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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

Page 21

by Cody Pondsmith

  plate armor’s heavy, dark armor

  of braided silk and gold, but the im-

  with bronze and gold highlights,

  spent my time with were named

  portant part is how well they focus

  solid angular designs and dwarven

  Goldenring & Morrison, and



  runes. Never worn it, but I carried a

  among other talents they could

  Halfling Protective Doublet

  set for a few weeks from Mahakam

  smel a fresh plate of dumplin’s

  from 400 paces. Heh, that ain’t


  Armor’s great. In times like these to Angren. Sold it for thousands.

  everyone should have some. But

  Elven Travel Bow

  not everybody can wear chain and

  the important part though.

  Heh, basical y it’s just a smal er plates. A while ago, the halflings de- Shields Those felas could refine a blade,

  version of the zefhar. The difference veloped this armored doublet. Heh, Gnomish Buckler

  put an edge on it that could

  is the travel bow can be unstrung, they’re usual y bright and well-dec- Heh, guess a buckler for a human’s shave a werewolf bald, and

  letting the limbs curl in ‘til the bow’s orated but they have a solid layer of basical y a shield for a gnome.

  etch a ploughin’ portrait of ya so

  small enough to carry in a satchel.

  armor inside them.

  Doubt that’s how this oddity came

  to be though. It’s made in the same

  clear ya damn near swear it’s a

  Elven Zefhar

  Gnomish Chain

  gnomish method as many oth-

  reflection in the steel. Not sure

  The elven zefhar’s the pride and joy Heh, gnomish chain mail is sol- er pieces and it’ll hold better than exactly what it is about gnomes.

  of the elves. It’s a large bow with id black an’ covers the whole body some larger shields despite its size.

  Think it’s their focus or some-

  four limbs, connected by powerful with a coif, hauberk, and chausses.

  thin’. Maybe they’re just more

  waxed string. The two sets of limbs Beautiful, simple, and easy to wear. Elven Shield

  on the zefhar can double the pow- The rings’re tiny and strong so the Don’t see these much anymore.

  exactin’ by nature. Goldenring

  er of the bow. Great part is the bow chain’s light.

  Guess gueril a tactics don’t lend

  showed me his tools one time.

  doesn’t feel any heavier.

  themselves to shield and sword

  Like a work of art! Little etched

  Dwarven Cloak

  combat. Or the brave rebels are

  wooden box with a dozen little

  glimmerin’ tools, all set in silk.


  Dwarven cloaks are well known for too concerned with not looking

  being excel ent travelin’ cloaks and like cowards. Either way the elven

  Gnomish Hand Crossbow

  also damn good armor. They’re only shield’s a beautiful piece. Built like a

  Files and hammers and chisels

  I’m not a fan of hand crossbows but leather, but they’re treated with a kite shield, with gold inlays and leaf and whatnot. Just like any other

  this gnomish design’s pretty damn special dwarven technique that not patterns.

  smith’s tools, just half as big and

  impressive. Looks like a work of only makes ‘em hard armor, but

  much, much nicer.

  art. Heh, intricate metal work and also makes ‘em waterproof.

  Mahakaman Pavise

  –Rodolf Kazmer

  black stained wood with beautiful

  Mahakaman defenders use these


  Scoia’tael Armor

  beasts to guard the cities of Ma-

  Can’t say every Scoia’tael wears hakam. Built like the Nilfgaardian

  Dwarven Heavy Crossbow

  this armor but the commanders of pavises, but with a dwarven touch

  Us dwarves are stronger than hu- commandos general y do. Iorveth, and the skill of craftsmen who’ve mans. Heh, we may be shorter than Yaevin, and such. It’s good armor, been forging for centuries. If I had a human or an elf but we’re sturdi- designed to help ya blend into the to hide behind any shield, I’d pick a er, that’s for sure. So the dwarven background. Hate the Scoia’tael but Mahakaman pavise.

  crossbow’s built for our strength, their armor’s good.

  Heh, we add a goat’s foot lever when

  we sell ‘em so humans and elves can

  use ‘em.


  Alchemical Items

  Fighting Fisstech

  A user must make a DC:16

  Alchemy has changed the world drastical y. Between old folk recipes and formulae introduced by Endurance check or be

  science and scientists, there are tons of interesting creations and concoctions for use in everyday stunned for up to half an

  life and in danger. Keep in mind that alchemical items are always concealable in pockets or pouch-hour. Users can at empt an-

  es. Alchemical items are consumed after a single use, except where noted.

  other check each round, but

  a roll below 10 on any check




  Weight Cost

  causes unconciousness for 5

  Acid solution does 2d6 damage to any living creature it is thrown


  on and does 1d6/2 ablation damage to weapons and armor.

