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Spanish Eyes_Texas Heat

Page 11

by Sable Hunter

  “I’m not looking for your gratitude, Angelina.”

  His tone was admonishing, but she chose not to spar with him over the matter. Furtively, she cut her eyes toward him. Yea, he was still gorgeous, ripped, and imposing as hell. Why couldn’t he suddenly grow a wart on the end of that classic Roman nose? Oh, he’d been nothing but gracious. It was hard not to like him. In fact, she couldn’t help herself. She did like Drew. No, correction. She craved Drew like a person dying of thirst longed for a life-saving drink of water. But this was not a thirst she would slake. Heck, she couldn’t even separate her true feelings from the chemically enhanced ones. No, she was here only to appease Rafe so he could feel good about leaving her to finish the job in Yemen.

  “How beautiful,” she murmured as more of Drew’s ranch came into view. The property stretched out, green pastures spotted by large oak trees, pecans, and the occasional tall long-leaf pine. A big white horse trotted along the fence line, pacing itself with the SUV for a few seconds before veering off across a wide-open field. “What’s his name?” The sight of the beautiful equine relaxed Angelina a bit, she was able to breathe easier. A modicum of tension released from her shoulders for the first time in a long while.

  Drew noticed that the appearance of the horse brought joy to his house guest’s face and Drew was glad for it. This wasn’t going to be easy on either of them and seeing her smile warmed his heart. “His name is Snow. He’s one of my rescues.”

  “You’re a good man, Dr. Haley.”

  “Don’t hold me up as some paragon of virtue, Spanish Eyes. I’m just a man.” A man who wanted something he shouldn’t have.

  She trembled at the low timber of his voice. Her whole body seemed to be fine-tuned to every variance in his tone, she was ultra-aware of every move he made, of every breath he took. “This is absolutely lovely,” Angelina remarked as they drove, seeking to fill the space between them with anything that might deflect the overwhelming pull she felt for him. “I spend so much time in a lab or my apartment that I never get to see places like this.”

  When she turned away from the window, Angelina saw that Drew was staring at her. “What?” She soothed a lock of hair away from her face. “Do I look bad?”

  Drew couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. “Not in the least.”

  She needed to glance away, yet her eyes seemed locked on his features - the chiseled jaw, those smoky, light blue eyes, it was all too much and she felt an ache begin to rise from deep within. “This is quite the place, your Palo Gaucho.”

  “I get by.”

  “You get by?” Angelina’s eyes widened as they neared the grand old house. “I’d say you do a bit more than that.”

  Drew’s three story Victorian mansion was a sight to behold. The double-wide front doors were graced by columns on either side. A wide verandah stretched across the front of the house that held graceful rockers and wrought iron café tables. Angelina could imagine her host sitting out there in the morning drinking his coffee while he watched a horse race across the open area in front of him. The house was all white, with dark green shutters at the windows. The gracious, historical structure was the most beautiful home Angelina had ever seen.

  Drew pulled the big vehicle right up in front of the mansion and climbed out, first coming to help her with the passenger side door before heading to the back of the SUV to fetch their bags.

  “Do I bow or curtsy when the queen comes out to meet me?”

  “The only queen here is Hattie,” Drew informed her with a chuckle. “And she isn’t that big on formality.”

  As if on cue, an older lady with a head full of white curls came around the corner of the house with a rattan laundry basket tucked against one hip. “Don’t you be talking about me when I’m not around to defend myself, Drew Haley. Oh my, what a lovely couple you two make.”

  Angelina felt a blush rise from her chest to blossom on her cheeks. Her and Drew? A lovely couple? She wished. Drew would be the looks in that pairing, for sure. Angelina didn’t allow herself more than a moment to consider it, she was fearful her body would turn on her again.

  “I take it you are Queen Hattie. Pleasure to meet you.” Angelina extended her hand.

  The older woman gave her boss a look. Drew just shrugged. He knew better than to get in Hattie’s way. Her remark about them being a couple surprised him, however. She teased him about dating when they were alone, but in front of others she always came off like a mama bear protecting her cub.

