Book Read Free


Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2014 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-175-2

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I want to dedicate this book to my lovely editor Karyn White. You're amazing and always help me with my books to make them the best they can be. Thank you so much for all your hard work and support.


  Trojans MC, 1

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Duke Bana, president of the Trojans MC, watched as Holly Crock leaned over the table serving his son. She leaned over just enough for him to get a good view of her large tits. Unlike the sweet-butts who belonged to the club, Holly’s rack was natural. Holly was no sweet-butt either. The whole of the club was gathered outside of the clubhouse to celebrate the Fourth of July. The old ladies had all cooked; the sweet-butts were on their best behavior, and they were all surrounded by their kids. His son, Matthew, was fourteen years old, and a little terror when he wanted to be, just like his old man. Glancing across the garden he saw Matthew’s mother, his ex-wife, flirting outrageously with Pike, his vice president. From the look on Pike’s face, he was embarrassed and irritated by the woman. Julie didn’t have a clue that the club was disgusted by her. She fucked anything that would have her. Duke couldn’t believe he’d married the bitch or fucked her, but then he looked at his son, and knew he’d not change a thing. He loved his little boy, who wasn’t really little anymore. Matthew was growing up too fast. It wouldn’t be long before he was prospecting for a place in the club.

  Trojans MC was a hard-assed biker group. Duke had earned his place as president after Holly’s father, Russ, had stepped down. He’d fought the men who demanded he prove himself, fucked the women they lined up for him, earning their respect and trust throughout the years he’d been part of the club. The Trojans was in his blood. Duke loved the club, the men, the whole life. He wouldn’t change anything, but he would change Holly Crook’s blatant disregard for him.

  Grabbing his beer, he watched her as she moved down the line of kids, serving them each vegetables. She’d been one of those kids once. He remembered her growing up, spending a great deal of time at the club with Russ. She was close to her family and rarely went a week without visiting them, whether that be at the club or her parents’ house. Duke had been at their home when she did visit. She never tried to pull him into small talk. In fact, she went out of her way to avoid him. Holly had gotten under his skin without even fucking trying.

  She was twenty-one years old, way too young for him when he was thirty-nine. He shouldn’t be interested in her, yet he couldn’t stop watching her. Whenever she was in the room he perked up and not just his dick. She had long blonde hair. He spent too much time wondering what the silk strands would feel like wrapped around his fist as he plowed into her from behind. Duke loved his sex hot and dirty. Something in his gut told him Holly could be brought around to his way of having sex. When she did finally look at him, she had the brightest blue eyes he’d ever seen. They never gave anything away and could be mistaken for the dead cold of Antarctica. Holly didn’t give anything of herself away. Duke had to work to get even a hello from her.

  Her figure wasn’t slender either. Holly had a nice big ass, large tits, and thighs that were thick, and big enough for man to hold onto. She was a full woman, completely the opposite of half of the sweet-butts. Julie, his ex-wife, was a slender woman with tits he’d bought as a present to himself. He had hated fucking Julie. She was so small and slender there were times he truly believed he’d been fucking a man. The tits were a gift just so he could get his rocks off.

  “You’ve got to sort your bitch out. She really thinks she’s something special,” Pike said, taking a seat. “Also, if Russ sees your tongue hanging out for Holly, he’ll kick your ass. He may not be president anymore, but no one touches his daughter.”

  Raoul, one of the other club brothers, had touched her. After he’d taken her virginity on prom night, Raoul had come back to the clubhouse to brag about his conquest. Out of all of the brothers, Raoul was the youngest at twenty-five years old. None of the brothers had appreciated his complete disrespect of Holly. They all took it in turns to teach him some respect, Russ included. Holly hadn’t come around the club for a long while afterward and would always make excuses not to attend any club events. But Russ had talked to her, and she’d slowly started making an appearance once again. Duke had missed her, which made him realize how much he’d enjoyed merely seeing her. He never got anything else out of her.

  Her presence had been missed, by him and also by the whole of the club.

  Turning to look at Pike, Duke smiled. “I’m president now. It would be an honor for her to be my woman.”

  Pike spat his beer out laughing. They gained some attention from the brothers. Seeing Duke wasn’t interested in any of them joining, none of the brothers made their way toward them.

  Music filtered out of the clubhouse, which had been opened up for the event. A couple of the townspeople were among them. They were friends of the club and were always invited to participate.

  “Fuck me, Duke. She’s not like any of the other women here. Since Raoul fucked her over she’s been more reserved than ever before. Also, I think she’s seeing some guy in town.”

  Duke tensed, glancing toward Holly. He didn’t make his attraction to her known. It was only Pike, his best friend, who knew anything about it. Pike had been there when he’d killed Julie’s boyfriend. Three years ago Duke got a call from the school asking if he’d come and pick Matthew up. It had been past six, and the school hadn’t been able to get in touch with anyone. The only numbers Matthew remembered were his home and the clubhouse number.

