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Into the night: The rogue series book one

Page 15

by Toni Goode

  “I was beginning to wonder if you two would show up.” Steele smirked and then glanced over at the bar as Nicholas ordered drinks. “I’ll help him get another round.” He said as he stood now and walked towards Nicholas.

  “It’s still crazy to see you here. You sure you are ok with that guy bossing you around?” John asked with concern.

  “Yeah. He is just moody.” She said honestly.

  “That’s putting it lightly.” John said sarcastically. “You look really good though Red. You know you could always go back with me to Steele’s pack. It’s pretty cool there.” He smiled softly and she swallowed hard as she looked back at the bar where Steele and Nicholas were talking now.

  “Are you shitting me? I will kill the son of a bitch myself.” Steele said as Nicholas told him about the recent events.

  “Don’t worry. I already took care of that problem myself.” Nicholas said seriously as Steele’s eyes got wide.

  “Oh shit. You gonna be ok? I mean you can always take a mini vacation over to my pack.” Steele said seriously.

  “Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that.” Nicholas said as he looked at Emma who was laughing now as John smiled at her.

  “You got it bad.” Steele said with a smirk as Nicholas looked at him and rolled his eyes. Before Nicholas could respond he watched Veronica walk in with a few of her friends. He looked back at the bar in front of him. “Oh shit, is that Vee?” Steele said in shock as he walked over to her. “Hey girl, it’s been a long time!” He said as he hugged her tight and she laughed some and then she looked at Nicholas who was trying to avoid her as he waited for their drinks to be ready.

  “No one told me you were in town! I swear Nick has been all over the place these days. I am glad you are here to put him straight!” She laughed as she walked over towards Nicholas and touched his arm seductively as Steele’s eyes got wide. He hadn’t known that Veronica and Nicholas were an item. Now things began to make sense. “Hey you, if I didn’t know any better, I would think that you were avoiding me.” She said sweetly as she ran her fingers up his arm.

  “Not avoiding you Vee just taking care of things.” He said a bit coldly as Steele leaned against the bar. The bartender was placing drinks in front of them.

  “I will take these to the table.” Steele said awkwardly as he grabbed all four drinks. Veronica turned her head as she watched Steele walk across the room. Her eyes landed on red hair and she felt her blood boil.

  “Oh, she’s here.” Veronica said under her breath.

  “Listen Vee. We need to talk.” Nicholas said as she smiled big at him.

  “Sure, but not now. Come on sweetie lets enjoy this time.” She said as she took his hand in hers and began to lead him to the table.

  Emma just happened to turn her head in time to see Nicholas walking over as he held Veronica’s hand. She quickly looked back as Steele placed a drink in front of her. She downed it quickly as John’s eyes got wide.

  “Haven’t you learned your lesson yet?” John smirked.

  “I’m all about lessons these days.” Emma said sarcastically as she stood up quickly but not before Veronica called out to her.

  “Hey girl! Glad to see you are out enjoying the town.” Veronica smiled sweetly as she held onto Nicholas’ hand tightly.

  “Yep it’s a blast. I need fresh air.” Emma said quickly as she headed towards the door.

  “Emma.” Nicholas called out but she kept walking.

  “Babe she is a big girl. Give her space. It’s not like you are her father.” Veronica laughed as John stood up now.

  “I’ll be right back.” John said as Nicholas watched him go after Emma. His blood began to boil.

  “So, uh these drinks aren’t going to drink themselves.” Steele said with an uncomfortable laugh.

  Emma breathed heavy as she got outside. John came out right after her. “Hey are you ok?”

  “Yeah. Just stuffy in there.” She lied. “You know I think you may be onto something about going back to Steele’s pack.” She said quickly as he looked at her with surprise.

  “Really? I mean that would be awesome. You would really like it there.” He grinned big. “You wanna play some darts?”

  “Sure, and another drink.” She smiled now even though inside she wanted to die.

  “Alright it’s your funeral.” He laughed as they went back inside.

  Nicholas was distracted as he kept looking back at the door. He was just about to head out there to get Emma when she walked back in. She narrowed her eyes at him as she walked past the table and across the bar.

