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When Tomorrow Never Comes

Page 16

by Raven K. Asher

  “Stay out of this, Liam. You could have found her first, you know. You knew where she would be but you were too busy with your own girlfriend to bother telling us where to find her.” Jayce clips out.

  “Enough. Both of you need to stop.” Eric snarls as he tugs me from Jayce’s arms. “We found her, so now both of you can go home. I’ll take care of her from here.”

  Without an argument both boys nod their heads before leaving me and Eric alone.

  “Let’s sit down and talk for a few minutes.” Eric insists as he lightly pushes me in the direction of the bench.

  As we sit down next to each other a comfortable silence surrounds us briefly.

  “Eve, what’s been going on with you lately? Something big has been bothering you, I can tell.” Eric begins gently.

  Taking in a deep breath I stare out absently at the water as the moon causes the small ripples to sparkle with light. “I’m confused, Dad.”

  “Confused about what?” He pushes for me to explain.

  “I’m confused about Jayce and Liam.” I admit softly. “My heart is being pulled into two different directions, not to mention Cole still has a firm grasp on it as well.”

  “Ah, I should have known this would be about boys.” Eric chuckles lightly. “Matt would be the better one for this talk but let me try, okay.”

  I nod and laugh with him for a moment.

  When we become serious again Eric takes my hand in his. “I know how hard it is when you’re being torn in two directions. When I first realized I was gay I was torn between my best friend and the girlfriend I had had at the time.”

  “I didn’t want to hurt her but I knew what was between us wasn’t right. My heart told me that it wasn’t. What it told me was that what I had between me and my best friend was what I truly wanted and needed.” He explains further.

  “What did you do?” I whisper.

  I desperately needed to know what he had done, what choices he had made.

  “I messed up. I pushed my best friend away and tried to hold onto the relationship that wasn’t real. I was young and dumb and it nearly cost me something I would have regretted for the rest of my life.” Eric replies.

  I watch as his smiles in the darkness. “Luckily Matt was smart enough for the both of us and took charge. He kissed me right in front of everyone in school. He claimed me. From that moment on I didn’t hide, I didn’t have to. I allowed my heart to lead me.”

  “What should I do then?” I ask.

  “Follow what your heart is telling you, Eve.” Eric answers simply. “Don’t fight it or you might end up regretting your decisions later on.”

  “So, I should go after Liam?” I question.

  “That’s not what I’m telling you, Princess. I’m not going to tell you which direction to go.” He stresses.

  “But I will tell you that I’m rooting for Liam.” He adds with a chuckle.

  I snort and shake my head before letting out a soft sigh. “I’m glad you chose to be with Matt. You two are the best fathers anyone could ever have.”

  “Me too, and you’re the best daughter I could have ever wished for.” He replies with a fatherly kiss on top of my head while wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

  The croaking of frogs and a splash here and there fill in the silence around us as we both stare off absently at the pond before us.

  After a little while Eric sighs and then turns his attention back towards me. “We should get home before Matt panics any more than he already has.”

  I nod in agreement and we both stand to our feet before walking in the direction home together.

  With each step we take I get a little closer to making my decision.

  It didn’t ease the apprehension I was feeling towards the situation but it did lighten the load on my heart.

  There was only one choice that my heart wanted to make.

  And tomorrow I would make it.

  Tomorrow I would allow my heart to lead me in the direction I was supposed to go.

  Chapter 24

  Dear Diary,

  They say that there’s a reason for everything that happens. When you left me I couldn’t see that reason but I believe I’m beginning to…You’ll always be in my heart.

  The night goes by quickly and before I know it tomorrow has already come.

  Of course both Matt and Eric had come into my room periodically throughout the entire night just to reassure themselves that I was still there, but I couldn’t blame them.

  I had scared them.

  However it did make waking up difficult.

  I wanted nothing more than to fall back to sleep but I had slept in long enough for a Saturday.

  Groaning I fight against the sleep that wanted to drag me back under into its dark depths of peacefulness.

  I only manage to roll onto my stomach while burying my face into my pillow.

  Pushing up on my arms I give myself no choice but to wake up.

  I groan again and then drop back down onto the bed.

  “Just wake up already, Evie.” Liam chuckles from beside me on the bed.

  I shoot up suddenly wide awake to look down at him. “When did you come into my room last night?”

  He only shrugs as he scoots himself into a sitting position against the headboard. “I couldn’t sleep last night so I came over here hoping that you hadn’t locked your window.”

  “Oh, well, you need to go before Eric or Matt catches you in here again.” I reply.

  “Eric already knows I’m here.” He admits.

  “He does, and he was alright with you sleeping with me?” I ask in disbelief.

  Liam nods. “He didn’t mind at all considering we both still had our clothes on. I think he would have had different feelings if we hadn’t.”

  “He is team Liam.” I mutter under my breath.

  “What?” Liam questions with a raised brow.

  I shake my head and stand to my feet. “It’s nothing.”

