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Always You (A Magnolia Falls Novel)

Page 9

by Ruth Roberts

  A few minutes later, with a sigh of relief, he made the turn onto the drive of the Mathison mansion. Parking in front, he turned off the bike and reached back to help her get off, once again getting an eyeful of those long, sexy legs.

  “Thanks for the ride,” she said as she pulled off the helmet and held it out to him.

  “No problem.” He had also taken off his helmet. It had gotten very hot during that ride, and he needed to feel the breeze on his skin. He returned her helmet to the compartment.

  “Well, I—um—need to go in. The social worker from Child Protective Services will be here any minute, and I need to go get cleaned up.”

  He was glad to see she was as affected as he was. “Don’t worry about your car. I’ll stop by Gavin’s shop and have him tow it and take a look at it.”

  “I appreciate it.” They stood there looking at each other. The breeze blew her hair in her face. She pushed it back, holding it with one hand, while her emerald green eyes looked up at him.

  “You’re beautiful.” He reached out his arm before he could stop himself and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her slowly to him. His other hand cupped her cheek as he captured her lips in a slow, heart-melting kiss. Her arms went around his neck, and she clung to him as tightly as he held on to her. She fit perfectly in his arms. In his heart. This was what he had been missing for the last ten years, the other half of himself. In this moment, he finally felt complete. Why did he ever think he would be able to stay away from her when they belonged together? He didn’t know who ended the kiss first but they stayed in each other’s arms, foreheads touching, breaths mingling.

  “Have dinner with me tonight?” He asked. She nodded her agreement. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  She brushed her lips over his. He resisted the urge to deepen the kiss. She smiled, pulled out of his arms, and walked away. He watched her until she closed the front door behind her.


  Diana’s heart thumped madly in her chest as she closed the door and leaned against it. She had been kissed by Zack. Really kissed. And he hadn’t pulled away like he had in her office last week. It was all she had ever imagined and more. She raised her fingertips to her lips.

  “I would have never pegged you as the motorcycle type. Of course, the driver may have something to do with it.”

  Liz’s voice brought her back to reality. “The car broke down and left me stranded. Zack was driving by and stopped when he saw me. I didn’t have a choice. Not a word of this to anyone.”

  “Ah, I now have blackmail material on the squeaky-clean Diana.” Her teasing smile belied her words.

  “No one would believe you.” Diana stuck her tongue out at Liz and pushed away from the door.

  “They wouldn’t have. Which is why I took pictures.” Liz waved her phone in front of Diana.

  “You didn’t!”

  Liz began scrolling through the pictures. “You might like this one.” She turned on the phone, and Diana saw the moment right before Zack kissed her. They were looking into each other’s eyes. She reached for the phone. Liz let her take it. She quickly sent the picture to her own phone, and then deleted it and the others.

  “No more blackmail for you,” she said, handing Liz back the phone.

  “I wouldn’t have used it, anyway. Sisters don’t blackmail one another. They stick together against the blackmailer.”

  Her words made Diana’s heart soar again. She reached for Liz, and they shared a hug.

  “From here on out, it’s the Mathison sisters against the world,” Diana said.

  “Absolutely.” They stepped apart, both with tears in their eyes.

  “The social worker should be here any moment. I have to run upstairs and put on something that doesn’t have road stains.” Diana went up to her room feeling a bit of the darkness lift that had settled on her since her parents died.

  They were going to be okay.


  Diana and Liz sat in the living room, waiting for the social worker to arrive. “How are things going with Logan? Hard to believe he’s been here a week already,” Diana said.

  Liz shrugged. “He uses a lot of psychobabble. But he is a good cook.”

  “That he is. The dinner he made last night was amazing. I could get used to having him around. Especially since Cat has gone back home.”

  “I suggest you don’t since he won’t be here long. Honestly Diana, I don’t see the need for him being here.” Liz was pouting again. Diana would have laughed had they not been discussing such a serious topic.

  “You don’t, but I do. You didn’t see the look on Jessica’s face when you collapsed at the fashion show. You didn’t hear her gut-wrenching sobs when she thought she had lost someone else close to her. If you don’t want him here for your sake then do it for Jessica’s. She has gone through something no child should ever have to experience, and we are her only anchors in this nightmarish storm she is going through. Logan is here to ground you for her.” Diana stopped her tirade, expecting Liz to retaliate. Surprisingly she didn’t. Liz wiped the tears from her face and dried her eyes.

  “You’re right. Jessica is who matters now. Everything we do from here on out is for her. I’m sorry I subjected her to that. She doesn’t deserve all she’s been through.”

  Diana put her arm around Liz’s shoulder and hugged her. “Having Logan here to help you is the best thing for all of us.”

  “I know. I’ll put up with his psychoanalyzing my every word for a while longer.”

  “It’s a small price to pay for those delicious pastries he made for breakfast this morning. You have to admit they were incredible. I ate three. How many did you eat?”

  “Two. I was good after one, but he kept pestering me so I had another one just to get him to shut up.”

  The doorbell rang then, and Diana stood up to answer it. “Sure you did. No one can eat just one of those, and you know it.”

