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Crazy Stupid Perfection (Crazy Love, #3)

Page 17

by Melissa Toppen

  Pure fucking bliss.

  That’s the only way to describe it.

  This moment.

  This life.

  This girl.

  It’s fucking magic.

  I don’t hear the door latch closed until Charlie jumps slightly, breaking our connection. I flip my gaze upward to see the glowing burn of Gavin’s eyes as he stares daggers into me.

  So much for my perfect fucking moment.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “What the fuck?”

  It’s the first words Gavin has uttered since he walked into my room, what feels like hours ago, to find me and Paxton kissing.

  Paxton tenses next to me but doesn’t shrink under Gavin’s menacing glare. I, on the other hand, am shaking so bad you would think I have some kind of medical condition. My entire body is literally trembling.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” His gaze is locked on Paxton, not once shifting to me.

  “Before you flip the fuck out...” Paxton holds his hands up, slowly standing from the bed. “Let me explain.”

  “Explain what?” Gavin roars. “How you’re in here making out with my fucking sister?”

  “I’m not just making out with her.” Paxton glances down at me, a small reassuring smile pulling up the corner of his mouth.

  I know it’s his way of trying to show me that everything is okay even though it feels far from okay at the moment.

  “I’m in love with her.” He says, not taking his eyes off of me.

  My heart flip flops in my chest at his words and despite the current situation, I can’t stop the smile his statement brings to my face. A smile that instantly vanishes the moment Gavin reminds me of his presence.

  “I’m sorry, you what?” He screams, looking between the two of us like he can’t possibly believe it to be true.

  “Gavin.” Harlee’s voice pulls my attention to where she’s standing half way hidden behind him. I didn’t even realize she was in the room until this very moment.

  Squeezing his bicep, she tries to urge him backward out of the room.

  “Perhaps this isn’t the time or place.” She suggests gently.

  “I didn’t realize there was a time or place to have two people you trusted fuck you straight up the ass.” He bites, not looking in her direction.

  Hitting me an apologetic look, she doesn’t say more, but I can tell by her stance that she’s ready to step in if it becomes necessary.

  “Don’t make this about you Gavin.” I finally speak up, able to find my voice.

  “That’s rich, coming from someone who clearly only cares about herself.” He bites, his words dripping with venom.

  I fight back the tears that threaten to spill, knowing he’s only say these things out of anger. It’s hard to hold my emotions in given everything I’ve been through today.

  “Gavin, I love you man, but if you continue to talk to Charlie that way, we’re gonna have a fucking problem.” Paxton interrupts the staring contest currently taking place between me and my brother.

  “Seriously?” Gavin twists his gaze and gawks openly at Paxton. “We’re gonna have a problem?” He questions. “Pretty sure we already have a very big fucking problem. Starting with you minding your fucking business when I’m speaking to my sister.”

  “Well she’s my girlfriend, so I won’t just sit here and let you berate her.”

  “Wait.” Gavin pauses, seeming to just now connect the dots. “No.” He shakes his head slowly back and forth, his eyes dancing between the two of us.

  “He’s the father?” He looks at me, a wildness to his eyes.

  I nod my head, unable to push the words out.

  “You’re the fucking father?” Gavin’s voice bounces off the walls around us, his gaze now locked so firmly on Paxton it feels like he’s trying to rip him to shreds with his eyes.

  “I am.” Paxton doesn’t waiver, his calm demeanor the only thing keeping me from freaking the hell out right now.

  “You... You sat there and listened to me talk about how disappointed I was, how in shock I was. All the while you were the one who put her in this position to begin with?”

  “To be fair, he didn’t know.” I interject.

  “I found out from you.” Paxton adds.

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” He cocks a brow. “How long?” He lets the question hang for a long moment. “How long have you been fucking my sister?” He roars, his temper teetering.

  “Gavin.” I interject.

  “Not now Charlie. This is between me and someone I thought was my brother.” He bites.

