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MC: Pres: Book Four

Page 15

by L. Ann Marie

  Two fourteen hour days has us pulling into the Club lot tired and sore. It's fuckin good to get here. Me, Rich and Patches have a drink with the Officers. Petey goes right for the bed. They call the rooms 'racks' here, it makes me smile. Steve was right; the fuckin whores are all over us. Patches is disgusted Rich rolls his eyes at a couple of them. I just tell them I'm taken with a glare. Thank fuck I scare them away. We set our schedule. Their President is due back tomorrow afternoon so we set up for me working with Rich on evaluating their guys for the split to High Security.


  I watched Danny every day for a week. I've been doing his jobs since he's been gone. Two fuckin days and I'm tired. Fuck, he made it look easy. The boys are helping me but I'm not used to it, Tiny comes in fuckin laughing at me. "I thought you helped with Devan?"

  He smiles, "I do. When Danny's working out, I do Devan. You ain't doin nothin but bitchin. He bitched I wouldn't show."

  I shut my fuckin mouth and wonder if I should start working out in the mornings. I use the gym though. Maybe I should start running. I put it aside to think about later and feed Devan. Jessie and Darren come down. "You set dad?" Jessie asks.

  "Yeah, thanks." I watch them turn and go back up.

  "Checkin to make sure you don't fall. Gonna be good fuckin Brothers." Tiny says.

  "Yeah." I'm thinking better than me. I'm determined to make this work. We're fuckin great together. I'm kind of pissed that Danny would do this showing he's the better man but I got my time with Kate. We both fell asleep exhausted last night but that doesn't stop me from thinking about it just being the two of us.

  Devan is fussy so Tiny picks him up. He keeps looking around for Danny. Tiny pulls his phone and calls him. Putting the phone on speaker I wait and watch.

  "Is this my big boy Devan calling me?" Fuckin Danny. I smile. Devan laughs and talks. Danny talks to him about the ride and the mountains. Devan talks the whole fuckin time. The only thing I get is ‘Tiny’ and ‘cul Ben’. Danny answers then tells him he has to go to work. He tells Devan to give Tiny his hug and he loves him. Devan waves bye opening and closing his hand then hugs Tiny. Fuckin Danny, he's a fuckin good father. I need to do shit like that. The kids get up and Tess comes in to help. Thank fuck. We get breakfast and clean up done. Tiny helps me get the kids out the door and takes them to school. Kate comes down kisses me and runs out the door. Tess laughs walking out right behind her. She stops at the door and tells me Danny said to relax it gets easier. I just watch the door close. Fuckin guy talks to her too.

  Getting into work I get my shit done without interruption then spend time planning for tonight. It's Little Brothers night. We normally have a date planned but Danny isn't here and Tiny needs help so I'm helping them. I call Sam and have him delivering dinner early. That will save time and some fuckin energy. When I get the list of what needs to be done set in my head I go out to grab some lunch.


  Damn. Anita is sick. I have Sam sending her some soup. I'm freakin swamped. I wish Danny were here, he could do the checks on the houses for me. I call Doc and tell him what's going on. He comes over and gets the list of what needs to be done. Sally offered to help. They have a Prospect outside of Millie's so Tess is fine. I get my clients set and send the caseworkers for the two new ones. Danny calls me at lunchtime. I hear shooting in the background. He's helping evaluate so he doesn't have much time but just wanted to hear my voice. He's so freakin sweet. I tell him I love him and he says it's all he needs to hear and hangs up. He knew I'd be laughing, that makes me laugh more. Ben comes in asking me why I'm laughing all alone in my office. I just smile up at him. "Love makes you do strange things." He smiles down and kisses me.

  "I got the afternoon and night planned. Sam will send dinner over."

  I kiss his lips. "Thank you. Anita is out so I'll have work to finish tonight. It's been crazy here." He nods but doesn't say anything. "You have to tell me what's going through your head. I'm not like Danny; I need you to say it."

  He rolls his eyes. "I was just thinking I didn't schedule your work in."

  I crack up. "You mean you didn't have Anita getting sick planned?"

  He smiles, "No smart ass I didn't. I'll put her on it from now on though."

  "I knew this would be rough but we can do this and Danny will be back soon enough. I'm kind of happy figuring it out without him here. I appreciate him more because if it. Now I see how much you’re in, I appreciate you too. I needed to see this." I smile at him.

  "When you put it like that I'm glad too. I'm all in Kate. If this is what I need to do to show you then I'm happy I get to do it." He says. There's something else there though. He doesn't say anymore.

  "I need to get back to work; we have two coming in today." I tell him, he nods and gets up. I walk him to the door. He kisses me on the lips and leaves.