  “You should probably go. I have a lot of things I need to do today.” I add gently as I move over to my dresser and begin pulling out clothes.

  I pause in place when his hands circle around me and his warm breath fans over my ear.

  “You’re still coming over to my party later, right?” He asks.

  “I might.” I reply with a mischievous grin as I pull out a light purple, lacey, bra.

  Liam’s hands stop mine and then take the bra from my hands, placing it back into the drawer before pulling out a lacy red and black bra and then the matching panties.

  “Wear these, for me.” He whispers.

  I find myself taking them from his hands unable to say no.

  Turning in his arms I search his eyes for a moment before laughing softly. “Why do you want me to wear something that I may never let you get the chance to see me in?”

  “I do because I already see it in your eyes that you’re going to be mine.” He replies easily.

  There was no way to argue with him.

  I had made my decision before I had gone to sleep, but first I had to find a way to end things with Jayce. I needed to do it with as little damage to him as possible.

  “You’re full of yourself, Liam.” I tease.

  He shakes his head while placing his hand against my cheek. “No, I’m not. You want to be with me, just admit it.”

  “Not until you apologize for all the crap you put me through after Cole died, and when I came back to live here.” I reply.

  He nods as he closes his eyes.

  After a moment he reopens them. “I’m sorry, Eve. I was stupid and angry at myself and I took it out on you. I never meant to hurt you the way that I had. All I wanted to do was hold you.”

  He sighs roughly before continuing on. “When you came back…I was scared. I was using Amy to fill that hole that had been left behind from Cole dying and you leaving me.”

  “I didn’t want to leave, Liam.” I whisper.

  “I know that now, but then I didn’t. I truly thought that
it had been your idea to leave. No one ever told me that you had been forced to leave.” He replies honestly.

  “If I could take everything back that I’ve said or done I would. It kills me to think about what I said to you. Every time I made you cry I wanted to die.” He adds.

  Placing my hands on either side of his face I brush my thumbs against the rough stubble growing along his jaw as I gaze deep into his eyes. “Don’t ever think like that. I don’t want to lose you like I did Cole.”

  He nods slightly as he stares into my eyes. “I love you, Eve.”

  “I love you too, Liam.” I reply with a barely there whisper.

  In the next moment his lips crash into mine.

  Our tongues tangle in an almost desperate dance to get closer to each other.

  Stopping him with a light push after a few moments I sigh and I bow my head. “I need to end things with Jayce before we go any farther, Liam.”

  He nods while picking up my chin. “I can wait. Just promise me that you’ll meet me in my room after you come to my party.”

  “I promise.” I grin before leaning up to give him one more quick kiss.

  “Now, go. I need to shower and get dressed.” I order lightly.

  Liam’s eyes heat. “I could help you.”

  I snort and shake my head. “Go. I’m not your girlfriend yet. You’re going to have to wait a little bit longer.”

  Nodding he backs away from me towards the window.

  He freezes in place when someone knocks on my door.

  We both glance at each other before watching the door.

  “Eve, are you in there? Your dad said that you were.” Jayce grunts from the other side.

  Liam looks to me wide eyed before cursing softly.

  I point sternly towards the window and he nods before moving towards it, quickly but quietly.

  “I’m in here, just give me a second.” I call out.

  The door knob begins to turn but stops abruptly.

  It was locked.

  Saying a silent thank you to whoever locked it I make my way over towards the door before glancing back at the window to watch as Liam climbs out and then disappears out of sight.

  I close my eyes for a moment before letting out a long breath while unlocking the door.

  Jayce swings it open knocking me back out of his way as he charges inside. “Why was your door locked?” He barks out.

  I watch as he searches my room before going into the bathroom.

  “I didn’t even realize it had been locked.” I answer truthfully.

  He marches back out of my bathroom coming to a stop right in front of me. “You’re lying to me, Eve. I know you are.”

  My anger goes from one to a hundred in mere seconds.

  I couldn’t believe the way that he was acting.

  Gritting my teeth together I growl out at him as I point my finger to the door. “Get out. I want you out of here now. I will not be treated like this, not now, not ever.”

  Jayce shakes his head while he reaches out to grab my hips. “I’m not leaving.”

  Shoving his hands away from me I step back. “Leave, now, Jayce.”

  Again, he shakes his head as he takes a step forward. “I’m not leaving my girlfriend.”

  His eyes soften slightly as he stares down at me. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so on edge. I feel like I’m losing you.”

  Without letting me speak he leans forward, pressing his lips against mine.

  His tongue demands my lips to open for him and before I even realize what I’m doing I open to him and then wrap my arms around his neck while he lifts me up and wraps my legs around his waist.

  I was helpless.

  My body wanted what he had to give.

  It was the pleasure I was after, the bliss that would make everything else fade away around me.

  That bliss also made my emotions float away.

  I had to stop him now.

  This had already gone too far.

  Pulling back I bow my head in order to keep him from kissing me again.