  “I am your brother. This doesn’t change us dude.” Paxton tries to reason with him.

  “Like hell it doesn’t change things between us. Are you fucking kidding me right now dude?” He twists the word, mocking it. “What do seem to be having trouble grasping here? Not only have you been fucking my sister behind my back but you knocked her fucking up in the process. You have been lying to me for who knows how fucking long.”

  “We were just trying to figure things out.” I once again interject.

  “I said, not now Charlie.” He grinds out, not even looking in my direction. “How long?” He repeats.

  “Since before I left for New York.” I scream, tired of him dismissing me like some child who can’t speak for herself.

  “What?” He turns wide eyes on me.

  “My eighteenth birthday party.” I add, a slight shake to my voice. “You wanted to know when it started, you got your answer.”

  “Almost four years?” Gavin rolls the thought over, letting out a laugh that reminds me more of a wild animal than a rational man.

  “It was only right before she left.” Paxton intervenes. “We didn’t see or speak to each other again until she returned home a few months ago. I tried to stay away from her, Gavin, I swear to you I did. But fuck me, I’m powerless where she’s concerned.”

  “And that’s just supposed to make everything better?” Gavin’s voice goes up an octave. “You tried to stay away from her so I should just forgive the fact that one of my best fucking friends and my fucking sister of all people, have been lying to me for years.”

  “It’s killed us to keep this from you?” I fight through the tears threatening to spill down my cheeks.

  I hate seeing the hurt in his eyes. The betrayal he feels so clearly written across his face.

  “Clearly it hasn’t been too difficult.” He bites.

  “It’s eaten at me since the beginning.” Paxton speaks up, clearly the one who stands the most to lose here.

  I’m Gavin’s sister. Sooner or later, he has to forgive me. Paxton on the other hand, doesn’t have that guarantee. For the first time I’m actually starting to realize what he risked to be with me.

  “Don’t fucking spew your petty shit to me about how awful you felt or how hard it was to lie to me. At the end of the day you still went through with it.” He throws his hands up in the air. “You got me.” He huffs out in defeat. “Good job. Perfect Paxton Stewart. With your perfect fucking hair and your perfect fucking clothes and your perfect fucking talent. You didn’t already have it all. No.” Gavin shakes his head, his face contorted in anger. “You just had to have more.”

  “My life is not fucking perfect.” Paxton interrupts prompting a deep laugh to explode from Gavin’s throat.

  “Was this some kind of game to you? Did you think to yourself, what can I do next to prove to the world that I can have and do anything I want? Charlie, Paxton? Charlie?” He questions like he still can’t believe it.

  “I love her.”

  “Fuck you.” Gavin’s words drip with disbelief. “You don’t fucking know what it means to love someone. If you did, you wouldn’t have felt the need to keep her a secret. She’s just another fucking conquest to you. You always want what you can’t have right?”

  “I didn’t keep her secret because my feelings aren’t real. I kept her a secret because I knew you would never let me ha
ve her. You would have swooped in and crushed it before we ever even had a chance to figure out what this thing between us was. We both knew that.” He gestures between the two of us.

  “Oh, so now this is my fault.” Gavin nods, his nostrils flaring.

  “That’s not what I’m saying.”

  “No, I got you loud and clear. It’s my fault that two of the closest people to me have been lying to my face. I forgot, perfect Paxton can do no wrong.”

  “Would you fucking stop?” Paxton’s voice goes up and I can tell he’s losing his patience quickly. “My life is far from perfect and you fucking know it. But you know what, through all the shit and all the pain, I found a silver lining. Why can’t you just be happy for us?”

  “Because I fucking know you Paxton.” Gavin crosses slowly toward him. “You will get tired of being tied down. You’ll crave the life you used to have until eventually you walk away completely.” He stops when the two are practically nose to nose. “Where does that leave Charlie? Broken hearted and left to raise your child, that’s where.”