  Pissed off, Duke had gotten Matthew and gone home only to find Julie in their bed, fucking the mailman. It had seen the end of the marriage, which had been a long time coming, the end of the mailman, and Julie out on her ass. She still came around the clubhouse, but he only allowed her because of Matthew.

  “What do you know?”

  “Nothing, but I now know for sure you’re sniffing around Holly.”

  “You knew anyway,” Duke said. He’d tried to hide his interest in the blonde beauty. She was younger than he was, but she had a heart of gold.

  “No, I knew you thought she was pretty and wanted to fuck her. Wanting and actually having are two different things.”

  “I’ve not said I’m going to do anything about it,” Duke said.

  Pike laughed. “Yeah, you are.”

  He glanced across the compound toward Holly. She’d left the kids to eat and was talking to Mary, her friend who rarely visited the club. The last rumor Duke had heard was that Mary had a thing for Pike. Fuck, his club was turning into a school playground filled with gossip and rumors. He’d need to change it up.

  “Whatever happens, Raoul isn’t going near her.” He wouldn’t have that fucker hurting her again.

  “It’s your funeral when Russ gets near you. He’s protective of his daughter.”

  Duke wasn’t going to give Russ a chance to hurt him. He already had plans in motion, some the brothers didn’t even know about.


ke’s staring at you again,” Mary said, putting the latest plate of cupcakes down on the stand.

  Holly blew out a breath, pushing some of her blonde hair out of the way. She tugged all of her hair into a ponytail using the band she always kept on her wrist. “I’m going to need to get this cut soon.”

  “You’ve been saying that for the past year. Your mom has taken care of the split ends. You’re never getting your hair cut.” Mary tugged a strand that she’d missed.

  “Get off.” Holly swatted her hand away, laughing as Mary stuck her tongue out. They’d been best friends for a long time, since nursery. They had both stuck out like sore thumbs. Where the rest of the kids knew each other from other play groups or being neighbors, neither she nor Mary had been part of that. Holly had been a biker kid while Mary’s parents were dirt poor. They stuck together throughout everything. Holly’s father didn’t mind Mary spending a lot of time with her. They stayed out of trouble and were the closest friends. Mary knew everything, including the disastrous night spent with Raoul.

  “I see you’re avoiding the point of Duke staring at you.”

  “You’ve been around gossip too long.”

  “Hey, I work at the diner. I can’t exactly close my ears off. Everyone talks there.”

  Shaking her head, Holly picked up the tray of cupcakes. Each cake had a little flag out of the top. She and Mary had spent the whole day baking for the celebrations. “You’re so fucking bad.”

  “Hey, you wouldn’t guess, but Jessica, the bitch from high school, she’s pregnant and it’s not Nate’s,” Mary said, biting into a piece of carrot. Jessica and Nate, the cheerleader and the famous jock, were in the same year as they were in school.

  “You’re going to end up crazy listening to all that gossip. We’ve got to get you out of that diner.” Holly carried the cupcakes over to the kids. Most of them had eaten the vegetables she’d asked them to. Their eyes lit up like the fireworks were going to at nightfall. When they’d all taken a cupcake, she took a breath and made her way over to the men, offering them each a cupcake.

  Raoul stood with Bertie and Floss, talking and drinking.

  “Cupcake,” she asked, forcing herself to look at Raoul. She didn’t have any feelings for the man other than revulsion. He thought he was some great stud, but to her, he was a complete and total asshole. Never judge a book by its cover, and she wouldn’t judge any man by his looks ever again.

  “Hey, baby. How are you doing?” Raoul asked.

  She walked away without answering. He was worse than an asshole, a total bastard, maybe even worse. What kind of man fucked you, took your virginity, then went to the club and talked to everyone about? Her own father knew what they’d done before the weekend was over. He’d been so disappointed in her. Holly had seen the emotion in his eyes, and there was no getting away from it. It had been hard, and it was still hard to be around Raoul while her father was present. If she had a gun, she’d shoot the bastard.

  Holly moved from each small gathering until she had no choice but to go to the main table where Duke and her father were sitting. She went to her father first.

  “Hey, honey,” he said, pulling her into a hug once he took the tray from her hands. “How are you, pet?”

  “I’m fine, Daddy. Cupcake?”

  “Were these specially made by you and Mary?”

  “Of course. We’d never serve crap out of the store.”

  “You two need to open up your own bakery. Your both talented, hard workers, and these are worth paying for.” Her father snagged a cupcake from the tray, biting into it. “Mm, delicious.”

  She blushed like she always did whenever she was paid a compliment. Her parents were always paying her compliments. Even when she was growing up they always found something to say about her.

  “Stop your blushing. You deserve it.” He kissed her cheek. “Don’t you boys think so?”

  Around the table were murmurs of agreement.

