Page 35
Friedland, Jonathan, 177
Future Shock (Toffler), 14
Gallagher, Bernard, 120
Galloway, Scott, 236
Garfield, Bob, 185
Garland Communications, 105–6
gender equality, 232–33
General Electric (GE), 83–86, 177
Breakthrough series sponsorship by, 84, 305
as content creator, 84, 219
Disruption Lab, 84
humanizing AI and, 266–67
multiple agencies, use of, 85–86
Podcast Theater, 85
shifting brand ID to that of cool digital company, 83–85
“What’s the Matter with Owen?” campaign, 85
Generation Z, 167
branded content as way to reach, 181–82
privacy issues and, 167–68
profile of, 180–81
Gittlin, Grant, 69, 336
Glock, Bernhard, 19, 20, 21, 65
Goldberg, Andrew, 85, 266–67, 282
Goodby, Jeff, 143, 235, 251
Goodman, Scott, 248
Goodson, Scott, 308–9
Google, 1, 3, 33, 47, 117, 177, 324
advertising revenues of, 23, 130
as competitor of ad agencies, 129, 130–31
data, refusal to share, 126, 149
data collection, 159
as digital duopoly with Facebook, 124–25
DoubleClick, 33, 110–11, 276
Google About Me page, 159
government reviews of privacy protections of, 326
initial ambivalence to advertising of, 130–31
measurement mistakes made by, 272–73
original program offerings, expansion of, 322
Sorrell’s view of, 101, 117, 123–24, 127
talent poaching by, 127
threat to advertising and marketing industry posed by, 299–300
YouTube, 197, 199–200, 272, 314
Googled: The End of the World as We Know It (Auletta), 3
Gotlieb, Chloe, 233
Gotlieb, Elizabeth Billick, 142
Gotlieb, Genya, 140–41
Gotlieb, Irwin, 8, 10, 79, 139–43, 191, 332
on ANA report, 243–44
on Cannes Lions Festival, 257, 336–37
on changes in agency/client relationship, 17
denies using rebate system at WPP, 11, 15, 16
early career of, 142
family history of, 140–42
hired by Sorrell and becomes CEO of GroupM, 143
on Kassan/MediaLink, 14, 60, 72
negotiating skills of, 144–45
on procurement officer’s role, 43–44
on television business fundamentals, 321
on 2016 Upfronts, 201, 202
See also GroupM
Gotlieb, Jacob, 140–41
Grazer, Brian, 84
Greed and Glory on Wall Street (Auletta), 2–3
Greenberg, Bob, 15, 36, 113, 251, 253, 288–91
See also R/GA
Greenblatt, Bob, 302
Grey Advertising, 8, 108
GroupM, 8, 11, 15, 17, 139
advertising dollars placed by, 140
compensation of, 140
data and tech operations of, 147–54
global expansion of, 144–47
Grove, Hannah, 301
Guardian, 208, 313–14
Guardian Labs, 208
Haber, Jack, 67–68, 76, 114, 184, 229–30
Halpern, Sue, 158
Harper, Marion, Jr., 104, 105, 144, 232
Harvard Business Review, 104, 117
Hasker, Steve, 197
Havas, 10, 273
agency reviews and, 22
brand identity of, 101
revenues of, 100
Hearst, 208
Hearts & Science, 100
Hemingway, Ernest, 37
Henderson, Jay, 211
Hidden Persuaders, The (Packard), 182
Hill, Nancy, 67, 230, 232–33
holding company business model, 10–11, 104–5, 329–33
Holt, Dennis, 59–60
Homonoff, Howard, 65
Horizon Media, 10
brand identity of, 101
revenues of, 100
Hotchkiss, Gordon, 47, 301
Howard, Ron, 84, 305
Hulu, 313
Hussey, Michael, 165
IBM, 47, 209–212, 254
Interactive Experience (IX) division, 209–11
Watson, 211–12
weather data and, 211–12
identity theft, 163–64
Iger, Bob, 192
Ikea, 307
The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America (Boorstin), 186
Imagine Entertainment, 84
Immelt, Jeff, 86
income, median household, 312
India, 146–47
influencer marketing, 220–22
Instant Messages (IMs), ads delivered by, 37
integrated communications, 218–219
Interactive Advertising Bureau, 166
International Video Entertainment, 55–56
Internet, 28
Internet of things (IoT), 269–70
Interpublic Group (IPG), 10, 59–61, 143
agency reviews and, 22
brand identity of, 100
Harper, Jr.’s holding company model for and founding of, 104–5
lack of new leadership at, 99
revenues of, 100
J. Walter Thompson, 45, 107
Jakeman, Brad, 78, 220
James Gulliver Associates, 104
Johnson, Boris, 112
Johnson, Erin, 230–32
journalism, 23–24
native ads and, 177–78
K2 Intelligence, 17–18
K2 transparency report, 239–45, 319
Kahneman, Daniel, 184
Kapadia, Sunil, 66
Kargman, Harry, 125–26, 199