  “I keep telling Nick that we need to get out more, but you know him. He is such a workaholic.” Veronica said with a laugh as it snapped him from his staring.

  “Yeah that was always Nick.” Steele said as he finished his drink. “How about a game of pool for old times sake.” He desperately tried to distract his friend.

  “Yeah. Let’s do that. Why don’t you hang with your friends, Vee? It’s rude to leave them hanging.” Nicholas said as he got up and walked from the table as she huffed but she forced a smile anyways.

  “Dude I had no idea that you and Vee were a thing.” Steele said in shock as they got out of ear shot from her.

  “We’re not. At least not technically. Long story.” Nicholas said as he stared at John and Emma. They were playing darts and he could see John checking out her body.

  “Don’t do it man. It’s not worth it.” Steele said warningly.

  “What? Why are you always talking some bullshit? You wanna play or not?” Nicholas snapped as he walked over to the table quickly. At least the table was closer to the darts so that he could keep his eye on Emma. The jealousy he felt was burning his insides. He could barely keep himself from pummeling John into the ground.

  Emma threw her dart and then glanced at the pool table where Nicholas and Steele were starting a game. She glanced around the bar and then saw Veronica across the room. She looked pissed as she glared at Emma. She was with a group of girls.

  “You know you are pretty good at this.” John said as it snapped her thoughts from the bitch across the bar. She looked at him and smiled.

  “I used to play back in the day.” She said with a smile.

  “Back in the day, huh? Well you still have it going on.” John smirked and then they both jumped when the sound of balls crashing loudly filled the air. They both looked at the pool table as Nicholas stood there with the stick in his hand. He looked menacingly at John. “Yeah something tells me that he has anger issues.” He smirked now as Emma looked at Nicholas and rolled her eyes.

  “You have no idea.” She said sarcastically. “How about that drink now?”

  “Lead the way.” John grinned as he followed her up to the bar.

  Nicholas watched her walk up to the bar and he went to put his stick down, but Steele put his hand on his shoulder and stopped him. “Dude let her enjoy herself. You’re going to make a scene.”

  “What? I want another drink.” Nicholas said as he walked up to the bar and Steele sighed.

  Emma drank back a shot just as Nicholas came walking up to the bar. She looked at him and rolled her eyes. “Do you wanna get out of here?” She said towards John who looked at her wide eyed.

  “Yeah, I do.” He said with a huge grin.

  “No one is going anywhere.” Nicholas said as she turned and looked at him. “Can I get another drink here!” He snapped at the bartender and then he looked at Emma once more.

  “I’m sorry, last time I checked I wasn’t your prisoner anymore!” She snapped at him angrily. “Can we go please.” She got up from her stool and began to walk away.

  Nicholas got up too and grabbed John by the arm. “Back off man otherwise it won’t be a good night for you.” He said dangerously low as he followed Emma outside and John stood in the bar. Steele walked over to him.

  “Don’t get involved.” Steele warned him.

  “You were never a prisoner here.” Nicholas called out as Emma stopped walking a
nd spun around. She huffed as she looked at him.

  “Could have fooled me. What is your deal anyway! God you are just as bad as Lawrence!” She snapped at him.

  “Hey! I’m not like that man!” Nicholas snapped at her. Seconds later Veronica was coming outside.

  “Nick, what are you doing?” She called out to him.

  “Just go inside Vee. This isn’t about you!” He called out but didn’t look at her.

  “No, you should really just go back inside with your girlfriend!” Emma snapped at him as she began to walk quickly down the road.

  “NICK!” Veronica yelled out once more, but he ignored her as he ran up to Emma.

  “What do you want from me, huh? What?!” He snapped as he held onto Emma’s arm. But as she turned around, he saw she had tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry ok. I’m not good with this.” He finally said softly as he let go of her arm.

  “I’m just tired and I want to lay down.” She finally said as her emotions overcame her. She hated that she was crying in front of him yet again. She quickly wiped her eyes.

