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Always You (A Magnolia Falls Novel)

Page 10

by Ruth Roberts

  “Thanks a lot. I guess it didn’t help I was wearing a green t-shirt that night.”

  Diana laughed harder. “You kept insisting you didn’t want to go home and change. If you had washed it off right away you probably wouldn’t have turned purple.”

  Zack turned into his driveway and parked the car facing the side wall of the barn. He turned off the engine and looked at Diana. “Billy Stevens was trying way too hard to get in your good graces that night. He liked you so there was no way I was going to leave you at the festival with him.”

  “You were jealous.”

  “Darn right I was jealous. Seeing the two of you flirt with each other all night while I stood by looking like a purple dinosaur made that the worst night of my life, up until that point.”

  Diana placed her palm on his cheek. “I wouldn’t have had to flirt with him if you had been flirting with me instead.”

  Zack raised his hand to cover hers as it lay on his cheek. “I wanted to. I wanted you so badly, but I was a kid, and I didn’t know how to do that without ruining our friendship. I guess my fears were well-founded because when I finally worked up the courage to take our relationship to the next level—I ruined our friendship. Ten years is a long time to live without you in my life.” He turned his face into her palm and kissed her hand softly.

  “Yes, a decade is too long not to have one of my best friends to talk to and laugh with.”

  Zack looked into her eyes and held her attention. He wanted her focused on him for what he was about to say. He didn’t want any misunderstandings of exactly which realm he wanted their relationship to be in this time. “I want to talk and laugh with you again. I want to be your best friend—but I want more. I want to claim your heart, and I always get what I want.”

  Diana’s eyes flared quickly, and he hoped he hadn’t misread her or scared her away. Her next words allayed his fears. “I want that, too.”

  They sat looking at each other for a few moments. Zack needed to get used to the idea he was actually doing this. He was starting a romantic relationship with the woman he had been in love with most of his life.

  Diana finally turned away and looked around. “So, are we going to sit here and look at your barn? It’s a very nice barn, and I like the color. But unless you have food hidden in the glovebox, I think we are going to starve.”

  “Open the glovebox.” Zack almost laughed at the stunned expression on her face.

  “Dinner is in the glovebox?”

  “You won’t find out unless you open it.”

  She complied and pulled out boxes of milk duds and junior mints. Zack opened the center console and pulled out a bucket of popcorn and two bottles of water.

  “This is movie food.” She looked at him confused. He watched her face to see her expression when his surprise finally came up. A projector went on somewhere behind them and projected a movie onto the side of the barn.

  “It’s a drive-in movie.” Then she saw exactly which movie it was. “‘Casablanca.’ My favorite.”

  “I remembered.” Zack was not disappointed by the happiness on her face. He had seen nothing but sadness there lately and was glad he could put a sparkle back in her eyes and a smile on her face. “Hopefully, the movie food will keep you going until the movie is over. Then we can go to dinner.”

  “I’m sure it will,” she said, popping a junior mint into her mouth as the credits began to roll.

  They relaxed back into their seats to watch the movie. Zack put his arm around Diana and she leaned back and rested on him. All the running around, favors he had called in, and mountains he had moved to accomplish this was worth having her in his arms.


  After dinner Zack took her to the falls. There was a long bridge crossing the water. They used to go there all the time as kids. That bridge was where Zack had asked her to Prom. The sound of water falling into the pool of water surrounded them. The moonlight reflected off the water. The night was slightly cool. Zack held her hand as they walked across the bridge. “Do you remember coming here during the summer? We would spend all day in the water,” said Zack.

  “What I remember was my preteen antics to get you to notice me.” Diana almost winced remembering all her crazy antics.

  “Oh, I noticed, but you were my sister’s best friend. My twin sister. I would have violated the twin code.”

  “The twin code, huh. I’ve never heard of it.”

  “That’s because only twins know what the twin code is.”

  “Right. You know what I think Mr. Connelly? I think the twin code is non-existent.”

