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The Secret Space Age

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by Olav Phillips

  Other Books From Adventures Unlimited Press:

  Hitler’s Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons

  Mind Control and UFOs

  Dark Star

  Hitler’s Flying Saucers

  Covert Wars and the Clash of Civilizations

  Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops

  Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations

  LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy

  Roswell and the Reich

  Nazi International

  Reich of the Black Sun

  The S.S. Brotherhood of the Bell

  Secrets of the Unified Field

  The Cosmic War

  The Giza Death Star

  The Giza Death Star Deployed

  The Giza Death Star Destroyed

  The Secret Space Age

  by Olaf Phillips

  Copyright © 2015

  ISBN 13: 978-1-939149-42-8

  All Rights Reserved

  Published by:

  Adventures Unlimited Press

  One Adventure Place

  Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA

  Opinions expressed by the author are solely his own and do not reflect the opinions of Adventures Unlimited Press or its officers.


  1. In the Beginning There was Only Darkness

  2. Coming of Age in the Secret Space Race

  3. Alternative Three—The Most Dangerous Show Ever Produced

  4. Alternative 1—Things Go Boom

  5. Alternative 1.5—Geoengineering, Chemtrails and Global Dimming

  6. Alternative 2—D.U.M.B Projects and the End of the World

  7. Alternative 2.5—Agenda 21, The Population Bomb and the Georgia Guidestones

  8. Alternative 3—This Ain’t Kansas Anymore, This is the Main Event

  9. The Nazi Flying Saucers

  10. Close Encounters of the Totally Germanic Kind

  11. UFO Iconography—Uh It’s Not Alien, That’s for Sure…

  12. Lasers, UFOs, and SDI—Evidence of the War in Space, Space Warden and the Hidden Military Machine in Orbit

  13. Weapons in Orbit—Arming the High Frontier

  14. Moon Bases, Mars Bases and the Great Beyond

  15. Staffing the Solar War Machine—Mysterious Disappearances, National Parks, and the Breakaway Civilization

  16. Dead Scientists and the Disappearances of the Great

  17. The End is Nigh


  This book is dedicated to my wife, who has put up with my quest for more then two decades, and I’m only just getting started. I also want to dedicate this to my children in the hopes that one day they will learn of the amazing discoveries humanity has really made, not just what’s in the history books. Finally, my parents, who dared me to wonder, challenged me to think and introduced me to the library.

  “The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search the chance of success is zero.” Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison - ‘Searching for Interstellar Communications’



  It is said that space is the last true frontier. It is an environment which humanity has not yet conquered. Its size is vast and its borders incalculable, at least to the common person. It is that mystery and immensity that drives people all over the world gather by the flame to just sit in awe of its depth and immensity.

  For 100 years humanity has tried to conquer space. Starting in 1957 with Sputnik, its faint single piecing the inky blackness and telling us there is something now up there.

  Two months later Sputnik 2 was launched, proving life could survive in space. Laika, the heroic dog, proved that if properly protected life was capable in space. Granted Laika died several hours later, but the beachhead was established. Life could be sustained and if something could live for several hours than life could be sustained for several days, weeks, months or even years.

  At that point life in space became an engineering problem and engineering problems can be solved.

  It took another four years before humanity dared send a human into space.

  In April of 1961, Yuri Gagarin achieved immortality as the first human into space. Riding the flames of his rocket into low earth orbit, Gagarin stayed aloft for 108 minutes and did one full orbit before plummeting back to the safety of the Earth.

  For the rest of 1962, a race began to emerge as the Soviet Union fought for space supremacy by launching several more missions in to the high frontier. Meanwhile, the United States was able to launch Alan Shepard in Freedom 7 and later John Glenn in Mercury.

  From this point the race intensified further as the United States accelerated its public space program, culminating in the Apollo program and later, a landing on the moon in 1969.

  It was during that landing that Neal Armstrong uttered those immortal words, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” The world rejoiced as the moon, our closest celestial neighbor, had been conquered. Or had it?

  Since that time a different story has begun to emerge. The moon landing is now rocked by controversy which has lead to legions of people who not only believe the moon landing was a hoax but that during the last 70 years, a systematic program of disinformation has occurred. This has, in turn, lead to a line of research which has attempted to prove on one hand that we never went, but on the other hand maybe we were already there.

  One can see this cover-up emerge even while the Apollo program was under way as the Soviets launched the Salyut program.

  It is not widely known, but three of the Salyut stations were in fact part of the “Almaz” program. The Almaz stations were crewed by Soviet military personal and were armed by a large cannon.

  The presence of the Alamaz forced the United States Air Force to respond with the “MOL” or Manned Observation Laboratory program, which sought to place our own battle stations into orbit.

  So began, quietly, the weaponization of space…

  It was that act of the weaponization of space that has left the last great high frontier to carry forth the Cold War, at a large scale.

