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by Sam Crescent

  She took several deep breaths making her tits rise and fall. Sliding his fingers away from her mouth, he caressed around to her neck, touching her pulse, which was beating rapidly. Holly was affected by his presence. Her complete disregard was a lie. Duke saw it as he stared back at her.

  Cupping her face with both hands, he tilted her head back to stare into her eyes. He waited for her to deny him, yet again she didn’t. Duke slid his right hand away from her chin down to her collarbone. Staring into her eyes, he breezed down until he circled the hard bud of her nipple.


  “Tell me to stop.” He raised a brow waiting for her to tell him to stop.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “You think you can run and hide from me.” He cupped her breast in his palm, sliding his finger over her hard nipple. Her deep breaths turned into short pants as he continued to touch her. Duke leaned in close brushing his lips against her ear. “Dating the deputy to pretend you don’t belong to the club.”

  She jerked her head back. “How do you know who I was dating?”

  He smiled. “Baby, I didn’t earn my status by being slow. I know everything that goes down, including the fact the deputy has been buying you flowers. He treated you nice?”

  Holly nodded her head.

  If Phil hadn’t he’d have visited the bastard. The Sheriff and deputy were in his pocket, taking his hard earned cash to stay out of their fucking business.

  One of those businesses was knowing exactly where Holly was at all times. His need had turned into an obsession.

  “Has he kissed you?” He’d break the bastard’s fucking legs if he so much as touched her. Duke knew there was something going on with Phil. He didn’t know what it was, but he’d find out. Dating Holly, Russ’s daughter, came with a shitload of suspicion, especially if they were the law.


  Closing that small distance between them, he pressed up against her. He wasn’t wearing a jacket, and neither of them was wearing clothes that would obstruct how they felt against each other. Reaching around her, he held her steady as he thrust his cock against her stomach. He was so hard and ready to fuck her. Duke knew he was going to be inside Holly and soon. He’d waited long enough to claim her and to show Russ the respect. Duke wasn’t going to wait any longer.

  It wouldn’t be long before someone else saw what a gem she was.

  “Anyone else but Raoul?”

  She gasped, trying to jerk back. He wouldn’t let her move.

  “Answer me.”


  Slamming his lips down on hers, Duke took the first kiss from her lips. He didn’t let up from his touch, sliding his tongue into her mouth. Holly stayed still within his arms. She didn’t do anything for so long. He sank his fingers into her hair, gripping on the length, tilting her head to get closer to her.

  Her fingers started at his waist, sliding up his chest. Duke expected her to push him away. Instead, she gripped him a little harder, her fingers tightening in his shirt as gripped her hair tightly.

  Duke broke from the kiss, seeing her lips were red and swollen already. Pushing the tray she placed on the table away from him, he picked her up and placed her on the edge. She let out a little squeal, laughing as he put her on the table top.

  “You’re going to pull a disc or something,” she said.

  In answer, Duke took possession of her lips, deepening the kiss. He stepped between her spread thighs, pressing his palm against her crotch. She gasped, pulling back from him. Had he gone too far? Duke didn’t care. He’d taken his time, given her a chance to be ready. If Pike knew what was going on inside his head, Holly had to be aware.

  There was a knock on the door interrupting their moment. Duke had been about to talk to Holly, but instead he looked over his shoulder toward the sound. “What?” His cock was rock hard, pressing against his zipper.

  “Sorry to bother you, Duke. Matthew is looking for you,” Pike said.

  That was all it took for Holly to start pushing him away, getting firmer with each shove. “Get off me,” she said, whispering out the words through gritted teeth. Duke growled. He was annoyed at being interrupted. Stepping back, he watched her slide off the table glaring at him. She looked totally adorable when she was angry. “Go and find Matthew. This was a complete mistake.”

  Banding an arm around her waist, he slid down to grip her ass hard. “Baby, the only mistake that happened right now is the fact I had to fucking stop.”

