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Two Point Conversion

Page 3

by Liane Moore

  A thousand questions ran through my mind. Did they always sleep together? Or was it just to be with me? I secretly hoped it was the last part. Truth was, lying there cocooned in both of their embraces, I’d never felt more protected in my life. By the hardness of their straining erections, I’d also never felt more wanted.

  Were the rumors true? All signs point to yes.

  Did they really share everything? Sure seems like it.

  Would they want to share me? Dear sweet baby Jesus, please make it so.

  The thought should’ve terrified me. I’d never slept with one man, let alone two. I should’ve run for the hills. I should’ve hopped out of that bed and gone far, far away.

  But when Macon’s sleepy blue eyes blinked open and fell on me, he smiled as if he’d just woken up to the sweetest, most coveted prize.

  I couldn’t leave. If they both wanted me, I’d just have to get used to it.

  I didn’t think it’d be all that hard.

  A girl could definitely get used to this.

  Sadly, there was no morning playtime in bed. Macon leaned in and pressed a kiss to my forehead before pulling back and giving me his signature smile. It melted me. “Morning, Peaches,” he whispered.

  Rhett must’ve stirred, because I felt my hair being pulled away from my neck, then his lips on my skin before he lifted up. By the grin on Macon’s face, I had a feeling Rhett’s expression matched his own. They had me exactly where they wanted me. Instead of pushing, however, both men rose from the bed, leaving me all alone under the sheets.

  I sat up and cool air hit my skin. I looked down to see I was still in my tiny PJs. My hard nipples were perfectly visible through the silky material. I could blame it on the cold, but I think all three of us knew it was arousal. Feeling exposed, I pulled the blanket up over my chest.

  “Umm, guys?” I squeaked out.

  They both paused and looked down at me. I lifted up until I was resting on my elbows. Glancing around the room, I saw the walls were bare, and the room had nothing but some wood furniture. No personal touches at all. My nose wrinkled.

  “Who’s room is this?”

  Rhett’s head cocked to the side as he glanced at Macon. It was something I noticed he often did yesterday. Whenever I had questions, Rhett always deferred to his best friend, allowing him to answer. In some cases, Macon would give him a nod, letting him take that one, but usually I got all my info from Macon. Thinking back, he’s always done that. Rhett was the carefree one of the two. Macon was the leader.

  Macon’s lips twitched and he gave a shrug of his shoulders. “It’s ours.”

  Rhett’s grin matched his best friend’s. “And now you’re a part of that.”

  His words caught me off guard. Before I could respond, I was alone in the bedroom. I flopped back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, pulling the sheet up to my face where I bunched it. I bit my lip, then turned in bed to muffle my squeal in the pillow.

  I’d woken up in bed with two of the sexiest men I’d ever seen. My skin still tingled from their touch. My body ached for more. And the sooner, the better.

  I just didn’t know the first thing about the art of seduction.

  Even though I wanted nothing more than to slide my hand into my panties and take care of myself, I knew with those two men in the house, my own fingers would never be enough. So begrudgingly, I hopped out of bed and headed to the master bathroom.

  My eyes widened when I saw that not only was there a massive Jacuzzi bathtub that would fit more than the three of us, there was also a huge glass doored shower with lovely Spanish tile on the floor. I imagined myself on my knees, sucking them off, one at a time.

  God, it was as if I’d entered this house and all my erotic senses had suddenly turned on.

  Because from the moment I’d walked in the door, I was turned on.

  By the time I padded down the hallway and found them in the kitchen, Macon was pouring a cup of coffee. Rhett was reading the paper. Neither of them seemed to have a care in the world. It was as if it was just like any other day.

  I wondered if that was the case.

  “So, um, is that normal?” I asked, getting their attention.

  Rhett cocked a brow, then glanced at Macon, who shrugged. As if they had no idea what I meant. “Is what normal?

  I placed a hand on my hip and jutted it out in exasperation, waving my free hand towards the bedroom. “You two, um, I mean, us three... Sharing a bed!”

  “It used to be.”

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked.

  Rhett gave Macon a chin lift, indicating for him to take the lead. Macon ran a hand through his hair before folding his arms across his chest.

