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Princess Lyrian: Dragon Breeze Compilation (Return of the Dragons Book 7)

Page 22

by Rinelle Grey

  Brad’s eyes widened, and the flicker of light in them warmed Lyrian far more than it should. He stared at her for several, long moments, and Lyrian’s breath caught in her throat at the expression in his eyes. It held uncertainty, yes, but also… was that love? Hope?

  Lyrian stared at him, struggling to believe that it might be possible. It must be the mating ceremony that was making Brad emotional. When it was over, and life was back to normal, he’d remember all the reasons they couldn’t be mated.

  Taurian cleared his throat.

  Lyrian broke eye contact, and sat down quickly, her thigh warming where it pressed up against Brad’s, and her hands touching his as he handed Anarian to her. As Lyrian sat and listened to her brother begin the ceremony, the warmth of Brad’s closeness spread through her body.

  This was right. How could it ever be wrong? Brad belonged here, next to her and Anarian.

  Was there any chance he would see that? Was she crazy to continue to hope?

  “Dragons and humans, thank you for your presence here today,” Taurian said, his voice quiet. No one in the room missed his words though, they were all silent, waiting.

  Taurian turned to Nate and Kyrian, who stood just in front of the rocky ledge. “Before we begin the ceremony, I need to make sure you both understand the seriousness of the relationship you are about to enter into. Once you mate for the third and final time, you will be bonded for life. Nothing on earth can break this bond, even death. If one of you dies, you both do.” Her brother’s voice was serious.

  This part of the ceremony was usually private. Lyrian wondered what had prompted her brother to make it public.

  Taurian turned to Kyrian, and said, “Do you understand this, Kyrian of Rian clan?”

  The young dragon swallowed, though Lyrian suspected her gesture was more from nerves than doubts. “I understand, Prince Taurian.”

  As a dragon, even if she was from Trima clan, she would understand the ramifications. She’d grown up with them, like Lyrian had, and accepted them. That was just the way it was.

  Nate, on the other hand…

  Taurian turned to Brad’s brother, who stood next to Kyrian, holding her hand. “As we welcome more humans into our clan, it is my job to be sure that you understand the commitment you are making. There is no infidelity in dragon mating’s. All desire for anyone other than your mate disappears. This relationship is like nothing you’ve ever experienced as a human.”

  Nate swallowed too, and his eyes flicked to Kyrian as Taurian asked, “Do you understand, Nate of the humans?”

  “I understand, Prince Taurian,” Nate said firmly, his voice certain, his gaze not leaving his mate’s eyes.

  Lyrian had to look away. The love shining in their eyes was almost too much to bear.

  “Good, then let the ceremony begin,” Taurian said, and sat back down.

  Verrian stood up and took over. “Both parties have confirmed their understanding of the seriousness of the bond they are about to enter into” he said. “If you will all take a seat, the ceremony is about to begin.”

  The other dragons and humans moved in closer, sitting cross legged in a circle on the sand.

  Using his magic, Verrian amplified his voice so that it was perfectly loud for everyone, though Lyrian suspected the sound would not be heard outside of the cave.

  “Today we welcome not one, but two new members to our clan,” Verrian said solemnly. “Kyrian and Nate, as you stand before me, your love for one another is obvious. But a mating requires more than just love. For both of you, this ceremony means not just a commitment to your mate, but also to Rian clan.”

  Lyrian scanned the crowd then, looking for anyone who might be an impediment to this mating, and thus to the cohesion of her clan. Unsurprisingly, the humans all looked supportive. They accepted a change in loyalty more readily than the dragons.

  Her eyes sought out Ostrian, sure he would be the most likely to object. To her surprise, he sat next to Aunt Mary, with his granddaughter and her human mate on the other side. His face did look a little grumpy, but it was hard to say how much of that was an objection to the ceremony, and how much was habitual.

  No one else showed any signs of objecting, so Lyrian turned her attention back to Verrian.

