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Page 11

by Madison Michael

  “What happened?” he asked in alarm, righting her on her sneakered feet.

  "I got knocked over by those kids." Regan pointed to the retreating backs of two children, aged four or so, who were careening into people willy-nilly while being chased by a frazzled father.

  "Kids," Tyler said relief swamping his emotions, exasperation clear in his voice.

  “Don’t you want kids?” Regan turned to him in wide-eyed surprise. “I always assumed you wanted to be a father.”

  “You know, Ree, I never actually thought about kids much, but with you, yeah, I am sure I want kids with you.”

  Regan glowed at the words, a blush stealing over her fair skin and a broad smile lifting her small mouth. She took off the sunglasses hiding her bright blue eyes and gave Tyler a kiss better saved for a moment of privacy.

  Not caring about who was watching, Tyler wrapped his arms around Regan and pulled her body close against his. He sank into the kiss, moving his lips across her softer ones repeatedly as his arms ranged over her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck, running her fingers through the dark hair curling at the nape of his neck. The kiss went on until a nearby child cried out to her companion, "Ew, gross."

  Tyler raised his head, smiled at the small girl and chastely pecked Regan on the cheek, looking to the child for approval. He got a small, shy smile, before the girls walked away, headed to see the lions. Regan turned to follow in their wake when Tyler forestalled her, placing a restraining hand on her arm,

  “Let’s skip the lions,” he suggested. “Let’s skip the rest of the zoo.” Regan looked disappointed until he added in a husky whisper “Let’s go make a baby now.”

  A vibrant smile lit Regan's face. She lifted herself onto her toes to place a short kiss on the wicked grin Tyler was sporting. "Or at least practice."

  Chapter Fourteen


  It was late Sunday night when Tyler went home to his luxury condo. The 5000 plus square foot modern apartment seemed small and overly furnished after Regan's penthouse. Tyler laughed at the idea as he settled at his desk and went to sort through the mail. The lingering smell of sex emanated from his exhausted body.

  He had been like a horny teenager, falling on Regan all afternoon. They emerged long enough to have Chinese food delivered for dinner, which they ate on the floor in front of the 60-inch flat panel television in her media room. The audio-visual system was state of the art, but no comfy armchairs were available to complete the space.

  "How long have you lived here?" Tyler asked, gesturing to indicate yet another empty room. "Don't you think it's time to get some furniture?"

  "The company will hire one of our designers to stage everything when we are ready to sell this unit, so what's the point?"


  “I’m fine. I am never here anymore anyway.”

  Tyler fell silent, looking down uncomfortably. Regan instantly realized that she had killed the mood. There it was, the one topic they had avoided all weekend – Brandon.

  “I’m sorry, Tyler. I shouldn’t have brought that up.”

  "You need to deal with it, Ree," Tyler commanded, albeit gently.

  “I know, Tyler, and I will.”

  “Soon, very soon.”

  "I agree, but I need to do it in person. I am sure you understand."

  “I don’t like it, but I do understand. When are you planning to be in D.C. again? This week, right?”

  "Yes, I will head out Tuesday night. I have an interview Wednesday that Brandon arranged for me."

  "An interview? Don't you want to cancel that now?"

  "No. Don't get upset," Regan said quickly watching Tyler start to bristle at the news. "I want to see it through, even if I have no intention of accepting. It's more professional than canceling, besides I am curious about the position."

  “And what position is that?”

  "I'd rather not say, even to you. We've kept things very quiet, and I want to respect the people who are considering me. You understand, right?"

  "Well, no, not really." Tyler sat pensively for a moment, his appetite lost. "Well, then, when will you be home?" Tyler sounded like a petulant child. He knew it, but could not help himself.

  “I was supposed to stay through the weekend, but I will talk to Brandon Wednesday night and fly home Thursday if I can get a flight.”

  "If you can't get a flight, use the jet."

  "Don't be irresponsible, Tyler, that is the LHRE corporate jet."

  "It's a Howe family personal jet, and we all know it. I will miss you, Regan. I want you here where you belong."

  “When did you get to be so possessive, Ty?”

