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Into the night: The rogue series book one

Page 14

by Toni Goode

  “That won’t be needed. She will be coming back home with me today after she eats.” Nicholas said as he entered the room with two sandwiches and a bottle of water. They both looked at him.

  “Ok, well then. Enjoy the sandwiches.” Sal smiled at her and then he looked at his brother. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

  Nicholas sighed heavily as he placed the plate on the table next to her. He put the bottle of water down too.

  “It looks good.” She said awkwardly as the brothers looked at one another. She grabbed the bottle of water and sipped.

  “I’ll be right back.” Nicholas said as the guys left the room and shut the door. “Can we not do this?” Nicholas said before Sal spoke.

  “I think I have a right to know since I have a rogue in my house that nearly died.” Sal said with agitation. “I have my family here. What the hell did you do Nick?”

  Nicholas ran his hand through his hair. “I told you it is fine. I took care of it.” He said with annoyance.

  “What exactly is it? Those were wolf bites all over her body.” Sal said seriously.

  “She was being attacked ok. What the hell was I supposed to do? Let her die? No. He deserved everything he got.” Nicholas snapped angrily.

  Sal hook his head as he leaned against the wall. “Shit. This isn’t good.” He added with concern. “Who was it?”

  Nicholas inhaled deep. “Martin.” He finally said as Sal let out a deep breath.

  “Fuck. Is he?” Sal’s voice trailed. Nicholas didn’t answer him. “Jesus Nick. When the rest of the pack finds out.” He began as Nicholas cut him off.

  “They won’t. No one saw us. Martin was a poor excuse for a man anyways. No one will find out. I made sure of that.” Nicholas said seriously.

  Sal shook his head as he stood there and then Oliver was running down the hall. “Daddy, Daddy look what I can do.” Oliver said as he threw a ball into the air and caught it.

  “Look at you Ollie. Soon you will be playing baseball with the big kids.” Sal said as he messed up Oliver’s hair.

  “I am a big kid!” Oliver laughed as he ran back down the hallway.

  “I can’t have my family in danger Nick. I hope you know what you are getting yourself into.” Sal said seriously and then he was walking back down the hall. Nicholas ran his hand through his hair and then he went back into the room. Emma had already finished one sandwich and was halfway through the other.

  “Are you in any pain?” He asked as he walked around the bed.

  “Some but it’s not bad. I just feel sore.” Emma said softly as she looked back down at her sandwich.

  “You will feel a lot better by tomorrow.” He began as she cut him off.

  “What happened with Lawrence?” She couldn’t help but wonder. Lawrence was the reason for her taking off to begin with.

  “He wasn’t there. It’s fine though. The men he sent won’t come back.” He added.

  “The men? He sent people here to bring me back, didn’t he?” She said as her heart began to race again. Images of the dream she had filling her head.

  “Don’t worry about it, ok. They won’t be back.” He said as he sat back in the chair that was next to the bed. She took another bite of her sandwich. “I want you to come back with me. To my house. You will recover a lot better there without screaming toddlers running around.” He smiled some.

  “Are you sure. I seem to cause more issues than anything else.” She said softly as she looked back at her sandwich. “I should probably start looking for my own place.” She looked at him now and he forced a smile.

  “Yeah. Of course.” He said quickly. “Once you are healed up.” He added.

  “Yeah.” She took another bite of her sandwich. The air between them was awkward and thick. She didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t used to seeing him this way. He looked genuinely concerned for her. It was odd and surprising.

  Nicholas went to get the truck started after she ate the rest of her sandwich. Beth joined her in the bedroom now. “I am glad to see that you are up and moving around.” She said honestly. “I brought you some clothes. They may be a bit baggy on you. I never had a body like yours.” She smirked as she handed her the clothes.

  “Thank you.” Emma smiled nervously.

  “Sal and Nick did all the hard work.” Beth smirked some. “You really did a number on Nicholas though.”

  “Oh. I did?” Emma said in shock. Was that why Nicholas was acting strange?

