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MC: Pres: Book Four

Page 16

by L. Ann Marie

  “Welcome home Danny. I have to get back before the guys wake up.” She says stepping back. We laugh as she runs out the door.

  The kids fill me in on their riding lessons. They’re excited to show me how good they are doing. I’m excited too and tell them. Kate comes in and Devan screams, “Dada!” I kneel down for him, he launches himself at me talking and laughing. He’s so fuckin cute. “I missed you little man.” He talks away and I have no fuckin clue what the hell he’s saying. We sit at the table talking and laughing. Devan lays his head on my chest. I missed my family more than I thought I would. Kate is happy. Ben is talking to the kids. “It’s so fuckin good to be home.” They all agree. “Do we have a plan for dinner?” I ask because I’m fuckin starving.

  “I have Sam sending over dinner at five thirty. I wasn’t sure how long you’d sleep.” Ben surprises me. Kate is smiling big. I love that fuckin smile. I throw him chin.

  Steve comes in and walks to the patio. I look at Ben. He stands and nods. I stand up and hand Devan to Kate. When he starts to cry I take him with me. Ben gets beer and follows me out. “What’s up Steve?” I say watching him pace back and forth.

  “Fuckin picture with purple fuckin bike on a road sign. HS saw them puttin it up today. Need to blow another fuckin road sign. Out of C4. Kevin’s findin me more today. I’m gonna kill the motherfucker puttin em up.” Oh fuck! His voice in monotone and he's not looking at me.

  I look at Ben. “Got any C4?” I ask with a straight face.

  He looks like he’s thinking. “We had some at the Club in the basement safe room. Did you go up there yet?” Why the fuck is he telling him where it is? Fuckin Ben.

  Steve stops pacing and looks at him. “Let’s go. Gonna need help with this.” He says to Ben.

  Ben shrugs and nods. Something doesn’t feel right here. “Give me a couple of minutes to get Devan settled.” His eyes aren't right.

  “We’re good.” He cuts me off. I look at Ben, he just smiles. Fuck this isn’t right. Steve walks out with Ben following.

  I walk back to the kitchen. “Somethings fuckin off with that.” I tell Kate. Ben’s phone rings. I look around, it’s on the counter. Fuck.

  “This is Danny.”

  “I need to talk to Pres right away.” Geek says sounding alarmed. Fuck.

  “He just left with Steve.”

  “He’s gonna fuckin kill him. I tried to tell him.” Geek says like I’m accusing him.

  “Hook into my helmet and tell me where they are. Give me five minutes.” I tell him. Kate's is standing by me; I kiss Devan’s head and tell him I have to go to work. He goes right to Kate. "Ben is the one that was doing the pictures."

  She turns white. “He’s going to kill him. Hurry!” I kiss her head and tell the kids I’ll be back. Fuckin Steve.

  In the safe room I get my bike, helmet and jacket. “LP1 on.”

  Geek: “Heading south down the highway. He isn’t gonna kill him is he?”

  Me: “He’s fuckin pissed. He might. He’s not right. Back in that commando mode.”

  Geek: “Oh Fuck!”

  Me: “Yeah.” I’m going a hundred up the fuckin ramp. I know Ben doesn’t ride that fast and they’re not on Ducati’s.

  Geek: "They stopped two miles down from you." Fuck they've got five minutes on me. Steve can do a fuckin lot in five minutes.

  I finally see the fuckin bikes. They aren't with them. Hopping the fence I run to the billboard frame. Steve has Ben fuckin duct taped to the frame looking like a gray fuckin mummy. I fuckin laugh. Steve looks at me. "Fuckin knew and didn't tell me?" Fuck his eyes are wrong.

  I put my hands up. "Swear to God I didn't know until right before I left. I just got back today. That's not something I can tell you on the fuckin phone Brother."

  He nods. "Told him I was fuckin killin the motherfucker. Thought it was Outlaws. Whole time he was fuckin with me." He's doling out wire as he's talking.

  "Brother you can't fuckin blow him up. He's your fuckin Pres, your Brother. Beat the fuck out of him, but you can't blow him up." Fuckin hell he's walking away doling out the wire.

  "You can be Pres he can fuckin rot in hell."

  "Brother I was just fuckin with you. This was the last one." Ben says.

  Steve spins around. "Fuckin months I been lookin for whoever. It was you, never said fuck, kept puttin them up." He yells at Ben. Fuck he's pissed. Steve turns and keeps walking. Fuckin Brothers.

  "I can't let you blow him up Steve. He's my Pres and partner he just fuckin got what that means. Fuckin guy grew on me. Can't let you do this." I stand in front of him. He walks around me. Fuck!

  I run over to Ben and start cutting the tape off of him. "You had to keep fuckin with him. Should have left it alone."

