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Spanish Eyes_Texas Heat

Page 10

by Sable Hunter

  “There should be no shame,” Drew insisted, “this was done to her, it was not her choice.” Even as he stated his case, Drew knew he was oversimplifying matters. “I’m still not certain what chemicals she might have been given. I desperately need to run some tests on her to know for sure. The only thing I could tell was that her heart rate and other vitals were within normal range. So, whatever she was given was not life-threatening.”

  Rafe balled up his fist and slammed it into arm of the Captain’s chair. “Although I am no chemist to know the recipe, I have seen this before. They give these drugs to those whom they kidnap for the sex trade, to make them more docile and easier to handle. Only recently have I heard of them using a version as a torture device. Losing the control over one’s own body and desires must be debilitating, but someone as genteel and reserved as Angelina must find it especially horrific.”

  Drew’s lips were sealed. He would never reveal to Rafe how his sister had asked him for relief. “Angelina is resourceful, she told me how she used a system flush she’d stored in her bag for anaphylaxis to lessen the effects. She was lucky Yasin and Moshe didn’t confiscate the bag. I would imagine that terrorists are not usually known for their accommodating personalities.”

  “Hardly,” Rafe agreed, “I’m just thankful she and Aliyah are alive.” Meeting Drew’s gaze, he lowered his voice. “I have a favor to ask you. I won’t be able to stay with Angelina long. I need to check on her, reassure her, then I need to return to my men. There is some question about whether Saldado survived or not.”

  “I saw him die,” Drew said incredulously.

  “So, did I, but there are rumors. I cannot risk this. I must ensure he is no longer a threat. I intend to finish rounding up all Saldado’s and Yasin’s forces, none can be allowed to escape. Until I am certain, I cannot risk Angelina’s safety. They could come back after her in revenge. So, I am asking you a personal favor. Will you see to her protection? If you return home, will you keep her with you? I can spare a couple of my men to guard your residence. I can’t allow her to go to San Antonio alone. Our friends,” he indicated Ty and Ky, “have been through enough. I don’t want to impose on them. I know this is a lot to ask, but since she is under your care, I thought it might be the best solution.”

  Drew hesitated, his own emotions were running high. “Before we left, Rafe, Angelina informed me that she didn’t want me to treat her anymore.”

  “I don’t understand. She’s asked about you every time we’ve talked, she was worried.”

  Drew was surprised. “I’m sure she was concerned about everyone, you most of all.”

  “Allow me to speak to her, I will convince her that this is the best decision.” Rafe shook Drew’s hand. “Angelina is my baby sister. Not by blood, but in my heart.” He tapped himself on the chest. “Her mother married my father when she was only three. I’ve been looking out for her ever since.”

  “I understand, I am an only child. My mother passed trying to bring me into the world. My father never remarried. Our housekeeper is my surrogate mother. She looked out for me.”

  “Yes, family isn’t always defined by blood,” Rafe said, nodding toward the Landon twins.” Peering out the window, he smiled. “Look, the sun is coming up.” Even though they were flying west, the rays of the rising sun were lighting up the clouds, turning them from a silvery white to radiant shades of pink and orange.

  “Amazing. A new day has dawned.” Drew was grateful they were all going home in one piece. Even though there were still questions, no man had been left behind and justice was served. Now, he hoped things would turn out as well for the woman with the beautiful Spanish eyes.

  If it were in his power, Dr. Drew Haley would make it so.

  * * *

  Upon arriving at the tiny airport nestled deep in the piney woods of the Sabine National Forest, Drew took his first deep breath since the moment he’d been summoned to help his friends. “Home, sweet home.”

  “Yea, Texas has never looked so good.” Picking up his duffle, Kyler tossed it over his shoulder. “It’s been real, team, but as soon as I can get Cooper ready, we’re headed to San Juan.”

  “Have a good time, and thanks for everything,” Tyler patted his twin on the back. “Aliyah’s still groggy. I’m going to take her home and I may not let her out of my bed for a month of Sundays.”

  “Let me give you a ride,” Drew offered Ty. This delay would give Rafe ample time to visit his sister without being disturbed.

