept him all these years if I did not. He responds differently to my discipline; he reacts with anger, not like you. You react with joy and bliss, which is what I want. I do not want angry youths; I have enough of them under my command at work. But I care for him with love of a kind, more brotherly love than being in love with him. Marcus, I know you are in love with me now, but I love Lucan like a younger brother. And yet, I still need to test you, train you, and watch how you respond to my needs. Will you submit to me tonight?"

  "Of course, Master, I will. You know I will. I need and crave your discipline; without it, I am nothing. With it, I am everything."

  "Yes, exactly! This is exactly what I want. I want that one special boy who is everything under my command and lost and nothing without me."

  He released me and poured us both wine, as he liked to do. He gave me a large glass and asked me if I had eaten well. I had not. I had been so sad today that I had not eaten much dinner.

  I told him this, and he said, “That is not good. You need strength, Marcus; you know that when you submit to me, you need your strength. Then maybe I will postpone our session tonight."

  "No! Master, no; I cannot wait another night. I will eat now.” I took some grapes from the bowl and began to eat them as he stood and watched me.

  He sat down. “Eat them all if you can, and I will make this session a short one. Intense, but short."

  So I ate the grapes and drank the wine and I felt wonderful, wonderful when he sat and watched everything I did.

  "Beautiful, Marcus,” he said. “It is so hard to deny myself having you. I have to discipline myself when I think of you. You are my great indulgence. My great temptation. It would be so easy to just take you to my bed, strip you, kiss you, lay you down under me, so easy to do that. But it is not enough for me. Or for you. I need to control your body and your sex, and you need me to control your body and your sex."

  Then he stood up and came to me, took the wine glass from me. He said, “Marcus, even if I were to take you as my lover, to my bed and into my heart, I would still need to bind you, discipline you, command you, and brand you. Everything. I would still need to do this to you. It will not stop just because I have you as my lover. Do you understand this?"

  "I understand it, sir. I do. And I do not want it to stop. I want you to love me and brand me, and do to me what you need, what I need. I want you to keep on doing it forever, with new disciplines, new methods of control, and ways to the Divine. Please, sir, I do understand."

  "Oh, you are perfect, even your answers to my questions are perfect; you say exactly want I want to hear. Now it is time. Disrobe and go and lie down on your back on the table."

  "Yes, sir."

  Oh, my joy came at last!

  To strip naked for him, to lie naked for him, to wait for him to take me to a new place. To discipline my body. I stripped naked and got up on the table, on my back, and I breathed and waited.

  Tonight, he did almost the same as our last wonderful session; again, he blindfolded me, gagged me. Again, he tied up my wrists and hoisted up my ankles wide, pulling my legs open and back towards my head. Everything for him to see and use, presented for him to use at his leisure—my anus open, my cock hard, my balls willing to be stretched again. This time, he put a small pillow under my back to help brace me and keep me comfortable in this trussed up position. He moved around the room, his breathing hard again, enough for me to hear him in his growing excitement.

  My growing excitement.

  He again went for his twine and bound up my cock and my balls; only this time, he did not separate them. I wished that he would for I loved it so much, it felt so wonderful, even beautiful. I wanted it! I waited for his control, felt the joy when he began tying the weights to my testicles and let the weights pull down and stretch my balls from my body—such an intense feeling flooding me as I knew, this time, the weights were a little heavier than the last.

  My cock began to dance and twitch as I felt him give the weights a small push. They began to swing from over the edge of the table, tugging back and forth against my sac as they swung, and sending me delirious with pleasure. I moaned and whimpered through my gag.

  "Are you all right, Marcus?” Master asked.

  I grunted yes.

  I only wanted more, much more!

  The weights swung, and I heard Master go and sit down. “Stay like that for a while, Marcus, give yourself over to the sensations, relax and feel. Relax and feel."

  I did feel. I felt so much more than just the weights swinging my sac, stretching my balls. I felt my cock raging to come. I felt my heart thrashing, my anus gaping for Master to view. I felt my emotions soaring again in that wild sense of freedom and liberation, the awe-filled sense of being wanted, precious, my body worthy of my Master's use.

  I let him watch me, felt again his eyes on me, his breath as he took in the sight before him. I hoped and begged that he would again masturbate over me and splash me with his warm gushing cum; please! I waited for the sound of him pleasuring himself. But I heard only his breathing, and he sounded calm tonight. I felt hurt, disappointed; was I not pleasing him enough? What more could I do, how else could I submit?

  "Enough now,” he said.

  He came to me and I felt him untying the weights. I did not want to lose them, but Master needed more.

  "I want you in a new position, boy."

  He began to untie everything; he took away the weights and the gag, but not the blindfold; he let down my arms and my legs. He sat me up; he gave me water and I drank greedily.

  I rested a moment. I felt him stroke my hair and kiss my forehead. He said nothing as he had me sit on the edge of the table. He went to his toolbox and came back with something that he put in my hands.

  "Feel it,” he said.

  I did; I felt a long thin whip. I thought it was a horse crop, but it was softer. At one end was a large long fat knob, and at the other, a group of squared leather strips.

