Book Read Free

Downward Spiral

Page 6

by Bria Starr

  “You’re doing the best you can.”

  “I can do more. I know this. I love my life that I have with you, but I’m not where I thought I’d be.”

  “I can’t say the same. I’ve never wanted kids and

  I’m not in a hurry to get married anytime soon.”

  Silence falls around us. Our card game long forgotten.

  “Do you want a shot?” I ask. “I’ll get the bottle.”

  Chapter 7



  “I’d do almost anything for a BLC.”

  “BLC? You mean BLT?”

  “No, bacon, lettuce, and cheese. I don’t like tomatoes, but I do love me some cheese.”

  “You eat all those vegetables but you don’t like tomatoes? What about all the times I put them in your food?”

  “I just don’t eat them. I don’t like onions either. I’m twenty-four-years-old and I’ll scrape that shit off if I want to.”

  “You big baby.”

  “Shh. Go make my sandwich!” I laugh. “Please? I’m starving.”

  “Want me to teach you how to make one?”

  “I like how you make them though. All nice and fluffy.”

  “You want fries?”

  “Waffle fries with seasoned sour cream.” My mouth is watering just thinking about eating my lunch. I try to eat as healthy as I can all the time but sometimes a girl just has to cheat and eat what she wants.

  “Gimme ten minutes.”

  After devouring my lunch, DeAnn enters my office and we discuss erotica novels for the remainder of my break before I have to go back out and start making my rounds.

  After DeAnn leaves to fulfill her duties, I grab my carefully orchestrated checklist off of my desk and start doing my inspections. After the kitchen and restrooms have been scrutinized, I make my way out to the dining area. There’s about an hour left before the dinner rush starts so the restaurant is practically empty at the moment.

  As I’m checking for dirty corners and dusty vents, I happen to look up and see the back of a man’s head. I don’t know if my mind is playing tricks on me or if it’s actually Eli who’s sitting there, but I’m instantly blushing and feel a desperate need to escape and go hide somewhere.

  Flashbacks of my naughty fantasy slowly start drifting back into my mind as I stand here and stare at the back of someone’s head that may or may not be Eli’s.

  “Paige?” DeAnn calls to me from behind.

  I turn and take a few steps toward her, mind instantly snapping back to reality. “Yes?”

  “Adam called in sick tonight and Michelle had already asked for the night off. I’ve called everyone I can think of to cover the open shift. What do you want to do?”

  “I’ll stay and cover it if I have to. Maybe we should look into hiring another worker or two.”

  “I agree. I’ll start going through the applications and pull the promising ones.”

  “Perfect. Thank you.” I spin back around and head over to the front doors to check for fingerprints on the glass when I see those baby blue eyes that are permanently etched into my memory. “Eli.”

  “I was wondering where you’ve been.”

  “I was in back doing inspections.” I look down at his empty plate of food and empty glass of pop. “Do you need a refill?”

  “No. No, thank you. I’ve been wondering if you were here.”

  “All afternoon.” I pause. “Did you ask for me? Did you need something?”

  He reaches his arm out to the seat across from him.

  “Can you sit?”

  “Of course.” I slide in and set my clipboard next to me. “Are you sure you don’t want another pop or something?”

  “I’m good.” He looks around the restaurant. “It’s been so long since I’ve been in here. It looks different, yet exactly the same.” He stops and smiles. “Kind of like you.”

  I bring my eyes down from his and look at the table in embarrassment. I can feel the familiar blush seeping back into my cheeks as I try to evade that last statement. “We’ve had a couple of small renovations done over the years, although you probably can’t tell.” I take a deep breath. “I’m glad you’re finally back, Eli.”

  “I always knew I’d have to come back. I have too much here that I care about to be left behind.”

  “How is Sarah? Where is she living?” His sister, Sarah, along with his mom, have always been the most important people in his life.

  “She’s living with her boyfriend in an apartment over in Appleton.”

  “Oh, that’s a good four hours away from here.”

  “I think a small part of her wanted to get away too.”

  “I don’t blame either of you.”

  “So how’s Mike?”

  “Still an asshole. He has three kids with two different moms, and living with another girl he just met about two weeks ago.”

  “Typical Mike.”

  “Yup, nothing’s changed.”

  “Do you at least get to see his kids?”

  “Never. He doesn’t even see them. Probably because he claims they aren’t even his. It’s sad.” I’d love to have some nieces and nephews, almost as much as I’d love having my own little munchkins.

  “It is sad.” He fumbles with his hands for a moment before continuing, “So, I’m having a bonfire at my house Saturday night. I was wondering if you’d want to come?”

  My eyes blink in surprise. “Will this one be like all your old parties that you used to have?”

  “I hope not. We won’t have to hide the alcohol when the cops show up.”

  I laugh. “Now we can party like grownups. Sounds awesome.”

  “I’m not expecting very many people, just a small get together. You can invite Laura, of course. And Corbin.”

  I had completely forgotten about Corbin for a minute. I look down at my watch. Make that the last half hour. Holy shit! People are going to start piling up in here any minute for the lunch rush.