  “Do you not know me at all?” Paxton gapes at Gavin. “How could you ever think I would do that, ever?”

  “There’s a lot of things I never thought you were capable of.” He shoves at Paxton’s chest. “Guess I was wrong. You are exactly the son your mother accused you of being. Selfish, careless, out for one thing and one thing only; himself. No wonder she got rid of you when she did. Wish we had all been so lucky.”

  I can tell by the look on Paxton’s face that this is his breaking point. Before I can even process his movements, his right fist connects with Gavin’s jaw on a loud crack causing my brother to go tumbling backward, clearly caught off guard.

  “You mother fucker.” Gavin lunges at Paxton and the two go toppling to the floor.

  The scene in front of me morphs into a blur of rolling bodies, grunts, and thuds as they lay punch after punch.

  Sliding out of the bed, pain radiates through my body as I grip Gavin by the shoulders and tug, trying my hardest to get him off of Paxton. He shakes off the contact and rears back, laying a hard punch to Paxton’s left eye. The skin below splits and blood pours down his face.

  Paxton barely flinches before finding enough footing to turn the tables on Gavin as he flips him over, gaining the upper hand.

  “Please stop.” I plead, tugging at Paxton’s arm.

  His wild eyes find mine for a fraction of a second before Gavin’s fist connects with his jaw from below, knocking him into me. I topple backward, crying out from the pain the shoots through my battered body when I connect with the floor.

  Like being awoken from a dream, Paxton pushes off of Gavin and is by my side, swooping me into his arms. Blood runs from his eye and bottom lip, as he drops his forehead to mine.

  “Fuck. Fuck. I’m so sorry baby.” He chants, setting me gently on top of the bed.

  “Get out.” I point toward the door, cocking my head to pin my gaze on Gavin just as he pushes himself up from the floor.

  “You heard her.” Gavin spits a mouthful of blood onto the floor. “Get out.”

  “I’m talking to you.” I bite, tears flowing down my cheeks. “Get out of my room.” I scream.

  Before he can respond, a nurse comes flying in, her face flushed with panic, clearly having overheard the commotion from outside. Honestly, I’m surprised it’s taken this long for someone to come rushing in.

  “What is going on in here?” Her wide eyes dart around the room

  “Gavin.” Harlee steps up next to him, wrapping her hand around his forearm. “Charlie shouldn’t be dealing with this right now.” She urges him toward the door but she’s not nearly strong enough to budge his massive frame.

  “You all need to leave.” The nurse steps further into the room, followed by a panicked looking Decklan who seems to know immediately what has happened.

  “Fuck.” He mutters, crossing the room toward Gavin. Clasping down on his shoulder, he says something that only Gavin can hear.

  My brother considers whatever it is Decklan says, nods once and then quickly exits the room, not looking at me or Paxton as he storms out.

  Harlee throws me an apologetic look before following the two men from the room, leaving only the furious looking nurse behind.

  “You need to leave.” She rounds on Paxton but I immediately intervene.

  “No.” I stop her mid-step. “I want him to stay.”

  “Are you sure?” She hits me with a surprised expression.

  “I promise, you will have no more trouble out of me.” Paxton’s voice comes out calm and collected, which is the complete opposite of what I expect from him. “I apologize for the altercation.”

  “It’s fine.” I reassure her. “Please.”

  “Okay.” She backs away slowly, clearly questioning if she should. “But if I hear one more peep out of you, I will have security escort you out and you will not be permitted back here.” She warns, giving Paxton one last warning glare before disappearing into the hall.

  Like it all seems to just now hit him, Paxton collapses to his knees, his head going to my lap as he tries to pull himself together.

  “I’m so fucking sorry Char.” His voice is muffled against the fabric of my hospital gown.

  I run my fingers slowly through his hair, doing my best to soothe him.

  “Don’t be.” My voice is so low, it might as well be a whisper. “I’m sorry Gavin said those things about your mom.” I say, prompting him to look up, meeting my gaze.