  “Thanks, Doc, I’ll take you up on that offer.” While Drew held the door of the SUV, Tyler transferred Aliyah to the second seat and crawled in beside her. “I can’t wait to get home.”

  “I bet you can’t. This has been a trip,” Drew laughed with his friend, “in more ways than one.” Climbing behind the wheel, he adjusted the heat for Aliyah’s comfort and shut the door. “I know you’ve enjoyed living the fast life out in Austin, but I’m glad you’re moving back to East Texas. I’m sure your brother and Cooper feel the same way.”

  Tyler spoke softly, so as not to disturb Aliyah, who was cradled against his side. “The day I saw Saldado kill a fellow ranger was the day my world changed. I hate that Roscoe was murdered and I would’ve done anything in the world to prevent it, but that tragedy brought Aliyah into my life.” He smiled. “She’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “Undoubtedly.” Drew watched Tyler in the rearview mirror. He was listening to his friend, but he was also wondering if Angelina had found any peace.

  “When my Captain told me that I was being assigned a protector,” Ty chuckled, “and that protector was female, I thought he’d lost his mind.”

  “I bet you did.” As he pulled out on the narrow dirt road, Drew grinned. “You’ve always been a chauvinistic asshole.”

  “Shhhh, don’t wake her. Aliyah thinks I’m perfect.” Tyler kissed her on the forehead. “My protector,” he whispered. “She would’ve died for me in a heartbeat, Drew. My little Mossad is braver than any man I’ve ever met, Ranger or otherwise.” He took a deep breath. “She endured torture at the hands of those madmen, then walked back into hell to save others.”

  Before either realized, they arrived at Ty’s country home. “Just stop at the front, no need to pull in the driveway. I haven’t been here in a few months, I hope to high hell the place is livable.”

  “If it’s not, just come on over to Palo Gaucho. I’ve got plenty of room.” Getting out, Drew helped Ty into the house, flipping on a few lights. “You have a truck here, right?”

  “In the garage.” Ty answered, carrying a still sleeping Aliyah into the bedroom. In a moment, he was back. “Thank you. You’ll never know how much I appreciate you and the others being willing to go with me to rescue Aliyah. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive her uncle for asking her to sacrifice herself the way he did.” He sighed and folded his arms over his broad chest. “Although, I guess I can understand his thinking, the greater good, whatever…”

  “As my dad always said, ‘I’m glad that’s over with’. All’s well that ends well. Neither Isis or Hamas will get their mitts on Angelina’s research and you’ve got your girl.”

  “I do, don’t I?” Ty seemed highly pleased with himself. “Did you hear that Rafe asked me and Aliyah to join Black Raptors?”

  “I did, congratulations. Has she agreed?”

  “Not yet, but she will.” Ty was quiet for a second. “I hope.” He cursed softly under his breath. “I don’t think I could survive with her in the Mossad. I know she’s trained to do unimaginable feats, but she’s mine now and I’m not giving her up.”

  “I don’t blame you a bit,” Drew whispered. He found himself to be a little jealous of what Ty had found with Aliyah. He’d seen the look on her face when she beheld the Ranger. Drew would give anything in the world to know what that was like.

  * * *

  “Rafe!” Angelina ran to her brother. “I’m so glad you’re back safely!”

  “Yes, I am happy to see you too.
How are you?”

  Angelina was feeling better. The last two days had been good ones. She briefly told him about her time with Cooper and the elder Landon’s. “They were very good to me. I think I’m on the mend. I would like to meet Aliyah before I return to San Antonio.”

  Rafe took her hand. “Soon. Aliyah is recovering, you’ll meet her in good time.”

  “She was tortured,” Angelina’s soft words were not a question.


  “And the others? The women who were kidnapped with me?” She’d thought about them many times.

  “They’ve been transported to a government hospital to be checked out, where I wish you’d been taken from the beginning.”

  “No, I would rather have been near you. I’m ready to go home now, but my care here has been more than adequate. Dr. Haley did all that could’ve been done, I’m sure.”

