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Game On

Page 20

by Cheryl Douglas

  “I don’t get it. What was in it for Johnny?”

  “You.” His hand tightened around her waist when he thought about how many other men would gladly trade places with him right now. “He thought if you were hurt and upset, you might come lookin’ for a shoulder to cry on. He wanted to make sure you didn’t have to look too far.”

  She scoffed. “Is that why he was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs when I came down?”

  Ryan clenched his fist when he thought about the lengths his supposed friend had gone to just to hook up with his woman. “What did he say to you?”

  “I was still in shock,” she said, leaning on one elbow as she looked down at him. “I may have been crying, I can’t really remember. He pulled me into his arms, and I guess I let him comfort me for a minute before I told him I had to go. He offered to drive me home…”

  “Please tell me you said no.” Not that Ryan embraced the idea of her driving home alone in the middle of the night, upset and angry about his perceived betrayal. But now that he knew the lengths Johnny had been willing to go to in order to make inroads with Brianna, he suspected there was little he wouldn’t do to try and get into her bed, whether she welcomed him or not. He’d have to keep a closer eye on her from now on, until he was satisfied that dirt-bag wasn’t stupid enough to try and cross him again.

  “Of course I said no.”

  “Good,” he said, kissing her forehead. “Though I have to admit, I’m a little surprised he let you go without a fight.”

  “I kind of snuck out,” she said, playing with the buttons running the length of his shirt. She popped them open in rapid succession before pressing a kiss to his chest. “One of the bouncers called him away to deal with a problem in the V.I.P. lounge and I left.”

  “Smart girl.” He sucked in a breath when her tongue flicked over his flat nipple. “God, I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  “I feel the same way,” she said, straddling him. She leaned over and her long, straight blond hair served as a curtain, blocking out everything else around them. Kissing his collarbone, her tongue seared his neck as she drew his earlobe into her mouth.

  Moaning, he clenched her backside, holding her tight against his arousal. “I need you, Bri.”

  She pushed against his shoulders as she sat up, looking down at him. Without taking her eyes off him, she slipped her shirt over her head and tossed it on the couch.

  His mouth watered when he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. Reaching up, he cupped her breasts in his hands, gently flicking the pads of his thumbs over the distended nipples.

  She rolled her head back and sighed. “Mmm, I love the way that feels.”

  “I love you,” he whispered, pulling her down on top of him so he could taste her.

  “I know I’ve told you I love you before, but I’m in love with you,” she said, framing his face with her hands. “Totally, completely, for better or worse… forever.”

  He flipped her over on her back as he eased down on top of her. In spite of his highly aroused state, he intended to take his time with her tonight. He may not have been able to give her the romantic weekend he’d planned, complete with candles and soft music, but this place, where they shared so many memories, was the perfect place to redefine their relationship and start the next chapter in their lives together.

  He licked and kissed a path down her stomach, sliding her yoga pants down her smooth legs as he went. When he finally landed at her feet, he paused to admire her. He’d been with more beautiful women than he cared to remember, but none had ever made his heart hammer in his chest the way she did.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, a flash of uncertainty crossing her face.

  “Everything’s right,” he said, bracing one of her feet on his shoulder as he kissed the inside of her leg. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, Bri. How could you have been in my life for so many years before I realized that?”

  “It’s all about timing,” she said, reaching for his hands. “The timing is finally right for us to start our lives together.”

  He closed his eyes and savored her words as he felt her stripping the rest of his clothes away. He’d had this dream so many times, but if his subconscious was taunting him again, he didn’t ever want to wake up to return to a reality that didn’t include her.

  She joined him on her knees as she wrapped her arms around his neck, tangling her tongue with his. The kiss went from teasing to hungry in seconds as he eased her back on the blanket.

  “Wait,” he said, reaching for his jeans. “I need to get protection.”

  She reached for his hand. “Only if you want to.”

  His heart pounded as he waited for her to continue. He’d never had sex without a condom, but making love to her without a barrier between them had always been one of his fantasies. “You’re on the pill?”