  "When I knew how amazing you felt in my arms," he admitted, swooping Regan into an embrace and kissing her until she pushed the food out of the way and lay back on the floor. Tyler quickly divested Regan of her yoga pants and tee shirt and shucked off his jeans.

  Tyler fell upon Regan, twisting as he did so to absorb any friction from the carpet. She straddled his legs, wasting no time in pressing her already willing body down on him until he was lodged deep within her.

  Letting out a satisfied growl, Tyler began moving Regan up and down, his steely fingers digging into her hips. “I want you back here,” he told her, his words coming in time with his thrusts. “Now that I have you in my life, I don’t want to let you out of my sight.”

  Feeling the lust pulsing between them like a live wire, Regan agreed with alacrity, responding breathlessly, “Thursday, even if I have to get the jet.”

  Rolling on top of her, Tyler was careful not to pound her into the carpet, but he increased his speed until they could neither breathe nor speak. The couple rushed toward orgasm, clinging and kissing one another with a level of desperation they had not experienced previously. Almost savage in their need, they demanded everything from one another. Tyler's sweat-slicked skin slid over Regan's wet body, hands seeking to touch every inch of her. Bordering on exhaustion, and sensing she was too, Tyler reached his hand between their bodies, finding and lightly stroking the nub of nerves that would send Regan over the edge. She peaked quickly, and her spasms squeezed Tyler so that he rapidly followed suit. They lay wrapped in each other's embrace, panting from the exertion and exhilaration as their heartbeats gradually returned to normal.

  Laying still with Regan in his arms, Tyler listened as her breathing slowed and evened out, as did his own. When her body had relaxed completely, he rolled her back over, pulling out reluctantly and took her weight upon his own. She rested her head on his chest as he stroked her back to finish calming her.

  "I don't want to be possessive," Tyler admitted after several moments just listening to her breathe. "I trust you completely, Ree. I don't want to waste any more time."

  They lay like that for quite a while, talking and planning before he reluctantly acknowledged that he needed to go home.

  “I need clothes for tomorrow, Regan. I can’t rely on whatever is in my gym bag for another day. And we both know we will get no sleep if I stay.”

  “I am kind of tired, and you look so damn fine in those suits of yours. Okay, I guess I will let you go.”

  He pulled on his jeans and carried the cold, disregarded Lo Mein to the kitchen, then went In search of the remainder of his clothing. Regan, wrapped in a spa robe that dwarfed her, called down to the lobby and asked the valet to bring Tyler's car around.

  They stood at the elevator, kissing and touching like they would be apart for months and not the nine hours until they would reunite at the office. Being at work would feel different, so Tyler cherished this private moment.

  The car felt chilly, and the short ride put too much distance between them for Tyler's peace of mind. He considered grabbing a change of clothes and returning to Regan, but logic won out, and he remained home. Then he debated showering. He loved the slight scent of her perfume and the stronger scent of her body that still clung to his skin.

  Who knew you were a complete romantic?

ng off his desires as ‘sappy,' Tyler stood under the hot water, reviving himself and changing focus. Pulling on a pair of sweats, dragging his briefcase from where it had remained unopened all weekend, he pulled out his laptop and a hefty pile of contracts and dove into LHRE work. When he rubbed his eyes with exhaustion, it was after one. Setting the alarm for 5:45, Tyler dragged himself to bed cognizant that this exhaustion would haunt him when the alarm went off.

  His prediction was mistaken. The exhaustion he anticipated was absent, and Tyler was quickly wide-awake and ready to go when his phone alarm blared CeLo Green singing "Bright Lights, Bigger City." When Randall arrived at 6:30, Tyler was in the gym, full of energy and drive.

  "You are unusually cheerful for a Monday," his friend quickly observed. "Good weekend? If I didn't know better, I'd think you got laid."

  “Don’t be crude, Randall,” Tyler scolded before his expression morphed into a huge grin.

  “Oh my God, you did get laid. You waited long enough. It’s been ages. What’s her name? Is it serious? Is she hot?”

  “Aren’t you a married man?”