  “Mating is a serious commitment for anyone, human or dragon,” Verrian continued. “It means choosing to be together, even when you disagree. It requires accepting that you are both mortal and can make mistakes. Are you both willing to put the needs of your relationship, and the clan, above your personal needs?”

  Lyrian glanced sideways at Brad, wondering what he thought of all this. For the first time, she wondered what human celebrations were like. Were they similar, or vastly different?

  Brad was staring at his brother, his face a mixture of awe and envy. His jaw was set, but his eyes misty.

  He glanced over at Lyrian, his eyes widening a little when he realised she was watching him. Brad’s hand reached over and his fingers curled around hers, warm and strong, giving her hand a squeeze.

  Lyrian had no time to wonder if it meant anything, because her part of the ceremony had come.

  She stood up and faced the crowd, Anarian in her arms. “I attest to the fact that both Kyrian and Nate have already demonstrated their commitment to each other, and to Rian clan. I believe they have the dedication to each other, and to Rian clan, to have a successful mating, and to be an asset to our clan.”

  Kyrian’s eyes held just a little hero worship as she stared at Lyrian. Her expression made Lyrian distinctly uncomfortable, but she didn’t shy away from meeting the young dragon’s eyes. This was part of her position as princess, she could no more reject it than she could reject the colour of her hair.

  Nate inclined his head in thanks, and flashed a grin at his brother.

  “Are you both ready and willing to be mated?” Lyrian asked them.

  “We are willing,” Nate and Kyrian said in unison.

  Taurian spoke up again. “Then let us share a meal together as a clan before you solidify your personal relationship.”

  It suddenly hit Lyrian that no one had told Nate what to do next. She wasn’t sure what happened in human celebrations, but all dragons knew what happened next.

  “Make an excuse to kiss her,” she said into his mind.

  Nate’s eyes widened, and it occurred to Lyrian that she might not be the only one who had told Nate of his mate duties.

  He grinned widely and turned to Kyrian. As his eyes met those of his mate, they flared with passion.

  Lyrian sat down, busying herself with fussing over Anarian, as Nate said loudly, “Food can wait, I’ve been waiting all day for this.” And he bent and kissed his mate.

  “More, more, more,” the crowd chanted.

  Lyrian joined her voice with theirs because it was expected. Not because she wanted to watch them kiss.

  Their obvious passion just reminded her of what she couldn’t have.

  This should have been a moment of triumph. She was home, her family was together, part of them at least, and she was witnessing the union of a brave young couple.

  But all she could think about was the emotional distance between her and Brad, despite their physical closeness. She wanted him to be leaning over to listen to something she said, like Karla was with Taurian, or rubbing her legs up against his, like she could see Verrian and Lisa doing. They were trying to be discreet, but failing miserably.

  Brad’s hand reached for her arm, resting there, warm and full of promise.

  Lyrian hardly dared look at him, half afraid she’d see sympathy in his eyes.

  But when her eyes met his, they were dark with a shared passion that took her breath away.

  It wasn’t real, she tried to remind herself. Matings always reminded people of their own romantic feelings. The emotion ran high, pheromones almost seeping off the couple who had to be pulled apart by their laughing friends and family, and led back to their seats.

  As conversation rose to a hum around
her, Lyrian barely noticed. She only had eyes for Brad, and her heart thumped at the expression on his face.

  This time, there was no mistaking it.

  Chapter 32

  Brad wasn’t quite sure what he was doing. Nothing had changed. Things between him and Lyrian were exactly the same as they had been a few hours earlier.

  Yet suddenly he felt a surge of hope. A tingle of possibility. Perhaps it was watching the certainty with which his brother had chosen the young lightning dragon. Perhaps it was his talk with Karla earlier.

  Whatever it was, his mind seemed a little less closed to the possibility of mating.

  A little more open to taking the risk of being with Lyrian for the rest of his life.

  His heart was urging him to make a choice. Telling him that if he wanted to, Lyrian could be his tonight. That this awful feeling of loss and sadness, the fear that he was making a mistake, and letting the best thing that had ever happened to him slip through his fingers, would be gone. And he’d never be alone again.