  “Between me and you, he wouldn’t stop pacing around. He never left your room either.” She smiled. “I’ll let you get dressed.” Beth said as she left the room and Emma stood there a bit shocked. He had been really worried about her.

  The ride back to his place was a quiet one as the radio played to fill in the silence. A truck was parked outside of Nicholas’ place. Emma knew who it was. It was Steele’s.

  “Shit. I forgot he was coming today.” Nicholas said more to himself than to her. He got out of the truck and so did she. Steele got out of his truck as he walked over to Nicholas.

  “Well damn, there you are. Finally, I have been sitting around for two hours.” Steele shook his head as he walked over and then he looked at Emma as she walked slowly. His eyes drifted to the visible healing wounds. “Holy shit, what happened?” He said in shock.

  “You should see the other guy.” Nicholas said dryly as he got up to Steele. “Listen today probably isn’t a good day.” He said seriously but before Steele could respond a voice was heard as they both looked at the truck.

  “Red? Red is that you?” John said with wide eyes.

  “John?” Emma said in shock. “Holy shit.” She added.

  “You know him?” Nicholas asked with surprise as John walked over to her quickly and hugged her as she winced a bit in pain.

  “I guess they know each other.” Steele said in shock. “Apparently very well.” He raised an eyebrow.

  John pulled back from Emma and looked at her. “How did you end up here?” He asked with shock.

  “I was going to ask you the same thing.” She shook her head in shock.

  “This is crazy, but you look great.” He grinned.

  “You too.” She smiled. It was nice to have a familiar face around.

  Nicholas stood a few feet away with his fists clutched next to him. “Now don’t you go do something stupid.” Steele said towards him.

  Nicholas watched as they talked, and he finally cleared his throat. They both turned and looked at him. He walked over to them and kept his eyes on the new guy. “I’m Nicholas. The Alpha here.” He put his hand out to John.

  “John. You have a great property.” John said honestly.

  “We should all head inside.” He said a bit rudely as he turned from them.

  “You are staying with him?” John asked with shock.

  “Yeah it’s not so bad.” Emma shrugged her shoulders.

  John shook his head and smirked. “What is it with Alpha’s being so serious and grumpy?” He laughed a little and so did she.

  Nicholas heard them laugh and he seriously wanted to pummel that kid. Rage and jealousy filled him. Now he wanted to know everything about this guy and especially how he knew Emma. Also, he wanted to know how intimately he knew her. He wasn’t used to feeling like this. He never got jealous or possessive but apparently that was changing quickly.

  They all went inside, and Emma was honestly in shock that John was there. She had heard that he left but then everything in her own life had gone to shit so she hadn’t thought much about him. Seeing him now though was nice. It was like she had a real friend there.

  “So, you guys knew each other. You were in the same pack?” Steele couldn’t help but ask as his mind began to fill with questions. Was she the girl that John was licking his wounds from? The one who broke his heart?

  “Yeah, we were.” John grinned.

  “Interesting. You also knew about Lawrence?” Nicholas said sarcastically.

  “Yeah, who doesn’t. The guy is a
big creep. I’m glad that Emma got out when she did.” John glanced over at Emma and smiled.

  “You were lucky to get out before me.” She added.

  “Well now you are lucky too.” John grinned.

  “Yeah, yeah we’re all lucky can we get past that now.” Nicholas said with annoyance as he poured himself a drink across the room. “So how did you get out?” Nicholas looked at John. He didn’t like the kid not one bit.

  “I just left. No one would have missed me when I left.” John looked at him. “And then I stumbled onto Steele’s territory and that’s about it.” He added. “I heard what your friend did for you so that you could leave. That was pretty cool.” He looked at Emma.

  “Yeah it was. That’s why I am going to go back and get her.” She said with a smile.

  “You are?” John asked in shock.

  “No, you’re not.” Nicholas said with a raised voice. Emma looked at him. “He can go.” He pointed at John.

  “What? No. She doesn’t even know him.” Emma said as she stood now and so did Nicholas.