  She nodded as her eyes roamed to his lips.

  He knew he was breathing hard already, but he couldn’t seem to rein in his reaction to her. “You’re sure about this?” he asked, praying she wouldn’t reconsider now.

  “I trust you,” she said, reaching up to pull him down on top of her. “With my body and my heart. I know you’d never do anything to hurt me or put me at risk, Ryan.”

  Reaching between them, he wasn’t surprised to find that she was more than ready to take him. Sliding a finger inside of her, he watched her gorgeous face transform as she gave herself over to the pleasure. Focusing on delivering her to a state of bliss unlike anything she’d ever experienced in another man’s arms, he drove her higher, until she was writhing and trembling in his arms. Crying out for mercy, at the same time she was begging him not to stop.

  He couldn’t prolong his own satisfaction another second. He linked his hands with hers as he held her hands above her head. “Open your eyes,” he whispered. Losing himself in the sensation of being buried so deep inside of her took his breath away. It had been so many months since he’d allowed himself the carnal pleasure that used to be a regular part of his life, but he would do it all again just to re-live this moment every day for the rest of his life.

  She looked up at him, locking her eyes with his as he thrust in and out, his body taking over when his mind shut down completely. “Nothing has ever felt this good.”

  “Like comin’ home,” he said, lowering his body so he could engage her mouth in an intimate dance that mimicked the motion of their bodies. “This is what I’ve been waitin’ my whole life for,” he whispered in her ear. “You’re what I’ve been waitin’ for, Bri.”

  Her release took them both by surprise as she cried out, gripping his hands tighter as she rode out her orgasm. “That’s the first time I’ve…” Her cheeks filled with color. “You know… during.”

  Ryan loved that she felt she could tell him anything. “I’m gonna love you the way no other man ever has,” he said, kissing her shoulder. “I’m gonna give you everything you ever needed and more than you ever even realized you wanted.”

  “How did I get so lucky?” she asked, clenching him in her tight heat with a smug smile when he groaned.

  “Right now, I’m feelin’ like the luckiest man on the planet, baby.” He wanted to hold off, but his body had other ideas. Surrendering to his own release with a guttural moan, he knew he’d have every night for the rest of their lives to give her all the pleasure she deserved. The force of his climax was draining, but when he began filling her, he knew he’d just charted a new course to ecstasy.

  “Wow,” she said, holding him tight as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  He chuckled as he settled her in beside him. “My sentiments exactly.” He ran his fingertips up and down her arm. “I’ll never make you regret takin’ a chance on me, I promise.”

  “I know that,” she said, pressing a kiss to his chest.

  He tangled his legs with hers, pinning her down. “You realize that resignation letter is worth less to me than the paper it’s written on, don’t you?”

  She chuckled
. “How do you know you won’t get tired of seeing me every day at work, you know now that we’re a couple?”

  “I could never get enough of you… at home… at work...”

  She looked up at him. “What are you saying?”

  “ I want you to move in with me, Bri.” He could have sworn his heart stopped in the seconds it took her to answer. He’d already made the mistake of pushing her too fast once. He prayed he hadn’t made the same mistake again.

  “Are you sure we’re ready for this?”

  “I’ve been ready for a long time. The question is are you ready?”

  “My dad might have something to say about it,” she said, wrinkling her nose. “You know how old-fashioned he can be.”

  “He knows I want to make you my wife, just as soon as you’ll agree. But I don’t want to push.”

  She laughed. “Isn’t that what you’re doing now?”

  He tried to quash the disappointment. “Yeah, I guess I am. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I just-”

  Brianna leaned in to kiss him. “I need you to push me, Ry. That’s what makes us so perfect for each other. You’re not afraid to push me out of my comfort zone and I’m not afraid to rein you in when I have to.”

  He grinned. “Is that a yes?”

  “On one condition.”


  “You promise to use the clothes hamper instead of leaving a trail of clothes from the bathroom to the bedroom?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Anything for you, baby.”