  He led her to two chairs that sat near a window. In the brighter natural light, he was sad to see the strain on her face. She was still in pain. “If that’s the case, Angelina, why did you tell Drew that you didn’t want him treating you any longer?”

  Angelina glanced down. “He told you.”

  “Yes, he did. Would you care to explain your reasoning? You had no desire to go to a hospital, what other choice was there?”

  Angelina struggled with what to say without betraying her own weakness. “No, I wanted to stay here.” She cut her eyes away to hide her feelings. “It was just…Dr. Drew is young, I wish he were older.” And not so appealing. “He did nothing wrong.” Raising her head, she gave him a hopeful smile. “Since you’re back, this will cease to be an issue. You can take me home and I can…”

  Rafe held up his hand. “I can’t go to San Antonio just yet and neither can you. I’ve asked Drew to take responsibility for your care and for you while I’m gone. He might be a young man, but he’s an excellent doctor.”


  The alarm on her face didn’t deter him. “This is necessary. I must finish my mission.” He wouldn’t tell her about Saldado or the question of his survival. “To ensure your well-being and my peace of mind, I need you somewhere you’ll be safe. I don’t have time to vet someone else. Drew is here and he is qualified to see to both your safety and your health.”

  “Safe? I thought this was over.”

  “This is but one battle in the midst of an ages long war. There are certain factions and individuals that I need to insure will no longer be a threat to you or to anyone else.” His face softened. “Please don’t fight me on this. Hopefully, it won’t be for long, just a few days, no longer than a couple of weeks.”

  Not wanting to cause her brother more trouble, she nodded. “Does he know?” She remembered what he’d said after she railed at him. Frankly, I’d rather someone else be your doctor.

  “Yes, he does.” Rafe placed a hand on her hair. “He will take care of you.”

  Angelina felt a heavy weight fall on her shoulders. She hated to be a burden to anyone. “Very well, I will do as you ask. I need to start getting my affairs in order for when I am able to be on my own again. I need to get a new driver’s license and cancel my credit cards and my boss at the lab needs to be informed.”

  Rafe gave her an encouraging smile. “It does my heart good to see you thinking about regular things. I don’t think the terrorists are using your Macy’s card and Dr. Hao at the lab understands the situation completely. They don’t expect you back anytime soon.”

  “I don’t think I’m going back there, Rafe.”

  “Well, you might feel differently in a day or two.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I have some things to take care of before I catch a plane. Be good to Dr. Drew, okay?”

  “I’ll try to be an unobtrusive and considerate charge.”

  “You’re so precise and so prim, my dear sister.” He tilted her face up with a finger under her chin. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Consider this a vacation. Rest. Heal. Who knows? You might find that you and the good doctor get along well.”

  “I hope so. I guess I’d better take a shower and get ready.”

  “Excellent. I’ll be in touch.” Rafe gave her one final hug before he left.

  Angelina watched him go. She’d been unable to find the words to explain to her brother the real reason why being around Drew Haley wasn’t a good idea. Her attraction to him made everything harder, not easier.

  …Drew finished loading all his spare supplies to take back to the clinic. Now, all he needed to do was collect his patient.


  Rafe’s voice drew his attention. He shut the tailgate on his pickup. “Are you leaving?”

  “Yes, I’ve arranged transport with a friend of mine in the Navy. The government is cooperating with us.”

  “Good, I’m glad.” He nodded toward the house. “Did you speak to Angelina?”

  “I did. She’s thankful for your help.”

  Somehow, Drew doubted that, but he wouldn’t argue about it. Rafe had enough on his plate. “Don’t worry about your sister, she’s in good hands.”

  After seeing him off, Drew stomped his feet on the doorsteps to get rid of some of the red mud from his boots. He took a moment to glance around. Just a few days ago, this whole place had been crawling with people, many of them armed to the teeth. Now, it was deserted except for him and Angelina. He wondered how many people within a five-mile radius even knew this compound was here. He’d certainly been unaware.

  “Angelina!” he called.

  When he heard no answer, he went to her door and knocked.

  Still no answer.