  “Peaches, we gotta get out on the ranch, but I promise, we’ll talk tonight. The three of us.”

  His words were laced with promise. I shivered, and I couldn’t help myself.

  “I’m just wondering… if we’ll be doing more than sleeping in that bed.” My question trailed off into a whisper at the end. I couldn’t believe I’d actually said it out loud, but I couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out. I wanted this. I wanted them. And I wanted it soon.

  Once again I found myself in the middle of a Rhett Macon sandwich. Rhett took place at my back while Macon was at my front. Shivers ran down my skin as I wondered if this was how it always was with them. Another shiver rose when I realized I liked it and hoped it was so.

  Macon’s thumb and forefinger came to my chin and lifted until my gaze was on his. “Are you sure you’re ready to open that can of worms?”

  I swallowed hard, my heart racing. Was I? I mean, in theory, losing my virginity to not one, but two of the sexiest, most caring, protective men I knew was a fantasy I’d always had, but never dreamed of coming true. Now that we were here, was I ready?

  A flash of my fantasy dream answered that for me.

  “Yes, Macon.” I titled my neck to catch Rhett’s whiskey brown eyes watching me intently. “Rhett. I’m ready.”

  Rhett’s lips curved into the most triumphant smile. Like it was the last down of the Super Bowl and the rival team was on the 2-yard line, almost certain to get the game-winning touchdown, but then Rhett came barreling in with a sack to end the game and win the trophy.

  And this time, the trophy was me.

  “We’re pleased, baby. Pleased as hell.” He pressed another kiss on my skin before stepping back. Macon also pulled away. I frowned, sticking out my lower lip in a pout.

  I whipped around to where they now were, by the back door. “Where are you going?”

  Macon smile. “Babe, we have a lot to talk about before this goes any further. But before that, we’ve gotta get our asses out on the ranch. Make yourself at home.”

  Rhett gave me a wink. “You just think about what all this means, Peaches. Because after tonight, there’s no going back.”

  Long after they left, I stared at the door, the reality of it all washing over me. I gulped, wondering what I’d gotten myself into. Moreover, what would happen when they got into me?

  As the boys, excuse me, men, spent the rest of the day out in the hot sun with their cattle and ranch hands, I busied myself inside. When I finally tore my gaze away from the kitchen window, I realized that while the house was tidy enough, it could go for a deep clean. Seein’ as how mama had me doing chores from an early age, I quickly decided to pass the time cleaning for them. Later on, I’d wonder if I was trying to show what a good little housewife I could be to them, but at the time I told myself I was just trying to keep busy.

  I scrubbed the floors, the counters, and hand washed and dried every dish in the kitchen. I cleaned and organized both the refrigerator and pantry, then decided to make a menu based on the supplies they had. Cooking was my passion, and if I was going to stay with them, that was one way I could repay them. Not that I didn’t have many other ideas in mind of how to do the same.

  Moving on, I dusted, vacuumed, and when I went to the laundry room and found three piles, I laughed silent
ly at them and set about doing the laundry.

  Once the house was spic and span, I hurried to the guest bathroom where I shampooed and conditioned my hair. Scrubbed my skin clean, using my favorite peaches and cream body wash. Shaved every inch of my legs and space between, making sure to moisturize after I was finished. Hair hanging down my back in loose waves, light makeup on my face—just a touch of mascara and peach lip gloss. I thought about throwing on my pajamas, a tanktop and tiny shorts, but without knowing who’d be joining us, I opted for yoga pants that made my butt look amazing, and a Rosewood athletics t-shirt that clung to my body in a way that made the boys’ mouths water. Hoping it’d do the same for these two.

  I thought I knew what I was preparing for. I thought I knew was I was doing. I’d soon find out I had no clue what I was getting myself into.

  By the time they came in for dinner, I was in the kitchen just putting the finishing touches on my famous (okay, I was hoping one day it would be famous) meatloaf before putting it into the oven. My back was to the door when I heard it open. I sucked in a deep breath. A wave of nerves rushed over me, and the confidence that had been building all day suddenly washed away.

