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Rome's Perfect Boy

Page 6

by Alex Fox

  He smiled and put a hand on my head, stroking my hair.

  He said, “Stand up and disrobe."

  At once, I did so, and stripped to my bare flesh and took my pose for him unasked.

  He smiled and said, “Now give me an erection, fully hard and rigid. I want to see how much I excite you."

  His order excited me. I closed my eyes and thought of all the things that he had done to me. I went back to my first day here with him, with his long fingers probing deep into my open anus. I thought of it all and began to rise for him. I opened my eyes and saw him sitting again on the couch and staring at me with delight. He eyed my stiffening member, and the more I displayed it to him, the harder I became. I delighted at exposing myself to him; my heart slammed fast for I had passed his first test, to come erect on his command, and it thrilled me.

  I delighted myself and Master could see this.

  "That is excellent, Marcus, excellent. Lucan cannot do that. And neither could my other boys, save Allectus, who I thought for a while might the one I searched for. But he did not endure what I will do to you tonight. I tried it with him, but he failed the test. They all failed."

  "I will not, Master, I will not."

  He got up again, poured some water, and gave it to me. “Drink the full glass; you will need your strength now. And I do not want you begging me for water in the middle of it, so drink it all."

  I drank all the water with my hand shaking, and when I was finished, he took the glass from me.

  He said, “Go and lie down on the table; spread your legs to each corner and be still."

  I did so; I laid down on my back on the padded table and opened my legs, my cock still stiff. I put my ankles at each corner. I breathed deeply, trying to control my emotions, my own desires. Again, my Master went to his chest and this time, knelt to the bottom drawer and took out a large box; he told me to close my eyes. I did. I heard him taking things from the box, moving things here and there.

  He came to me and began tying on a blindfold, telling me as he did, “Tonight, you will see nothing. You will only feel and hear. I want you to concentrate on feeling. But you will see nothing from now on, not until I take the blindfold off. Tonight, Marcus, you are nothing but a body for me to control. I will give you feelings, but no sight. You are my body, fully mine to do with as I wish. Submit totally, surrender and abandon yourself to my control, and I swear to you, you will know bliss tonight. You will go to the Divine and you will give me all your trust. Do you agree to this?"

  "Yes, sir, I do. I am fully your body."

  He tied the blindfold tight enough so I could not open my eyelids under the material. It did not hurt and I was not afraid, only excited. I breathed hard. Master went away again. I heard him take something else.

  I knew nothing! All I knew were sounds. He came back to my side; I could sense him there beside me. He picked up my head, opened my mouth, and inserted a small gag—a ball to hold open my mouth, but not enough to stretch my jaws wide; only enough to gag my words. He tied it at the back of my neck and put my head down again.

  He said, “If you want me to stop everything and take you down, you will grunt three times. One grunt for yes, two grunts for no, and three grunts to stop everything and release you from bondage. Do you understand, Marcus?"

  I gave one grunt through my gag for yes. So now I could not speak. He took away my senses so that I was only a body that grunted, and yet still I was not afraid. I grew even more excited and willing.

  Next, he bound my wrists and tied them to the ring above my head. As I lay still, I could feel my heart beating so hard it shook my body. I listened to his movements, his breathing; his own breathing was faster but not as fast as mine. I heard him take something else. He came and tied what felt like a light rope around one ankle, my left, and he lifted up my leg high, so that it was pulled back towards my head, opening me. He tied the rope to the ring. I could hear him doing this, his breathing more controlled now; he did the same with my right ankle: my legs pulled up and back towards my head, I was fully open and exposed to his view. Again, this excited me and my cock throbbed and leaked wetly against my stomach.

  I was fully trussed up and bound, blindfolded and gagged. I breathed hard through my nose and I began to sweat. This was hard to endure, and I lay still and tried to relax.

  I listened, and heard him go again and search through his box of tools. Quiet when he found what he wanted, when he came back, and now, what was this? Soft wide strips of leather he began winding around the base of my stiff member; his touch made it jump and twitch and throb, and I moaned.