  “I could go Emma. I know how to sneak on and off the territory.” John said as she looked at him.

  “It’s too dangerous.” Emma said honestly.

  “It’s too dangerous for you, not him. You heard him, no one cares that he is even missing.” Nicholas said dryly as he sipped his drink. She hated that he was acting like this now. He was so hot and cold all the time.

  “You know that’s rude to say to someone.” Emma said defensively.

  “He said it first. He knows it.” Nicholas rolled his eyes.

  “I need fresh air!” She snaped at him as she walked away in a huff. Her shoulder hitting into him in the process.

  “Emma, wait.” John got up and Nicholas got in front of him.

  “You heard her. She needs air and we need to figure out when you are going to head back to your pack.” Nicholas said seriously.

  Emma stood outside and took a deep breath. She hated that Nicholas was acting like this again. It was almost as if he was two different people when others were around. She felt like she was starting to go crazy. The sound of the door opening made her look as Nicholas walked out. She rolled her eyes and walked away from him.

  “Emma, wait.” He called out but she kept walking. “Listen it’s been a long day.” He said as he quickly tried to catch up with her and then she spun around. It surprised him as he stopped walking.

  “What is your deal? It’s like one minute you’re nice and laughing with me and the next you’re controlling, demanding and angry!” She snapped at him as her voice shook.

  Nicholas ran his hand through his hair. “I’m not trying to be an ass.” He said seriously.

  “Yeah well you are. Why? I don’t get it.” She said as she stifled tears. She felt so damn emotional right now. “You know what, never mind. I don’t even care.” She spun from him and began to walk quickly over to the stable. Nicholas sighed heavily and ran after her. “Emma, come on.” He reached out and grabbed her arm as she got to the stable. Emma spun and her hand made direct contact with his face as she slapped him. Nicholas stood there stunned.

  “Screw you!” She yelled as she ran into the stable and he stood there in shock as he held the side of his face. Emma hated that tears were streaming down her face. Everything that had taken place in the last twenty-four hours was just too much. The attack and the dreams. It was overwhelming.

  Nicholas made his way into the stable as Emma stood by Dante. He could hear her crying softly and he hated to see her that way. He hated that he was responsible.

  “Just go away, ok.” She wiped her eyes as she kept her back to him.

  “I’m an ass ok. I am. I just.” He sighed heavily.

  “I just don’t know why you go through the trouble to save me only to treat me like crap afterwards!” She yelled as she spun and looked at him. Tears in her eyes.

  “Because I don’t want to see you hurt again! Don’t you see that? I would do anything to keep you safe.” He said honestly. “I don’t want to lose you.” He said as he walked closer to her.

  “What?” She said as she wiped her eyes. He closed in the distance between them and looked at her.

  “I don’t want to wait any longer.” He said as his hand reached out and touched her face and before she could understand what was happening, his mouth crashed into hers. It was a surprising and passionate kiss. His hands pulled her close and she fell into him as his mouth explored hers. This kiss was so much different than the first one. This one she wanted. Hell, she needed it like she needed to breathe!

  Their hands roamed the curves of each other’s bodies. The kiss was hungry and raw. He pushed her back into the wood wall of the stable and he kissed her fiercely as she moaned into his mouth. The sound of the stable door squeaking as it opened made him pull back as Emma leaned her head back on the wall and breathed heavy.

  “Hey man listen if this is a bad time.” Steele said as he stepped in more and then he saw Emma. “Oh shit. I didn’t mean to.”

  “No, it’s fine.” Nicholas ran his hand through his hair as he walked over to Steele. “We need to figure out a plan.” He said as he glanced back at Emma who was touching her swollen just kissed lips.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Emma followed the guys inside and to say that she was feeling uncomfortable would be an understatement. Her body was still humming from that kiss and she couldn’t stop looking at him now as he spoke.

  “So, I want you to get intel first before you go off searching for this Lexi girl. I need you to find out what you can about Lawrence and his plans.” Nicholas said as John shook his head.