  “What does that have to do with anything? I’m a man, aren’t I? I’m just asking. And if you are deflecting, it must be serious.”

  “Would you just drop it?” Tyler grunted as he lifted the heavily weighted metal

  over his head.

  "Very serious," Randall pondered. "Hmm, who have you been with lately? You haven't been this close-mouthed since your..."

  Randall stared at Tyler, awareness spreading across his features.

  "... Are you back with Regan?"

  “Shhh, idiot. I am sure Wyatt is around here somewhere.”

  Randall scanned the room and lowered his voice before continuing, “Are you back with Regan? How the hell did that happen? What about her move to Washington, and her senator?”

  "Good morning." Wyatt snuck up behind them despite the wall-to-wall mirrors. "What about the senator? Did Regan say something at the Alzheimer’s gala Saturday night? You know she has spent a lot of time with his family, but we hardly know him. If she said something useful, you need to share."

  “Don’t bother getting to know him, “ Randall responded cryptically, a sly smile on his face. He ignored the scowl Tyler sent his way. “I have a strong feeling he’s a short-timer.”

  “What are you talking about, Randall? Regan says they are just biding time until they announce their engagement.” Tyler cringed at Wyatt’s statement.

  "Nah, I don't think so. Have you talked to your sister lately? I think she's going to change her mind."

  "Do you have any idea what he's talking about?" Wyatt asked Tyler. Tyler dropped his head. If Wyatt got the chance, he would read Tyler's expression instantly – after all they had been best friends for 30 years. It didn't matter. Even without being able to see Tyler's face, Wyatt read him like a book. "What have you done, Tyler? What don't I know?"

  Tyler remained silent, lifting the massive weight with a grunt, then lowering it smoothly and repeating. A sheen of sweat covered his face and dampened his tee, masking the added shine created by coming under Wyatt's scrutiny. “Are you back with Regan, Tyler? Answer me.”

  Wyatt's insistence reminded Tyler of his father at his worst, demanding and cold, but entitled to an answer. And as with his father, Tyler found himself unable to dodge his friend's inquiries. He dropped the weights with a clunk and faced his friend.

  "Yes. We are together, I love Regan, and she loves me. We are staying together this time, Wyatt, so do your worst."

  “Do my worst? It’s about fucking time!”

  Chapter Fifteen


  "Donuts? You brought donuts?" Donna squealed so loudly that half the office could hear her. "I could kiss you. I mean…." she stammered, blushing scarlet, "I'll get some napkins." She rushed past Regan who had emerged from her office in an elegant Armani suit to witness her assistant's embarrassment.

  "I heard the squealing. Did you bring donuts? Is it a special occasion or are you just trying to give us all a sugar high?"

  "I walked past the Donut Vault on my way here, and I couldn't resist." Checking to verify they were alone, Tyler dropped a quick kiss on her mouth, which formed a surprised ‘O.' "But it is a special occasion. From now on, every day is." Regan felt the surreptitious graze of Tyler's fingers at her waist, fighting the urge to cuddle in closer. Working side by side was going to be a challenge.

  “You sweet-talker,” Regan whispered with a blush. She was about to address their working-lover conflicts, but half the office was descending on the highly regarded pastries.

  “They weren’t sold out yet?” Ethan asked, almost knocking Regan off her feet to get past her, grabbing and shoving a chocolate covered buttermilk donut in his mouth.

  "Obviously not," Tyler replied with good-humored sarcasm. He handed Ethan several napkins, avoiding a mountain of crumbs on the carpet.

  “You must have been there early. I never get there in time.”

  "Ethan, try getting up an hour earlier, come to work out with the guys and me, and you can be there while there are still donuts."

  “I gather these are a big deal?”

  "Regan, where have you been?" her brother challenged. "The Donut Vault and Stan's have the best donuts in all of Chicago. But at the Vault, when they run out, they close. 'Sorry. Done for the day.'"

  “Maybe I better try these famous donuts,” Regan said, reaching for a sprinkle-covered donut and breaking it in half. She automatically offered the other half to Tyler, who inhaled it.