  “Yeah, that sounds great.” I reach for my clipboard.

  “What time?”

  “Around six,” He takes a twenty out of his wallet and sets it on the table.

  “Can I bring anything?”

  “Nothing. Just you.”

  I nod as we stand, then watch him head to the front door. He opens it and looks back at me, smiling before he walks out. I stand there looking at the spot where he just stood.

  “Girl! Who the hell was that piece of meat?”

  “Just an old friend, DeAnn.”

  “If I were any younger, that boy would be in serious trouble.”

  “I’m sure he would be.”

  Our apartment is empty when I return home.

  Laura probably won’t be home for a couple more hours. The tattoo shop closes at ten, but they always stay late and do extra appointments or finish ones they’re already working on. I quickly shower and change into my sweats. I collapse onto the couch and sprawl out as I surf the TV for something to watch. I grab my phone and text Corbin back and forth until I about pass out. I let him know I’m going to bed and I crash until morning.

  “Laura, guess who I saw yesterday?”


  I stop. “How did you know?”

  “I didn’t. It was just a lucky guess.”

  “Some guess.”

  “Well, who else would have you all giddy in the morning?”

  “Maybe Corbin?”

  “Maybe not …”

  I shake my head at her. “Anyway, want to go to his house Saturday night? He’s having some people over for a bonfire.”

  “Where did you run into him?”



  “People need to eat, Laura.”

  “And he just so happened to show up at your work,


  “What’s your point?”

  “He was alone?”


  “Yeah, that’s weird.”

  “No, it�
��s not. And stop arguing with me. You’re acting like a child.”

  “And you’re blind. Of all the movies we’ve watched, you still don’t get what’s going on?”

  “I … guess not?”

  “He likes you.”

  “He knows I’m with Corbin. He even told me to invite him. You’re invited as well. How do you know he’s not just using me to get to you? Hmm?”

  “Not likely.”

  “It’s just as likely.”

  “I’m not going to argue with you.”

  “You already are. So are you coming or what?”

  “I’ll have to see if I can get off early. Saturdays are our busiest days.”

  “I hope you can. It would be less awkward if you were there.”

  “I’ll do my best.” She starts walking towards her room. “Say, did he mention if Patrick was going to be there?”

  “No, why?”

  “No reason.”

  And she disappears.


  I’m pleasantly surprised when Corbin agrees to come Saturday night. “You’re sure? You were kind of upset about me wanting to go to his house before.”

  “But that was just the two of you. And dinner. This is a social event. If you want to go, then I want to go with you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Absolutely. Just don’t forget about my event on

  Friday night.”

  “Which one is this again?”

  “A charity dinner thrown by my boss’s boss. It’s a big deal, so I need you to look sharp. Not a hair out of place, if you can manage.”

  Slightly annoyed, I assure him I’ll comply with his orders. I’ve been to dozens of events with him since we started dating and as much as I despise them, I put up with them. For Corbin. I know he has to go and it doesn’t look good for him to attend those things alone. Dates are not required but strongly suggested. I’m glad I can attend my little work parties dressed any way I want.

  “I took the liberty of ordering you a formal dress.”

  “You didn’t have to do that. I could have found something.”

  “It’s no big deal, I was happy to get it for you. It’ll be delivered Friday afternoon.”

  Still feeling slighted, I manage a smile. “Thank you, Corbin. That was very nice of you.” I’m curious what it will look like. He’s pretty good at somehow knowing what looks good on me.

  “So I’ll pick you up around five just to be sure we’re there on time.”

  “Where’s this one at?”

  “In Hudson.”

  “Okay, I’ll be ready.”

  I end up leaving work early on Friday so I have time to get home and get ready for the charity dinner.

  There’s a white box sitting next to my door with a light pink ribbon tied around it. I’m glad no one decided to steal it. The box alone looks like it cost a fortune to wrap.

  I untie the bow, and as I remove the lid, I’m greeted by soft pink tissue paper. I start to unfold it and see black and gold nestled beneath the paper. The top is mostly black with sparkling jewels while the bottom is shimmering gold fabric covered in black lace. The entire thing glistens with beauty.

  I hold it up to me as I look in the full-length mirror. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

  After I’m clean and hair-free, I dry my hair and curl it, pinning the top half in an up-do. I choose my eyeshadow to make a dark, smoky look and top it off with some golden lip color. I choose a small gold heart on a chain from Tiffany’s, then slowly step into the gown, watching the dress form around my body.

  “It’s perfect,” I say aloud to myself as I smile at my reflection. “Just perfect.”

  Corbin arrives right on time.

  “Wow, Paige, you look magnificent. I was right, that dress was made for you.”

  “I can’t thank you enough. It’s amazing.”

  He holds his left elbow out towards me. “Shall we?”

  I take it. “We shall.”

  We pull up to the hotel and the valet attendant opens my door for me and helps me out. As I’m smoothing my dress, Corbin walks up beside me and leads me towards the stairs of the building. A few flashes momentarily blind me. I don’t understand why anyone would want to take our picture. It’s something I’ll never get used to, no matter how many of these things I attend.

