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The Secret Space Age

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by Olav Phillips

  In this case I do think we have a glimpse at the end game, and it goes back around to that mysterious 1977 broadcast, because for some reason the powers that be seem to subversively announce the game plan. I’ve never understood that, maybe it’s to taunt us with glimpses of the larger agenda, but never the less we are given those glimpses.

  Science Report: Alternative Three—what does that have to do with Solar Warden or Nazi UFOs you might ask? In my simple estimation of the situation, Everything.

  If we look critically at the plot of Alternative Three we see a world on the tipping point of climatic disaster, in the case of Alternative Three the disaster is due to wild climate changes which bring about an Ice Age. The truth is that the disaster could really anything, such as a asteroid threat. A theme echoed in Ronald Reagan’s 1987 speech before the United Nations General Assembly.

  “In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world”

  Over the years that speech has widely been interpreted as referencing an alien threat such as big green multi-eyed monsters from Venus coming to take over the earth. This is especially true because of earlier comments he had made but what if, just for a minute, the alien threat was something else, and Reagan who was a shrewd politician obfuscated the true threat by cloaking it in UFO/Alien imagery.

  To uncover this tangent of thinking we need to look at another quote, this time by famed physics superstar Neil deGrasse Tyson of the Hayden Planetarium:

  “On Friday the 13th, April 2029, an asteroid large enough to fill the Rose Bowl as though it were an egg cup will fly so close to Earth that it will dip below the altitude of our communication satellites. We did not name this asteroid Bambi. Instead, we named it Apophis, after the Egyptian god of darkness and death.”

  Names mean something and as Tyson points out here Apophis is named after the Egyptian god of death and darkness. A coincidence? Probably not and incidentally the aftermath of Apophis, which Tyson points out in a FORA. tv interview, would be the literal sandblasting of the entire western coast of the United States.

  The disaster could also be an oncoming ice age as well. In a November 9th, 2012 article in The Register author Lewis Page discusses recent evidence that we are currently at the early stages of a coming ice age and this is the kicker, only CO2 can save us!

  These ideas were also echoed by the father of the hydrogen bomb, and all around destroyer of worlds, Dr. Edward Teller who during a 1958 meeting of the American Chemical Society proposed the dumping of large amounts of very fine aluminum and other chemicals into the upper atmosphere to trigger a greenhouse effect to heat the world. Chemtrails anyone?

  Ok so back to Alternative Three, we have something bad coming. Maybe its an asteroid, or a Ice Age both of which would be equally disastrous but really it doesn’t matter. In both cases bad things happen and out of that were born three options:

  1) The detonation of a high altitude nuclear device in the upper atmosphere to disrupt the world climate pattern. Most likely Project Argus which detonated nuclear devices at over 300 miles in altitude and was planned as well as executed in almost 1/3 of the time which was normally spent on such tests. In Alternative Three this was deemed a failure, and frankly I’m not surprised. It’s a pretty harebrained idea right along with Operation Plowshares using nuclear bombs to make radioactive contaminated deep harbors and water canals.

  2) To build underground bunkers, also deemed a failure since not enough of the population could be saved and frankly the surface would be pretty badly damaged in either scenario for quite some time. Never the less underground bunker construction continues as well as troop movements, mass purchases by the Department of Homeland Security of food, ammunition, and body bags (we’d need a lot of those, so its good to hear they bought several million!).

  3) To leave and move somewhere else. Setup shop on the Moon and then colonize Mars. Apparently this program is underway which coincides with McKinnon’s claimed uncovering of mass troop transports capable of carrying 300 or more people be they scientists or “Batch Consignment” slave labor.

  Richard Sauder and others have documented the bunker building program quite well and I would suggest investigating their work. They make a seriously compelling argument that there is not only a massive underground network but even high-speed trains which run between the various facilities which dot the globe.

  If Alternative Three is underway the establishment of a Solar Warden program in those deep special access programs is entirely feasible. We would need a space fleet to move things around as well as to prevent nasty things such as asteroid strikes from occurring. So in that way Solar Warden suddenly makes sense. Solar Warden coupled with Project Horizon’s aims at a manned moon base really bring this idea of Alternative Three to the forefront and should be seriously considered.

  Could we really do it? Could we really have a Moon base or Mars base? The answer is absolutely, and we need look no further then statements by Ben Rich, former head of the Lockheed Skunkworks, the same organization T.D. Barnes worked for.

  “We now have the technology to take ET back home”

  —Ben Rich 1993 UCLA School of Engineering Alumni Speech.

  That is really a pretty compelling quote in relation to the revelations of Gary McKinnon, Alternative Three and Solar Warden, especially when we consider the source. Rich was a man who knew secrets, and worked his whole life and the penultimate secret state of Special Access Programs funded by the government and apparently designed to reach into space and to take E.T. home.