  Military planners sought to establish space fleet and moon bases, as if out of a science fiction novel. Battle stations and robotic hunter killer satellites circling quietly over our heads as we slept, confident in our supremacy while the Soviets were confident in theirs. All the while the world slept.

  This is a story about secrets and hidden things. It is about the very real possibility that there are indeed devices, people and projects underway which have indeed colonized space. Finally, this is about the story which had been given to the public I actually just good science fiction, because all is not as it would seem.

  My intention is not to provide concrete evidence that a secret space program exists. To be honest with compartmentalization and special access programs, that is a fool’s errand. My intent is rather to discuss some of the programs, people and operations that did happen but were suppressed.

  I intend to construct a framework, demonstrating that 4by 1969 the United States government as well as the Soviet Union was far beyond the moon landing missions. I also intend to demonstrate and explore this notion that there is indeed a secret space age in to which the public has never been given insight.

  The world is a strange place and we are only beginning our descent



  UFOs are one of those things…those things people always latch onto. They are prolific in science fiction and once people learn of my interest, always a topic of conversation at parties. Statements like, “I saw a light in the sky,” or “This funky trian
gle flew over my head” abound. My life is bereft with these statements, but there never seem to be a conclusion or end game. This has made UFOs a highly debated topic.

  Like many in Ufology, I started out as a firm believer in the alien hypothesis. This means that I believed that all those triangles and funky lights in the sky were alien in origin. But I was riddled with doubt. What if they weren’t aliens? It’s a question which has vexed me for the last decade because in time I started to believe a percentage might not be. Now in some circles, that is a heretical statement, but a statement I believe to be true never the less.

  Research into the Secret Space Age started for me many years ago. I had been gifted a 10th generation VHS copy of the long sought-after “Science Report: Alternative Three.” Back then it was just a kitschy 1970s era conspiracy mockumenatry shown on East Anglia TV.

  As time went on and I started to really watch it something dawned on me. Maybe Alternative Three was fundamentally true? It sounded structurally plausible. This lead to an even more disturbing thought: maybe some UFOs were not alien in origin but instead man made. But for what purpose? That was the question which launched the descent into where I find myself now.

  Space is a funny thing, they call it the high frontier and like many I had dreams of space shuttles going to the moon. I eagerly anticipated taking my seat on a Pan-Am shuttle to a space station, then scooting across the surface much as Haywood Floyd did in Kubrick’s amazing, and conspiratorially controversial, 2001: A Space Odyssey. A say conspiratorially because that film, like so many other, has played a part in this new secret space age.

  So what is knocking around in the high frontier, and what does it have to do with movies or the enigmatic Alternative Three?

  Sometime in the late 1990’s rumors started to emerge of a secret program, utilizing high technology to conquer space and possibly other planets. According to myth, there was even a secret space fleet, replete with high tech vehicles, regularly leaving the planet for parts unknown.

  It was also the time of the SERPO question, the idea that military personnel were being assigned to an exchange program with aliens on another planet called SERPO. While fascination the supposed SERPO program started to died away rumors emerged that it might have been a hoax. The hoax labeled killed investigation into SERPO, but what if SERPO might actually have been real?

  Then it happened. In 2002 a lowly systems administrator from Scotland, utilizing only a 56k modem cracked the question wide open. His name was Gary McKinnon and what he found was so amazing that it caused the full weight of the United States government to come after him.

  McKinnon was accused, and did, hack into a series military and NASA computers but it wasn’t the hacking that makes his story interesting. It’s what he found. McKinnon claims to have found references to a program called Solar Warden, which was nothing less then a secret space fleet darting around the space high above us. McKinnon also claimed to have found manifests and crew transfer notices for a series of ships and installations which don’t exist here on Earth.

  Solar Warden had entered our psyche and popular culture. Researchers rushed out to discover more about Solar Warden and discovered that a program under SDI had existed called Solar Warden. In fact an enterprising journalist from the Huffington Post filed a freedom of information act request and received a very interesting response.

  Darren Perks in a blog posting from 12/7/12 stated:

  About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their program and that it was terminated by the President. He also informed me that it was not a joint program with the DoD. The NASA rep informed me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager.

  I have ran your request through one of our space-related directorates and I’m waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back to me. I will contact you once I have a response from the other division. Did NASA refer you to us?

  Interesting response, and proof of an actual program.

  Around the same time near Thousand Oakes California a pilot reported seeing a strange object in the sky overhead. His report was that an odd craft was flying at 5000ft altitude and at around 200mph. The aircraft was heading S/SE, which would have placed it on a approach flight path to Edwards Air Force Base which is the home to many an odd aircraft. What’s even more interesting is that the aircraft sighting was a very large and very slow aircraft.

  A month later the same object was seen over the San Francisco Bay Area, again flying S/SE, but only this time at around 70,000ft altitude and flying at an 45 degree angle down. It was a very serendipitous set of sightings, which started to form a construct for what McKinnon had claimed to have seen. The best part is that it only took 10 years for the pieces to come together.