  “Queen of the laundry, maybe.” Hattie gathered one of Drew’s shirts in her hand, held it to her nose and inhaled deeply. “I just love drying clothes on the line.” She held it out to Angelina.

  Angelina leaned in and took a whiff. “Lavender.”

  “I planted a big patch in the backyard near the clothesline just for Hattie,” Drew told Angelina. “She loves the smell of lavender.”

  “The only problem is that the clothes get all stiff. When you ruffle them up, the scent releases even more. See?” She crinkled the shirt in her hand. “Here, you try. Don’t worry, I’m going to iron it. I iron all Drew’s clothes.”

  Taking the shirt being handed to her, Angelina popped it in the air, straightening out some of the wrinkles and letting the air filter through the cotton to release the lavender scent. The simple action made her smile. Hattie was a nice person, already she was making Angelina feel at home and less anxious than she’d been when they pulled up. “I love this. I’ve never had a home with a yard before.” Drew’s shirt felt good in her hands and she turned it over several times, holding it up and looking at it, a simple light gray button-up. Angelina could picture him wearing it with the cuffs rolled up to reveal his strong forearms. She felt the strongest urge to shuck her clothes on the spot, slip the soft cotton over her heated skin, and fall onto a fluffy bed to just lay there snuggled it the garment all day. “I’ll help you with the laundry if you’ll let me.”

  Drew watched her with a smile. Thank goodness for Hattie. She was gentling Angelina like he did one of the horses. He’d have to remember to thank her later. As for the shirt…God what he wouldn’t give to see Angelina wearing it and nothing else. A jolt of electricity surged from his brain to his cock at the thought. “Shall we?” He waved a hand out in front of him, gesturing for the ladies to go first. A movement done not only to be a gentleman, but to keep them from noticing the erection growing in his jeans.

  “This is absolutely beautiful.” Angelina looked up at the crystal chandelier and the large ornate staircase that met them as soon as they entered the vestibule. Even the wallpaper adorning the staircase was fancy, burgundy with a lacy gold pattern on it that looked like flowers at first glance, but when she drew a little closer, she could see the designs were fleur de lis.

  Hattie placed her basket down at her feet. The hardwood floors creaked a little with the movement. “You get used to it,” Hattie said when she saw Angelina reacting to the noise. “I’ll be right back, Drew can show you around.”

  “Palo Gaucho is on the National Registry of Historic Homes. The commission doesn’t allow a lot of changes to a heritage home.” Drew placed their bags down beside the basket. “These floors,” he stepped on a board and it groaned under his weight, “they’re original. Solid oak. I can’t remove them, not that I would want to, they’re beautiful. They tell a story, the whole house does. Men who fought in the Alamo walked on this surface.”

  “A piece of history. I love it, it’s incredible.” Angelina finished for him.

  “Make yourself at home here,” he told her. “Explore to your heart’s content.” He turned to his left and she followed. “The dining room and kitchen are through here.”

  Angelina was amazed at the décor. Dark cherry cabinets and hardwood floors. Everything was functional, but still retained a sense of history. “I’m surprised you have modern appliances.”

  “Yea, these are homes to be lived in, that’s one of the few concessions.” He led her further. “A laundry room is off the back porch.”
Together, they made their way through the back part of the big house. “There’s a comfortable den and a sitting room, both with a fireplace. In fact, there are eight fireplaces in Palo Gaucho.”

  “And you live here alone?”

  “Just me and Hattie, she has her own suite of rooms on the second floor.” He opened a set of double doors on the west side of the home. “Over here is the formal living room and on the far side is the ballroom for special occasions. My master suite is off the den. And at the very back, there’s a glass solarium full of plants, you can stare out the big windows and watch deer feed on the acorns.”

  “Everything is gorgeous and so peaceful,” she complimented her surroundings, amazed that she’d be living in this show place for the next few days.

  When they returned to the main staircase, Drew pointed up the steps. “The second floor, which we’ll show you in a moment, has six bedrooms and four baths. My office is also up there. And up on the third floor, there’s what passes for an attic. We even have a widow’s walk. Since the house stands on a hill, you can see forever. Before I was born, my mother used to watch for my father from up there. There’s a lot of interesting old stuff stored in those rooms, if you like history. Just be careful when you go, the door jams.” He shrugged his broad shoulders. “Anyway, like I said, make yourself at home.”