  Is Alternative Three active? Is Solar Warden real? I think quite probably yes, and if that is the case and as the powers that be ramp up the program we will continue to see strange things in our skies and most likely if it is an oncoming ice age more aggressive chemtrail activity.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating for chemtrails, but on the flip side no one has ever figured out the end game of chemtrails. Most researchers would just chalk it up to a secret government program which was bad, but there is always a reason especially for Geoengineering.

  As humans everything we do has a reason and now we just need to confirm what that reason is. But it is that search for the endgame that is the hallmark of coming of age in the secret space race.

  When we find that answer we will have graduated and as humans we will be in the full possession of the facts, the only problem is that graduation may come a little late this time.



  It all began innocently enough on a calm, cool Monday night. It was June 20, 1977 and as the residents of Anglia in the United Kingdom settled down for the evenings entertainment, the final touches were being put on the special broadcast of the night. It was the final broadcast of “Science Report,” this time hosted by respected presenter Tim Brinton. It was to be a special broadcast indeed, a broadcast originally scheduled for April of 1977, but was delayed until this night. A delay which would prove decisive in its impact, and a delay one could argue was built into its presentation for shock value as well as plausible deniability.

  So on that quiet English evening at 9pm sharp residents of East Anglia tuned into Science Report planning on watching an expose about the concerning “brain drain” of highly trained and educated researchers and technicians leaving England for positions abroad.

  Not to be disappointed, as the show began Tim Brinton emerged from the shadows to inform the public as to the real nature of those departures. Departures made from the international terminal, terminal two, at Heathrow Airport for destinations unknown.

  What happened over the next hour has become the stuff of legend as the normally quiet and unprepared English country side was gripped by panic. Images of disease, starvation and w
ar filled their screens. Brinton’s cold delivery of the apocalyptic future of global climate collapse, dwindling resources, and ultimately a darkened world plunged into a new Ice Age.

  Brinton, a respected presenter, spoke of high level government plans, made the world over, to attempt to stave off this hideous future. Government scientists of the time had come up with three alternatives hoping to save the world. The first, after seeing the build up green house gases, was to attempt to create holes in the upper atmosphere and vent climate changing carbon dioxide into the space, but we were told that plan failed categorically.

  The second alternative, we are told, was to aggressively accelerate the construction of massive underground cities to move the population underground, a program which was already well underway as the world was in the grips of the Cold War. We were told this program, although continuing to this day, was deemed inadequate and only a few could be saved but not enough to warrant a large scale program. Those not able to find refuge in the underground facilities, we are told, would be left to perish on the surface.

  The final alternative, which much have seemed almost insane to an unprepared public, was to construct a way station on the moon which could be used to ferry people as well as slaves or “Batch Consignments” to a waiting Mars where humanity could begin again. The rest of the population would be left on Earth to perish.

  This final alternative, Alternative Three, was considered so audacious that it demanded support from governments around the world. Support, we are to believe, that was given as the show culminates in the man landing on Mars of a join Soviet and American mission. And in a final twist, as the landing is occurring the crew of the Lander detects life in the form of a small organism moving around in the dirt adjacent to the landing site. Live had been discovered they cry, all the wile Russian and English reading on the Martian service scroll across the screen.

  The show ended and the population of East Anglia was in full blown panic. By 10pm calls started to fill the switchboard at East Anglia Television with Irate viewers demanding to know if what they just watched was true? The response? East Anglia representatives informed the public that the show was fiction and that it had originally been scheduled for April 1st, 1977 but due to labor issues it had been preempted. A response which did not satisfy most callers at that time and which even now fails to satisfy those who have seen the film 35 years on!

  As the sun rose of the United Kingdom on June 21st, the controversy was already spreading throughout the country. The Daily Express, as well as numerous other newspapers were reporting on the preceding evening, and while pointing out that some of the actors were well known, such as Richard Marner who played Carl Gerstein or Shane Rimmer who played the tragic astronaut Bob Grodin, they demanded to understand how the show had been allowed to have been made. How something so terrifying and damaging to public perception had been produced, and passed the censors. The answer to that is surprising, but we need to get back to our story.

  As the aftermath spread more newspapers joined the siren call for accountability papers such as The Times who reported “Independent television companies last night received hundreds of protest calls after an Anglia program, Alternative 3, gave alarming facts about changes in the Earth’s atmosphere. It was a hoax, originally intended for April 1st” but also they joined the call for accountability. East Anglia responded by pointing out that it was intended as a April Fools joke, and even people connected to the production call it a hoax to this day.

  The furor eventually prompted East Anglia Television to respond. A response some considered lackluster but in part simply read “We felt viewers would be fairly sophisticated about it.” Which considering the amount of controversy generated seems to be a little underwhelming. But the story continues.