  Liz flashed her a smile, but neither admitted nor denied Diana’s statement.

  Diana opened the door and greeted the social worker she had met once before. “Hello, Ms. Johnson. Come in.”

  “Please call me Melinda. Ms. Johnson makes me feel old.” Melinda looked to be in her late twenties, not what a typical social worker would look like in Diana’s opinion. She was pretty, with blonde hair and brown eyes.

  “Very well. Melinda it is. Please come into the living room.” Liz stood up as they entered and greeted Melinda.

  Once they were all seated Melinda began asking questions. “How are things going so far?”

  “Good. Jessica is back in school, which is a good distraction for her. Her teacher says she is doing well in class. She participates and only occasionally becomes sullen and retreats from the rest of the class to be alone,” Diana said.

  Melinda was writing down every word. “How often are in you contact with her teacher?”

  “We get a daily e-mail from her. The three of us felt that would be best for a little while considering the circumstances,” Liz said.

  “I understand you are struggling with anorexia and currently have a therapist here. How is your treatment going?” Melinda asked Liz.

  “Wow. You people know everything,” Liz said, sounding a bit defensive. Diana resisted the urge to jump in.

  “It’s a small town, and as a social worker, I make my children’s business my business.” Melinda did not back down. Most people did when confronted by Liz.

  To Diana’s surprise Liz backed down. “Jessica comes first, so after my illness in New York I decided getting treatment would be in her best interest, as well as mine. Diana already has a lot to deal with, she doesn’t need me getting sick, too.”

  Melinda nodded. Clearly she liked Liz’s answer. “How long will he be here? And, I’m assuming you checked him out since he will be in the house with Jessica?”

  “Diana ran a thorough background check on him. As of right now, his treatment plan is six to eight weeks. At that time we will reevaluate,” Liz said.
/>   Melinda nodded and continued to ask questions, which Diana and Liz took turns answering. It was unnerving to see her writing what they said. At the end of an hour and what Diana felt was an inquisition, they were done. Melinda put her notepad and pen into her bag and stood up. “From what I can see you are both working hard to make this work for Jessica. I have to make two more visits before I turn in my recommendation, but if all goes as well as it has been I don’t foresee any problems.”

  “That’s great,” said Diana. One less thing she had to worry about. Now, worry about her date with Zack could take priority.

  When they closed the door after seeing Melinda out Diana turned to Liz, panic rising. “You have to help me find something to wear tonight.”

  Liz clapped her hands. “Yes, finally I get to dress you. I’ve been wanting to do that for years.” She grabbed Diana’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  Jessica came out of her playroom. “Where are you running to?” She asked.

  “Diana’s room. Come with us.”

  She followed them, giggling all the way. Liz went straight into Diana’s large walk-in closet, and Jessica jumped on the bed holding her blue, stuffed rabbit. Diana stood in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do. She could hear Liz’s many exclamations of either dismay or approval. Finally she came out holding several articles of clothing in her arms. “Okay, time to start trying things on. We are going to find you an outfit that will have Zack drooling.”

  “Eww, that’s gross.” Jessica made a face eliciting a laugh from Diana and Liz.

  “Before we begin this we need music,” Diana said. She picked up a remote, pressed a few buttons, and the room filled with music. Jessica jumped up and started dancing on the bed while Diana tried on the first outfit Liz handed her. Jeans with a black, silk wrap top.

  “What do you think?” Diana asked walking around the room modeling the outfit. Liz held her chin considering.

  “What do you think, squirt?” Liz asked Jessica.

  Jessica looked at Diana then at Liz and shook her head.

  “I don’t like it, either. Take it off and try this instead.” She held up a red jumpsuit that fell below one shoulder.

  Diana stepped into it and turned her back so Liz could fasten the four large buttons on the back. She turned around holding her hands out to her side. “How do I look?” She asked, striking a pose that made Jessica giggle.

  “That’s not how Liz does it,” Jessica said while she rolled on the bed laughing, holding her stomach.

  Diana stuck her tongue out at her little sister then turned to Liz. She shook her head. “It’s not right. Here’s another one.”

  Diana again changed into another outfit. This time it was a basic black jersey dress that fell a few inches above her knees, had a princess neckline, and was sleeveless. Diana twirled around and did a little dance to the beat of the music. Jessica jumped up. “I like it!” she exclaimed.

  “Me, too,” said Liz.

  “We have ourselves a winner.” Diana went to the bed and grabbing Jessica’s hands, pulled her down. They started dancing. Liz joined in the fun. The three sisters danced around the room, laughing and smiling. When they passed Diana’s vanity Liz picked up the hairbrush and handed it to Jessica who used it as a microphone to sing along with Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.”


  Zack waited by Diana’s car for Gavin to arrive with his tow truck. Diana had agreed to go out with him tonight. He could feel a silly grin spread across his face that needed to be wiped away before Gavin arrived. Gavin would give him grief and never let him live it down. Poker night with the guys would be torture.

  Ten minutes later Gavin arrived with his bright yellow tow truck. A person could see that thing coming from a mile away. “So, does she have you carrying her purse now, too?” Gavin asked him before he even got out of his truck.