  “Thank you, Drew. You’re most kind.”

  Hattie appeared from a narrow hallway a moment later. “Here you go, child.” She handed Angelina a glass of sweet tea. “You must be exhausted, I hear you’ve had a hard time.”

  Angelina felt a rush of terror grip her. No doubt Drew had called ahead to let this woman know he was bringing a guest home, but Angelina wasn’t sure just how much he had revealed about her situation. “Thank you.” She took the glass and sipped it slowly.

  “Hattie makes the best sweet tea north or south of the Mason-Dixon line,” Drew said with a grin.

  “I made him add the north to that declaration.” Hattie winked and nudged Angelina, who gasped with pain. The touch of the woman’s elbow in her side sent a shot of pain to her injured ribs.

  “Oh, honey.” Hattie put her hands over her mouth when she realized what she’d done. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

  Drew made a move toward her, ready to come to her aid. “No, I’m fine.” Angelina felt badly for her overreaction. “No need to worry. Really.”

  “Perhaps we should consider wrapping those ribs.” Drew always prided himself on his ability to empathize with his patients, but the need he felt to take Angelina’s pain away surprised him.

  Hattie fretted over her mistake. “Let’s get you up to your room to rest.” She took Angelina by the hand.

  “Really. Please, do not concern yourself. I’m much improved.”

  “Bruised ribs can be a bugger to heal.” Hattie looked over her shoulder to Drew. “Be a gentleman, Drew, bring up the bags.”

  The older woman led Angelina up the broad wooden staircase. Angelina walked slowly, but it was worth it just to look at the architectural details of the house. There was no denying the beauty of it, she especially loved the crown moldings around the doors and windows.

  Hattie fussed over her when they were finally in the room where Angelina would stay. “You don’t have to do those things. I’m used to taking care of myself,” Angelina told her as the woman turned down her bed, fluffed her pillows, and adjusted the drapes.

  “We’ll leave you to get settled,” Hattie muttered. “I’m probably being a nuisance, you just have to tell me when to get lost.”

  The woman’s sentiment tugged at Angelina’s heart strings. There’d been no mother figure in her life for many years. “You couldn’t be a nuisance if you tried, thank you.”

  Drew stood in the doorway. He’d been watching more than talking. Hattie could be a worrywart at times, fussing on every detail to the nth degree. He watched with joy at the gentle and patient way Angelina handled the woman’s feelings.

  “Shoo, go on now, let the girl get settled.” Hattie moved toward him, fanning a hand at Drew to skedaddle.

  Drew leaned on the doorjamb. “I’d like to check your vitals quickly if I could, take a look at how your injuries are healing.” He looked Angelina right in the eye. “Do you mind?”

  Great, she thought perhaps he’d forgotten. Why did he have to be so handsome? The room was cozy and the bed looked inviting. The idea of being alone with him in it made the hot flashes of arousal spike. “Well…I…”

  “I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist, Ms. Montoya.” He fell into official doctor mode, but his assertiveness did little to quell the desire building within Angelina. “I’m still your doctor, despite both of our reservations.”

  Angelina closed her eyes and said what needed to be said. “I want to apologize for my outburst. I was being ungrateful. I know this isn’t what you want. I know I’m in the way. I know you’re doing this for Rafe…”

  “Stop.” Drew held up his hands. “You’re so wrong, it’s funny. You aren’t in the way. I want you here,” he said the last four words slowly.

  “But you said that you wished there was another doctor to care for me, then Rafe puts you in this impossible position.”

  Drew took off his Stetson and slapped it against his thigh. “I hope you’ll consider letting Dr. Virginia take over your care.” He paused, holding her gaze. “It’s true, I don’t want to be your doctor, Angelina. What I feel for you isn’t proper.” Taking one step back, he turned to go. “I need to get my bag, I’ll just be a moment.”