  There was a breeze, and Diana shivered. Zack stopped them in the center of the bridge. He wrapped his arms around her. “Better?” He asked. Always the gentleman.

  “Much,” Diana said. She laid her head on his chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart. In Zack’s arms she could almost forget all the pain and loss she had experienced. He made things right in a world that had gone so very wrong.

  “Diana,” he said her name softly as his hand stroked up and down her back.

  She lifted her head to look into his eyes. “Yes.”

  “Today. That kiss. I’ve been waiting a long time to do that. Now that I have, I don’t think I ever want to stop.” He lowered his head to hers slowly, looking into her eyes. Giving her time to stop him. She leaned up on her tiptoes and met him halfway. When their lips met, it was with tenderness and love cultivated over a lifetime of friendship and shared experiences. This kiss was between two hearts that had long yearned for this very moment. The moment when two hearts would become forever linked as one.

  Slowly, they broke the kiss and came out of the sensual haze they had created. Zack kept his strong arms around her. After several moments of comfortable silence, Diana looked up at him with a smile. He dropped another kiss on her lips and said, “The twin code does exist.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. It felt so good to laugh again.


  Diana arrived at Zack’s house to drop off Cassidy. It was her day to pick up the girls from school. He came toward them from the barn-turned-veterinary hospital, drying his hands on a white towel. Cassidy ran to him holding up the work of art she had made in school that day. “Look, Uncle Zack! I made this for you to hang in the puppy playroom.”

  Zack knelt down and took it from her. “It’s beautiful. I think the puppies are going to love it.” He hugged Cassidy, causing Diana’s heart to melt a little bit more. He was a great uncle and would be an even greater father to his own kids one day.

  “Has my mom called yet?” Cassidy asked.

  “She said she would call tonight before your bedtime. Remember?”

  “Oh yeah. Can me and Jessica go inside and get a snack please?”

  “Sure, go on in. Auntie Diana and I will be there in a few minutes.”

  The girls ran inside the house. Zack approached Diana and wrapped her in his arms. “I’ve missed you,” he said.

  She laughed. “I just saw you this morning.”

  “Yes, but only for a few minutes when I picked up Jessica. I want some time with you. Alone.”

  Diana’s heart fluttered in her chest. “When?” She asked.

  “Can Liz watch the girl’s tomorrow night? You can come over here for dinner. I’ll cook.”

  She leaned back in his arms to look at him. “You cook?”

  “You sound so surprised. I thought you would know by now I am a man of many talents.”

  Diana felt herself blushing and willed it to go away before he saw it.

  Too late. “Why Miss Mathison, whatever is going through that pretty little head of yours that’s causing such a sexy blush?”

  Diana ducked her face down and laid it on his shoulder. “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

  “Mhm.” He threaded his fingers in her hair and gently tugged until she was looking at him. “I don’t believe you,” he said, brushing his lips back and forth over hers in a soft, gentle kiss. After a few moments h
e released her lips, looked to the house, then grabbed her hand, and pulled her behind the open barn door. “This is much better. Now I can do this.” He gathered her tightly in his arms and his lips captured hers, this time in a deep, savoring kiss. His hands roamed over her, from her back down her hips and back up again. Pulling her body so close she felt as if she were being absorbed into him.

  She clung to his strong, wide shoulders, taking everything he gave, giving just as much back. Her fingers went into the hair at his nape, and she held his head to her, their lips still savoring one another. He tasted so good, so masculine. Finally, he pulled his lips away only to trail kisses across her cheek and down her neck. She let her head fall back, giving him access to her throat. He did not disappoint. His tongue darted out and traced small circles on her skin. He left a trail of fire that was about to consume her when she remembered the girls were just a few feet away, in the house where they could come out looking for them at any moment.

  “Zack. The girls,” was all she managed to say, breathlessly.

