Book Read Free

Two Point Conversion

Page 4

by Liane Moore

  Macon went first. I noticed that’s how it always seemed to be. When it came to talking, Macon took the lead. It wasn’t surprising. Rhett always seemed fine hanging on the sidelines, psyching up the players while Dad and Macon were the ones calling the shots.

  “You’ve heard the rumors at school?” He asked, and I was surprised he’d heard them. Then I had to laugh. Rosewood wasn’t all that big. And since they were hometown boys, it didn’t shock me that they’d gotten back to them. I simply nodded.

  He smiled. “Figured.” He leaned back in his chair. “Thing is, they’re true. All of them. Before you say anything, let me explain.”

  The rumble of Macon’s deep voice nearly lulled me into a trance as he vividly told me of the whirlwind of their childhood. Rhett interjected at times, and all the while, my body was humming with the promise of what all this meant.

  “Here’s the thing, Peaches. Macon and I aren’t just best friends. We’re actually cousins, but close enough to be siblings.”

  My eyes widened. “Y’all are related?”

  Macon laughed softly. “Even more than that. Trust me, it’s like something Dallas couldn’t have dreamed up. My dad is Rhett’s dad’s brother. His fraternal twin.”

  As if my mind couldn’t have been more blown, Rhett chimed in with the next punch. “And my mom is Macon’s mom’s sister. Also fraternal twins.”

  I shook my head as I tried to let it all sink in. “So your parents are siblings who married each other?”

  “Baby, we haven’t even gotten to the half of it,” Rhett teased, then refilled my wine glass, much to my thanks.

  Macon raised a brow at him, but he merely shrugged. “We’re what they call double cousins. We share the same amount of DNA that half-siblings would. Which is why we’ve always considered ourselves brothers.”

  “Okay…” I said. “That makes sense.”

  Rhett leaned in and gave me a wicked grin. “Brace yourself as Macon continues.”

  I wasn’t sure what more they could tell me that would shock me. I couldn’t have been more wrong. “Our parents… like we said, they were fraternal twins. Not identical. It’s actually kinda funny. People say I look just like my dad, and Rhett got his features from his, if that gives you perspective on how different they were. Our moms were equally different in looks. And well,” he said, trailing off for a moment, almost as if he was hesitant to continue. I leaned forward, on the edge of my seat, wanting to know what bomb he’d drop next. “They enjoyed a particular lifestyle.”

  When he paused again, Rhett filled in. “They liked swingin’, particularly with each other.”

  My gasp echoed in the room, and my fingers gripped the edge of the table. “Your parents slept with each other?”

  Heavens to Betsy. Just when I thought they couldn’t surprise me anymore, he drops that bombshell. No wonder they’re… close.

  “We grew up around the lifestyle, and neither of us saw anything wrong with it. Our parents loved each other, they loved us, and it was just natural. We figured once we found wives, we’d do the same. During high school, we were so focused on football, we never bothered with girls. We both graduated virgins, something we’d vowed to change in college. But before that could happen, both sets of our parents were killed in a freak car accident. Suddenly, we were all each other had.”

  As wild as this story was, my heart broke instantly for these two men. I reached out and grabbed both of their hands, giving them a squeeze. “I’m so sorry that happened to you,” I said, first gazing at Rhett, then back to Macon. He cleared his throat and gazed back.

  “The night after the funeral, we ended up hammered at a local bar. The next morning, we woke up with a girl in our bed.” He paused, then held up a finger. “One. Singular. After a lot of reflection, and a summer full of threesomes, we realized we wanted our parents’ lifestyle, but in a modified way. We each had our likes and dislikes. Our own proclivities. And we learned, we didn’t want two women. We wanted one that we could equally love, cherish, and spend our lives with.”

  “So that’s it, Caroline. We’re both a one-woman man. As long as it’s the same woman. That’s how we’ve always been. That’s how we’ll always be. How we want to be with you.”

  Silence filled the kitchen, and I realized story time was over. That was so much to take in. God, I thought I’d been prepared, but nothing could have prepared me for this.