  With those unfathomable words, he left. Angelina stood, frozen, wondering if she’d heard him right. What did he mean? She wiped her forehead, wondering if the drugs had stolen her good sense.

  When he returned, he acted like he hadn’t dropped an atomic bomb. “Make yourself comfortable, Angelina. I know this isn’t ideal, but we can make it work if we try. At least until other arrangements can be made.”

  Angelina took a seat on the bed, she didn’t know what to say. Her mind was warring with her body. When Drew placed his dark brown case on the dresser, she couldn’t help but remark, “I like your bag.”

  Opening the top, he started pulling things out and placing them on the covers beside her. “Thanks, it belonged to my father.” He ran a hand over the hard, worn leather. “It’s old-fashioned, but I like it.” As a youngster, Drew would watch his father tend to patients for hours. Many were the times when Matthew Haley would make house calls and his inquisitive little tyke would tag along. Drew smiled, remembering how heavy the bag had felt when he was a small boy, toting it up the ruts of some washed out mud driveway, listening to the vials of medicine clink in the interior. Matthew had gifted his son with the bag when he graduated medical school and not once had Drew considered getting a new one. If he ever had a child, he would pass this very same bag down to his offspring should they choose to follow in his footsteps.

  Pulling the stethoscope from its familiar place in the top compartment, Drew slung it around his neck. “I’m going to need you to undo your top a bit.”

  Angelina’s face changed. Unbutton her top? He’d examined her before, but she’d been pretty much out of it. Now…after what had happened in the bathroom, she didn’t think she could remain unmoved. “My heart is fine. Really,” she begged off, her insides churning with nerves.

  Drew was doing his best to stay within the doctor/patient parameters. It’d be a bald-faced lie to say his body wasn’t responding to the prospect of touching her. The memory of the beautiful form he’d seen emerging from the shower like Venus from the sea was haunting him. “I’m sure your heart is perfectly fine, Dr. Montoya, but I insist we follow proper medical procedure.”

  Angelina unfastened the top two buttons of her blouse. Drew did his best to look away, to give her privacy while she performed the simple maneuver, but his eyes were drawn to the milky soft skin of her cleavage.

  Fucking hell! Yes, he was a doctor, but Drew Haley was a man first and foremost and this woman was t
empting him beyond reason. All he could think about was running his tongue across the soft flesh swelling over the top of her bra. Drew cleared his throat loudly. “Uh-humm. Excuse me.” The glimpse of her plain white undergarment literally caused him to choke on his own saliva and he snapped his eyes shut to gather himself.

  Get a hold of yourself Drew.

  Angelina wasn’t able to look at him. The mere thought of pulling back her shirt for him was torture to her already sex-starved body. Drew’s eyes on her breasts made her have the most delicious thoughts. Fondling, sucking, kissing. God! Her knees came together.

  “I haven’t even placed the cold part on you yet,” Drew muttered when she jerked and grabbed onto the coverlet for support.

  A reprieve. He thought her reaction was to the instrument in his hand, not to her desire for him. “Anticipation, I guess,” Angelina responded nervously.

  Anticipation? She’d done little but drive herself crazy with the anticipation of what it would be like to be loved on by Dr. Drew Haley. Angelina could have strangled her stepbrother for insisting she leave with Drew and stay with him while Rafe was gone. “Is it hot in here?” Angelina asked, fanning herself with her free hand.

  A tiny bead of sweat had formed on her neck and Drew watched it crest on her collarbone and fall lazily down across her left breast. He would’ve given his entire kingdom for a shot of tequila to appear out of thin air, any excuse to lick that salty trail of perspiration gleaming on her chest like a diamond. “If you’re hot, I’ll crank up the AC when we’re done here.”

  The cold round disk found its spot on Angelina’s skin. Her breath hitched, the longing between her thighs reaching a fever-pitch. She felt so desperately empty. She needed to be filled, just one thrust would do. Even in the midst of the fever consuming her, Angelina could reason that no woman on this planet would willingly limit themselves to just a taste of heaven in Drew’s arms, not when she could have more. But Angelina wouldn’t be greedy, she wasn’t fooling herself into thinking he wanted her, she just needed something to make her body calm down.


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