  “I deserved it.” He shakes his head slowly, side to side.

  “No you didn’t.” I urge him to his feet.

  Slowly he straightens his posture, using the bottom of his shirt to wipe away some of the blood still dripping down his face from the small gash under his left eye.

  “I fucked this up.” He scolds himself as he slides down onto the bed next to me, our legs touching as they hang over the side.

  “We both did.” I grab his hand, giving it a squeeze.

  “Are you okay?” The fact that I fell seems to just now really resonate with him.

  “I’m fine. Really.” I add when he eyes me skeptically.

  “Fuck, I’m just fucking everything up.”

  “Don’t.” I reach out, sliding my hand under his chin to turn his face toward me.

  With our close proximity I can see some light bruising forming above his right eye and more lining his jaw, though his facial hair makes it almost impossible to see.

  “I know things are really messy right now.” I finally continue after several moments. “But we’re good. You and me. I know nothing else is, but we are.”

  “I fucking love you Charlie Porter.” He drops his forehead against mine, letting out a deep exhale.

  “I fucking love you too.” I whisper back, knowing that there’s no truer statement in the world.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “You sure you’re okay?” I help Charlie onto the couch, lowering her as slow as I can, not to disturb her broken ribs.

  “Would you stop fussing over me?” She swats as my hand playfully, sinking back into the cushions on a relieved sigh.

  “It’s my job to fuss over you.” I remind her, giving her a playful smirk.

  “Oh god, so you’re that guy now?” She takes a playful jab at me.

  “Better get used to it baby.” I wink, leaning down to press a light kiss to her lips.

  “Stay.” She clings to the back of my head when I move to pull away.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” I promise, kissing her again. “Except to the kitchen to get you something to eat. It’s been nearly five hours since you’ve had anything. You’re eating for two now remember?” I kiss the tip of her nose before straightening my posture.

  “You are that guy now.” She lets out on an exasperated sigh, crossing her arms over her chest in a playful huff. “I thought maybe you were just messing with me.”

  “Would you prefer I be a distant asshole inste
ad?” I ask, watching a smile spread across her still bruised, but incredibly beautiful face.

  “I like when you play hard to get.” She winks.

  “I can’t even pretend anymore Char. You’ve got me, and your hooks are in deep.” I revel in the smile that brightens her entire face. “Besides, hard to get was always your thing.” I tease back, prompting the cutest fucking eye roll from Charlie.

  “Shush.” She barks, trying to act serious. “Now go get me some food man servant. I’m hungry.” She points toward the kitchen, a scowl on her face.

  “As you command.” I give her a playful bow before winking, not missing the laughter that bubbles in her throat just moments before I exit the room.

  “Anything you’re in the mood for?” I call from the hallway just as I step into the kitchen, which sits just a few short feet from where Charlie is.

  “French toast.” Rosie’s voice makes me jump and I spin to see her sitting at the table, a cup of tea in front of her.

  “Sorry Rose, I didn’t know you were home.” I hold my hand to my chest.

  “I always craved French toast when I was pregnant with Charlie.” She continues without missing a beat. “Tim couldn’t take me to eat anywhere that didn’t have it for nearly my entire pregnancy. Needless to say it was a long pregnancy for him.” She leans back in her chair, lifting her cup to her lips.

  “I don’t know, I think I could eat French toast for the next few months.” I smile.

  “You say that now. Tim didn’t look at breakfast food again until Charlie was probably two or three. I guess he got burnt out.” She laughs lightly to herself before taking a drink of her tea.

  “French toast.” I hear Charlie yell from the living room, clearly having been thinking about what she wants since the moment I asked.

  Rosie and I both look at each other with wide smiles on our faces.

  “And so it begins.” She laughs, shaking her head slowly as she pushes out of her seat and crosses the kitchen toward the refrigerator.

  Reaching out, I take the egg carton she extends to me and set it on the counter before grabbing the bread from the box in front of me.


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