  Acid Solution


  Throwing it is an Athletics at ack with a range equal to your



  BODYx2m, and the acid splat ers in a 2m cone directly away


  from where it lands.

  To coat a blade with black

  A dose of Adda’s tomb can be poured onto perishable foods

  or even corpses. Treated perishables will not begin to rot or

  venom requires a full round

  Adda’s Tomb


  spoil for 1d10 days. Preserving a human-sized body requires



  and the weapon remains

  2 doses.

  poisoned for 1d10 rounds.

  Alchemical adhesive can be thrown or poured onto a place or

  In drinks, it takes a DC:16

  person. After 2 rounds the solution will harden, sticking objects

  Awareness check to realize

  Alchemical Adhesive


  together, and sticking people to one another or to objects. The ob-



  the drink is poisoned.

  jects must be pried apart with a DC:16 Physique check. Throw-

  ing it is an Athletics at ack with a range equal to your BODYx2m.

  Base powder counteracts the effects of acid, negating one dose

  Base Powder


  of acid solution per dose of base powder used. Base powder can



  Breaking Bottles

  also negate damage from a torn stomach critical wound.

  All of the alchemical items

  Black venom immediately poisons a target if it gets into their

  here come in small clay or

  Black Venom


  bloodstream or is ingested. A DC:16 Endurance check ends the



  glass bot les and some are de-

  effect, but the target can become poisoned again if they consume

  signed to break on impact. If
  more black venom or are cut by a poisoned weapon.

  any of these bot les take more

  Bredan’s fury explodes when exposed to air, doing 2d6 damage to

  than 5 points of damage they

  Bredan’s Fury


  every body location of any creature within 2m. Throwing it is a an



  Athletics at ack with a range equal to your BODYx2m.

  break and spill their con-

  Chloroform forces anyone who breathes it to make a Stun save

  tents. This will activate any

  at -2 or be knocked unconcious until they do make the save.

  alchemical thrown weapons.



  Using it usual y requires a Melee at ack with a cloth soaked in



  the chloroform. It can also be poured into a vessel. Each bot le

  contains 25 doses.

  Applying clot ing powder to a wound stops the bleeding effect

  Clot ing Powder


  for 2d10 rounds. After the rounds elapse the wound begins



  bleeding again. You can then apply another dose.

  Fisstech sends those who snort it or rub it on their gums into a

  euphoric trance-like state. It is often used as an anesthetic, as it



  numbs pain. It is highly addictive. After each use, make an En-



  durance check at DC:18. If you fail, you become addicted. See

  pg.32 for addiction rules.

  Halucinogen can be thrown on a target within 3m or slipped into

  Hal ucinogen


  a drink. If the target fails a DC:15 Endurance check, they start



  hal ucinating. These halucinations last for 1d10 rounds.

  Invisible Ink


  Invisible ink allows you to write messages that can only be read

  when exposed to heat for 1 turn.







  Weight Cost

  Quick Fire

  Numbing herbs placed in a wound relieve pain, lowering neg-

  atives from critical wounds by 2. Numbing herbs also lessen

  If a target doused in quick fire

  Numbing Herbs


  penalties from being near death by 2. Numbing herbs work for



  is hit by a spell or item which

  2d10 rounds, and then you can apply another dose.

  has a percent chance to light

  Consuming a draught of Pantagran’s elixir brings delirious hap-

  them on fire, the odds raise

  Pantagran’s Elixir


  piness. This effect lasts for 1d6/2 hours and leaves the imbiber



  by 50%.

  incredibly suceptible to Persuasion, Charisma, and Seduction,

  giving them a -2 to Resist Coercion.

  Someone who consumes a draught of perfume potion must make

  Put Some

  a DC:16 Endurance check. Failure causes intoxication for 1d10

  Perfume Potion


  Hours. This intoxication can only be undone by magic or wives’



  Powder on It

  tears potion.

  Perfume potion has a Toxicity of 25%.

  With the War on, I keep a lot of

  material stocked. Make a few

  Poisoner’s friend is a clear liquid that can be poured into food

  Poisoner’s Friend


  or drink to give it a potent savory or sweet taste. This raises the



  runs every month down from

  DC to detect poison to 20.

  the Mahakams to Vizima and

  A dose of quick fire poured on a person, surface, or object,

  Elander. Poor bastards need

  Quick Fire


  dries quickly. Anything so treated is extremely flammable.



  good steel, and with the black

  There’s a 50% chance it will ignite each time it’s exposed to

  ones on the rise there’s nobody

  flame or sparks of any kind.

  stupid enough to try and break

  Smelling salts can be placed under an unconcious or stunned

  the siege line and get it to ‘em.

  Smelling Salts


  person, or creature’s nose to immediately bring them out of



  their stunned state. Smelling salts can be used 25 times.