  One of the things McKinnon had claimed to have seen on his journey to the classified unknown was the specification for a ship which could carry more then 300 people, a troop transport if you will, which was possibly the troop transport sized object witnessed by these individuals. The presence of that “troop transport” had another link to Alternative Three and its notion of “Batch Consignments,” but we’ll get to that in a minute.

  Solar Warden, secret space fleets, bases on the Moon/ Mars sounds a little nutty right? Maybe not s crazy as you think and maybe more real then you know.

  For many years a strange object has been seen in low Earth orbit. Originally it was claimed, and still is for that matter, that this object was the elusive “Black Knight.” An alien space probe which has been producing Long Delay Echoes for the last 70 years. The Black Knight was also implicated in the research of Duncan Lunan, who claimed in the 1970’s that he had cracked the code of the object which he claimed was a brace well probe. Based on the decrypted message Lunan believed the probe had come from Epsilion Booties and was here to do research on us earthlings.

  The problem is that this mysterious vessel, photographed numerous times, is not a brace well style probe, and the Black Knight is known to haunt L2 (Lagrange Point 2) out past low earth orbit towards the moon, which gives it a wonderful location for monitoring the earth and its friendly inhabitants

  No the vehicle photographed is most likely not the Black Knight, but given its location could very well be part of Solar Warden.

  Solar Warden’s use of high technology extends the conversation and takes yet another technological detour. Because it could be argued the genesis of Solar Warden’s high technology originated in a series of ultra secret Nazi programs operated out of a facility known as “Der Riese” (“The Giant”) located at the Skoda Munitions facility in occupied Czechoslovakia. If the research of pioneers such as Joseph Farrell and Henry Stevens are to be believed, one of the most significant technological leaps ever made was made at Der Riese, by the Germans, in the 1940’s.

  It was at Der Riese under the leadership of a SS general named Hans Kammler, who incidentally at a PhD in Engineering and had taken control of Nordhausen and Peenemunde, the Nazis had a breakthrough during the experimentation with a device called “The Bell.” The Bell, or Der Glocke as it is sometimes known was a bell shaped device which was powered by Xerum 525 and have antigravity characteristics. It is important to not that a scant 21 years after the bell disappeared an object of similar shape and size crashed into a forest near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania.

  Since this is about a conspiracy, it is also interesting to note that Kammler died approximately five times under different circumstances, but in reality it is believed that he took the bell and most of its scientists, after he killed all the technicians, to Base 211 which is covertly hidden under the ice in Antarctica. He apparently did this aboard several massive Junkers transport aircraft called the JU-390.

  Interestingly the JU-390 with a cargo capacity in excess of 30,000lbs and a listed range of over 6000 miles would have been the right aircraft for the job and probably could have made it to Base 211 with a strategic refueling somewhere in Africa.

  Based on the capabilities of the Bell propulsion
system, the story goes the German scientists and flight engineers setup to construct a series of circular airframes which they called “The Haunebu.”

  According to the literature there were several variants of the Haunebu and there have even been pilots over the years who have come forward claiming to be former test pilots for the aircraft. There is even a line of thinking which proposed the it was not an alien craft which crashed at Roswell but instead was a crashed German shaped UFO.

  Additional proof has been uncovered including a rather odd compass labeled “KT-P2” or the “Kreisel Teller” gyro plate which served as a celestially calibrated slave compass that would have impervious to the magnetic field distortion caused by the operation of the Bell.

  Perhaps the most interesting proof to surface in recent years about the Bell and Haunebu came on the night of May 30, 2011 when Clyde Lewis, of Ground Zero Radio fame, was interviewing former Skunkworks engineer T.D. Barnes about his work at Area 51. During the interview Lewis asked Barnes pointedly about the Bell, and its final resting place. Barnes of course, and as you would expect, responded that he wasn’t sure what Lewis was talking about and was unfamiliar with the name. Lewis pushed the issue and described the Bell and its operation to Barnes who responded that all that “German stuff” was sent to Wright Patterson AFB. Lewis, a little shocked at this point, asked him again about the Bell to which Barnes responded something to the effect of “yes that thing” was sent to Wright Patterson AFB.

  Again independent confirmation of the existence of a Bell like device, and this time in the hands of the United States Government along with a whole host of other German high technology.

  The story doesn’t end there, normally it might but in this rare case we also have the end game or end objective of such a program.

  End games are one of those things, every program or project has one—it has to. The ultimate objective and the source of its funding. See everything is done for a reason, and even in DARPA funding is not just handed out, you need an objective for your project or the purse strings are closed. It’s also the most difficult thing to deduce since; at least in conspiracy research we have scant evidence and mostly secondary testimony. I think in conspiracy research we are also dazzled by the means but often pay no attention to the end, but the end is the reason for the means. So the research becomes circular.


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