  "Good boy,” he said.

  He bound the base of my cock. Then more. Again, with the soft wide strips of leather, he bound my testicles where they joined my body; around and around a few times, I felt only thrilling sensations of touch, wonderful sensations of being bound and controlled. He bound my balls, though not too tight, enough to separate them from my body and my cock. And yet there was more!

  I shivered and moaned when I felt him fingering my balls and parting them. He used more twine, brought it up between them, and separated them from each other in my sac—he was separating my balls! I did not even know this could be done and yet he did it, gently working the twine around each one, until I could feel them pull apart, two throbbing balls, separated by soft leather twine. Again I shivered, moaned, squirmed, and breathed hard—my heart slamming, my muscles quivering, my genitals burning and throbbing; my cock separated from my balls, my balls separated from each other, my genitals in bondage to my master. My arms and legs in bondage to my master; my eyes and my mouth in bondage to him. And lying here like this, naked and exposed to his gaze, I began to feel the strangest things flooding through me: in bondage, I was free!

  He said to me, his voice lower and rough with excitement, “Lie still and feel it, Marcus; let yourself feel it all, and you will fly free. Give yourself over completely to this feeling. Are you all right? Grunt to me if you wish to be released from this. One grunt for yes, two for no."

  I gave two grunts. I did not want to be taken down. I shook my head no.

  "Oh, good boy! Good boy, there is more to come, only one more thing. Another night we will go further; tonight though, only one more thing."

  I grunted yes and nodded my head.

  His voice! So deep, so filled with desire, so much mine! My body so much his and I was so free, I wanted to weep through the blindfold. And I waited and waited for this one more thing. Quiet fell for a while; I heard only his breathing, heard him take something else and then his sandals on the floor as he came and began tying something to the twine that separated my testicles. I gave away to this feeling, bound so much in bliss that I cared not for what was happening now, only that I began to feel my balls being stretched, pulling down on something heavy, stretching them from my body. I let myself feel it, his power and his control and his needs; he needed to do this to me, he needed it so much, I would let him have it; the freedom of my body to use any way he wanted. It freed us both!

  I felt my balls stretching longer, longer, and Master spoke.

  "I have attached weights to the twine; the weights are hanging over the edge of the table, pulling down on your sac; do you feel it, Marcus? They are not too heavy, these weights; they are my lightest ones. I have heavier ones that I use on myself. I do not expect you to wear heavy weights on your delicate balls, but I think you can go to a heavier load later in your training. Do you feel them; do you wish it to stop?"

  I grunted no.

  "Good boy, now lie still and give yourself over to the whole experience; feel it all. Feel your arms. Feel yours legs wide open to my eyes. Feel me gazing in love at your stretched balls, your bound cock, your open anus. I want you so much, Marcus. So much, only lie still and let me look at you for a while. Can you endure it for a while longer?"

  I grunted yes, yes, yes!

  I had to know that he was looking at my exposed body, my bound body. I had to feel his eyes on me, and I could! I could
feel him watching me, looking at me, gazing long at my exposed anus and my stretched balls ... it was all too much! I was nothing but pure sensation and feeling, and I began to fly ever higher, reaching the Divine. Master was right; I was reaching the Divine! Bliss began to flood through me, and I felt that I lay on clouds in the sky and not on the padded tabletop on the earth. Bound and trussed, I was flying free! I moaned in pleasure.

  For a while, there was quiet and I heard nothing much at all until I heard my Master go and sit down. I could feel his eyes on me. I could not see him, only feel him, and this was so perfect, so perfect ... my genitals were on fire...

  Silence, his breathing and mine.

  He said, “Do you need anything, boy? Some water?"

  I grunted no.

  Silence again, longer this time, where all I could feel was his eyes watching my burning balls, my bound cock. And my legs and back were beginning to ache. I was coming to the end of my endurance. Master sensed this, I think, for I heard something else. His breathing began to increase and I heard the sound of what I knew was him—he was masturbating. I could hear it; hear him working his cock in his fist, see it in my mind's eye—he was masturbating over me! This thrilled me even more, if that was possible.