  "Save the fuckin lecture for when I'm not in danger of blowing the fuck up." He growls at me.

  I get the last piece cut and pull him away, we run for the fence. I get to the top of the fence and the fuckin billboard explodes. Fuckin Steve. I land flat on my back, the air knocked out of me. I can't fuckin feel anything opening my mouth I try for air. Fuck! Finally I take a fuckin breath. Steve walks over to me. "Still alive." Fuckin Brother. If I could move I'd beat the fuck out of him. Ben crawls over. "Ever take another picture I'll chain you to the fuckin frame." I don't see him over me anymore. I hear his bike leave. Fuck!

  "You alright Brother?" Ben asks panting for breath.

  I try to turn. My fuckin face is killing me. "Can't move yet. I hit hard, fuckin face hurts." I'm still pulling air and trying to feel anything but the pain in my face. My jaw isn’t working.

  Tiny is standing over us. "Doc!"

  "What the fuck did he do?" Doc says checking me.

  "Blew the sign with C4. Danny was on the fence when it blew." Ben yells to them.

  "Face hurts. Hit hard."

  "Fuckin VP and the fuckin pictures." Tiny says.

  "Was me. Danny just found out. Fuck, call Geek. He'll kill him." Ben yells to them.

  Tiny walks out of my sight. Fuck, my head hurts. Doc touches my legs. "Feel that. Starting to feel more." I tell him then move my arm it just drops back down. I bend my knee. "Fuck my back hurts."

  "Take a minute. We'll try in a minute." I move my foot then my arm again. I can't feel my left arm.

  I wait it out. Doc checks my face. I grab his hand with my right hand. "Plate moved. Hurts to talk. Jaws not working right." He nods and moves away. I hear Tiny yelling but I can't make out what he says.

  Ben leans over me. "I'm sorry Brother. I didn't think he'd actually kill me."

  "If he wanted you dead you'd be dead." Fuck it hurt to say that. My fuckin mouth isn't working right.

  I move my left hand. Thank fuck. I lift my arms over my chest. I move my feet. Thank Fuck! I try to move my head. Not so good. Fuck. Doc comes back with a collar. He moves me slow and puts it around my neck. "Your doc is meeting us at the hospital. They'll adjust the plate right away. Do you want me to call Kate?"

  "Fuck No!" I say with my jaw not moving. "Sit me up Doc, can move everything but head." He calls Tiny over and tells him how to help get me up. I'm sitting then they lift me to stand. Fuck everything is moving. "Minute." They stand on my sides holding me up. The world turns back to normal, the ground isn't moving anymore. "Got this." I tell them. I take a step and don't fall on my face so I take another. I make it to the truck but can't get in. Tiny pulls Nancy's stool out and I climb in. "Not a fuckin word." I say, he fuckin laughs. He gets us to the hospital and I'm out before I know what the fuck is happening.

  Opening my eye I see Ben and Steve pacing. "Kate's gonna fuckin kill us." Ben says.

  "Was you with the fuckin pictures." Steve growls at him.

  "You can't keep going around blowing fuckin shit up. That shits not normal Brother. Cost me a fuckin fortune replacing what you shot and blew up." Ben's growling back at him. I want to laugh so bad but I know it's going to hurt.

  "Shouldn't put the fuckin pictures out there. Wouldn't have been on the fence you co
uld get over it. Didn't know he fuckin stopped to cover your ass a-fuckin-gain."

  "Fuck stop. Can't fuckin laugh. Stop trying to fuckin kill me." I mumble out. They look at me and smile. Fuckin Brothers. "What the fuck happened?"

  Tiny moves to where I can see him. "Two stupid fucks almost killed you. Your doctor met us here and fixed your plate. Did it through your eye and a hole in your cheek. You can leave tomorrow morning provided these two fuckin idiots grow a fuckin brain and don't do any more damage. Jaw will be sore; they replaced some hardware that got damaged. Doc said it will take about a week."

  "Thank fuck. Get me out of here." I tell them. Tiny smiles.

  "Not leavin. You just fuckin woke up." Steve says.

  "Fuckin dipshit wasn't blowing fuckin shit up I wouldn't be here. You think I need a fuckin nurse all night, sleep on the fuckin couch. I'm going home." I hold my fuckin face so it doesn’t explode.

  Tiny moves away. I sit up and take a minute. Tiny comes back with a doctor. Actually pulling the doctor in by the arm. I clench my jaw and it fuckin hurts. He's not trying to make me laugh but he's so fuckin funny. "Get the paperwork sign me out."

  "Sir it would be against the doctor’s order to let you leave." She says.

