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When Tomorrow Never Comes

Page 15

by Raven K. Asher

  “You wouldn’t ever have to let him go if you chose to be with me, you know.” Liam replies gently.

  “Liam, you’ll never be able to replace him. You may look like him but you two were far from the same.” I sigh softly as I touch his cheek tenderly.

  He nods in agreement.

  “You’re right. I’m the better looking brother.” He then jokes with a bright grin.

  I snort and shake my head as I step back.

  “Cole was far hotter, Liam.” I tease.

  Liam’s eyes heat for a moment before he steps forward and then grabs me into his arms before pressing his lips against mine.

  We both get lost in our kiss before Liam leans back. “He may have been hotter but he never kissed you like that.”

  “True, only you kiss me like that.” I reply quietly.

  His kisses were always deep, not in just the physical way but in the mental kind of way. His kisses were filled with passion and love.

  When we kissed it placed us at a level that I had never found with anyone else, it was almost magical and something that I absolutely loved.

  “Good, I hope I’m the only one who will ever kiss you like that.” Liam replies.

  Our conversation ends when Eric walks into the room unannounced.

  He motions between both Liam and me. “Are you ready to go, Eve? Jayce is going to want you over at his house before it’s too late.”

  I nod and then move to my closet to grab some shoes.

  “Liam, do you mind coming down to breakfast to talk with me and Eric before you leave?” Eric then questions Liam.

  “I don’t mind at all.” Liam replies.

  Turning around I watch as both Eric and Liam leave my room without another word.

  Sitting on the edge of my bed I slip on a pair of sandals before standing back up to grab my bag before leaving my room behind.

  Moving downstairs I rush towards the door.

  “Hold on a second, Eve.” Matt calls out before walking towards me with my lunch held out in his hand.

  I take it from him and then lean in for a quick hug. “Thanks, Dad.”

  “You’re welcome, Sweetheart.” He replies with a grin.

  With my lunch in my hand I open the front door and leave.

  It doesn’t take me long to walk down the sidewalk and then across the street before making my way to Jayce’s front door.

  As always I knock.

  Ben opens the door and motions upstairs. “He’s upstairs if you want to get him. He’s going to make us all late if he doesn’t get his ass moving.”

  I nod and smile. “I don’t know if, me, going up there will get him moving but I’ll try my best.”

  Ben snorts and then shuts the door as I move past him.

  He moves away into the kitchen and I slowly make my way upstairs and then down the short hallway towards Jayce’s bedroom door.

  I knock and he rushes out. “I’m coming, I’m coming.”

  Laughing I lean up and kiss him. “Let’s get going before we’re late.”

  Chapter 22

  Dear Diary,

  I feel you out there in the air, and in the wind kissing my skin. In the way that your brother touches me and the way his voice caresses my ears. I still love you…but I think I love him too. What do I do, Cole? What do I do…?

  When lunch comes after a hard morning I sit down at my normal table and wait for the others to join me.

  Liam is the first to sit across from me.

  “Hey, Eve, how has your day been so far?” He greets.

  “It’s been alright I guess. You’ve been in all my classes so why are you even asking? I imagine your day has been about the same.” I ramble on.

  I was trying to avoid the one thing I wanted to admit.

  My day had been filled with thoughts of him and whether or not to continue my relationship with Jayce or to end it so that I could stop fighting against my emotions and finally be with Liam.

  I was a mess to say the least.

  The things that Liam had put me through were keeping me from making a definite decision.

  “You’re rambling, Evie.” Liam replies with a raised brow.

  He knew me too well.

  “It’s nothing you need to know or worry about, Liam.” I reply as I turn my full attention towards my lunch.

  “Are you sure?” He questions.

  I’m about to answer him but Jayce sits down next to me along with Ben and Maggie.

  He kisses me but I cut it short not wanting to rub it in Liam’s face.

  I shouldn’t have cared, but I did.

  It should have been a red flag that maybe I wasn’t leaning towards a long lasting relationship with Jayce.

  “So, are you guys going to be busy this weekend?” Liam asks while turning his attention towards the others.

  “Not as far as I know.” Jayce replies with a quick glance in my direction before continuing on. “What do you have planned?”

  “I’m having a huge party at my house. My parents are going to be out of town.” Liam replies.

  “Seriously, your parties are the best.” Maggie replies with unbridled excitement.

  Liam nods. “They were but it won’t quite be the same without Cole. Anyway, you guys are all invited to come over and have a few drinks if you want.”

  “Yeah, that would be awesome.” Ben chimes in.

  Liam then turns his attention towards Jayce for his answer. “How about you two, do you have any other plans?”

  “It’s all up to her.” Jayce answers before both of them turn their attention towards me.

  I nod and force a smile. “A party sounds like fun.”

  “Then it’s settled. Come over to my house around nine.” Liam states and then smacks the table before standing up to his feet.

  He then moves off to another table to sit down with the next group of people.

  I knew what he was doing. He was inviting others to his party. And if I had to guess I had a feeling that this party was a sudden idea.

  “Babe, I hate to cut lunch short but I’ve got to go talk with one of my teachers about a makeup test.” Jayce states abruptly, gaining my attention.