  She pressed her palms against his chest to push him away. Duke was bigger and stronger than she was. “Keep trying, baby. You’re not going to be the one in control. I am.”

  “Get your hands off me, Duke.”

  He glared at her. “Don’t fucking think you can pretend you didn’t want me, Holly. Your nipples are rock hard, and I bet your pussy is soaking wet, begging for my cock.”

  “You’re crude.”

  “No, I’m fucking honest. Tell me you’re not turned on.” When she went to open her mouth, he put his own on hers, silencing her. “You better be prepared to prove a dry cunt, Holly,” he said, breaking from the kiss.

  She stayed silent as he waited for her to dispute his claim.

  He took hold of her hand, pressing her palm against his cock. “This, Holly, it isn’t over. Don’t leave the clubhouse. We’re going to have a talk.” Duke took a step away from her, heading toward the door.

  “Nothing is going on between us. One kiss means nothing.”

  Spinning back around, he stalked toward her. In three easy strides he stood in front of her. He didn’t give her a chance to escape. Turning her in his arms so her back was to his front, he slid his hands inside the jeans she wore. He moved past the elastic of her jeans, sinking his fingers through her creamy slit. Duke groaned as she was bare to the touch. He’d not been expecting his woman to be completely bare, maybe a small patch of curls but not bare. “I’m going to be licking this beautiful little cunt, Holly.” He rubbed his finger around her slick clit before diving down to sink his fingers inside her sweet little pussy. “Fuck, baby, you’re wetter than even I imagined.” Duke groaned as he slid two fingers inside her with ease. She cried out, thrusting onto his fingers. “You can try and pretend all you want, Holly. I know the truth, and this is not the end.”

  He heard her swallow. “You need to go and deal with your son.”

  Pumping two digits into her core, he made her moan before he withdrew. With her gaze on him he brought his wet fingers to his mouth, and with her focused on him, he licked her cream right off. “You taste so fucking sweet.”

  “Your son?” She didn’t sound sure about him leaving her alone.

  “This isn’t over, Holly. We’re going to finish this conversation.”

  He released her then left the kitchen completely. Duke smiled as he headed toward Matthew. The taste of Holly was still on his tongue. It certainly wasn’t over. In fact, it had only just begun.


  Holly pressed a palm to her heart. What the hell had just happened? She couldn’t believe Duke had just finger fucked her, and yet there was no other explanation for what the hell just happened.

  Why didn’t you push him away?

  Why didn’t you tell him to stop?

  There was no reason that came to mind. The moment he got close to her all of her other functions shut down. It was like she wasn’t herself. Mary entered the kitchen carrying her own tray of cupcakes.

  “Hey you. Are you all right?”

  Was she all right? She didn’t know.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Duke left here with a smile. Want to let me know what’s going on?”

  “No.” She tucked the strands behind her ear. Her hands were shaking. He’d aroused her body and left. What the hell was she to do? There wasn’t a chance of her taking home any of the men within the club. She still struggled to look at her father after she was with Raoul.

  “Something went on, and you’ve got to tell me. I live t
hrough you.”

  Mary was still a virgin. They had both agreed to lose their virginity together. Holly failed in keeping to her word when Raoul put on the charm. She really thought he was real, and in fact, he was a bigger fake than anyone she’d ever met.

  “Nothing, not much.” Heat filled her cheeks, and no matter how much Mary begged, there was no way Holly could bring herself to say what actually happened.

  “Okay, then just tell me that something happened.”

  “God, what are you, twelve? Yes, something happened, but I’m not telling you what.”

  “From the look of frustration on your face I’d say it was something dirty.”

  Holly forced herself to work putting the next layer of cupcakes onto the tray. She wouldn’t look at her friend.

  When the tray was filled she looked up as Mary put a hand on her shoulder. “Be careful, Holly. I love you like a sister. I’d hate to see you hurt.”