  "Against the fuckin law to have c4 in a building but I can guarantee one of the fuckin Brothers has it in his pocket. Get what I need to get the fuckin crazy ass bikers out of your hospital." I tell her trying not to move my jaw. She pulls a drawer open and takes the IV out putting on a band aid. Steve hands me my shirt. I just look at him. The fuckin thing is full of blood. He rolls his eyes and takes off his shirt handing it to me. Tiny helps me put it on. Ben brings my pants and boots over. I get my pants on and he helps get the boots on. The doctor hands Tiny paperwork and we walk out.

  "Fuckin bad when Tiny is the sane looking one of us." I tell them walking out. They laugh hysterically.

  At home Kate gets me settled on the couch and reads over the paperwork. She calls Doc to come explain what it says. Ben is quiet. Steve is even quieter. Doc comes in glaring at Ben and Steve. Kate sends them to get the recliner for me. I can't lay flat. Doc explains the paperwork and what happened and Kate goes ballistic.

  She takes Ben and Steve out to the garage and screams at them for being crazy fuckers. I try not to laugh. Doc laughs for me. When she comes in she tells Ben to get sheets and blankets to make a bed on the couch. She calls Jess and tells her what Steve did then hands him the phone. He gives Ben a look, hands Kate the phone, tells me he'll see me tomorrow and leaves. Doc throws chin and hugs Kate telling her, "good job."

  Ben comes down with the sheets and blanket in his bed pants. I almost laugh when she says he can sleep in the bed. She's staying on the couch by me. He takes down fuckin gangs and the Outlaws but looks like a kicked puppy when she growls at him. He throws chin and climbs the stairs slow. I bet he's waiting for her to call him back down. She doesn't. I smile at her. She cracks up. "Did he really have Ben duct taped to the pole?" I nod. "You cut him away?" I nod. She moves and leans her face to me, she kisses my lips soft. "Thank you." She has tears in her eyes. I nod. If she cries I'm going to beat the fuck out of Ben. She walks into the kitchen and comes back with water. Putting it where I can reach it she makes a bed on the couch. When she moves close to me I pull her down to my lap. "I love you." She whispers.

  "I know you do baby. I love you." I pull her head to my chest and fall asleep. When I open my eyes we're covered with the blanket and Ben is asleep on the couch. It fuckin hurts but I smile and close my eyes.

  Twenty Five


  Tiny wakes us up carrying Devan into the living room. He's dressed and I hear the kids in the kitchen. Kate moves. She kisses my chest and smiles. My Beautiful K. Opening her eyes she smiles at Devan. Tiny sits him on Kate. He puts his head on my shoulder.

  "He missed you." Tiny says. I nod. "Taking the kids to school. Ben can take Devan to Millie's. No one knows what happened. We're keeping it that way until Rich and Patches leave.

  "Thanks." I say without moving my jaw. He gives Ben a look and walks out. Kate moves to kiss my lips then slowly untangles the blanket to get up. Ben helps her so she doesn't move Devan. She gives him a look and walks away. Fuck he's in trouble, not even a peck on the lips. Devan sits up and touches my bandage.

  "Booboos." He kisses my bandage. I hug him.


  Ben goes up the stairs. Devan lays back against me talking away. I make sounds letting him know I'm listening. When Ben comes back Devan lifts his arms for him. "Da Ben bu byes." He gives me his wave. I hold my face and smile at Ben. He's fuckin shocked, he looks at me. "I didn't tell him that Danny."

  "You have a problem with it?" I ask him without opening my jaw too wide.

  "No, but fuck I didn't tell him to say it." He's fuckin nervous.

  I smile while he takes Devan. "To him that's who you are. Don't take it away from him. It's his normal." Fuck it hurts to talk; I put my hand on my face watching him.

  Devan waves to me. "Bu byes dada."

  "Have fun today big boy." I tell him waving back. Ben throws chin and takes him to Millie's.

  Kate blows her nose from the doorway. "You are an incredible man. I love you my sexy pirate. Maybe I can find a way to show you that doesn't require you moving later."

  "Fuck! Not nice to say then leave." I smile with my hand on my face.

  "I have a meeting and training then I'm home. I'll see you at lunchtime. I'll get you some soup from Sam." She leans down to kiss my lips. "Freakin Ben and Steve. I've been missing my kisses." I moan. Fuckin Kate. "Ben is here until I get back." I nod. She kisses me again and leaves.

  I let out a breath and stand up. I take a minute to roll through the dizziness then walk to the bathroom. Fuck, I need to piss. I wash my hands and the part of my face not covered in bandage. I'm fuckin starving. I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday. I look for coffee. Fuck, none left. Tiny comes in with two cups. Fuckin love the Brotherhood. I hold my face and smile. "Thanks Brother." He nods and sits at the table.