  “Oh, okay.” I reply confused.

  Without another word he leaves me alone with Ben and Maggie.

  We eat in silence before Maggie breaks it.

  “I need to go too, Ben. The art teacher wanted me to work with her to make plans for the next homecoming dance’s decorations.” She explains.

  “Okay, Babe, I’ll see you after school. You are coming home with me, right?” Ben replies.

  Maggie nods as she stands up. “Of course I am. Is it alright if I spend the night too?”

  “Yeah, you can spend the night, but you know Mom’s rules.” Ben replies with a light laugh.

  “How could I forget? I don’t mind sleeping in the guest room though.” Maggie laughs with him before kissing his cheek.

  She leaves us behind a moment later and Ben sighs roughly as he stares down at his meal.

  There was something obviously bothering him.

  And against my better judgment I had to ask what it was. “Is something wrong?”

  He shakes his head for a second before nodding. “I honestly don’t know. Something feels off with Maggie. Even Jayce has been a little bit sketchy at home.”

  “Have you noticed anything?” He then questions me.

  “Things have been a bit strained between me and Jayce.” I admit.

  “I hate to ask this but do you think he might be cheating on you?” Ben questions seriously.

  I shake my head. “I haven’t gotten a feeling like that at all. He’s been the same in that aspect. There hasn’t been a day where he’s turned me away.”

  Ben bows his head. “Maggie won’t even let me get that far.”

  “Why not, you two seem like you really hit it off.” I reply, surprised.

  “I don’t know, Eve, she hasn’t given me a single straight answer. Every time we get close she blocks
me and then runs from my room.” Ben sighs roughly as he scrubs his hands over his face.

  “Maybe she just needs time, Ben.” I reason.

  He nods and then sighs again before gathering the remains of his lunch. “Thanks for talking to me, Eve.”

  I nod and he abruptly leaves the table.

  I sit alone for just a few minutes before Liam returns with a raised brow as he motions towards the now empty seats beside me.

  “Where did everyone go?” He inquires.

  “They all left.” I sigh.

  Liam nods and then leans over the table closer to me. “Are you actually going to come to my party?”

  Smiling I nod. “Yeah, I’ll come but why did you just come up with the idea?”

  He snorts as he shakes his head. “You noticed that, huh?”

  I nod and he continues on. “I just figured that if I wanted to get a chance with you then I had to try a more drastic approach.”

  “Liam, this isn’t going to be like the last time. I’m not going to jump into your bed with you like I did before. I’m not going to cheat on Jayce.” I reply sternly.

  “I was only hoping that you would make up your mind before then. I’m not asking you to cheat on him, I only want you to make a decision on who you want to be with, that’s all.” Liam explains.

  “But you’re really hoping that I pick you, right?” I laugh lightly.

  “Don’t hate me for hoping.” Liam chuckles.

  As our laughter dies down I study Liam for a moment before speaking. “Liam, I could never hate you. Hating you would feel too much like hating Cole and that’s just something I could never do.”

  Liam nods in understanding. “I get it, Eve, but you don’t have to hate me. I hate myself enough for the both of us.”

  With that he stands to his feet before walking away.

  That darkness that I had glimpsed in him before had just resurfaced.

  It was that same darkness that I had seen in Cole when we had first begun to date and it scared me. I was scared for Liam.

  I didn’t want him to be sucked into that dark pit like Cole had been. And I sure as hell didn’t want to lose Liam the way that I had lost Cole.

  The only problem was that I didn’t know how to fix it. I had tried with Cole and I had failed, I didn’t want to fail again.

  Packing up the leftovers of my lunch I stand to my feet and toss it into the trash before pulling out my phone from my pocket as I walk just outside the school’s main entrance.

  I punch in Eric’s number and then hold it to my ear as it rings.

  He answers on the second ring. “Hello?”

  “It’s me, Papa Bear.” I reply.

  “Hey, Princess, is everything alright?” He then asks, sounding worried.

  “Everything is alright, but I need to ask you a favor.” I reply.

  “What do you need, Princess?” He questions.

  “Can you call the school so I can get out early today? I’ve got a lot on my mind right now and I just can’t deal. I’m afraid that I might blackout if I stress myself out too much.” I explain, hoping that he would buy my slight lie.

  It wasn’t like I was completely lying because there was a chance that I would stress myself out too much.

  And who knew exactly what caused my blackouts.

  It was better to be safe than sorry.

  “Alright, Princess, I’ll call and have the school excuse you. Do you need me to pick you up?” He replies with a sigh.

  “Is it alright if I just walk home? I think it would help me sort everything out in my mind.” I reply while crossing my fingers that he would let me.

  After a long pause he agrees. “That’s fine, but be careful and call me if you need anything at all. I’ll be working but I can still come and pick you up if you need me to.”

  “Thanks, Papa Bear.” I reply happily.

  “You’re welcome, Princess. I love you.” Eric replies softly.

  “I love you too, Dad.” I reply before ending the call.

  Sighing softly I head back into the school and then towards my next class until Eric called and had me excused for the rest of the day.

  As I enter the classroom I stop in the doorway when I spot Liam talking to Amy with his back turned towards me.