  He pulled his lips away from her but still held her in his arms. “I know.” He laid his forehead against hers and looked into her eyes. “I want you, Diana.” He took her hand and led them to the swing on the front porch, where they sat side by side.

  “Zack, I think we need to talk about this—”

  “About what?” He asked as he played with her hand, distracting her from whatever she was trying to say. She concentrated on his finger, and her heart skipped a beat when she realized that he was tracing ‘I love you’ across her palm.

  She took a deep breath, trying again to tell him they should slow down. “You’re saying you want me,” she gasped.

  “Yes, I do want you. In my life.” He laid a kiss on her cheek. “In my arms.” Another kiss on her temple. “In my heart.” Then he gently kissed her lips. “Always,” he said as he looked into her eyes. With those words he banished any concern or fear they were moving too fast.


  Diana was rushing back to her office after a long afternoon in court. Her feet were killing her, and she decided tomorrow she would drive to the courthouse even if it was only two blocks from her office. The next day she would buy some sensible shoes. She was no longer in New York City, after all. She had a pile of work waiting for her and foresaw a long night of working to be ready for tomorrow’s court appearances. Her phone buzzed in her purse. She pulled it out and looked at the text that had just come in from Zack. I know it’s my day to pick up the girls, but I’m stuck with a dog that needs emergency surgery. Can you get the girls today? I’ll make it up to you.

  Diana sighed. Her long night just got longer. Unless she could get Liz to pick them up.

  Sure, no worries. She replied.

  Then she texted Liz. Can you pick up the girls from school today? Zack had an emergency and I am swamped.

  Sorry, but I can’t today. I’m not in town.

  Diana frowned. Not in town? Where was she? And where was Logan?

  She changed direction and went directly to the school. After picking up the girls, she would go back to the office to pack up the work she was taking home.


  She and the girls had just finished dinner and she was now helping them with their homework when Zack arrived. The doorbell rang and Cassidy jumped up from her chair at the kitchen table. “My uncle Zack is finally here.” She started running to the front door.

  “Do not open that door young lady,” Diana called after her. What was it with kids these days and opening doors.

  Cassidy slunk back to sit on the stairs while Diana opened the door.

  “I’m sorry I’m here so late. I had two emergency animals come in at five. Thankfully I was able to save both dogs.” He looked tired.

  “No problem. Have you eaten?” Diana asked.

  “No, but I’m okay. I can make a sandwich when we get home.”

  “No way. Logan made plenty of food. Come into the kitchen. You can finish helping the girls with their homework while I warm up some food for you.” Diana looked at her briefcase full of work in the sitting room. Looks like it would be another late night.

  “If you’re sure. I won’t turn down spending time with my three favorite girls.” Zack picked up Cassidy and they followed Diana back into the kitchen.

  “We have chicken casserole or eggplant parmesan, which do you prefer?” Diana asked him.

  “Chicken casserole. Who in their right mind would want to eat eggplant?” He made a face that set the girls laughing. “Okay girls, what are we working on?” He asked as he looked over their homework sheets.

  Diana watched him interact with the girls while his food was heating up and once again the thought popped into her mind that he would be a great father one day. The beep of the microwave interrupted her pleasant thoughts.


  It was late when Diana saw the headlights of Liz’s car pull up to the house. Jessica had long since gone to bed, and Zack had finally picked up Cassidy about an hour earlier. He looked exhausted and still had to go home and put his niece to bed. Diana was up working. She went to the window to see Logan opening the car door for Liz. He reached out to help her out of the car. Liz placed her hand in his and stood, Logan didn’t back up.

  They stood staring at each other for several moments. It didn’t look as if they were talking. Liz leaned toward him slightly and Logan stepped back, causing Liz to stomp away from him. Diana went back to her seat as they walked to the front door. She imagined it was Liz walking and Logan chasing her, most men did. What an interesting scene she had just witnessed.

  “Liz. You know what the problem is,” Logan said.

  “I don’t want to hear it, Logan. You know what I want.” Liz had her pouty voice, which meant Logan would soon cave and give her whatever it was she wanted.