  Picking up the tray she made her way around the table, handing everyone a cupcake. There was only one left by the time she got to Duke.

  “Cupcake?” she asked, looking at the lonesome cake.

  “Do you want it?”

  She turned her gaze to his. Duke was the complete opposite of her in everything. Where she had blonde hair, his was black. Her eyes were blue, his were a dark brown. She licked her suddenly dry lips, wishing she was anywhere but beside him waiting for him to take a cupcake. There were times when she noticed his attention on her. She didn’t know what to do about it. Should she do anything about it or just leave it? He had her confused.

  “No. I’ve had enough cupcakes already.”

  She didn’t need anything more to make her ass wider. Holly didn’t mind her curves, and her mother had taught her at a young age not to be embarrassed by her body. Considering her parents were part of one of the strongest MCs around, they’d raised her to have morals and to care about others. Some MCs were not so considerate of others.

  Duke took the cupcake from the tray. “It’s good to see you around here.”

  Holly was around the clubhouse regularly, but she had been trying to take a back step for some time. She didn’t want to become a biker’s woman or old lady. Unlike her mother, who loved being an old lady, Holly hated the term. She refused to become part of the men’s life. Instead, she’d started dating the deputy, who was a good ten years older than she was, but he treated her nice. He gave her flowers, which was a nice touch. The other great thing about Deputy Phil was he didn’t talk constantly about the club. She’d been surprised on their first date. Holly had only told Mary about her date with Phil. If her father caught wind of her dating anyone, he always gave them the third degree. The last thing she wanted was Phil anywhere near was her father and the club.

  “I better take these to the kitchen.” She hated him focusing on her. Duke could have any woman he wanted, and did have any woman he wanted. Holly heard the club whores talking. She wasn’t an idiot about what went down in the clubhouse even if her father did try to keep it from her. Raoul had made sure she knew every little detail of what went on in the clubhouse.

  Holly wasn’t interested in becoming another whore for the club, nor did she want to become an old lady.

  She passed Mary on the way toward the kitchen.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” She offered her friend a smile, disappearing inside. Holly put the serving tray on the table beside the mound of cupcakes she and Mary had prepared. There were enough to feed a small army. In the club it wouldn’t take five minutes before they were gone.

  Pressing her palm against her head, Holly let out a small breath.

  “It’s okay. It’s completely okay. Everything is fine.”

  “Who are you trying to convince?”

  She jumped, turning around to find Duke in the kitchen. How had he gotten in without her hearing him? The door was closed behind him.


  “That everything is okay. Who are you trying to convince?” He stood with one hand in his pocket, the other with his palm up, pointing toward her.

  “No one.” She stared down at the ground.

  Neither of them spoke for several seconds. Holly returned her gaze to his, staring at him.

  Her heart raced, and she couldn’t control what was happening to her. Nipples budding, warmth spilled from her pussy as she became instantly attracted and aroused by the man before her. The wrong kind of man. This was the man who’d taken over from her father. She didn’t want to have anything to do with him, yet her body was demanding his attention. Holly didn’t know what to do to stop it.

  Chapter Two

  Holly may be fighting her attraction toward him, but Duke didn’t have a problem letting her know what he wanted. This was the first time in months he’d gotten her alone. Stepping closer into the room, he’d made sure the door to the kitchen was locked. No one was going to disturb them, especially with Pike standing at the door. In this stage of the game with Holly,
he needed her to be relaxed before he even considered taking the next step.

  She didn’t back away from him. The table was directly behind her, but that wouldn’t stop her from moving away. He stepped close enough to her so that she could reach up and push him away if she chose.

  “Hello, Holly.”

  “What do you want, Duke?”

  He liked his name on her lips. There was something hot about hearing his name come from those full, tempting lips. He loved her lips. Every time he looked at them he couldn’t help but see his cock sliding between them. She’d look good with his dick in her mouth, relishing his taste. Reaching out, he ran the tip of his thumb along her bottom lip. Holly gasped yet didn’t pull away.

  This woman before him was too innocent for her own good. She should run far away from him. But he’d find her. Duke would always find her. From the moment he took over the Trojans he’d seen Holly in a whole new light. She was a beautiful woman. Many men didn’t like the full figured body, but he loved it. He’d taken his fair share of slender women who were skin and bones. Julie, his ex-wife, was one of those women. He’d also had to deal with the women telling him to stop because he was hurting them. Duke liked to grip his woman. There was nothing better than holding onto his woman and giving her the pounding she needed. Holly looked like she could take his strength. Not only could she take his strength, she’d bruise with his mark.

  “You’ve got no idea what I want to do to these lips, do you?” He stared at her lips pressing his thumb between them. She did nothing but look at him. When he was about to withdraw he paused as the tip of her tongue glided over his thumb, tasting him.

  There was a spark in her dilated eyes. Her nipples pressed against the thin shirt she wore, begging for him to touch, to stroke.


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