  "Doc's coming to check you." He says taking a sip. I roll my eye. "You know that doesn't really work when you have only one eye. Looks like you’re trying to follow a fly or something."

  I bend and hold my fuckin face with two hands. Fuckin Tiny. "What the fuck!" Steve yells.

  "Was just telling him he shouldn't roll his eye cause it looks like he's trying to follow a fly.” Tiny says making it worse. I fuckin moan.

  "Noticed that too." Steve says. Fuckin Brothers. "Couple times even had me lookin." I'm going to fuckin die at my kitchen table. "Always fuckin laughin. Think anyone ever died from laughin?" They're talking like it’s the fuckin weather.

  "What the fuck are you doing?" Ben yells. Fuck no, I can't take anymore.

  "Was talking about rollin the eye. Lookin like he's following flies. He ain't been up since I got here. Asked if people died from laughin. Call Doc Tiny, he'd know." I can't fuckin breathe. I moan again. Fuckin Brothers.

  "What the fuck is wrong with you. Get out! Kate is going to fuckin kill me if you kill him from laughing. She already said she'll cut off my balls if he gets hurt again! You never seen her fuckin pissed. She fuckin means it!" Ben yells at them. I can't fuckin smile without pain and I got the live version of the three fuckin stooges at my kitchen table.

  "You can't kick us out it’s his house. He dies its Kate's, she wants to cut off your balls. You should get the fuck out!" Tiny yells at Ben.

  Steve grunts, "He's right. Stay at the Club till she's not pissed. Stayed there last night. Jess wants mine too. Ain't takin fuckin chances. She's pissed I was goin to blow you up and I hurt her brother."

  I try to get up and sit right the fuck back down, I'm too fuckin dizzy. Holy fuck my head is going to explode and I can't fuckin breathe. I'm going to fuckin die right here.

  "She should be pissed you can't just go around blowing fuckin people up and I'm not buying anymore C4! You're not fuckin responsible with it!"

"OUT!" Doc yells. "Fuckin Brothers! Don't open your fuckin mouths and get the fuck out!" I hear them moving. Doc kneels on the floor in front of me. "Stupid fucks and I only heard part of it." He pushes me back to sitting up straight. "Bent over puts pressure. Just sit for a minute. He moves away. My hands are still holding my face and I'm pulling in breath like I ran a fuckin marathon. Holy fuck! He puts water in front of me. "Catch your breath first then drink." He puts a pill by the water. "I don't know how fuckin long they were doing the standup routine but you need to rest the fuckin muscles Danny. The biggest concern yesterday was a piece of the plate getting lodged in your fuckin brain. The fuckin impact of the blast could have killed you." He takes a breath. "You have to watch the pressure right now. You're swollen. It needs time to heal before the next stunt that the fuckin Ringling clown crew pull you into. How come I didn't know that you had the plate adjusted last month?"

  "Didn't want Kate to know. Was from the last billboard blowing up. Ben wasn't taped to that one though." I take the pill and drink. Water runs down my chin. Fuck. I wipe it with my arm.

  "He fuckin taped him?"

  "Yeah duct tape. Was in there good. Had to cut forever to get him out." I put my head back and breathe.

  "Fuckin crazy ass Brother. I'd send him for a psych eval if I thought it would reign him in. No one cares that he's fuckin dangerous."

  "Needs to be dangerous to do his job. Government trained him with the psych eval. They used it to make him the best." I look at him. My vision is clear now. Thank fuck.

  I reach for my coffee and take a sip. Fuckin Dunkin knows coffee. I drink half the cup before I look at him again. "Came in here to make coffee and find something to eat when they showed one by one. Thought I was going to die right here at the table. Thanks Doc."

  He watches me then nods. "You ready for me to check the incision?"

  "Yeah." He gets to checking and the pain is lifting. My day is looking up.

  Twenty Six

  Three Weeks


  Me and Steve get to the Bakery to find Patches beating the fuck out of the Prospect. We stand back and watch. He keeps the guy standing with his punches. He could have been a fuckin pro but doesn't like fighting. I don't think anyone has ever got a shot in on him. Steve smiles, "fuckin good hit." The guys face looks like hamburger. "Had enough Patches?" Steve asks him. Patches hits him hard and he folds. "Was a good one too." Steve slaps his back and grabs the guys arm dragging him to the bay door. He pushes the door open and drops the guy. Security is there dragging him into a van. Steve comes back in. I watch him. Nothing fazes him. Patches washes his hands and blots them with paper towels. He goes into Jess' office. Steve looks around and calls for a Prospect to come clean up the Bakery. Tiny sends Derrick; he's at Transport across the lot. Rich comes in. "Patches got to him. Nothin for us." Steve tells him.


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