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Princess Lyrian: Dragon Breeze Compilation (Return of the Dragons Book 7)

Page 23

by Rinelle Grey

  How was he supposed to make a choice like this that would affect the rest of his life?

  Life back in America would be safe and predictable. He knew exactly where he was going, and where he’d be in ten, twenty, fifty years’ time. Life here with Lyrian, on the other hand, was random and chaotic and beautiful.

  He wasn’t even sure where he’d be tomorrow, much less in fifty years’ time.

  Except that he knew he’d be with Lyrian. That much was certain.

  “Work calling?”

  The voice from behind startled him. Its knowing, slightly sardonic tone grated on his nerves, even as it was instinctively familiar. Not the voice itself, but the attitude. He’d heard so many like it over the years. Probably he’d even sounded that way himself on more than one occasion.

  Brad turned around slowly, not overly surprised to see Aunt Mary leaning on the entrance to the cave, regarding him thoughtfully. He tried to shrug nonchalantly. “Yeah, they want me back.”

  He winced at how arrogant that sounded as soon as the words were out of his mouth, but the reality was, they were true.

  “Yeah, I was getting calls almost daily. I finally turned my phone off. That’s made it a little easier, but some days I still feel completely stupid for not sucking it up and getting back there.”

  Brad stared at her, aware that his mouth was agape, but unable to help it. He searched his mind, but he couldn’t remember seeing the woman with anyone. Then again, he’d been here less than a day. “Did you fall in love with a dragon too?” he asked sympathetically.

  Aunt Mary gave a rough laugh. “If only it were that easy. No, nothing like that at all. My niece was the one who fell in love with one of these dragons. I’m just along for the ride. There’s no real reason why I can’t just go back to my normal life, except…” she trailed off, and the look in her eyes somehow made Brad feel sad. “I don’t want to,” she said softly.

  She stared at Brad, her expression intent. “Don’t give it all up for work, it’s not worth it.” Her voice was intense. Certain. “If you do, you’ll end up old and bitter, like me. Having plenty of money or a thriving business means nothing when the lights go out and you’re alone and unhappy.”

  There was something about her words that seemed to cut through the haze Brad had been feeling. The turmoil the phone call had raised in his heart settled, then faded away.

  Aunt Mary was right. His job, while important, would not soothe his soul. It would never make up for losing Lyrian. Certainty and safety weren’t worth it.

  He drew in a deep breath, staring across the room towards Lyrian, whose eyes met his as though drawn to him.

  He paused for a moment to turn to Aunt Mary. “Thank you,” he said softly. Something made him add, “And don’t give up, you’re not that old.” He gave her a wink, and she stared at him for a few moments, before her expression lightened a little.

  “Maybe not,” she agreed. “Now go get that girl.”

  Brad nodded, his attention moving away from the woman, back to Lyrian. He squared his shoulders. This was it, his moment.

  If he was going to do this, he wasn’t going to do it half heartedly. He was going to go after Lyrian with the same intent that he pursued everything else in his life. If she’d have him, he’d do the very best he could to make sure she never regretted it.

  He walked across the room, his eyes not leaving hers. He was aware that others around him stopped and turned towards him, that the low hum in the room faded away, but he didn’t care.

  Hope flared on Lyrian’s face as he drew closer. She turned and handed Anarian to Taurian, sitting next to her, then gave him her full attention.

  Brad reached out and took her hands in his. He wasn’t quite sure how dragons did this. Did they have some special ritual? They seemed to for everything else. But he wasn’t going to be put off by that right now. Human customs would have to do.

  “Lyrian… Princess Lyrian, mother of my child, will you do me the honour of becoming my mate?”

  Chapter 33

  Lyrian stared at Brad, her heart thudding in her chest.

  When he’d walked away to answer the phone call, she’d been sure it was someone trying to call him back to his real life, his life in America. She’d expected him to come back and tell her it was time for him to go, especially now his brother’s mating was over. The best she’d hoped for was that he would wait until the morning, or maybe until the police were dealt with.