  His mind was still scared. It peeped at the idea from behind a curtain, half afraid that even just looking would put him in danger.

  But he was looking.

  He would never get tired of looking at Lyrian. That was one thing he was certain of.

  She’d changed from the overalls and brightly colour shirt she’d always worn into a tight fitting leather tunic and pants, and though Brad missed the character of her human outfit, he couldn’t complain about how her dragon clothes accentuated her perfect figure and the smooth lines of her curves.

  He wanted to run his hands over her, to feel her leather bound curves. Most of all, he wanted to undo some of those leather lacings. Heat flushed through Brad just thinking about what he knew was underneath them.

  On anyone else, the outfit might have looked serious or regal, but there was no risk of that on Lyrian. Her blue hair, falling in waves around her shoulders made sure of that, adding just the right tone of playfulness to her ensemble.

  And making Brad realise just how perfect she was for him.

  All his life his brother had teased him about being too serious. About always thinking before he acted, always having a backup plan. Nate had tried to convince him that he was missing out on a lot of fun because of his cautious attitude.

  And Brad had always known it was true. But he’d always weighted security higher than fun.

  Now he could feel the scales tipping, and that thought both exhilarated him and terrified him at the same time.

  Lyrian lifted one side of her lips in a lopsided smile, and the expression cut straight to Brad’s heart.

  Somehow, when he was with her, none of it seemed so scary at all.

  Brad couldn’t help himself. Despite his mind screaming that this was a mistake, and that he’d regret it later, he leaned in and kissed her.

  As soon as his lips touched hers, all his doubts vanished.

  She tasted of honey and cotton candy, with an undercurrent of tangy spice. Her lips promised adventure and delight, but also love and loyalty. Brad kissed her with a hunger that he’d only ever felt in her presence.

  And for the first time since he’d returned, she kissed him back just as passionately, her hunger matching his.

  Brad could have drowned in her lips and he would have died a happy man. Everything around them, the dragons, her brothers, the feast, even Nate’s mating, all faded away, and all he could think about was Lyrian, and getting her alone somewhere.

  But after a few moments, laughter invaded his haze.

  Brad pulled back, breathless, staring into Lyrian’s eyes.

  “Should we be having more than one mating here tonight?” Taurian said in amusement.

  Brad felt his face heat, though it was nothing compared to the fire flowing through his body.

  What would it feel like to be standing next to Lyrian, promising to be hers forever? To give himself over to this need coursing through his body. To trust in his feelings for once.

  Before he could even think how to reply, or to figure out if Taurian’s suggestion was serious or just teasing, Lyrian broke eye contact and turned to her brother. “Tonight is Nate and Kyrian’s night,” she said firmly. “Holding more than one mating at once takes the focus off the couple involved. It’s not fair.”

  Brad felt his heart sink a little.

  “It has been done,” Taurian said. He gave his sister what was definitely a teasing smile. “Especially in the case of siblings.”

  Lyrian was not amused. “What are you talking about?” she demanded. Then she realised. “Oh, Nate.”

  “I’d happily share my mating day with my brother,” Nate said promptly. He stared at Brad, his eyes dancing, daring him to accept. Nate wanted to see Brad take that leap as much as he wanted to take his own. He always had.

  Brad had no doubts that the celebration would be all the sweeter for sharing it with his twin brother. But what did Lyrian want?

  She was staring at Taurian, a frown on her face. “I told you, this is between Brad and I. Stay out of it.”

  Taurian held up his hands, taking the warning, but there was a smile on his face.

  Brad put a hand on Lyrian’s arm, no thought in his mind other than to bring the smile back to her face. And bring it back he did, it lit up her face as her eyes met his, and she could see the emotion reflected there.

  “I… do you want…?” Her words hung in the air.

  Brad stared at her, the answer on the tip of his tongue.

  Then his phone rang loudly in the expectant hush.

  The ringtone told him it was the hospital, even without looking at it. Brad’s heart sank. Was it a sign? Was fate trying to remind him that he had other responsibilities? A whole other life?