  “God, it smells fucking amazing in here.” I smiled at Rhett’s compliment.

  “Baby, if your cooking tastes as good as it smells, you’ll be lucky if we ever let you leave.”

  Heat pooled low in my belly at Macon’s declaration. I gripped the edges of the counter and steeled my nerves before turning around to face them.

  My smile faltered at the two sweaty, sinful messes before me. Clearly, they’d gotten so sweaty they’d used their shirts to mop up the sweat on their skin. Two golden, delectable bare torsos were presented before me as if they were my own personal slices of dessert.

  Though I’d been admiring them for years, for the first time, there in that kitchen, watching the two of them dry off with towels, I allowed myself to study them and see their differences. And their similarities.

  My eyes landed on Macon first. He was tall, about six foot four, with lean, understated, but still incredibly toned muscles. Though he was the offensive coordinator, he had more of a swimmer’s body. Strong, defined pectorals that led down to a lean waist that housed a delicious six-pack. One I’d kill to trace with my tongue, just to make sure the count was right. His biceps weren’t bulging like a body builder’s, but they were strong. I knew they wouldn’t only protect, but they’d hold, cherish, and offer all the comfort in the world. All a girl had to do was ask. Before I allowed my eyes to drift and farther south, I blushed and studied his face. His olive complexion was brought out from his days spent working in the sun. His piercing blue eyes reminded me of the Texas blue sky, just after a storm. Depending on the strength of the storm, sometimes they were light, mostly when they were dancing with amusement, like when he shared a silent joke with Rhett. Other times, like when I caught him watching me from the window, they were dark and swirling. When he smiled, the whole room lit up. Perfectly white teeth, lips that were begging to be kissed. His hair is dark as the midnight sky and the perfect contrast to his beautiful blues.

  Suffice it to say, Macon Ray was one hell of a male specimen. Pretty much God’s gift to earth.

  But then my eyes went to Rhett, and I knew the gods had blessed me two times over. Unlike Macon’s tidy haircut, Rhett’s is long and unruly, chestnut colored and falling down to his shoulders—practically begging for fingers to tangle and pull it while his mouth is buried between your legs. His rich, chocolate colored eyes could bore into a woman’s gaze and make her melt—in her mouth, hand, and basically everywhere—without him even saying a word. He had hard, sinewy muscles and was built like a linebacker, ready to haul his woman up and protect her in his strong arms. His waist was thick with corded muscle and begged for a girl to wrap her legs around him, ride him hard and fast as he took her against the wall, in the shower, basically anywhere.

  Rhett was all that Macon wasn’t. It didn’t mean one was better than the other. It just meant I had the best of both worlds standing in front of me. In other words, I had everything.

  At least I hoped I did.

  “Hungry, boys?” My tone was light, if not slightly teasing.

  Both sets of eyes snapped up to reach mine. It was impossible not to look back and forth between then with rapid succession. There was a low growl that caused me to suck in my lower lip. Which, in turn, resulted in another growl.

  Nerves fluttered in my belly. I laughed just as another blush rose on my cheeks. Hell, I’d been with them for one day and I felt like I had a perma-blush around them. “Dinner’s in the oven. You have about thirty minutes. Why don’t you get cleaned up and I’ll set the table?”

  “I have a better id--.”

  Macon cut Rhett off with a slap on the back of his head, and then what I could only interpret as a warning look. Rhett answered with a scowl that quickly turned to a grin. “Fine, fine. We’ll go get cleaned up.” He pointed a finger at me. “Don’t you dare leave this kitchen.”

  If any other man had said those words to me, I’d have defiantly left in a heartbeat. The smolder on Rhett’s face? It would make me comply with the dirtiest of demands. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  When they returned from their showers, they were definitely freshened up. The masculine scent of them traveled down the hall and announced their impending presence. I was suddenly a bundle of goosebumps, butterflies, and a basket of nerves all rolled into one virginal package.

  After composing myself, I smoothed down my sundress and turned to greet them as they entered. Macon was in jeans and a button-down shirt, his sleeves rolled up to showcase his forearms. Rhett was in basketball shorts and a t-shirt the stretched across his massive chest. At least I knew they didn’t share a wardrobe.