  I pant for my next breath. “Jayce, we need to stop right now.”

  He nods as he sets me down to my feet. “We can stop. I wanted to wait for tonight anyway. I was hoping that we could do something special.”

  “We’re going to go to Liam’s party first but I have something else planned for the rest of the night.” He adds.

  Before I can say anything he kisses me and then heads towards the door. “I’ll see you over there tonight.”

  He then leaves as fast as he had come.

  My mouth opens and shuts at a loss for words.

  I had wanted to end things with him but I had ended up making a mess of it, again.

  The words had escaped me.

  God, this was going to be hard.

  Chapter 25

  Dear Diary,

  I’m ready to move on. I have loved only you for long enough. It’s time for me to love someone else again…

  Nine o’clock rolls around quickly and I find myself pacing my room in nothing but a towel.

  I had gotten three showers and had gone through at least ten different outfits trying to get ready for this party.

  I wanted things to be perfect for me and Liam.

  Stopping mid pace I turn towards my dresser and quickly fish out the bra and panty set that Liam had picked out earlier.

  If that was what he had wanted me to wear then that would be what I wore. Other than that I was at a total loss as to what to wear for him.

  I half thought to just show up in that alone.

  But that wouldn’t help me in the slightest with my other problem. I still needed to end things with Jayce before I could begin anything with Liam.

  Groaning in frustration I go back over to my closet for the twentieth time and sort through the dresses and clothes inside.

  There was nothing that just jumped out at me.

  A knock on my door has me nearly jumping out of my skin before I chuckle.

  “Who is it?” I sing song in response.

  “It’s papa bear. I have something that Liam brought over for you.” Eric replies back.

  Sighing softly I move over to the door and peek out at him. “I hope it’s something to wear because I swear my clothes are all boring.”

  Eric chuckles as he hands over a bag. “I honestly don’t know what it is but he said that you’d love it.”

  I take the bag. “Thanks, Papa Bear.”

  “You’re welcome, Princess, and I’m sure whatever you decide to wear will be drop dead gorgeous on you.” He reassures.

  I smile and shut the door.

  Moving over to my bed I sit on the edge of it before opening the bag in my hand.

  I gasp in surprise as I pull out a small black miniskirt and a matching black halter top.

  It was the perfect outfit for tonight.

  Liam was definitely gunning for bonus points.

  Moving quickly I slip on the top tying it behind my neck before slipping the miniskirt on.

  Once dressed, I move over to my mirror and smile as I rub my hands over my hips and down the material of the short skirt.

  It was sexy, without being too over the top sexy.

  I loved it, but it needed one more thing to make the outfit absolutely perfect.

  Going over to my dresser I pull open a drawer that I had filled with little things that held special memories.

  It held the ticket stub to the first movie Cole had taken me to, and it held a tiny ring that my birthmother had given to me along with a photograph of her.

  Picking up the photo I smile and then reach into the drawer with my other hand to pull out the small hairpin that she had been wearing in the picture.

  I hold it tightly in my hand before placing her photo back in the drawer so that I could place the pin in my hair to pull it back slightly on one side.

  As soon as I’m finished I go back over to my mirror and grin.

  Staring at my reflection now was almost like staring at my
mother’s picture, I looked just like her when she had been young.

  Approving my look I gather my favorite pair of knee high boots, slipping them on quickly before heading downstairs.

  As I step into the living room where Matt and Eric were curled on the couch together, watching a movie, Eric lets out a low whistle.

  “You look amazing, Princess. Should we expect you home tonight?” He teases lightly.

  “I’ll be coming home.” I snort.

  “You better be.” Matt grunts.

  “Be careful, Eve.” Eric then states seriously.

  I nod. “I will be, Papa Bear.”

  With that I move off towards the front door but stop and laugh as Eric calls out. “Team Liam, all the way baby.”

  Shaking my head I open the door and walk out.

  When the door shuts behind me I find myself suddenly nervous. I had no idea how this night was going to play out.

  I had no idea how Jayce was going to react to our breakup either.

  Hell, I didn’t even know if I would be able to bring myself to walk into Liam’s house. I hadn’t been able to even get closer than the front door.

  Walking across the street I make my way up to the door while people flock in and out of the front doorway.

  I pause as I reach the open door.

  “There you are.” Liam shouts out before reaching for my hand to lead me inside.

  He pulls me into a dark corner before scanning his eyes over my body. “You look stunning, Evie.”

  “Thank you for sending me something to wear.” I reply loud enough to be heard.

  “I’d do anything for you.” Liam promises.

  “Did you end things with Jayce?” He then questions, changing the subject.

  I shake my head. “He never gave me the chance to speak earlier. He supposed to meet me here so as soon as I find him I’ll end things.”

  Liam nods. “You better hurry because with you dressed like this I won’t be able to control myself for long.”

  He then leans in close and fingers the edge of my shirt pulling it back just enough to expose the red and black bra that he had picked out.


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