  "This is my crop, it is soft leather, and the strips are soft, but all together, they give a good sting. I'm going to use it on you. Marcus, will you submit to my crop?"

  Now, I heard him breathe to excitement and I sensed he was erect under his kilt.

  "Yes, Master, I will submit. I am willing, eager to feel your crop and your skill when you use it."

  "Excellent, Marcus, excellent. Listen to me now, I want you to kneel up on the table and bend over, present to me your buttocks, open. Bend over so your head touches the table and your arse is high in the air. Part your legs wide. You must stay in this position until I tell you to move. You must not move, no matter what I do, I want you to hold this position. So I trust you to hold it without restraints. Can you do this for me?"

  "Yes, Master, I can and I will."

  "Good boy, now get up and bend over, head down.” He led me into his position. “Up on your knees, head to the tabletop, arse high and open. Legs parted wide. Good boy, that's it! That's it!"

  He was truly excited by then and so was I. I loved this position; for in it, he could see all of my genitals exposed to his gaze. My balls hanging free and lower, my cock stiff against my stomach, my hole free for him to see a
nd use. I shivered, heart pounding, waiting to feel his crop on my buttocks. I whimpered, I could not help myself. I whimpered and moaned.

  Blindfolded, I could only feel him move behind me, hear him say, “One quick sting on your left cheek."

  He gave it. I arched and moaned. A quick stinging burn, beautiful! I cried out; he stung my right cheek. I felt the sting run deep inside me. I felt my head spinning, my buttock cheeks burning. Then nothing more for a moment. He went away and I moaned for his loss.

  He came back and said, “Open wider, your legs. I need to see your balls hanging."

  "Master, yes...” I opened wide, my balls hanging free.

  "A small sting."

  I thought he would sting my cheeks again, but no, he stung my swinging balls; I was not expecting this! And yet it thrilled me to even greater heights. I did not know this was even possible. My balls were on fire! He stung me there again, brought the crop up a little higher, and slapped my balls with the square strips again and again and again. They swung. They stung and I went wild; I was coming!

  He kept on slapping the squares against my balls. They drew up tight and the crop kissed my cock. Again and again and again, he kept on whipping my balls and my cock.

  Desperately I cried out, “Master, I'm coming! Don't stop, please, please, don't stop!"

  "Good boy, come now!"

  He gave more slaps against my balls with the crop. With the final one, I exploded. I exploded and screamed as my orgasm tore up my body, wracked my body, my penis going into deep spasms that spurted my milk all over the table and my chest. It would not stop. I came and came and came, and screamed and cried.

  "Antonius!” I wailed his name. I could not help myself, I was so overcome I could not control myself. “Antonius ... oh Master, Master ... you have killed me ... divine! My Master, use me, use me..."

  I fell onto the tabletop again. I could not control it, so overcome I was by his exquisite cropping of my balls and cock. I collapsed and sobbed my heart out for him.

  He stroked my back as I sobbed; I felt his hand trembling as he touched me. “Yes, yes, yes, Marcus, it is exquisite, for me as it is for you. It is divine; divine. This is the great gift the gods have given us, to feel as they feel, to use our bodies to reach the Divine and spend our seed for them; this wonderful gift they themselves have given us to feel."

  He stroked me. “Marcus, you have done so well, have pleased me so deeply, so profoundly. I will make you my boy above Lucan. But I need now my own release. So, one more thing, and the session and the test will be over for tonight."

  He had me sit up. “Up on your knees again, one last time. Open. Present, give me your anus, it is mine."

  "Yes, sir, it is yours. Use it."

  He inserted the wide knob end of his crop into me, and the moment it entered me, I again began to stiffen. I knew I could come again as he worked the knob in and out of my hole. He pushed it in deep, and rubbed inside my body. He worked it back and forth, again and again, and my cock was ready for orgasm. He began to breathe hard behind me as he fucked me with his crop, faster, thrusting and twisting. I heard him using his other hand on himself, and the fat knob of the crop opened me wide. He suddenly gave his agonized cry and came. And with him, I followed, pumping my cum in a stream over the tabletop; I cried out with him. Together we reached the Divine! And it was immense and powerful and I was his ... only his...

  He continued to fuck my hole with his crop, slowing down to a long in and out motion, his breathing deep and my own, a ragged pant. I let him continue to work my anus, as I knew he needed me open: for one day soon, he would enter me again, and when he did, he would use his penis and not his crop or his fingers. One day soon, he would fill me with his virile emissions that would quicken me. Then, he withdrew the crop very gently and bent to kiss and lick my hole to soothe it. He lapped me for a long time, making love to my hole, kissing it, working his tongue around the outer rim and pushing inside, tasting me, tasting the intimate flesh of me with loving kisses, caring licks and soft moans as he finished me with a final lap.

  I was done. He was done. We were both spent and wasted and filled with bliss. We were both in a state of trance and love. I knew that he loved me now; I felt it in his loving kisses against my hole, for if he did not love me, why his tender probing and care of my anus after its penetration and use? Only a man who loved another man could kiss in such an intimate place with such love and care.