  He doesn't kiss me like Danny. Just a peck on the lips or cheek unless we're making love then he makes my toes curl with his kisses. They are almost exact opposites in so many things, it makes me smile. That's why it works. I sit and get my work done with a smile on my face

  Twenty One


  I talked to everyone earlier. Kate tells me she has a ton of work because Anita is out sick. It’s the perfect time to call Ben. “Brother are you sitting in the patio watching the light play on the water with a beer in your hand?”

  He laughs. “You know it.”

  “How is everything going?” I ask with a smile.

  “You want to talk to Kate?” He asks sounding surprised.

  This is just the opportunity I need. “No. If I wanted to talk to Kate I’d call her. I want to talk to you. Like it or not we’re partners. I need to know that everything is working for you. We’re in this together. It won’t work if we don’t talk.”

  He sighs. “It’s been fuckin crazy here. Anita is sick. Patches is with you and the fuckin Brothers are still avoiding me. I am so fuckin lost I had no clue how to help Tiny with Little Brothers. He laughed at me all fuckin night.”

  I can’t help but smile with the picture of Tiny laughing at Ben in Chicken Little mode. “Take a breath Brother. Next week Digs can help with Little Brothers then Patches will be back. Tess does everything Patches does if you give her space. She’s still nervous around you; step back and let her run with it. Just keep an ear and eye out for her. She works well when she’s not pressured. As far as the Brothers go, Fuck ‘em. You have enough shit to deal with; having a break from their whining will be good for you. They’ll come around soon enough whining in your ear again.”

  “Fuck you’re right. Thanks Brother. Thanks for the heads up with Tess. I think maybe I jump in too quick with her. I’ll give her room. She’s so fuckin cute doing their homework with them. I was nervous about the visions so I stuck close.”

  Good for him. He’s not taking it lightly. “The kids know what to do. They’ll send someone to get you if she needs you.”

  “Thanks Brother.” He sighs out.

  “Ben you got this. You know what to do. Trust the people around you and yourself. You will never be me and I’ll never be you. No one expects you to do exactly like I would or vice a versa. Relax and enjoy the time you get with the kids. It will build memories they wouldn’t get if you weren’t there. I’m not loving the training thing but I’ll do my best knowing it’s everything I have to give them. They’d probably prefer you here but they’re dealing and not giving me shit because I’m not you.”

  He laughs. “I enjoy the training Brother. It’s a hell of a lot easier than this. I don’t want your fuckin job anymore Brother. You can have it back as soon as you walk through the fuckin door.”

  I laugh. “Anything else I should know?”

  “Not that I can think of.” He says. I can hear him take a drink from the beer.

  “I’ll call in a couple of days. Have a good one Ben.” I hang up with a smile.

  I scroll my contacts and call Doc. He agrees to have a conversation with Sally in front of Tess ab
out Ben and Kate needing time. I know my girl will help. She lives to help where she’s needed. I smile wondering what she’ll come up with.


  Fuckin Danny. I’m fuckin ashamed. I was fuckin jealous because he did the better man thing and left giving me time with Kate and the kids without him. He’s showing me how we’re all partners. Something I’m just learning after all this fuckin time. I’m not in this alone and no one expects me to be him. I laugh, six paces in front of me. I need to let it all go and just be myself. Kate fell in love with me when I wasn’t trying to be fuckin Danny. As much as they’ve said that, it’s funny that it just sunk in with one phone call. I go and look for Kate.

  Twenty Two


  I grab my coffee and see the note. “What’s this?”

  He laughs, “Apparently the kids have been kidnapped and will be returned Monday after school.”

  “Oh my God! I love that girl. She sees entirely too much but she’s an angel.” I go to him and give him a hug.

  He kisses my head. “I’ll pick you up from work. I’m stealing you for the weekend. I’m going to cancel church and bring you home on Sunday night.”

  Damn that sounds good. “I love it!” I lean up and kiss him. “I’ll need to pack a bag.”

  “Nope, I got this.” He says with a smile. He kisses my lips and slaps my butt. “You need to get to work.”

  Oh shit. He’s packing for me. I just smile and walk to the garage. I guess I can pick up what I need wherever we are going. On my way to work I call Danny and thank him. I don’t know how he did it but I know he did. He laughs and tells me he loves me and to have fun. Freakin men.


  I’ve had the best fuckin day. It hasn’t been this good in a long time. I cleared my desk, met with Jess and even got Peg to laugh. When I picked up Kate she was smiling. We had dinner in Boston and the best fuckin night with not one fuckin interruption. She was surprised I got everything she would need. I’ve watched her dress and put makeup on every fuckin day since I found out about the lingerie. When I tell her she says I’m perfect. It dawns on me Danny doesn’t shop or pay attention to what she puts on her face. I guess we really are that different but fit together in the ways she needs. I feel like a million fuckin bucks right now. We spent hours with me worshiping her body. She had fuckin tears telling me it was beautiful and she loves me. Fuckin Kate, I love her so fuckin much. My fuckin head won’t shut down with everything running through it. My phone beeps with a text. I look at it and fuckin laugh. ‘Kiss her head for me.’ Fuckin Danny. I do telling her we love her. I fall asleep with a fuckin smile on my face.