  Mary showed too much emotion. Anyone who took the time to get to know her would know she was a darling woman who’d not had a great life. Her parents couldn’t give a shit about her. She worked her ass off as a waitress when she wasn’t at their apartment trying out new recipes. Mary and Holly had a strong friendship that had built over the years, and they were loyal to each other. They also had a great love of food and baking.

  “I won’t let anything happen.”

  “Are you sure? You look more frazzled than you did when you were with Raoul.”

  Holly scrunched up her nose. “God, I hate that man.”

  “He’s a loser, Hols. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he suffers.”

  She burst out laughing at Mary’s threat. “You couldn’t hurt a fly.”

  “I could bloody try. He hurt my girl.”

  Wrapping her arms around Mary’s waist, she chuckled. “Love you, Mary.”

  “Love you, too. Now, let’s get this show on the road before they start eating each other.”

  “You watch way too many movies.”

  Mary shrugged. Together they made their way out. Instead of passing out the cupcakes, Holly put her tray in the center of the table, pulling away as hands started to take the cupcakes. Her mother, Sheila, came to stand next to her.

  “You did well today, honey. Your father is proud.”

  Nodding, Holly leaned her head on her mother’s shoulder. Her gaze moved across the clubhouse garden to see Duke and Julie arguing. She looked for Matthew to see him shooting hoops in the small court her father had built when her mother had been expecting a boy. An attack on the Trojans had made her mother lose her baby brother and also stop Sheila from having any more kids. It had affected her parents, and she was sure her father had found comfort in the whores available at the club, but that was some years ago.

  Sheila never talked about it with her. Club business, including relationships, stayed within the club. Her mother wouldn’t tell her young daughter about what happened. Since the miscarriage, her parents hadn’t really been the same. She knew Russ loved her mother, but there was sadness in his eyes whenever he let his guard down. The only thing that kept them together was their love for each other.

  “Honey, I want to talk to you about something.”

  “Can it wait? I just want to go and see someone.” She pulled away from Sheila to make her way toward Matthew. “Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, baby. Go on.”

  She smiled at her mother then made her way across the clubhouse garden toward the court. Leaning against the fence, she stared at Matthew as he kept shooting the ball and missing.

  In the distance she heard Duke arguing with Julie.

  “You’re a fucking slut. Your son is here, and you’re trying to pick men up.”

  “I’m not your bitch anymore.”

  “Thank fuck for that.”

  “Hey,” Holly said, moving toward the young boy. He was fourteen years old, and he looked like a younger version of his dad. There was no sign of Julie in the boy, which was a blessing. Even Sheila couldn’t stand Julie.

  “Hey,” Matthew said, rolling the ball between his hands.

  “You okay?”

  “I don’t need any pity!” He glared up at her, showing her the anger simmering beneath the surface.

  Holding her hands up in surrender, she backed up a step. “Whoa, I’m not showing you any pity, but I figured as you’ve failed to shoot the ball into the hoop, you need to talk.”

  “What the fuck could you have to say?”

  Raising a brow, Holly glanced around her. No one was paying them any attention. Stepping closer, she snatched the ball out of Matthew’s hand.

  “Oh, I don’t think the little Duke saw that one coming.” She started to bounce the ball in front of her. Matthew made a charge at her. Grabbing the ball, she spun on her foot, dodging his attack and moving closer to the hoop.

  “Lucky,” Matthew said. “Bet you can’t get it through the hoop.”

  “Okay.” She faced the hoop, bounced the ball twice, and threw the ball. Holly jumped up and down, whooping as the ball went clean through the hoop.

  “First time luck.”

  “Aren’t you a little young to be so cynical?”

  Matthew threw the ball at her. She caught it with ease.

  “Shoot again.”

  Cocking her head to the side, she rolled her eyes, shooting the ball straight through the hoop a second time. Matthew stood by the hoop looking pretty shocked. She walked up to him, bending down to grab the ball. Leaning in close, she thrust the ball against his chest, which Matthew grabbed.