  He walked closer to me. I sensed him stop at the foot of the table; I heard him working his cock faster and faster, heard him begin a long terrible moan from deep within his chest; he kept on. I began to squirm my arse at him, I tried to open my legs wider for him.

  "Yes! Yes! Marcus, yes!"

  And then the greatest joy of all ... I felt his hot cum splash and gush over my balls, my stomach, and my anus. He gushed over me in long warm spurts, again and again. I felt his cum dribbling down to caress my hole, my so eager hole! I heard him moaning, sighing, making sounds of a man in deep pleasure; pleasure and pain in one, in his long aching groan as his great cock released its load over my burning flesh.

  I moaned aloud through my gag for his pleasure, and sweated hard. I could bear no more! I grunted three times and he came at once and took out the gag.

  I gasped, “Master, I love you!"

  This confession came out of me unbidden. I could not control my words; he had taken me so far, I could not control my soaring passions. I loved him. I loved him...

  "A moment,” he said and moved away.

  Quickly he dressed, and I realized that he was naked, and he would not let me see him naked. I heard him moan as he dressed, then he came to me fast and took away all my bindings. He took down my legs first, untied and freed my aching balls, my cock, my arms, and finally the blindfold. I blinked hard at him. He was dressed and I was disappointed. I so wanted to see him naked. I only lay on the table, stunned out of my mind for what he had just done to me. And I was still covered in his emission and it felt joyous to me.

  I could not move, but lay still and felt all the pains in my body subsiding.

  Master stood at my side, looked down at me. “You endured it, Marcus. You made me come—and for that, you will have all that you desire."

  He lowered and kissed me lightly, still not enough! And he moved to my body and began to smooth his milk into my skin; he massaged it into my cock and told me to turn onto my stomach.

  I could not move well, so he helped me turn. I sighed and laid still for him to finish our night, our wonderful night together. Using his spilled cum as an oil, he entered me with his fingers; he pleasured my hole with his fingers again—what I loved so much—and I thrust up to meet him. He fucked my hole with his fingers, pounding me hard up to his knuckles until I came. I flooded in a wild orgasm that blew me away to the gods! For I came without him touching my rigid cock, only working my hole with such skill. I knew he truly was a master of all things, that he had come from the gods himself. I came and came and came, and again, almost passed out from the sheer intensity of his power and command.

  And when it was all truly over, he let me lay on the table in a swoon until I recovered enough to stand.

  He helped me to the couch, holding me as if I was precious to him. He laid me on the couch and poured me a drink, now of wine and water. He stood to watch me drink. I was so content; I was still in my bliss-filled swoon.

  He said, “My boy, you have almost convinced me you are the one I have been searching for. If you are the one, I will keep you forever. Only a few more lessons for you and I might consider mounting you. Of taking you to my bed, of being my bed-partner."

  "Maybe even your lover, sir?” I asked, a little shy to ask such a thing of such a man.

  "Not that, not that, not yet. But maybe, for tonight, you sent me to paradise. Your submission is almost perfect. Your surrender, almost complete. More stretching of your balls, and I need to open your hole a little wider. Maybe tomorrow night, after our next session, I will use the green jade cock on you. I think you can take it; you open to me so well. You give your body over so willingly. Do you need this, Marcus? As much as I do?"

  "I do, Master; I did not know that I did until I met you. I did not know I needed to be controlled and put in bondage. And I want it. I need it! I dream of it, I beg for it, I desire it. And you are the perfect master, for you discipline the most intimate parts of my body, those that truly need it to reach the Divine."

  "Ah, now you are beginning to understand me. Perfect master and slave. You enjoyed everything I did, did you not?"

  "I did, Master; everything, even the weights. Even now, I can still feel my body on fire from it all. My balls feel wonderfully stretched and used. I cannot even know the words to speak of it. All I need to complete my submission is to lie under you and feel your great cock thrusting deep inside me; what else can I ask for?"