  Even though I’d known it all along, known it was true, deep down known the rumors weren’t just rumors, it still shocked me when he said the words aloud.

  Even more shocking was that they wanted me. Both of them. Apart. Together. At the same time. Whenever they wanted. But I had to ask…

  Chapter Five


  “You…” she swallowed hard, her widened blue eyes darting back and forth between Macon and me. As she drew her lower lip in between her teeth, my dick trembled, twitched, and grew nearly twice its size. God, she affected me so easily. So incredibly. I was about to pounce when she finally found her voice. “Do you do this a lot?”

  The words came out in a rush, and this time when she bit her lip, I nearly groaned. My eyes flicked to Macon, and we exchanged a knowing look--both aware of how fragile this situation was. How innocent and vulnerable our sweet Caroline was. I knew we had to tread carefully, but even still, we knew we had to be completely honest. If this was going to go anywhere, honesty was essential. But fuck me, I didn’t know how patient I could be.

  The first time I saw Caroline I was nearly knocked on my feet. Macon and I’d just gotten back to town, and we were on the field checking out the turf.

  We hadn’t even noticed a girl was running the stairs until she nearly collided with us.

  I’d wrapped my arms around her waist to keep her from falling. When her widened blue eyes had blinked up at me, my heart nearly stopped beating. My dick had instantly hardened. It was as if my heart and body knew she was meant to be mine.

  I’d nearly growled when she stepped back from me and out of my arms.


  The ferocity of my need to claim her immediately caught me off guard. I’d never felt that way for another woman. Daddy had always told me I’d know the one when I met her. I just hadn’t known it would hit me that hard. That quick. That intense.

  Macon had to have noticed. I felt his elbow before hearing his words. “Settle.”

  It was in my nature to follow his lead. It had been that way all my life, and he’d never steered me wrong. As hard as it was to reel myself in, I’d swallowed hard and nodded.

  She’d tucked a strand of her long, blonde hair behind her ear as she tried to catch her breath. Her eyes flicked back and forth between Macon and me. “Wow. I didn’t believe it when Daddy said y’all were coming back to Rosewood, but here you are.”

  “Daddy?” I’d asked, cocking up a teasing brow at her.

  I wasn’t into the whole ‘daddy’ fetish, but hearing that name come from this angel’s pink lips had me wanted to bury myself inside her.

  She’d placed her tiny little hands on the curve of her hips, then stuck her bottom lip in a pouty expression. “Y’all don’t remember me?”

  “Better suck that lip back in, Peaches. Or else I’ll think it’s an invitation.”

  Her cheeks flushed and she’d immediately obeyed. I’d noted that. Loved it. It had made me want her more.

  Macon, who’d been silent during our exchanged, had sucked in a deep breath beside me. “Caroline Taylor,” he’d whispered in awe.

  Her answering grin told us he’d nailed it. Holy fuck. The last time I’d seen Caroline Taylor she was in pigtails and princess dresses.

  “Yep. All grown up now.”

  “Not quite, Peaches. Not quite.” Macon’s voice had been gruff, and I’d known he was speaking through clenched teeth. I’d had a feeling his dick had awoken at the sound of sweet Caroline’s voice, just like mine had. I’d also been sure he was as aware as I was that this sweet little peach was underage.



  “Right. Umm, okay. Welcome back. I… I guess I’ll see you guys around,” she stammered, then turned and sprinted across the field and sadly, out of view.

  Macon had been breathing heavy next to me. “Fuck me.”

  “Macon?” I asked, and he’d turned to me, the same desire in his eyes that I’d known had to be shining in mine, too.

  “It’s her.”

  It was as simple as that. I’d let out a sigh of relief, fucking more grateful than ever that we were always on the same page.

  I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, she was the one for us. I didn’t know why. I didn’t care. I didn’t question it.

  One look at Caroline and she claimed us both.

  Her innocence showed on her beautiful face. It should have been a turn-off. We liked them experienced.