  “I should have never taken you out this soon after everything. Come on I will bring you home.” He said softly and she just shook her head. They began to walk over to his truck as Veronica came rushing over to him. “Vee just go home.” He said before she could say anything.

  “But Nick.” Veronica said with tears in her eyes as she stood there. He didn’t respond back to her as he opened the passenger side door and Emma got in. Veronica stood there feeling anger and rage boiling inside her. He drove off with her standing there and she stormed off to her own car. Once she got inside of the car, she dialed her phone.

  “I’m coming over.” She said as she seethed.

  “Ok, is everything alright? Have you heard from Martin?” Bryson asked quickly.

  “I don’t give a shit about him. That rogue has crossed the line!” She said as she hung up and then she drove quickly down the road. She wasn’t about to let that rogue bitch destroy everything she had worked so hard for.

  She made it to Bryson’s place in record time. Anger was a great motivator. He met her outside as she pushed her way past him. “Hello to you too.” He said sarcastically.

  “I need a drink!” She snapped as she walked to his kitchen and grabbed a bottle of scotch from the cabinet.

  “You wanna tell me what this is about? Martin said he was going to take care of the rogue.” Bryson said seriously.

  “Yeah well he hasn’t done that now has he. Fucking useless piece of shit. I told you that we should have never involved him in this. Keep it in the family I said but no you wanted to keep your man candy within eyes reach!” She snapped as she drank right from the bottle.

  “Hey, listen just because you are having a shitty night doesn’t mean that you can come over and destroy mine!” He snapped at her. “You may be my cousin, but I don’t need to take this shit from you!”

  “She is trying to take what is rightfully mine! She tries to play the poor innocent act, but I see beyond that! I will fucking kill her myself!” She snapped as she took another swig of alcohol.

  “No, you’re not! We have a plan, ok. Our plan will work!” He grabbed the bottle from her.

  “Yeah well we need to deviate from the plan. Screw trying to deal with Anthony. I say we go straight to Lawrence himself.” She began to pace the room.

  “I don’t think you understand the implications here, Vee. Anthony gave us specific orders and we can’t back out now.” Bryson ran a hand through his short-cropped hair. “You had your sister killed for this. Anthony will not let you walk away from this. You know that. We will be as good as dead.” He said seriously.

  “I didn’t say that we won’t finish what we started, ok? All I am saying is that we need to deal with this rogue right now and the easiest way is to give her back to Lawrence.”

  “This is getting too complicated and where the hell is Martin? Something is wrong, I can feel it!” Bryson said with concern.

  “I will do this with or without you Bryson!” She snapped as she got into his face.

  “Ok. We will deal with the rogue bitch first. What do you have in mind?”

  Meanwhile Nicholas and Emma had gotten back to his house. They had both went inside and to their own rooms without a word to one another. Emma hated that she felt so out of control. She tossed and turned as she laid in the bed.

  Nicholas stared at the ceiling as he laid in bed. He honestly didn’t know what to do next. He had never felt so conflicted in his life. His mind was on Emma and everything that had happened over the last few days. He barely knew her and yet he felt like he had known her for years. He felt things for her that he hadn’t felt in since Alana and it was happening so much faster than anything he had ever experienced.

  He finally got out of bed. He wasn’t going to be able to sleep but as he entered the hallway, so did she. Their eyes locked and then he was walking over to her quickly.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Emma couldn’t sleep and so she decided to get something to eat but as she entered the hallway, she saw him. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked across the darkened space and then he was quickly walking over to her. Within seconds their mouths were colliding in a soft kiss that quickly became heated as he pushed her back into the wall. His hands roamed over her clothed body. He began pulling at her tee-shirt as she pulled against his and soon their clothes were falling to the ground.

  Everything was happening so fast that Emma could barely think about what was going to happen next but then he lifted her body up. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he pushed her back into the wall and then he entered her in one swift move that had her crying out. She hadn’t expected it to hurt that much and the second he filled her; he knew.

  His mouth tore from hers as his eyes stared at her in shock. “You’re a virgin. You didn’t say anything.” He said in shock as he looked at her. “Oh god what have I done.” He said as he attempted to put her down, but she refused to unlock her legs even as tears streamed down her face.