  “Dammit!” Had she tried to leave? He doubted she even knew how to open the gates and walking out of this isolated area would be next to impossible, especially considering her weakened condition. “Angelina!” Drew stepped into her bedroom and began to look around.

  Turning off the water, Angelina stepped out of the shower. She’d washed her hair and soap was in her eyes. Blindly, she began to search for a towel, feeling all along the vanity. Had she dropped it?

  Coming around the corner, Drew got an eyeful.

  “Lord Almighty,” he whispered. Standing in front of him – wet, slippery, luscious, and naked as the day she was born – was Angelina Montoya. Yea, he’d seen parts of her unclothed, but seeing her beautifully nude from head to toe stole his ability to breathe. How in the hell was he supposed to keep her at arm’s length? All he wanted to do was catch her close and kiss her until neither of them remembered their names.

  As she continued to step toward him, her eyes tightly shut, he tried to be a gentleman. God, he tried. His heart was hammering and his cock was hard enough to pound nails. Bending over, he picked up the towel from the floor and held it out.

  Angelina inched forward. She was disoriented. Surely, she’d find the linen closet soon. When her hand came in contact with terrycloth, seemingly hanging in mid-air, she gasped. Grabbing the proffered towel, she dabbed her eyes, then opened them. “Drew!” She gasped, blushed, and clutched the towel to her exposed body. “I’m naked! Do you mind?”

  No, he didn’t mind at all.

  The image of Angelina’s beautiful unclothed body would be burned into his memory for all of eternity. Yes, he had a type. He had a weakness. Curvy brunettes with golden skin and breasts so perfectly formed they deserved worship. This woman was everything he desired. To put it bluntly, Drew was speechless.

  “Drew!” She lunged forward and covered his eyes with her hand. “Did you receive a brain injury while you were in the Middle East?”

  Finally, he found his tongue. “Sorry, I was just looking for you.”

  Angelina scrambled to cover her front, at least, with the towel. “Well, you found me and you’ve looked enough.”

  “Never,” he whispered, when she removed her hand. Quickly he amended his comment as he took in her flushed countenance. “Never done that before. I knocked, I swear I did. I was worried about you.”

  Angelina was flustered beyond measure. H
is nearness caused the effects of the drug in her system to flare. She clutched the towel around her and bowed her head. “Please, I am weak.”

  Misunderstanding her, he assumed her weakness was from fatigue or hunger. “Let me help you.” Taking her by the arm, he began to lead her into the other room.

  Angelina struggled. “I don’t need any help, Drew.” She was concerned that the towel wasn’t quite large enough to cover everything. Glancing over her shoulder, she tried to see if her ample rear was sufficiently covered.

  Drew was tongue-tied. In all his days as a healer, he’d never been so flustered or floundered by the sight of a naked woman. She possessed the most exquisite hour-glass figure he’d ever seen. Trying to swallow, he cleared his throat. “I came to see about you. Did Rafe explain what he expected us to do and why?”

  Angelina bit her lip. Being this close to Drew set her whole body on fire. Her nipples were hard and warmth flooded between her legs. She trembled at the overwhelming sensations. “Yes. I’m sorry you’ve been coerced into doing this. I know how you feel. We can only hope it won’t be for long.” Her breath was coming hard and fast. “Now, could you go? I need to get dressed.”

  Drew did as she asked. He turned to leave, speaking over his shoulder as he walked. “I’ll be outside waiting. You and I need to have a long talk, Dr. Montoya.” With a tip of his hat, he left her with this parting thought. “And for the record, I don’t think you have a clue to what I’m feeling.”


  Drew’s black SUV passed underneath the familiar wrought iron gate. He glanced over to the lovely, timid woman beside him. “Welcome to Palo Gaucho Ranch.”

  Angelina hadn’t yet made peace with this agreement between Dr. Drew and her brother. She despised being an imposition and no matter what anyone said, that’s what she was being. Sitting in the car seat, she hugged herself tightly, trying to forget this Greek god of a man had seen her completely naked in a non-medical setting. “Thank you, I am very grateful.”


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