  I hadn’t known that the reason we liked experienced ones were because we hadn’t wanted to settle down. But when it came to Caroline?

  She would be ours, and ours only.

  It didn’t matter that we’d have to wait until she was of age. But she’d be worth it.

  And now that she’s here?

  I was fucking right.


  From the predatory look in Rhett’s eyes, I knew I had to take control of things. If it were up to him, he’d rather play show with Caroline than tell. Trust me, my cock was screaming at me to do the same thing, but before we push her too far, she needs to know this isn’t just about it. It’s all about her.

  It’d been the same way when we saw Caroline again after coming home to Rosewood. Rhett hadn’t noticed the girl running the stairs, but I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off her. Her legs were long, lean, and the more I’d watched her sprinting like a sweet gazelle, the more I wanted those legs wrapped around my waist. Watching her blonde ponytail flying through the wind had me wanting Rhett’s hand winding in it, holding on as he fucked her ass at the same time I fucked her virgin pussy.

  Those thoughts only grew more erotic the closer she’d come to us. I’d been so lost in the image of her, I hadn’t realized just how close she was until she ran into Rhett’s chest.

  All it took was one look in her eyes to know she was the one.

  It was also all it took to know we wouldn’t be able to touch her for years.

  It hadn’t mattered. She was it for us, and until she was ready to be claimed, we hadn’t touched another woman.

  Now she was here, in our kitchen, and from her question earlier, she was wantin’ in our bed. As much as I wanted to speed things along, I wanted to give her full disclosure. So just like the day we met, I reeled back in my desire.

  “We have in the past. I wasn’t lying when I spent that summer, and pretty much the rest of our summers having threesomes. During football season we were way too busy, but once the season ended, we went a bit wild.”

  Rhett cut in. “We’ve calmed down since college. In fact, it’s been nearly three years since we’ve been with a woman.”

  He didn’t mention it was because we’d taken one look at her and known she was worth waiting for. Thank fuck, because even though she seemed to be taking all our admissions in stride, that part may have just sent her over the edge.

  “Wow,” she breathed, and I didn’t miss how she emptied the contents of her wine at my admission. I’d told Rhett to leave well enough alone with the wine, but I could forego one more night with Caroline if that’s what it took for her to fully embrace this lifestyle. Or well, at least be willing to dip her toe in the erotic pool like we were hoping she would.

  I reached across and took her hand in mine. Nodding at Rhett, he did the same. Our thumbs caressed her skin in unison, reassuring her, letting her know that this was exactly what we wanted, and we’d take care of her every step of the way.

  “We can start slow if that’s what you need. We’ll be patient, ease you into it. But make no mistake, Caroline. You take the first step, there’s only one way this ends. With you. In our bed. With both of us.” This time it was Rhett who spoke. It was important she understood we were equal in every part of this. Neither of us wanted more or less. We wanted all of her, in different aspects.

  Rhett and I waited as Caroline stared at the kitchen table. I wasn’t worried. Her breathing had turned shallow, and before she tore her eyes from mine, I’d see the desire in them. She wanted this. She just had to take the leap. And I knew our girl wouldn’t let us down.

  Releasing a breath, she lifted her head and looked at both of us. She chewed on her lower lip before popping it out. Then, just like I knew she would, she nodded. “I… I do. This is crazy, I know it is, but I want you both. Not just one of you. I want you both equally. I…I think I always have.”


  My mind was reeling from their confessions. Especially when Rhett let it out that they hadn’t slept with anyone in nearly three years. If I did the math, I’d known they started working for my dad close to three years ago. My pulse quickened at the thought, and their earlier words. They’d noticed me. And since then, they’d not taken another female to bed.

  The implications were mind-blowing.

  After telling them I was on board, I thought we’d get the show on the road, but the guys obviously had other plans. Rhett poured me another glass of wine. I frowned. “Don’t you want me sober?” I asked, the sting of their rejection from the night before returning.