Kassan, Michael, 11–14, 31, 41, 48–50, 51–74, 275, 311, 339–40
on ad blockers, 174, 176
on agency-client relationship, 44
on agency transparency, 18–19
as attorney, 56–57
broker’s sale of Western International Media to IPG, 59–60
Cannes Lions Festival and, 247–50, 258, 338
on celebrity endorsements, 296
CES and, 223–27
on challenges facing advertising world and opportunities for MediaLink, 48–50, 99–100
as consultant, 62
courtship and marriage of, 53–55
on creative agencies, 205–6
on digital ad agencies, 209
education of, 53, 55
at El Pollo Loco, 56–58
Everson and, 119–20, 122–23
on Facebook, 124, 324
founds MediaLink, 62
grand theft felony conviction and legal suspension of, 57–59, 258–59, 339–40
on health of networks, 193
at International Video Entertainment, 55–56
on lack of new leadership at agencies, 99–100
at Massive Media, 61
on Moonves and CBS, 188, 203
on native ads, 175
New Front and, 198–99
on privacy and requiring consumer opt in, 157–58
on programmatic advertising, 263–64
skill at pleasing others, 51–52
on Sorrell-Levy bad blood, 113–14
termination from and lawsuit with IPG, 60–61
bsp; youth of, 52–53
See also MediaLink
Kassan, Ronnie Klein, 53–55, 60, 73
Kassaei, Amir, 253
Kawaja, Terry, 124–25, 213, 301–2
KBM, 150
Keane, Patrick, 125, 136
Keller, Andrew, 127
Khan Academy, 96
kickbacks/rebates by advertising agencies
agency reviews and, 13–15, 18–22
ANA report on, 239–45, 319
ANA task force to study, 17–18
Dentsu and, 241
Gotlieb denies use of, 11, 15, 16
Mandel’s speech alleging, 7–11
MediaLink’s agency review business and, 13–14, 18–22
reaction of agencies to allegations of, 14–16
SEC settlement with IPG for, 241
King, Bernice, 309
King, Zach, 128
Kirkpatrick, David, 130
Kittlaus, Dag, 262, 268–69
Klein, Lesley, 19, 64, 65
Klein, Naomi, 24, 47
Koenigsberg, Bill, 15–16, 18, 45–46, 101, 234–35
Kroll, Jeremy, 17
Kroll, Jules B., 17, 18
Kuperman, Aleen, 220–22
Ladin, Joel, 57
Law, Nick, 284, 285, 286
Lazarus, Shelly, 116–17
Lee, Bessie, 145–46
Lee, Lori, 280
Lehman Brothers, 2–3
Lesser, Brian, 158, 198, 264, 268, 332–33
Levien, Meredith, 65, 206
Levy, Maurice, 22–23, 79, 100, 144
on list of best performing CEOs, 117
on Martinez sexual harassment suit, 233–34
Sorrell and, 113–14, 233, 234
Lewnes, Anne, 214
Lexus, 132
Liodice, Bob, 10, 77, 241–42, 272–73
Lipton, Martin, 334
Loerke, Stephan, 145
Lois, George, 39, 40
Lubars, David, 86
Lynch, Robert Porter, 120
McAdam, Lowell, 334
McCann, 309–10
McCormack, Mark, 103–4
McCue, Scott, 258
McDonald’s, 282
McNamee, Roger, 277
Madison Avenue Manslaughter (Farmer), 44
Mad Men (TV show), 39, 41, 109–10
Mahoney, Jim, 94
Maker Studios, 66
Mandel, Jon
agencies’ reactions to kickback allegations of, 14–16
kickback/rebate allegations of, 7–11
Manjoo, Farhad, 228–29
marketing. See advertising and marketing
Markowitz, Andrew, 228
Marshall, John, 167, 168
Martinez, Gustavo, 230–32
Massive Media, 61
media agencies, 139–54, 332
client trust, erosion of, 144
GroupM (See GroupM)
holding company acquisitions of, 143
traditional role of, 140
media buyers, 41
MediaCom, 7, 8, 11
media coverage of Trump campaign, 295–96
MediaLink, 12–14, 31, 39, 336
as acquisition target, 258–59, 317–19
advertising agencies as clients of, 71
agency reviews by, 13–14, 18–22, 319–20
Ascential’s purchase of, 326–28
AT&T’s single agency search facilitated by, 279–80, 281
breadth of client base of, 75–76
Business Acceleration division, 65
Cannes Lions Festival and, 247–50, 258
CES and, 223–27
challenges facing advertising world and opportunities for, 48–50, 99–100
clients of, 12
competitors, lack of, 71
conflicts of interest and, 73–74
criticisms of, 72–74
daily routine of Kassan at, 69–70
Data & Technology Solutions division, 64
Emerging Media division, 65–66
executive placements by, 67–68
founding of, 62
Investor Strategy group, 66–67
Marketing Optimization division, 64–65
Market Visibility division, 68
Millard joins, 63–64
neutral party positioning of, 13, 14, 318
power of Kassan and, 70–71
process for conducting agency reviews, 19–22