  In the aftermath of its initial showing, and largely due to the overwhelming negative response and fear which it perpetuated laws started to be past barring it from being shown again, and preventing shows like this from being aired.

  The first casualty was the UK where it had originated, then Australia, with Canada following suit passing strict regulation against “War of the Worlds” style programming, or at least programming so realistic that the mass population would be incited hysteria and terror.

  This culminated in the attempted airing of Alternative Three on US Television, because as it turns out that the head of NBC drama had been in Anglia at the time and witnessed the film. He was so taken with the presentation that he acquired the rights to air the film in the US, but upon presenting Alternative Three to Standards and Practices, the censors of NBC, he was informed that Alternative Three was too dangerous for US television. Yes the censors said it was too dangerous for television, you heard that right. The censors wanted to save the United States public from such a terrifying spectacle.

  Building on the controversy, Sphere Books commissioned a Alternative Three book to be written by Leslie Watkins the following year. The book was to expand the “hoax” even further, pushing an already sensitive public over the breaking point. Late in 1978 with the book published , the legend of Alternative Three was set in stone.

  The book, by Leslie Watkins and “co-authored” by Christopher Miles and David Ambrose, for copyright reasons, pushed the envelope even further with interviews from supposed insiders, and analysis of headlines which seemed to support the Alternative Three presentations.

  What’s interesting about this story is that for everyone involved is that while the production team concede it was a hoax, they also concede, most notably Christopher Miles and Leslie Watkins, that it appears they stumbled across an actual program which has the tacit support of governments around the globe.

  The most interesting story came from Watkins himself who, in a email exchange, pointed out that while moving from Australia to his new home in New Zealand someone or some group of someones had pilfered his cargo container and taken all of his Alternative Three source material. Yes, someone went through his shipment and removed all of the Alternative Three documentation. Watkins has also claimed in subsequent years that he has been contacted by numerous “insiders” confirming the basic premise and the existence of an extra governmental program to adopt the Alternative Three methodology and effectively executing Alternative Three. Those insiders went on to confirm for him that bases on the Moon and Mars are real and that we travel there regularly especially as the environment here on Earth worsens.

  Hearing things like this from the makers of the TV presentation and well as the book really make you stop and wonder.

  The larger question is that, at least for Miles and Ambrose, where did they story originate? Did they really cook up this exotic program and accidentally stumble on the truth as they claim, or were was the premise suggested to them? What I will say is that in a post- Alternative Three world everyone involved went on to great things. David Ambrose continued to write with some acclaim, Miles was a staple in the direction of TV shows and movies with some nice feathers in his cap. Tim Brinton, the presenter turned actor turned presenter, ended up in Parliament. And of course Brian Eno who supplied the music is widely seen as one of the founders of the ambient music movement. The only casualty appears to be Watkins who has basically disappeared and is not easy locatable.

  But the story continues to grow stranger, and more sinister at every turn. A consistent element in this 35-year-long journey.

  As the years went on, Alternative Three slipped away from the popular imagination. The 1970s wore on into the 1980s and Alternative Three was just a side note, but in the intervening time Anglia Television went through a series of changes culminating in its conversion to ITV and the joining of the vast Rupert Murdoch media complex. But something was wrong, where was Alternative Three in all this? Lost from the populace and not able to be shown, it disappeared.

  At one point there was a fire, and during the fire all known copies of the Alternative Three master were destroyed with the exception of Miles’ personal copy.

  It wasn’t only the f
ilm which went up in smoke, it was also all the documentation. It was as though the film had never existed! So today if you contact ITV and request a copy of the film you are quite pleasantly told it was destroyed, but there’s a rub. On occasion the request is fulfilled and at least once a researcher was able to get a pure DVD copy from a master even after being informed of its destruction.

  So what gives?

  What we do know is that the film’s destruction produced a black market for twelfth generation copies of this secret television show and for the last say 20 years that is where we have been. The film is shown off bad VHS dubs in the dark steamy movie rooms at conventions and lightly debated. Every so often it is even aired in Japan, the only country it seems where no one banned it.

  So what you have is a television show where even the principals claim to have stumbled on a secret truth. A television show which cannot be shown on public television. A film which was destroyed, and even if you can locate such a copy it cannot be aired.

  This goes back to the primary problem with Alternative Three, and the genesis of this conversation. It’s my contention that while Alternative Three, the television show and subsequent book were indeed a hoax or more accurately in today’s jargon a “mockumentary,” the blue print is fundamentally correct and Alternative Three was fundamentally a massive predictive programming exercise to prepare the population for a coming societal breakdown.

  We need look no further then the headlines of the day to find wars, starvation, and ecological collapse. Wars and rumors of wars dominate our headlines. Stories of resource scarcity and rising fuel prices change our world view, and to prophecies such a massive collapse in 1977 was unheard of. The 1970s were a decade of decadence, and only now in the 21st century are we a world reaping what we sowed.


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