  But this…

  She searched his face but could only see love and determination. Hope flared, causing her heart to skip a beat. Did he really mean it? Could he really mean it?

  She hardly dared let herself hope. Could he really have changed his mind? “But… what about your job?”

  There wasn’t the slightest hesitation before he replied. “My job is just work. They’ll replace me far more easily than I could choose to leave you. If I don’t do this, I’m going to regret it for the rest of my life.”

  He’d said once before that he was replaceable and she’d refused to believe him. Was it really any different now? She wanted to believe this. Wanted to accept, quickly, before he changed his mind. Once they were bonded, he’d have no doubts, she knew that.

  That was why she wanted to be sure before that happened.

  “Are you sure?” Lyrian asked quietly. “I don’t want you to regret mating me.”

  “I could never regret that,” Brad said firmly.

  His eyes stared into hers, and Lyrian knew his words were true. Excitement began to build up in her chest, sending tingles and heat through her body. This was it. She had known that somehow, love would win. That all she had to do was trust in Brad, and in herself.

  And now the moment had come. They were going to be mated.

  “Then nothing would make me happier,” she said softly.

  Brad smiled then, the expression lighting up his whole face. He turned to Taurian. “Were you serious about including us in this mating?” He glanced over at his brother. “That’s if you don’t mind, Nate?”

  Nate broke off kissing his mate to grin at his brother. “Nothing would give me more pleasure,” he said. “Although I suppose it does mean we’ll have to stay longer.” He glanced at Kyrian and winked. His mate giggled.

  Taurian turned to Lyrian and gave her a cheeky grin. A grin that said, ‘I knew it all along’. “Looks like my big sister is getting mated after all.” He turned around to the group in the cave and made the announcement. “Dragons, we are in for a treat today, a double mating! My sister, Lyrian, and the father of her princess, Brad, have decided to join the celebrations. I hope you’re all as happy for them as I am.”

  There was a quiet cheer from the crowd, and Lyrian scanned it quickly, her princess habits kicking in. She would need to keep an eye on anyone who wasn’t happy. Most of the smiles seemed genuine though. After both Taurian and Verrian mating with a human, it must seem almost commonplace.

  There was one person she knew wouldn’t be happy for them though. Her eyes sought out Ostrian, the grumpy elder seemed to object to everything.

  But though he was frowning, to Lyrian’s surprise, he didn’t voice any objections. In fact, he turned and said something to someone next to him, the human woman called Aunt Mary, his expression resigned.

  Lyrian frowned. What was going on there?

  But she didn’t really have time to think because Brad was leaning in to kiss her.

  His lips lightly brushed hers, setting up a deep need in Lyrian’s belly. She’d been supressing her feelings for him as best she could up until now, but his agreement to mate with her seemed to have unleashed them all in a sudden rush. She put her hand up behind his neck, and pulled him closer, crushing her lips against his.

  He tasted so good, and as though he were a potent nectar, vital to her survival, Lyrian couldn’t get enough.

  Who cared about formal mating. They could just go back and find a cave and complete the mating the old fashioned way. That was all they required.
/>   That was what she really needed right now.

  She’d waited over a year for this. Her whole body ached with a deep seated longing she hadn’t even been aware of until this moment. Until she’d let it out. And now it wouldn’t be silenced. It roared through her body like an angry dragon, setting every nerve ending on fire.

  She was dimly aware of Taurian clearing his throat somewhere nearby, but she ignored him.

  It was Brad who pulled back, staring at her, breathless, his eyes deep with desire.

  Why had he stopped? Did he not love her as strongly as she loved him? Did he not want this as much as she did?

  As the distance cooled her desire, just a little, she became aware of all the dragons and humans around them, staring at them. A few giggled. A few called out not to stop.