  “Yes, but I can’t give it to you. Not now.” His voice almost sounded pained, and Diana felt sorry for him. It took a strong person to say ‘no’ to Liz Mathison.

  Diana coughed to let them know she was there. She did not want to be eavesdropping on their conversation. They both turned, startled. “Diana. I didn’t think you would still be up,” Liz said.

  “I have a lot of work to get done tonight. I have a busy day tomorrow in court.”

  “Oh. Okay. Well, I’m heading up to bed. Good night.” She turned and fled up the stairs.

  Logan stood there watching her while Diana watched him. It had happened. It always did. “I was rooting for you, Logan. But it seems Liz got to you. She tends to have that effect on people.”

  Logan turned to her. “She is beautiful and a force of nature. But I can assure you our relationship is strictly professional.”

  “I have no doubt. But that isn’t what either of you wants, is it?” Diana said.

  “That’s the way it has to be. Good night, Diana,” he said and went up the back stairs to his room in the back wing of the house.


  Zack and Cassidy arrived the next morning to pick up Jessica for school. Diana was ushering her out the front door. “Thanks for picking her up. I am running so late today. I have to be in court in twenty minutes. I’m just barely going to make it.”

  Zack reached for Jessica’s backpack and put it in the truck. Jessica climbed in and sat next to Cassidy then pulled on her seatbelt. Assured the girls were securely buckled up, he turned to Diana. “Will you come over for dinner tonight? I’m cooking.”

  “I’d love to. Should I bring Jessica?”

  He shook his head. “Liz agreed to watch the girls. Cassidy is spending the night. Tomorrow is Saturday so they can stay up late doing girl stuff or so Cassidy informed me.”

  “Looks like you have it all planned. What time should I come over?”

  “Seven is good.”

  “I’ll be there.”


  When Diana arrived at Zack’s house it smelled incredible. “You really can cook?” She asked.

  “I’m wounded you didn’t believe me. Ye of
little faith.” He walked up to her with a wooden spoon in his hand. He raised it to her lips so she could sample dinner.

  “Mmm… this is delicious. What is it?”

  “That is a secret. You will have to wait until it’s done.”

  He took her purse and sweater and laid them on the sofa, then he leaned down and kissed her. “I’m glad you could come tonight.”

  “Me, too.”

  He handed her a glass of red wine then busied himself at the stove with dinner. Diana watched him as she slowly sipped the wine. She enjoyed watching the muscles on his back stretch the fabric of his shirt when he bent over. A perusal of the view further down was even better.

  He closed the oven, turned, and looked at her. A smile played on his lips as he slowly walked to her. He had caught her staring at his very sexy backside. “Miss Mathison, I do believe you were checking me out,” he said.

  She held his piercing gaze. “And what if I was?”

  He wrapped his arms loosely around her waist. “I have absolutely no objections. However, I’d say that entitles me to at least a kiss.”

  “That sounds like a fair trade.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. He leaned down and captured her lips in a slow, teasing kiss meant to set her on fire. She was certain that was his goal because she felt herself being slowly consumed by heat only Zack could evoke in her. If he could do this to her with a kiss, she was afraid of what would happen if he made love to her. She’d probably go up in flames leaving a pile of ashes in his bed. That thought made her smile, almost making her laugh.

  “Do you find my kisses laughable?” He asked.

  “Not even remotely,” she said.

  “Dare I ask why you were smiling when I was kissing you?”

  She shook her head. “Believe me, you don’t want to know—well, maybe you would. But I’m not telling.”

  “Ah, so it was something good. A fantasy that included me perhaps?”

  Just then the timer on the oven began beeping. “Saved by the bell,” she said, lifting her glass of wine to her lips.

  He shut off the timer and pulled dinner out of the oven and set it on the counter. “You aren’t getting off that easy. I’ll find out. Question is, should I use bribery or coercion?” He asked.


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