purpose of, 62–63
services provided by, 12–13
Talent@MediaLink group, 67–68
median household income, 312
MediaVest Worldwide, 142
Medium, 311–12
Meeker, Mary, 124, 179
Menendez, Jose, 56
Microsoft, 137
Cortana, 302–3
Mildenhall, Jonathan, 80, 81, 159, 268
Millard, Wenda, 19, 20, 21–22, 48, 51, 63–64, 70, 174, 183, 225, 328
millennials, 80–81, 195
branded content as way to reach, 181–82
privacy issues and, 167–68
profile of, 180, 181
Mindshare, 140, 220
Mindshare Worldwide, 143
mobile phones/smartphones, 31–32, 46, 128–29, 160–61, 178–80, 300–302
Moonves, Herman, 188–89
Moonves, Josephine, 188–89
Moonves, Les, 71, 187–88, 333–35
as CEO at CBS, 189–93
compensation at CBS of, 188
on Trump, 295–96
youth and early career of, 188–89
See also CBS
Moore, David, 110, 111, 116, 264
Morgan, Dave, 16–17, 199, 244
Mudd, Graham, 134
Murdoch, James, 136, 265, 267–68
Murdoch, Rupert, 226–27, 335
Musk, Elon, 305
Myers, Jack, 71
Narcos (TV miniseries), 176–77
Nathanson, Michael, 196, 321
National Geographic Channel, 84, 305
native ads, 81–82, 175–78, 306–7
NBC, 3, 208
Netflix, 176–77, 191, 196, 321, 322
net neutrality rules, 298–99
New Front, 198–99
newspaper industry, 188
New Yorker, The, 1, 2, 3
New York Sun, 311
New York Times, 82, 177, 206–8, 313, 314–15
Nice Is Just a Place in France: How to Win at Basically Everything (The Betches), 221
Nike, 47
“If You Let Me Play” ads, 185–86
Nike+ and Fuelband, 285, 297
NikeiD, 284
R/GA’s innovations and software for, 284–85, 290
No Logo (Klein), 24
Norman, Rob, 126, 236, 237, 264
N. W. Ayer & Son, 27
Obama, Michelle, 30
Ogilvy, David, 39, 108, 116, 183
ad campaigns, philosophy on, 42
fee system and, 45
Ogilvy & Mather, 108
Old Spice, 185
Olstein, Sam, 84, 219
Omnicom Group, 10
agency reviews and, 22–23, 79
AT&T account won by, 281
brand identity of, 100
lack of new leadership at, 99
revenues of, 100
O’Neil, Cathy, 274–75
one-to-one marketing, 94–95
opt in versus opt out, to data collection, 154, 156, 157–58
Oracle, 213–15
O’Reilly, Bill, 43
bsp; O’Reilly Factor, The (TV show), 43
O’Shaughnessy, Laura, 161–63
Owlet, 287
Packard, Vance, 182
Page, Larry, 130
Pai, Ajit, 298
Painter, Duncan, 327, 328
Palantir, 163
Palmer, Shelly, 71
Pampers, 256
Papas, Paul, 210
Parakilas, Sandy, 165
Paskalis, Lou, 86, 94–95, 282
Patagonia, 307
Pemsel, David, 208
Peña-Bickley, Joana, 210
PepsiCo, 272
as content creator, 219–20
product placement and, 136, 305
protest march ad of, 309
Petersen, Lena, 68
Pittman, Bob, 71, 304
Plansky, Richard, 243
Polaroid, 47
Poltrack, David, 194–95
Pritchard, Marc, 78, 185, 273, 324
privacy, 34–35, 153–54, 160, 163–69, 311
Apple’s privacy protections in Safari, 325–26
defined, 166
governmental regulation and, 168–69
government reviews of privacy protections, 326
Kassan on, 157–58
tradeoff for free content, 167–68
younger generations attitude to, 166–67
Procter & Gamble
Ariel’s “Share the Load” campaign, 96–97, 185–86
in-house programmatic buying, 79–80
marketing budget cutbacks of, 319
procurement officers, 43–44, 78
product placement, 136, 305
programmatic advertising, 16, 261–77, 303–4
advertisers in-housing of, 79–80
AI software and, 262, 266–69
amount of digital ads done programmatically, 264
creative ads, impact on, 269
fraud and, 265–66
Internet of things (IoT) and, 269–70
Kassan on, 263–64
limitations of, 273–77
measurement mistakes by Facebook and Google and, 271–73
network television resistance to, 198
threat to ad agencies posed by, 37
Propaganda (Bernays), 28
ProPublica, 158–59, 274
Publicis Groupe, 10
agency reviews and, 22–23, 79
brand identity of, 100
lack of new leadership at, 99
revenues of, 100
public relations firms, as competitive threat to ad agencies, 80–81, 216–19
publishing companies, as ad agencies, 206–8
Pure Food and Drug Act, 168
Quarta, Roberto, 329
radio, 28
rebates. See kickbacks/rebates by advertising agencies
Red Bull, 220
Redstone, Shari, 333–34, 335
Reeves, Rosser, 41
Refinery29, 207–8
Reilly, Kevin, 196
Reinhard, Keith, 44, 111, 177–78, 184–85
Revlon “Love Is On” campaign, 148