  “Just being a gentleman is all. Something you would know nothing about.”

  “You got that right. The gentleman thing is overrated. It tells women they can walk all over you.”

  Zack shook his head. “One day you are going to meet the one you will be happy to give your player card to.”

  “No way. The woman doesn’t exist. I was born a player. I’ll die a player,” Gavin said.

  Zack laughed. “I am going to make you eat those words on your wedding day.”

  This time Gavin threw his head back and laughed. “You will be waiting a long time for that day because it’s never happening. Now, let’s get this car hooked up so I can get it to the garage and see what’s wrong with it.”

  Zack went over to help his friend hook Diana’s car to the tow truck. The sooner he got this done, the sooner he could go home and get ready for his date tonight.


  Diana heard the doorbell ring, and her heart flip-flopped. Zack was here. She had picked up her phone a thousand times to cancel since he had left her. Each time she stopped herself. Or rather, the memory of their kiss stopped her, and the way it had made her feel complete and safe. Every man she had dated had lacked something. Now she knew what it was. None of them made her heart soar with a look or a touch the way Zack did.

  With one last look in the mirror she rounded the corner and approached the staircase. At the bottom he was talking to Liz, who was introducing him to Logan. The two men were shaking hands when Zack noticed her. He froze on the spot, still holding onto Logan’s hand. Liz and Logan looked up at the same time. Logan smirked and pulled his hand out of Zack’s grip. Zack didn’t seem to notice. He just watched her as she came down the stairs. She silently thanked Liz for making her wear the little black dress. Liz had also done her hair. She had piled it on top of her head, leaving a few curls hanging.

  When she was two steps from the bottom Zack reached his hand out to her, she placed hers in his. “Hi,” he said, raising her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss over her knuckles.

  “Hi,” she said, suddenly shy with everyone looking at her. “Um. Are you ready to go?” She asked.

  “Yes.” He held onto her hand as they walked out the front door.

  “You two kids have fun. Don’t worry about the girls. I’ll keep a close eye on them,” Liz said before closing the door.

  Once outside, Diana’s attention was captured by the candy apple red classic convertible behind him. “Oh my gosh. She is beautiful.” Diana stepped around him and went to the car. She ran her hand from the hood to the trunk. “What’s her name?” She asked Zack.

  “Gavin calls her Lorena. She belongs to him, and right now I am very jealous of a car since you so quickly forgot all about me at the mere sight of a hunk of steel,” he admitted.

  Diana flashed him an unrepentant smile. “Did he restore her himself?”

  “Mostly,” he said, walking to Diana’s side, resigned to let the car be the center of attention for now. “I helped some in exchange for being able to borrow her whenever I want to.” Zack opened the passenger door, and Diana slid into the soft and supple white leather seats. She rubbed the seats with her hand. Zack shut the door and walked across the front of the car to the driver’s side and got in.

  “Do you think he would let me drive?”

  Zack laughed. “You can ask. But I wouldn’t hold out much hope of him saying ‘yes.’ He is very protective. I had to give him our complete itinerary, including a list of all the roads I would be driving her on before he handed over the keys. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is watching the GPS in real time to make sure I stay on the approved roads.”

  “I don’t blame him. I would be just as protective if she were mine.” Diana turned around in her seat to inspect the back seat.

  Zack wondered if her thoughts on the back seat were the same as his. Probably not. “Since when are you a lover of classic cars?” He shifted his thoughts to something safer. Zack thought he knew everything about Diana, all her likes and dislikes. This one was something new. Although, after ten years of separation there were probably many new things ab
out her he needed to discover.

  “When I was in college, there was a classic car show on campus every year. I went one year at the insistence of a guy I was dating, and I liked it. After that, I went every year.”

  At the mention of a guy Zack could feel his brow furrow, and he had the urge to find and punch the unknown man. “Did you go with the same guy each year?” He asked.

  “No way. He was a jerk. We didn’t have to date very long for me to figure that out. Guys come and go, but cars are forever.” Diana flashed him a smile that nearly had him running off the road.

  He turned his focus back to the road to prevent that from happening.

  “Where are you taking me? This looks like the road to your house,” Diana said.

  “It is the road to my house,” he said evasively.

  “Did you cook me dinner?”

  “Nope.” He could tell that his not offering more information was beginning to annoy Diana. She always needed to know what was going on in any given situation, which was what made her such a great attorney. She dissected the issue from both sides, so she could see any surprises and deflect them.

  “There is food involved in this date, right? Because I am starving. I didn’t have time to eat after the social worker left today.”

  “Yes, there will be food,” he assured her.

  “Okay. We will eat, then what?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “I don’t like surprises.” She reminded him unnecessarily. He remembered that little fact about her, along with many other little and big facts about her.

  “You will like this one. I promise.”

  “Do you remember the time you tried to surprise me at the Firelight Festival with a purple snow cone?”

  Zack smiled and nodded. “I remember I wore a purple snow cone on my head the rest of the night. It turned my face purple for two days.”

  Diana laughed. “It was the funniest thing. You looked like Barney®.”


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