  “You’re not the only kid who grew up with a parent being a president.” She made sure she had Matthew’s gaze on her. His gaze focused on her chest. Great, like father like son. Bending down so that she was no longer leaning over for him to get an eyeful of her tits, Holly caught his attention onto her face this time. “Stop being a wimp. Your parents are going to argue, but it’s not your fault.”

  “You spent a lot of time shooting hoops?”

  “Honey, I lived on this court. I made Mary so mad, even though she can shoot hoops nearly as good as I can. Don’t let them affect you, Matthew. You’re just a boy. Stop being cynical, and if you curse at me again, I’ll make sure you know what it means to be punished.”

  “You’d hit me?”

  “No, honey, there’s more than hitting to a punishment. Cleaning toilets, shoveling dog shit, or the worst, doing the dishes, and there’s a lot of dishes.”

  The horror on his face made her chuckle.

  “I won’t curse at you.”

  “Good.” She tapped the ball, standing up, and making her way toward Mary.

  Duke stopped her before she could leave. Holly had been so focused on the boy she’d not even heard him stop arguing with his ex.

  “What?” she asked, waiting for him to say some shit about what went down in the kitchen.


  “What for?”

  “Talking with Matthew.”

  “You’ve got to stop fighting with his mother in front of him. There’s a lot of anger inside him.” She stared down at where he held her arm. Holly hated the way she was easily affected by his touch. She shouldn’t like his touch so much.

  The remembered feel of his fingers inside her had her breath catching as she looked at him. From the look in his eyes, she knew he was thinking about what had gone down in the kitchen.

  “He’s a good kid.”

  “But he’s still a kid, Duke. It won’t be long until he’s blaming himself for your divorce.”

  “Not keeping her thighs closed to a dick is what got the divorce.”

  He pulled her close to him, and Holly placed a hand on his chest. “Let me go.”

  She looked toward the tables to see if they’d caught anyone’s attention. No one paid them any. Mary was standing by a swing, and she saw Pike was trying to talk to her.

  “You don’t want anyone to know about us?”

  “There’s no us.”

  Returning her ga
ze to his dark one, Holly gasped as he rested his palm against her neck. The tips of his fingers brushed across her pulse, which pounded at his touch. Everything and everyone fell away as she stared at Duke, waiting for him to make the next move. He did nothing as he looked at her apart from stroking her neck.

  Licking her lips, Holly gasped as he came closer. His breath fanned across her face.

  “There is, Holly. You want to keep this a secret then fine, but you’re not getting away from me.”

  “Why now?” She’d been dating Phil for a couple of weeks. In all the time she’d been at the club, Duke had never shown any interest in her. Sure, she knew he looked at her, a lot, but he’d shown no other sign.

  “You’re ready now.”

  “You’re older than I am.”

  “Do you care?”

  Biting into her bottom lip, Holly was tempted to lie.

  “Answer me, Holly.”

  “No, I don’t care.” She couldn’t bring herself to lie to him.

  “Good. I’ll keep us a secret for now, but you better not think to run from me or to hide.”

  She pulled her arm away. Duke held her arm long enough for her to know that he was the one in control of things today.

  Holly didn’t answer him. What was the point? Duke was used to people bowing down to him, giving him what he wanted. The club pussy talked a great deal about how he was in bed. She wasn’t interested in becoming one in a long line of women.

  A couple of weeks ago she’d told her mother she was staying out of the club life. Sheila had begged her to come for the celebrations today. She’d not wanted to, but when her mother started to beg, Holly couldn’t deny her.

  Phil wasn’t part of the club. She’d seen what the club had done to her parents’ marriage and several other couples. The men cheated, the old ladies got hurt, and the club whores started to think they were something special. Holly wouldn’t live that life of not knowing if her man was fucking someone else. Her biggest mistake had been screwing around with Raoul. She wouldn’t make another one, including Duke. He’d be a big mistake. Once she fell for him, there really was no turning back.

  Chapter Three

  “Diaz wants this deal. The Mexicans are moving closer, and if we don’t act now, we’ll be fucked,” Raoul said.


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