  Rhett laughed, then kissed me on the forehead. He held out a hand and I took it, then allowed him to lead me to the living room. He set my wine on the coffee table. “Take a load off, Peaches. We’ll clean the kitchen. We have all the time in the world for everything else. Tonight, we’ll do like Macon said. We’ll kick back, relax, watch a movie. We don’t want to push you, Caroline.”

  My mouth instantly formed a pout. One, he apparently found cute. He placed both fists on either side of me, his face coming dangerously close to mine. Mere centimeters separated his lips from mine. One quick move forward is all it would take to kiss him. Unfortunately, his eyes locked in on mine had me frozen in place. “Don’t worry, Peaches. We’ll take care of you soon enough.”

  I sucked in a breath, and then he was gone.

  By the time they joined me in the living room, I was more relaxed than I’d ever been. Sure, the glass of wine helped, but the moment they entered the room, I was on high alert. They both watched me, their joined perusal making my skin tingle with anticipation.

  Just like the night before, Macon went to the end of the couch. “Mind?” he asked, gesturing to where my feet were sprawled on the cushion.

  “Not a bit,” I whispered, wondering, hoping, this was the beginning of their claiming.

  He smiled and slid his forearm under my legs, lifting them just enough for him to slide beneath and then place my feet in his laps. I secretly hoped for another fabulous foot massage—one that wouldn’t stop at my ankles this time.

  “Raise up, baby,” Rhett said, taking my attention away from Macon. Unlike his best friend, his wasn’t a request. It was an order.

  One I readily complied with. He settled in behind me, placing one arm protectively around my front, along my collar bone, holding me close to him.

  We had to be a sight. Rhett at one end, arm around me, Macon on the other, fingers already caressing the curve of my feet. Me, stretched out in the middle, the object of their attentions.

  “You wanna watch a movie tonight, Peaches?” Rhett asked, his hands running up and down my bare arms.

  Goosebumps pebbled my flesh from the warm sensation of his fingers. I shook my head. Watching a movie was the last thing I wanted to do.

  “You wanna play?”

  I nodded.

  I felt Rhett stretch, and a moment later he was placing some kind of band around the top of my head.

  “Caroline, do you trust us?” Macon’s voice was soft, and when I looked into his eyes, it was evident he was battling back desire due to his concern for me.

than anyone.” It was barely a whisper, but enough for them.

  The last thing I saw before Rhett slid the apparent eye mask down my face was the pride on Macon’s. My heart swelled, and I knew at that moment that they hadn’t just given me words. They’d waited for this, waited for me, and I didn’t want to wait any longer. Feeling brazen for the first time in my life, I found Macon’s erection and slid my foot up and down the hard length. His answering groan and the hard evidence of his arousal had me biting my lower lip in anticipation.

  Even though it was only my sight that was inhibited, the rest of my senses are heightened. Every breath, every groan, every expletive each of them whispered echoed in the silent room. Each touch brought my nerve endings to the surface, setting my skin on fire and aching for more.

  Rhett took his time getting acquainted with my upper body while Macon continued to massage my feet, every so often rubbing one against his covered cock. It was overwhelming, both of their hands on me, but neither of them touching me anywhere I ached to be touched. My pussy was throbbing with need while my breasts were full, heavy, and waiting to be kneaded. I’d never felt this way before, and if them touching my body innocently aroused me this much, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like when they finally took me.

  When Macon’s hands slid up my legs, I clenched my thighs together awaiting his touch. Instead of touching me, his fingers went to the top of my yoga pants. At the same time, I felt Rhett’s hands at the bottom of my tank top, his fingers curling beneath and caressing my flat belly. As if in perfect unison, Rhett pulled my top up while Macon pulled my pants down, taking my panties with them.

  This was it. I was going to be theirs. It was as if they were unwrapping me, their perfect present, ready to play with.

  Cool air greeted my skin, but their fingers set fire to each nerve ending.

  “So fucking innocent.”

  “So fucking beautiful.”

  So fucking theirs.


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