  Every now and then, a couple became so overwhelmed during the mating ritual, that they forgot where they were. It was always a bit of a thrill for the onlookers, for dragons that is. Humans were a bit more private about things. It was modesty that had enabled Brad to break the spell, not a lack of desire.

  And as a princess, she needed to set a good example for her people and keep things under control.

  So she took a deep breath. “Shall we begin?” Her voice only shook a little.

  “I think we’d better get a move on,” Taurian agreed. “If you both want to stand up?”

  Everyone was silent as Lyrian rose and stood next to Brad. She reached for his hand, needing the connection to him, even if it did increase the desire flowing through her to almost unbearable levels.

  Taurian passed Anarian to his mate, sitting beside him, then smiled at both of them, his expression sympathetic. “I’ll make this quick,” he promised.

  He’d better. Lyrian wasn’t sure how long she could last.

  She focused on her brother, trying not to look at Brad, sure that if she did, her control would slip. Not that she needed to look at him. She was achingly aware of him through their clasped hands.

  Taurian looked at them and asked, his voice solemn. “Before we begin, I need to be sure you understand the seriousness of the relationship you are about to enter into. Dragons mate for life. Once you are mated, this bond cannot be broken. If one of you dies, you both do.”

  Taurian turned to Brad. “Do you understand this, Brad, doctor of the humans?”

  For a moment, Lyrian wished he hadn’t mentioned Brad’s job. What if the reminder was enough to make him reconsider? She couldn’t bear it if he backed out now. If he did, she suspected her body might explode. Or wither and die. She wasn’t sure which.

  She needn’t have worried. Brad’s voice was strong and certain as he replied, “I understand, Prince Taurian.” He gave her hand a squeeze, sending waves of emotion through her.

  Lyrian felt tears prick at the back of her eyes. She’d never thought this moment would come, but it was here. In a few moments, she’d be mated to the man she loved with all her heart.

  Taurian turned to her. “Do you understand, Princess Lyrian?”

  “I understand, Prince Taurian,” Lyrian said, a slight shake in her voice.

  “Good, then let’s begin.”

  Everyone was already seated, except for Nate and Kyrian, still standing nearby, their hands clasped, their bodies stiff with the effort of holding back their own desire. Lyrian understood exactly how they felt.

  Verrian stood up and Taurian sat down. “It gives me great pleasure to preside over the mating of my elder sister,” Verrian said formally. Then he gave Lyrian a teasing smile. “We have all known, ever since she arrived home, that this mating was destined, I’m glad the couple realised themselves before it was too late.” This time he included Brad in his smile.

  Lyrian dared sneak a look at his profile, the rueful grin that lifted one side of his mouth sending more waves of longing through her.

  If Verrian didn’t hurry up, she wasn’t sure she was going to make it to the end of this ceremony, let alone survive through the mating dinner.


  Brad sucked in a deep breath and held it for a few moments, trying to calm himself.

  It wasn’t nerves about the mating that was affecting him though, it was the overwhelming desire he felt for his would be mate. Was Lyrian somehow affecting him through their clasped hands? His whole body felt like it was on fire. And when she’d kissed him…

  “As you know, a mating requires more than love,” Verrian said, his voice serious. “More even than commitment. Especially when one of the couple is a princess.”

  Brad forced himself to pay attention. This was important.

  The desire retreated, just a little. It still throbbed in the back of his mind, but he could ignore it. For now.

  “Are you both sure you can work together for the good of the clan, even if you are angry at each other personally? Are you both willing to put the needs of your relationship, and the clan, above your personal needs?”

  Lyrian nodded without hesitation. Of course she did. She was used to this. She’d been born a princess and grown up with the idea that her clan was more important than her personal needs.

  Suddenly Brad had an inkling what it had been like for her, with her clan in trouble, no idea where they were or what had happened to them. Then she’d met him, and they’d fallen in love. But that was a personal need, and she had to put it aside until she knew her clan was safe.