  "Mmm, this is so damn good, " Regan said with a bite of donut still in her mouth, the remainder hovering just beyond her lips. She stood there savoring the sweetness of the sprinkles and frosting, the moist cake; her eyes closed so she could focus on the flavors. She had forgotten how delicious a donut could taste. It was Tyler. He made everything brighter, sweeter, more…. She finished the last bite and reached for another without thinking. Ethan gave her a strange look.

  “What happened to your diet, Ree?”

  "Hmm? Oh, I gave it up. Besides, I walked a lot this weekend."

  Looking from Tyler to Regan then back to Tyler who avoided making eye contact, Ethan asked again, “So you abandoned the diet? Not worried about fitting into a wedding dress anymore?”

  “Don’t you have work to do?” Regan snapped at her brother. She strode away like a ship under full sail, but she caught the remainder of her brother’s conversation.

  "Did something happen?" Ethan asked Tyler. "Or is it my imagination?"

  "I have no idea what you imagine, Ethan, so I can't say." With that cryptic reply, Tyler grabbed another donut and headed down the hall to his office. He was rapidly catching up with Regan who was stalled outside her office picking up messages. Ethan was mumbling about significant changes while escaping with the box holding the remaining donuts and heading to the other side of the building.

  Regan entered her office without looking back at Tyler. She could hear his footfall despite the thick carpet and knew he would follow. Perhaps she could steal a kiss before the workday began.

  What am I thinking? I have to be able to separate business and pleasure. Just remembering how much pleasure, made a hot blush rise in her cheeks. Maybe she should have a stern talking to with herself. It was time to think about LHRE, not Tyler.

  "Step into my lair," Regan suggested to Tyler hoping for two more minutes alone before switching to all-business mode. When his office phone rang, Tyler swore under his breath, and she knew she had lost her opportunity. Tyler stepped into his office and firmly shut the door.

  From inside her bookshelf-lined office, Regan could hear Tyler raising his voice although the words were too muffled to understand. She considered going to stand outside his door to figure out what he was saying.

  “Nice,” she chided herself, ashamed that she considered eavesdropping. She settled behind her desk, leafed through the pile of messages and punched the intercom.

  “Donna, please get
Mr. Blackstone on the phone for our 9:00. And ask Ethan to join me if he is available.”

  "Right away," the efficient assistant responded. Within moments the call was ready. Ethan was settling in across from her, anxious to listen and learn. In the moments before she connected the call, Regan heard Tyler, his raised voice tense and furious from behind the thick walls.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Tyler lowered his voice, finally cognizant of his surroundings. “I can’t drop everything and walk out of the office now.” He listened to his caller, pacing the space between the door and window.

  “I need to get back to you. I need more time to get the money together," Tyler hissed into the mouthpiece. "No one could raise that sum In such a short period."

  I’m going to wear a hole in this carpet or strangle myself on this phone cord. Tyler threw himself into one of the armchairs facing the desk, trying to still his anxiety. In only moments, he was back on his feet, pacing the window to door path again.

  “Give me until Friday,” he demanded, frowning when he heard the response. “Not Wednesday. Friday. I need the full week.”

  Tyler's face was etched with frustration and anger. "Alright," he responded in a clipped voice, "end of day Wednesday." He returned the phone to its cradle, wondering again how they had traced him to his new job, despising this added sign of their desperation.

  Reaching past the office phone to grab up his cell phone, Tyler hit a number on speed dial, listened impatiently to the ringing at the other end and drummed his fingers on the desk.

  “Haley, hi. How are you? It’s Tyler. Is my father available?”

  “Hello, Tyler. I’ll see if he is taking calls.” Wouldn’t that be just great, if his father wouldn’t talk to him? It wouldn't be the first time. Tyler's fingers drummed harder.

  “To what do I owe this honor?” Tyler heard the chill in his father’s voice but after a deep breath, plowed forward.

  "Father. Thank you for taking my call." Tyler's warm enthusiasm obvious moments earlier with the assistant muted to a zombie-like cadence with his father. "I wasn't sure you would talk to me."


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