  “Don’t. I want this. I want you.” She said with a panting breath as the pain began to slowly subside.

  “Emma. I can’t. It shouldn’t be. This shouldn’t be like this. Fuck, what did I do?” He said in an almost panicked voice. How had he not seen this coming? He tried to move her again, but she refused to let go.

  “I want this.” She pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him once more and then he quickly pulled back.

  “I’m hurting you.” He said with concern.

  “It’s not that bad.” She forced a smile.

  He breathed heavy as he leaned his head against her forehead. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He said just above a whisper.

  “You won’t. Please. I want you, Nicholas. I want you so bad I can barely breathe.” She said with a panting breath as he moved his head and looked at her.

  “Then not like this.” He said as he pulled her mouth to his and he kissed her softer this time. He began to walk to his bedroom as she kept her legs wrapped around his waist. He was still buried deep inside of her and she wanted more. She wanted so much more.

  He moved them onto the bed as he stayed inside of her. He was scared to pull himself out because he felt like he would be causing her pain all over again and so he began to move slowly against her. His mouth stayed on hers as they kissed just as slowly as his body movements. The more he moved the less the pain was and soon she was clawing at his back as her legs tightened more around his waist. The sensation nearly pushed him over the edge as he groaned into her mouth.

  He followed her lead as she began to moan and move. He began to move faster against her body and then she was tearing her mouth from his as her orgasm took over. She never knew it would feel like this. Her back arched and the sight of her moaning beneath him was his undoing. He took her mouth once more as he kissed her intensely and he erupted inside her with a series of groans and grunts. They laid side by side as they both stared at the ceiling.

Your sure you are ok?” He asked as he rolled his head to look at her.

  “Yeah.” She couldn’t get the smile off her face and then she looked at him and flushed.

  “You are so beautiful.” He said as he leaned over and kissed her lips softly. He pulled back and smiled. “I’m starving.”

  “Me too.” She sat up and so did he.

  “Then it’s settled. How does eggs and bacon sound?” He stood up and she couldn’t help but stare at his naked body. He was built like a god. He put on a pair of shorts.

  “Sounds great.” She smiled as he quickly left the room and she laid back in the bed. She was still in shock over what had just happened. She didn’t know if she would ever get that grin off her face.

  By the time she went downstairs she could already smell the food cooking. It was nearly midnight now and they were eating breakfast. She watched him cook for a few moments before he turned to look at her. He was still shirtless, and she could get lost looking at him.

  “Can you grab the orange juice and plates?” He asked with a smirk.

  “You’re a really good cook.” She said as she grabbed plates from the cabinet and her arm ended up brushing into him. He glanced at her as she flushed once more. She still had that grin on her face.

  “I’m glad to have someone to cook for.” He said as she put the plates on the table and then pulled out the orange juice.

  He brought the food over to the table and they ate in silence, but she was still grinning. “What?” He smirked as he ate a piece of toast.

  “Nothing, just. It’s been a good night.” She flushed as she ate a mouthful of eggs.

  “One of the best.” He sipped his orange juice as their eyes locked. “Wanna go for a run?”

  “Yeah, that would be great!” She smiled as they continued to eat. Her wolf was dying to get out and stretch her paws.

  They made it on the running trail in no time as they took off, side by side. Her wolf was completely infatuated with his wolf. He exhumed so much power. He was intoxicating. She let out a loud howl as his wolf looked at her and he howled too. They continued running until they neared a large freshwater lake. They both went to it and began to drink as their wolves kept looking at one another. Something changed in the air as they looked at one another and then his wolf was moving closer to her. They closed in the distance to one another and then it happened. It was like nothing she had ever experienced in her life. It was like an exchanging of souls as they looked at one another and then his wolf bit her on the neck. It was the ultimate sign of a mate. The marking of another. She had only heard stories of it and had only seen a few actual marking scars on some of the women in her town. Not every mate would mark. The feeling was intense. So intense that she had literally passed out from the feeling.


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