  That was what being a princess meant.

  And it was what he had to accept as well, once he mated with her. Sometimes, his needs would have to wait while they dealt with problems in the clan. Like the police outside.

  It was only because they could do nothing that they could take this moment for themselves. If something went wrong, if an emergency interrupted, this moment could be gone in an instant.

  Really though, was it so different to his responsibilities as a surgeon? When he was on shift, he had to let his personal responsibilities fade into the distance. It didn’t matter if he’d been up late, or had an argument with someone, when he was at work, his focus needed to be there.

  In short, he was perfectly conditioned for this job.

  “I think both of them have already demonstrated this ability,” Taurian said in amusement, his words echoing Brad’s thoughts. “I have heard their story of what they went through to get here, and how much they have both put aside in their pursuit to return to the clan. I have no doubts that both of them can be an asset to our clan, while also supporting each other.”

  “I will do whatever it takes to support both my clan, and my mate,” Lyrian said with certainty.

  “I will support my mate, and her clan, my clan, in any way I can,” Brad said firmly.

  Lyrian turned and gave him a shaky smile.

  “Then let us share a meal together as a clan before you solidify your personal relationship,” Verrian said with a smile, and sat back down.

  Everyone was staring at him in anticipation. Brad knew what he had to do, even without Taurian and Verrian’s voices in his head saying, “Kiss her.”

  He just wasn’t sure it was such a good idea.

  Oh, he wanted to kiss Lyrian with every cell in his body. He was just worried that once he did, he wouldn’t be able to restrain himself. And while the dragons seemed amused at that, he really would rather keep their physical mating private.

  Lyrian stared up at him, her eyes wide, obviously thinking the same thing.

  Brad sucked in a breath. He could do this. Just a light kiss, nothing more.

  He lowered his lips to hers, all willpower deserting him the moment they touched. Desire flooded through him, hot as molten iron, and as strong as the need to breathe air. He could no more pull away from Lyrian than he could stop his heart beating.

  And all reasons why he should, fled.

  All he was aware of was the feel of her lips, hot and soft beneath his, the combination of texture sending him wild. Heat flooded through his body, and he knew that if he were to survive, he needed to be closer to her.

He pulled her up against his body, kissing her desperately. The clothes between them were a hinderance. They needed to go.

  “I know how you feel, bro,” Nate’s amused voice echoed somewhere in the back of Brad’s consciousness. “But really, you’re going to regret it later if you don’t stop.”

  Stop? Why would he stop? What was Nate doing here anyway? There should be no one but him and Lyrian.

  Reality hit him like a bucket of cold water. The mating. The crowd of humans and dragons around them.

  Reluctantly, he pulled back and stared down at Lyrian breathlessly. The temptation to just kiss her again, and keep kissing her, was almost overwhelming. The look in her eyes, dark and filled with the same desire, didn’t help.

  But he needed to. They had to eat. Be polite. Socialise.

  It would be agony, with every part of his body demanding he make love to Lyrian, but somehow, he’d manage it.

  Either that, or the fire running through his body would burn him up.

  Chapter 34

  The meal seemed endless. Brad was sure all the other dragons were conspiring to make it take longer. Many stopped to talk to them, interrupting the eating. They brought them second helpings, and thirds.

  Both Brad and Lyrian moved to sit with Nate and Kyrian for desert, and Taurian and Karla joined them. Normally, Brad would have been happy for the chance to catch up with his brother, they saw each other so infrequently. But right now, he had other things on his mind.

  Nate would understand. He was in the same boat.

  In fact, Brad was tempted to skip desert altogether. Who needed sweets when they had a gorgeous dragon shifter waiting for them. There was just one issue. One he’d never been too deep in desire to consider. “What about Anarian?” he asked Lyrian under his breath.

  She looked uncertain too. “If we are deep in the mating bond, we may not be as aware of her as we should be.”

  “Do you know anyone who could look after her?”


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