  “And what if Lawrence isn’t there? I mean he was only going to be there if he married Emma.” John said as he glanced at Emma and she finally was snapped out of staring at Nicholas. She flushed.

  “And what if he gets caught?” Emma blurted out.

  “I’m good at what I do. Trust me.” John smirked at her and Nicholas rolled his eyes.

  “But if things start to look dangerous then you need to get out.” She added.

  “Can we all just agree that John will do what he has to?” Nicholas said dryly as she looked at him now and then quickly looked away.

  “I got this.” John said as he grinned at Emma. “I am famished.” John stood and looked at Emma. “Maybe you could show me to a good burger joint.” He grinned.

  “I think food sounds great.” Nicholas said as they all turned and looked at him.

  “Oh, I was actually just.” John began but Nicholas cut him off.

  “Why don’t you drive John over to O’Malley’s and we will meet you both there.” Nicholas said quickly.

  “Yeah, sure.” Steele said as he stood up and John just stared at Nicholas but then walked out with Steele. Emma walked to the door and inhaled deep.

  “I think we need to talk.” Nicholas said as she swallowed hard. She turned to face him. “Listen what happened before. Neither of us were thinking.” He said quickly and she just stared at him with wide eyes. “I mean its been a crazy few days.” He added.

  “Yeah of course.” She nodded her head.

  “It wouldn’t be right for it to happen again.” He said as he stepped closer to her.

  “I agree.” She said as she inched closer to him.

  “You knew John well?” He stepped even closer as she nodded her head some.

  “He was a friend who offered to help me, but things got out of hand and well. You know the rest.” She swallowed hard.

  “Well apparent he has a thing for you.” He closed in the distance between them as he stood just inches from her.

  “It doesn’t really matter if he does.” She said honestly.

  “Is that so? Why is that?” His words were low, and they sounded so seductive. She could barely talk as her mouth got dry.

  “He’s not my type.” She said just above a whisper.

  “You have a type?” He reached out and pushed a long lock of her red hair behind her ear.
Just the simple act of him touching her hair made her body tingle. His hand lingered there.

  “Don’t we all?” She whispered.

  He licked his lips slowly as he looked at her. She stared at his tongue.

  “I suppose you are right.” He said softly.

  “Do you have a type?” She barely got the words out as she looked at him.

  “I do.” He said as he let her hair twirl around his finger. “Red hair. Blue eyes. Full lips.” He spoke as his lips crashed into hers. The kiss immediately intensified as he pulled her against his body and soon her back was hitting into the wall as she let out a small wince. Nicholas immediately pulled back as he looked at her. “You’re still healing.”

  Emma swallowed hard as she looked at him and then she was pulled his mouth back onto hers as the kissed heatedly.

  Nicholas pulled back again as he panted slightly. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” She said as she pulled his mouth back against hers, but he pulled back just as quickly.

  “You still need to heal.” He stepped back now as she leaned her head against the wall. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted anyone. “We need to eat.” He added as he ran a hand through his hair, and he walked across the room. He wanted nothing more than to take her right then and there, but she had almost died. She still needed to heal.

  “Ok.” She finally said quietly as he turned and looked at her.

  “Let’s go before Steele comes looking for us.” He said as they both walked to the door and they went to his truck.

  The ride to the bar and grill was uncomfortable as neither of them spoke. Only the sound of the radio played in the background as Emma stared out the window. Her feelings were intense, and she honestly didn’t know where to go from here. She had never really had a boyfriend. The only guy she had truly kissed was John. She was a virgin as well but that didn’t stop her body from behaving like a sex crazed fiend!

  She was happy to see the bar up ahead. She would need quite a few drinks to shake off what she was feeling. He parked the truck as they both made their way inside.

  “I will get us drinks.” He said as he walked past her, and she sighed heavily. He was back to being cold again. She looked around the bar and then smiled when she saw John waving over to her. At least he would be nice to her. She made her way over to Steele and John.


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