  With Lyrian’s eyes staring into his, uncertain but filled with longing, he wanted to ignore it, to consign that other life to his past and forget about it.

  But responsibility wouldn’t release him that easily.

  No matter how much he wanted to, he wasn’t the sort to just disappear and walk out on his responsibilities. If he made this choice, he would have to give them leave. Do it right.

  He heaved a small sigh. “I need to get this. I’ll be right back.”

  As he walked out of the main cave, feeling the eyes of Lyrian and everyone else boring into his back, he couldn’t help feeling like he was making a mistake. Trouble was, he wasn’t sure which was the mistake, leaving, or staying.

  “Dr Brad Cotting. What is it?” He kept his back to the cave, not wanting to see if Lyrian was staring at him. If her expression was disappointed.

  His heart was still thudding in his chest at the choice he’d nearly made.

  He wanted to drop the phone, rush back to her, and tell her of course he wanted to be her mate.

  The voice of Natalie Herring, the hospital director, brought him back to reality. “Dr Cotting, I know you said you needed another week to wrap up your affairs, but I wanted to ask if you could make it back earlier. Dr Bartlet has been in an accident and is unable to fill in for you.”

  Brad’s mind went completely blank.

  He opened his mouth to speak, the need to reply automatic, but he had no idea what to say.

  A few moments ago, he’d been ready to mate with Lyrian. To tie himself to her for life, with a magical bond that could never been broken, knowing that she could not leave her clan. He’d been ready to give up everything he had, everything he was, all for the chance to be with her. He’d never felt so certain of anything in his life.

  And now, with his boss’s voice on the other end of the phone, he was suddenly pulled back into the world that had been his entire life up until a few weeks ago. A life that he’d thought mattered more to him than anything else.

  How much had changed. Now that life felt like a dull echo of reality. A grey washed world, with no light or colour.

  “I… uh… I’m not sure,” Brad stammered. “It’s complicated.”

  “Complicated?” Brad could almost imagine Na
talie raising an immaculate eyebrow. “What’s up with you, Brad? You’re acting very strangely. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’d been bewitched by a pretty woman. But that’s not like you at all, is it?”

  Brad was embarrassed by the fact that he was at a complete loss for words. Mostly because Natalie’s words were far too close to the truth for comfort.

  There was no other way to describe how he felt about Lyrian. She’d well and truly bewitched him, from the first moment he’d seen her stepping out of the pickup with her blue curls and her bubbly smile.

  He loved the way she grabbed life with both hands, and somehow held on through all the storms, no matter how hard they tried to kick her down.

  Somewhere, deep inside him, he wished he could be like that.

  “Brad? Are you there?” Natalie asked, and Brad realised he’d been staring off into space, not even trying to figure out an answer to her question.

  What had she asked again?

  “What’s going on?” Natalie repeated.

  Brad hesitated, then decided truth was the best option. Part of it at least. “I found out I’m a father. A woman I was with briefly last year has a baby. It’s… well, to be honest, it’s thrown me.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line. Brad could just imagine Natalie’s stunned face. “Well,” she said eventually. “Take as long as you need. I guess we’ll find a replacement for you. But… you are coming back, right?”

  That was the ten-million-dollar question. Brad bit back a sigh. “I don’t know,” he said honestly.

  He truly was torn. Back in his normal, regulated life, he was under control. He knew what was going to happen. He felt safe. Secure. He couldn’t even say it was boring, there was plenty of challenge.

  But somehow, if he held it up next to the life he knew he could have here with Lyrian, it was dull and grey.

  Natalie was silent on the other end of the line. She was probably as confused as he was. “Well, let me know.” She sounded at a loss for words.

  “Sure. Of course,” Brad agreed.

  He hung up the phone, his stomach still twisted in knots. If the phone call hadn’t come, he might just have agreed to become Lyrian’s mate. Now, thrown back into reality, he wasn’t sure what to do. Both options seemed both right and wrong at the same time.


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