  "One day, Marcus, one day you might feel that. Now I think you need to go and sleep. No touching yourself, no masturbation, and no ejaculation—only I can give the order for you to come. No ejaculations without my order. In the morning, have a long bath and rest all day. Goodnight."

  He kissed me lightly again, and went out. My first truly deep lesson was over...

  * * * *

  It was so hard not to touch myself as I lay in my bed, swooning still from my great experience with Master Antonius. I wanted so much to continue it on my own but I obeyed my Master's orders. I lay, feeling all of my body on fire, used, needed, wanted, branded. I felt so loved and wanted, I cried for a while and slept in bliss...

  I bathed in the morning as Master said, and went out to join with Lucan in the garden. Master had gone to work in the city. Soon after breakfast, some women came to clean the house, room by room. Lucan and I stayed out of their way, though Nodus was duty bound to oversee their cleaning. Yet still he came out often into the garden to make sure Lucan and I were not up to something forbidden.

  We were not; though all morning, Lucan wore a strange smile on his face that bothered me. His smile got wider and wider. He sighed often and squirmed on his back as he lay baking in the sun.

  I could not bear him a moment longer and said, “Why are you smiling so much and sighing?"

  "At last you ask me!” He turned to gaze at me with his deep grey eyes.

  "Well, Lucan?"

  "All right, I'll tell you. Master came to me last night; he took me to his bed and fucked me hard all night. He rode me like one of his horses. For the first time in two years, he had me. Oh, Marcus, how could I ever forget the size of that cock of his! He split me, filled me, even now his cum is still leaking from my hole. I am so happy, as I know now that what he told me was true; he will not sell me on, but keep me. I slept with Master last night...” Again, he gave a long deep sigh of pleasure, and I was filled with cold horror.

  Master ... I thought I was his only one! But then he goes again with Lucan. I felt cold, even as I sat in the sun. I felt crushed, I wanted to run away and hide and sob. I was Master's! Only me! But of course, I was not. Lucan had been with Master for seven years. So, what was I, other than Master's plaything? His new boy? I had to do better if I was to be Master's alone. So I sat quietly in the sun, then we
nt to the fountain and cried a little to myself, but not too much to redden my eyes for all to see how weak I was. I was so much in love with Master Antonius.

  All day the women worked around the house, cleaning, and we had lunch out in the garden to keep out of their way. I was sad and jealous of Lucan. I did not talk to him at lunch and he laughed at me. In the evening, I went to my perfectly clean room to get ready for my bath; the cleaning women had done a fine job. Nodus said Master liked the house scrubbed top to bottom every month and at other times, Nodus did it himself.

  I changed for my bath, as I knew Master would be home soon, and I wanted to be ready for him, all bathed and smelling oiled and clean. But all the time, I was sad. I vowed to myself that I must not show my sadness to Master. If he wanted to take other boys, such was his right to do so as master of the household, as master of us all.

  Only tonight, after my bath, I was not taken to Master's playroom, but back to my own room. This made me even sadder; he did not want me. He wanted Lucan. Nodus came and told me. Told me that Master had called Lucan to the playroom tonight and that I was to stay in my own room and sleep.

  I sat for a long time on my bed, combing my long hair.

  What was Master doing with Lucan now? Pleasuring him, branding him, taking him to the Divine, kissing him, mounting him? I cried to myself again.

  "Master Antonius,” I begged. “Please, Master; love and want and need only me..."

  I lay down and fell asleep; so sad, I thought I should die. I was so in love, I could not bear it...

  Another two days went by without sight of my beloved Master. He took only Lucan, and Lucan walked around the garden, smug and full of himself.

  I endured. And at last, he called for me. On the third night after my bath, as usual, I was taken to the playroom. Master was waiting for me. When I saw him, I burst into tears. I wanted to fall into his arms and sob on his strong chest. I knew then that I needed more from him than his discipline and his branding. I was in love with him, and this was dangerous to him.


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