  When we enter the building, we’re greeted by several men in formal attire, directing us toward a large room. The ceiling is draped in flowers, and crystals hang throughout the room. Tables upon tables full of the same flowers and crystals are set up all around, with a stage at the end and a large dance floor in front. There are hundreds of beautifully dressed people already here.

  “Ready to mingle?”

  I grab his arm a little tighter. “Not really.”

  “Good.” He winks at me. “Let’s go.”

  He walks proudly with his head up, holding on to my arm tightly.

  We make our way from group to group, Corbin introducing me to names and faces I’ll never remember.

  My cheeks begin to hurt from all the fake smiling.

  I excuse myself and head to the ladies’ room to take a breather. As I look in the mirror, I mutter to myself, “Laura’s right. I’m so fake.” I laugh a little as I open my clutch to reapply my lip gloss.

  Two girls come to a stop when they enter and see me. One whispers to the other, then they look at me again and giggle before entering stalls next to each other. I quickly grab my clutch and go.

  I don’t see Corbin anywhere, so I back up towards the nearest wall and continue looking for him. Every guy here is in a suit that looks exactly like his. I pull out my phone and send him a text, asking where he is.

  No response.

  I hold my phone in my hand for the next few minutes as I patiently wait for him to text me back. I don’t dare go in search of him in case I get lost, but that’s going to have to be my final move when I lose what little patience I do have. A server comes by with champagne and I flag him down, grabbing a chilled glass. I start to sip, but it tastes so good it’s gone within seconds. I should have grabbed two.

  “Do you need a drink, Miss?” a man who is easily twice my age asks. The smile on his face makes me shudder.

  “No, thank you. I’m just waiting for someone.”

  “I could keep you company until he gets here,” he says suggestively.

  I fake a wave at no one in particular. “He’s just over there. Nice meeting you.”

  Now I really have to go find him instead of waiting around, hoping he finds me first. I pass another server and snatch another glass of that delicious champagne that slides so easily down my throat.

  Ten more minutes pass by and still no sign of him. Seriously, this is like finding a needle in a haystack. I’m annoyed and on the verge of having a small panic attack. I look at my phone again.


  “Damn you, Corbin Maxwell.”

  I continue to wander around when I find him, talking with none other than the two gigglers from the restroom. I put on my fake smile and glide over, taking the arm that I should have been holding onto for the last half hour.

  “There you are,” he says as he kisses my cheek.

  I smile at him when all I want to do is smack him upside his perfectly gelled head.

  “This is Anna and Kristen.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I say as I nod at them.

  They return the false greeting and I stop listening to their conversation until it’s time to leave and we drift to the next person.

  I’m relieved once we’re finally seated and fed. A few boring speeches from men at the podium and I know it’s almost time to get the hell out of here.

  Besides the thirty minutes that I’ve been away from him, Corbin has been doting on me non-stop. Always brushing my arm or kissing me in front of everyone. I feel like I’ve been strutted around on display and used as nothing but a chess piece in this unfamiliar game.

  I don’t like it.

  I ne
ver have.

  I’m always out of my element at these things and he knows this. I’m getting so tired of playing this supporting role. Maybe if he didn’t wave me around like a prize, maybe if I felt every kiss and every touch actually meant something to him.

  Maybe then I wouldn’t mind so much.

  When my car door is opened for me, I get in as quickly as I can. I’m exhausted and want to go home.

  “Did you enjoy yourself?” he asks me.

  “You’ve got to be joking.”

  “Well, there must have been something you enjoyed.”

  “The food was delicious. And the champagne was definitely not cheap.”

  “I was hoping tonight would be special.”

  “It didn’t seem any different from any other event.” I think for a second. “Except I think people finally started remembering who I was. They seemed to recognize me as your girlfriend this time.”

  “I don’t think anyone has ever forgotten you since the first time you walked in.”

  Corbin veers off to take the road that goes to his house, not mine. I slump a little in my seat. I just want to go home. I love this dress, but I really want my pajamas and my feet are killing me.

  “Just for a little bit,” he says.

  So he wants to get laid first. Fine, if that’s what it’ll take to get home.

  I see a light on inside his house before we enter.

  When the door opens, he lets me walk in first.

  Candles are lit all around the entire room, rose petals spread out across the floor, and vase after vase are filled with red roses, my favorite.

  What the fuck is all of this for?

  I hope it’s not a proposal.

  It looks like something straight out of a movie. I look back to Corbin, searching for some sort of answer in his face.

  “Paige, you make me so happy …”

  I take a step back, eyes wide. No, no, no, no, no, no.

  Not tonight. Why is he doing this tonight?

  “I would be honored,” he kneels down and opens a black box that has a huge diamond ring in it, “if you would be my wife.”

  Again, straight out of a movie. But not my movie.

  As overplayed as this scenario is, it was never my idea of the perfect proposal. And he was never the man I envisioned proposing either. It was Ian Somerhalder, but that’s beside the point.

  I stare at him. I don’t know what else to do. I can’t even think straight. “We haven’t even really talked about this, Corbin.”


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