  I couldn’t hear what they were saying but the manner in which they were standing seemed a bit too sensual for two people that had broken up.

  Instead of backing out of the room and running away like my heart wanted to I walk in and drop my bag onto the floor with a loud thud.

  I gain the attention of Liam quickly and he spins around to look at me with wide eyes.

  As I sit down in my chair he curses behind me. “We’ll talk about this another time, Amy. What I said is final though. You won’t change my mind no matter what you try.”

  With that Amy huffs dramatically before rushing out of the room leaving only me and Liam inside alone.

  Soon he sits down behind me before leaning in close to speak to me over my shoulder. “Eve, I don’t know what you heard but you have to know that it’s over between me and Amy. She’s trying her hardest to get back with me but I don’t want her, okay.”

  “It is whatever it is, Liam. I don’t want excuses or lies.” I reply a bit harshly.

  I couldn’t help it, I felt betrayed.

  “I want you, Eve. I love you.” Liam replies softly before leaning back in his chair as other students begin filing into the classroom.

  Thankfully the teacher walks in and points towards me. “Miss Gallagher, you’ve been excused. Just go to the office and sign yourself out.”

  I nod and grin as I stand to my feet and gather my bag.

  “Where are you going?” Liam asks quickly.

  “It’s none of your business, Liam.” I clip out and then walk out of the classroom.

  I knew exactly where I was going and with a quick stop in the main office I continue on my way, quickly but quietly.

  Chapter 23

  Dear Diary,

  I don’t know what to believe. Do I believe what I’m seeing or do I follow what my heart is telling me? Please give me a sign, Cole. Is it Liam or is it Jayce…

  Sitting down on the familiar bench I rub my hands along the worn wood as I close my eyes and imagine Cole sitting next to me.

  It was becoming hard to picture him.

  “Please, don’t leave me.” I whisper into the breeze.

  I was grasping for any hold I could keep on him and his memories.

  “I’m sorry for what I did, Cole. I never meant to fall in love with him. I never knew it had happened until it was already too late.” I whimper as a few tears escape my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

  Allowing myself to admit everything out loud felt like the right thing to do.

  It was the perfect time and place to spill every thought and feeling that I had hidden inside of myself.

  “I should have stopped him. I should have run away but I didn’t and it cost me everything. I lost you because I couldn’t choose.” I cry.

  “You gave me the choice and I lied. I’m so sorry.” I confess softly as my tears spill faster down my cheeks.

  That had been something I had held in and buried deep within myself.

  There had been a moment when Cole had asked me if I had growing feelings for Liam. He had confronted me about it and I had lied to him.

  I had hidden everything even though it was clear in his eyes that he hadn’t believed me.

  Cole could have easily ended things between us, but my heart told me that he just wanted to hang onto me for as long as he could.

  I knew how he felt because I was doing that right now. I was holding onto him and my memories of him for as long as I could.

  I didn’t want to let him go.

  But in order to move on I had to.

  I was just waiting for that sign that would tell me when it was the right time. It was a sign that wasn’t going to come. It was going to have to be a choice that I made for myself.
/>   As much as I wanted it to be easy it wasn’t going to be.

  My heart was being torn between Jayce, Liam, and Cole.

  As my tears slow down I open my eyes and wipe my face with my hands before lying down on the bench with my book bag under my head.

  I stare out at the water, trying to focus my mind.

  It was an almost impossible task. All I could think about was the choices I was going to have to make ahead of me.

  A voice behind me suddenly has me bolting upright on the bench.

  It was dark now and nearly impossible to see anything around me.

  Suddenly a bright light shines in my direction nearly blinding me. I raise my hand over my eyes to shield them from it as I struggle to see past it.

  “There she is.” Liam calls out. “I found her, Eric.”

  He rushes over to me before taking my face into his hands. “Are you alright, Eve?”

  I nod. “I’m fine, what’s going on?”

  “No one knew where you were, Eve. You’ve been gone all day.” Liam explains as Eric rushes up to me before pulling me up into his arms.

  After a moment he leans back from our embrace. “What were you thinking, Eve? We were worried sick when you didn’t come home and when you didn’t answer your phone.”

  “I didn’t realize I would fall asleep. I’m sorry, Dad, I never meant to worry you.” I whisper.

  I felt like I had disappointed them yet again.

  “I’m just glad that you’re okay.” He replies softly as he hugs me tightly again.

  Out of nowhere I’m suddenly pulled into another set of strong arms before I’m spun around to face Jayce before he kisses me.

  He leans back with anger in his eyes. “Don’t you ever do this to us again, Eve.”

  I nod as tears begin to fill my eyes.

  God, I felt like such an idiot. All I had wanted to do was sort through my thoughts and all I had managed was to make a mess of everything.

  Eric was disappointed in me and Jayce was angry.

  Liam was the only one who seemed to be indifferent to what was going on. He was worried but not to the extent that I felt bad for what had happened.

  “Dude, just because she’s your girlfriend doesn’t mean you should talk to her like that. She fell asleep. It’s not like she was intentionally making us worry about her.” Liam barks out abruptly.


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