  And when it was all over, he helped me off the table. I still wore the blindfold and I heard him dressing; only when dressed would he let me see him. The blindfold came off now; I looked into his eyes and he into mine. He took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead, my eyes, my cheeks, and nuzzled my neck, but he still would not kiss my mouth. He still would not lay me in his bed. He still would not show me himself naked or his erection. Still, he was not ready to give these things to me.

  He kissed my forehead one more time. “You passed the test, and you are my boy, and not Lucan. I will discuss with him tomorrow what his future will be, for I will not sleep with him anymore, use his body, or discipline him, for he does not want it. You want it, and to you I will give it."

  "Master, yes..."

  "Good boy, such a good boy. Tell me if I hurt you in any way tonight, in a way you did not want."

  "You didn't hurt me, sir. Not once. Everything you did, you did with care and need and love. Oh, your crop whipping my testicles was exquisite, and what you did just now, the crop inside me and your loving kisses to soothe me. Oh, Master, it was all perfect."

  I fell against him, into his arms. He held me tight and I heard his heart beating as he held my head to his chest. My Antonius ... my Master ... my Master who would not take me to his bed, and once again, he left me standing alone in his playroom, waiting to be escorted to my room by his man servant, Nodus...

  * * * *

  I rested for two days and saw no one other than Nodus. I began to despair again that Master had given me over in favour of Lucan—but surely not. Master himself had told me I was now his boy. I waited and tried not to feel the pain of his absence.

  Then Nodus came to me on the morning of the third day and told me to dress in my town clothes. I did not understand why, and began to fear that Master was going to sell me on, take me to the salve market!

  No! Please, no...

  I dressed in my tunic and sandals, a light summer cloak around my shoulders. When dressed, Nodus came and escorted me to the rear gate of the garden. There outside on the road was a horse-drawn carriage and with it, up on a beautiful black stallion, fully dressed in his Tribune armour was my Master. I almost fell over in delight, for he looked so handsome, so commanding and powerful that my legs went weak.

  He rode to my side and, towering over me from horseback, he said, “Marcus, we are having a day out in the countryside. Now get into the carriage and stay hidden. It would not be proper for anyone to see you as my boy. Though you may peek out from behind the curtain. Get in now, boy."

  "Yes, sir!"

  I ran to the carriage, wild with pleasure, and climbing inside, I stopped, for there sat Lucan, himself dressed in his town clothes and smiling with great joy.

  I sat down beside him and looked at him. Nodus was our driver, and I felt the carriage pull away and down the road we went, rumbling over the rutted tracks. And I could not bear it; I had to peek out through the curtain and watch Master riding up on his horse, how he commanded the mighty beast with his thighs, his bare legs tanned from the sun. The very sight of him gave me an erection, and I wrapped my cloak around myself to hide it.

  "You cannot hide it,” Lucan said, and laughed. “He is so magnificent, isn't he? Antonius, he would give any real man an erection."

  I dropped the curtain and looked at him.

  I said, “Lucan, what is going on? Please tell me."

  He laughed, “Oh, I am so happy. Marcus, today, I am a free man! Master has freed me. He is not selling me on; he has freed me. We are going to see my new home. He
is taking me there now, and lucky you, you get to come along for the ride, for you are his boy now. All his."

  I almost fainted with joy—joy for Lucan, and joy for myself. I was Master's—his and his alone! And Lucan was free.

  So we rode on in the beautiful sunlight, over the outer roads of Rome and into the hills; we went higher up a hillside. Lucan opened the curtain, as we were then far enough from prying eyes ... there on the hillside sat a beautiful yet small villa, surrounded by olive groves.

  "Wonderful, isn't it?” Lucan said. “This is my new home. I am to begin a new life as overseer of the olive groves and its workers. The man who owns the villa is a great friend of Master's, and has agreed to take me on as his overseer. I will work for my living—earn coin and be my own man. And you will come often and visit me. We will have wine and olives and lots of sexual pleasure with the man's many sons."

  I laughed.

  The carriage turned at the hilltop and pulled up outside of the villa. The owner came out, and Master leapt off his horse and strode in his gleaming armour to meet the man. The man's sons all greeted each other with love and kisses. Then Lucan was suddenly gone. I wanted to cry but Lucan was happy and would live a good life. I watched through the carriage window as Master took Lucan in a farewell hug. Lucan left us and went back into the villa with the owner. Master mounted his great horse, and we began again to roll along the road, down a deserted road of peace and quiet with tall trees to shade us.

  Within less than a mile, Master halted us. He opened the carriage door and offered me his hand; I took it, and he lifted me out of the carriage and put me up on his horse with him. I died with pleasure, as he rode with me, his strong arm around me. I felt the power of his horse moving between my legs. We rode a short distance before he reined in, and got down again. He took me under the shade of a tall tree, and here ... he kissed me. He gathered me close, kissed me long and deep and tender. My heart stopped when I felt his lips over mine and his tongue in my mouth, oh so deep. I swooned and he held me from falling.


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