  I smiled in greeting. “Y’all are just in time. I just put the meatloaf on the table.”

  Macon crossed the kitchen, wrapped an arm around my waist, and leaned in to place a kiss on my cheek. “Smells great, baby,” he whispered, before lifting up and taking a seat at the table. I beamed.

  Rhett was then at my side, a bottle of wine in hand. He grinned down at me. “You sit. I’ll pour.”

  His hand squeezed my neck before it ran down the curve of my spine, eliciting sparks and shivers and tingling all the way down to my toes. “Um... I’m only 18,” I squeaked, then felt stupid. I wanted them to see me as a woman. Not a little girl. Ugh.

  He grinned. “One glass won’t kill ya,” he said with a wink.

  It was a six-person table, and I’d set the head spot, with two beside them. I wasn’t sure which of them chose to sit at the head usually, but when I saw Macon was sitting on a side chair, I realized it must be Rhett. I started to pull out the chair across from Macon when Rhett grabbed my wrist. He handed the wine to Macon, then placed a hand on the small of my back and led me to the head of the table. He pulled out the chair, then gazed down at me. “Between us, Peaches,” he drawled.

  My legs trembled at his words. It meant so much more than just taking a seat. I complied readily. He leaned down and took a nip at my earlobe. “Good girl. So obedient. So…” he paused, and I swore he sniffed my hair. “So fucking perfect.”

  “Rhett.” Macon’s tone was of warning, which caused Rhett to chuckle. Even so, he backed off and took the seat next to me.

  I swallowed hard and then my gaze darted back and forth between the two of them, watching as they dug into the meal and talked about their day on the ranch. It was surreal, sitting here between them, watching them eat the food I’d fixed for them as if this was just any other day. Occasionally a knee would brush against mine. Once, I felt the briefest whisper of fingers trace along my thigh. It was so faint, though, I’d convinced myself I’d imagined it.


  My name pulled me from my reverie. I reached out and grabbed my wine glass, taking a sip, hoping it’d calm my nerves. The delicious liquid was tart on my tongue. When I set it down, I saw both men had already finished thei
r food, while I’d hardly touched mine.

  “Eat up, Peaches. You’re gonna need your strength.” Rhett once again winked at me.

  Before I could ask what he meant—okay, I knew what he meant, but I wanted to hear it out loud—Macon placed a hand on my thigh. I jumped, and it only caused him to squeeze lightly before pulling away.

  “Caroline, though your dad asked us to watch out for you, the truth is, we’ve been watching you for a long time.”

  I nearly choked on my meatloaf. I swallowed, then took a sip of wine. “What?” I sputtered. Glancing back and forth between them, I knew he wasn’t lying. My fork clattered to my plate. “You two never looked at me. I was invisible.”

  As soon as the words are out of my mouth, two strong hands clasp my thighs. “Baby girl, you were never invisible, but if your dad caught us checking out his underage daughter, we’d be toast.”

  My eyes widened, but Macon picked up where Rhett left off. “It’s true, Caroline. We’ve always wanted you. We just had to wait until you were ready.” He glared at Rhett, then his hand left my thigh as he sat back in his chair. He watched Rhett, waiting for him to do the same. They exchanged heated looks until Rhett finally muttered an expletive, his warm hand leaving my skin, but slowly, as if it were the last thing in the world he wanted to do. “But this morning we told you we were going to talk, and that’s what we need to do. So sit, eat, and drink your wine. Questions can come later.”

  I nodded and took another bite of food, even though all my hunger for it had dissipated. I had this strange urge to do anything they said, anything they’d find pleasing. It was strange. This was supposed to be my summer of rebellion, but instead, I found myself obeying their every command. And we hadn’t even made it to the bedroom yet. I looked up to see them both watching me intently. It was intimidating, being under such scrutiny, but at the same time, I’d never felt more desired. It was incredible to be watched with such desire from one man. But from two? What more could a girl want?

  Oh, right, answers.

  “So let’s talk,” I said, taking a sip of wine trying to act as if I weren’t affected by them in the least.


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