  Well, no one but yours truly,


  Sterilizing fluid poured on a wound raises the patient’s natu-

  ral healing rate by 2 points and lessens the number of days a

  Also carry a lotta

  Sterilizing Fluid


  critical wound takes to heal by 2. Multiple uses of sterilizing



  medical supplies. Clottin’ pow-

  fluid don’t stack.

  der ‘specialy. Tell ya friend, get’s

  A dose of succubus’ breath can be used to aid seduc-

  real hard to think straight when

  tion. Used on the skin, it gives you a +2 to Seduction.

  you’re pumpin’ blood. When

  Succubus’ Breath


  If poured into someone’s drink, it gives them a -5 to Se-



  I was a scout in the First War

  duction Resistance. Like black venom, it takes a DC:16

  Awareness check to realize there is succubus’ breath in

  we had this poor bastard, Aldi.

  a drink.

  Took a broadhead in the thigh

  Talgar’s tears immediately freezes anything it is thrown on. If

  from the black archers. The rest

  used on weapons, armor, or objects, those items take double

  of the detachment sends the

  Talgar’s Tears


  ablation damage. Throwing it is an Athletics at ack with a



  black ones packin’ but Aldi’s hol-

  range equal to your BODYx2m, and the liquid splat ers in a

  din’ his leg, blood’s goin’ every-

  2m cone directly away from where it lands, freezing anything

  it hits.

  where, and he ain’t got much

  Imbibing wives’ tears potion negates the effects of intoxica-

  time. Best I can figure is to tie

  Wive’s Tears Potion


  tion. Immediately after drinking a dose of wives’ tears potion



  some cloth ‘round his thigh, but

  the imbiber sobers up.

  it ain’t stoppin’ the bleedin’. Aldi’s

  Zerrikanian fire immediately sets whatever it touches on fire.

  goin’ pale and the dirt’s turnin’ to

  Zerrikanian Fire


  Throwing it is an Athletics at ack with a range equal to your



  bloody mud underneath him.

  BODYx2m, and the it splat ers in a 2m cone away from where it

  Finaly one of the other scouts,

  lands, lighting anyone and anything in that area on fire.

  digs out some clottin’ powder.

  Saved Aldi’s life
but just barely.

  –Rodolf Kazmer


  Alchemy Descriptions The Alchemy Boom

  There has been a boom in al-

  chemy in Redania. It’s not realy

  Acid Solution

  Clotting Powder

  Poisoner’s Friend

  difficult to see why. With most of

  I don’t have to use acid much. Heh, When you’re bleedin’ all over the Black venom and other substances least not every day. But this stuff’s place and a doctor’s havin’ a hard can have a pretty obvious taste. Poi-our mages dead or locked up the

  good if ya need to burn through a time tendin’ to ya, clottin’ powder’s soner’s friend’s good for hidin’ that.

  potion, amulet, and, miracles

  lock or ya need a makeshift weapon. good to have on hand. It’ll quell the Also improves the taste of meals, but market has been drying up. Al-flood for a while.

  we know that’s not the real use.

  chemy has another advantage

  Adda’s Tomb

  besides being legal: no expensive

  Don’t know whether this is a strange Fisstech

  Quick Fire

  coincidence or real y based on Prin- Elves call the stuff White Death. Quick fire’s good for impatient folk exclusive training is required.

  cess Adda. Either way, it’s good for Most prevalent drug in the world, who need to get a fire going, but Any fool who can read and put

  keepin’ evidence untouched and and lemme tell ya, nothin’ ya wanna honestly it’s better for arsonists and together a few nekker eyebals

  keepin’ food fresh. Gives food a weird get involved with. A fisstech addict’s fire mages. It’ll turn a small fire into and a pickled pigeon tongue can

  aftertaste though.

  a scary thing—not an ounce of fear a blaze in no time.

  hang out a shingle. There are

  or dignity when the cravings catch

  Alchemical Adhesive


  Smelling Salts

  reputable alchemists who are

  From what I remember, some bright

  If your companion’s taken a blow

  very scientific in their approach

  boy in Oxenfurt came up with this Hallucinogen

  to the head or got knocked out by

  who have suffered many a mage

  stuff to replace nails. Obviously Guess this is a lot like that old witch- cholorfom, smel ing salts can bring in his cups shouting “How’s that

  didn’t work so well, but it’s good for er’s potion, white gull. Makes ya see ‘em back in a pinch.

  lead to gold thing going?” Now

  quick fixes and such.

  some strange stuff. It isn’t as power-

  ful, but it ain’t poisonous.

  Sterilizing Fluid

  it’s their turn. King Radovid wil

  Base Powder

  I’ve never much understood infec-

  no doubt find reputable alche-

  I don’t use base powder much since I Inivisble Ink


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