  Coming Soon

  Book Four – Burn Out

  As the President of Titan Records, Evan Spencer knew he had big shoes to fill when his father, Luc, retired and awarded him the top spot. Fifty hour work weeks turned into eighty hours and his girlfriend, Erika, gave him an ultimatum… either he make their relationship a priority or she’s leaving him. He doesn’t expect her to follow through on her threat, until she does.

  Erika Carlton knew his ex-boyfriend, Evan, would be at their friend’s wedding in the Bahamas. One week in a tropical paradise with her ex could be torture. It’s a good thing her new boyfriend is there to act as a buffer.

  Evan has a plan. He has seven days and seven nights to prove to Erika that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to salvage their relationship. But when she shows up with a new man, Evan realizes he’s going to have to step up his plan or risk losing her forever.

  Release Date: January 2012

  Book Five – Fast Track

  Teacher and part-time artist, Anna McCall, is sweet, shy, and reserved. Living in her famous father’s shadow is exhausting, which is why she decides to get away from it all for a while. She retreats to their family beach house for the summer, intent on painting, reflecting, and regrouping after a messy break-up. She’s revelling in the peace and tranquility until a famous race car driver moves in next door intent on invading her sanctuary.

  Justin Hunt has one goal this summer, to forget the past year of his life ever happened and if it takes a group of rowdy jocks, loud music, kegs of beer, and bikini-clad women to help him forget, so be it. Too bad his new neighbor seems intent on spoiling his fun by distracting him from his mission.

  Book Six – Time Out

  Rancher, Nick McCall, loves the simple life. Wide open spaces, clean country air, and sweet down-home girls. But when his mother asks him to entertain their new house guest, a TV personality with a penchant for bad boys, he’s wondering if it might be time to add a little spice to his life.

  Megan Moore moved from Los Angeles to Nashville to accept a job on a country music network, but she misses dating movie stars and riding around in limousines. She promises her new agent, Avery McCall, she’ll stick it out for the remainder of her one year contract, but she intends to be on the first plane back home a minute after her contract expires.

  Nick knows Megan’s only in Nashville for a short time, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a good time.

  Book Seven – Face Value

  Real estate developer, Lauren McCall, needs a new contractor yesterday. Someone who’s good, fast, and reliable, but her only option seems to be her friend’s deadbeat ex-husband. According to her friend, he’s a skirt chasing, beer drinking, loser who’d rather play pool than play with his kids, but desperate times call for desperate measures, so Lauren gives him the job. She just hopes she doesn’t live to regret it.

  Tucker Brooks knows his new boss doesn’t like him, and he doesn’t much care. He knows his ex-wife will spew her venom to anyone who’ll listen, and if Lauren’s naïve enough to believe everything she hears, so be it. He’s determined to show up for work, get the job done, and avoid the boss lady as much as possible. If only she’d stay the hell out of his dreams.

  Book Eight – Blown Away

  Ava Cooper owns a successful Internet dating site. Her life’s work is to connect people and hope they’ll fall in love, but she isn’t looking for her soul mate. On the contrary, she’s a busy professional with a full life. She has a great family, friends, and a cute little dog who follows her wherever she goes. When she gets a private message from a man who’s intrigued by her profile, she’s knows her assistant, Tara, is to blame. She’s determined to help her boss find a man, apparently against her will. Ava insists she isn’t interested, but if this guy looks anything like his picture, he’s bound to be someone’s Mr. Right.

  When architect, Brent Armstrong’s, brother emailed him a link to a dating website, he thought he was just giving him grief again, but when Ava`s picture appeared on his screen, he couldn’t breathe. He knew that woman. For days he tried to get her image out of his head, but when that didn’t work, he decided to swallow his pride and send her a private message, hoping she`d remember him. When hours turned into days, he had a choice to make. Should he let it go, or give her a friendly reminder of the night she rocked his world?

  Table of Contents


  Nashville Nights Family Tree

  Book Three – Game On

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Coming Soon




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