  Twenty Three


  I just get off the phone with the Chapter President from Colorado. He’s impressed with Danny and the boys and wants to let me know. I laugh and tell him I am too making him laugh. He thinks between Rich and Danny they have their new HS Team set to run. Danny got through all the information and gave him the book I had made for him. They got finished early and can leave tomorrow. Thank Fuck. It has been so good but I’m ready for some fuckin help. I need to step up and help him out. I see how it should be and I know the kids like me around. Jessie has given me approving looks all week and it feels fuckin good. I’m not letting that end because Danny comes home. We can work as a team and make it better for all of us. I scroll and hit Danny. “Brother I hear that you’ve impressed our Colorado Brothers so much they feel comfortable enough to send you home.”

  “Are you fuckin serious?” He says surprised.

  “I am Brother. They feel ready enough to run it alone. We could use you here too. Don’t take the long way.” I know he can hear my smile.

  “Thank Fuck. If I have to tell another fuckin whore to get the fuck away from me I’m fuckin stringing her up.” He sounds so disgusted I crack up.

  “It’s the fuckin patch Brother. Take it off for a while they’ll leave you alone.”

  He cracks up. “No fuckin way I’m taking the patch off. Last time I did that the fuckin Brothers posted the picture all over the fuckin place and Kate went ballistic.”

  I laugh, "I remember that day like it was yesterday. You and the fuckin ‘gaping hole’ comment and Steve with the ‘Chicken Little’. Fuckin Brothers."

  “I’m going to find Rich and Patches. Thanks for the call Ben.” He’s gone with the last.

  I smile going to find Kate.


  “Danny will be on his way home tomorrow.” Ben says from the door.

  I smile, “I’m glad, I miss him.”

  He smiles too. “Me too.” I can’t believe he said that, he must have read the shock on my face. “He called me when he first got there. It wasn’t until that phone call that I got we’re partners. All of us together. He’s always shown it but I didn’t get it until he called to find out how everything was going. He needed me to communicate with him and showed me how to do that from more than two thousand miles away. Fuckin Danny gave me pointers and told me to trust myself and the people around us. It dawned on me that while I was trying to be him I wasn’t being myself. You need me to be me.”

  I can see the honesty in his eyes. I’ve always loved that about him, I can read his eyes. I get up from the desk and walk over to him. “I love you so much right at this very minute. He said you’d get it and to give you time. The freakin guy is too much sometimes but he’s usually right. Thank God. I love you Ben, just for you. I don’t need two Danny’s. Fuck, one is more than enough; thank God we have so many kids. He’d drive me crazy if he spent all his energy on me.”

  He laughs. “I could actually see that. I love you baby. I’m glad we work the way we do and I’m glad he knew it could be like this. I’ve always respected him but I appreciate the fuck out of him, now that I know what he was actually giving me a shot at.” He bends and kisses me lifting me up. Fuck, one of those toe curling kisses. I moan in his mouth. He closes the door and walks to the desk. Closing the laptop he clears the desk and lays me down on it. I’m already breathing heavy. He slides my panties off and puts his mouth on me. Holy Crap! It isn’t long before I’m begging for him to be inside of me. I’ve loved this time with him. He always asks and gives me just what I want. It’s kept a smile on my face, just like now. He stands and flips me over. I hold onto the desk and hold my ass up for him. He takes me from behind. I love this. He’s talking the whole time making me hotter. He slams into me and I cry out. He doesn’t stop. Holy Fuck I like when he’s rough. When I’m close he bends over me and circles my clit. I’m freakin gone in seconds. “Thank Fuck!” He says as he slams into me again then falls on my back.

  “Holy Crap that was good. Thank you.” I mumble out.

  He freakin laughs. “I don’t know what the fuck came over me but I’m so fuckin glad it did.”

  I moan when he pulls out. Oh my gosh, I can’t freakin move. I hear his belt then zipper and moan again. He lifts me and carries me to bed.

  Twenty Four

  Three Days


  Doc calls telling me he has to leave Tess but she doesn’t want to miss Rich and Patches coming home. I go over and stay with her. We chat about a video she made with the kids. It was so fuckin cute. She has a knack for shit like that. She’s so proud it makes me laugh. I’m glad she’s more comfortable with me; she always looks at me now. It was good to spend time getting to know her this past week. Danny was right without me hovering, she did Patches job really well. She’s wicked funny on top of all her cute little quirks. Within a half an hour they’re back and she’s running out the door.

  I’m actually excited to see Danny. When I get to the house he’s kissing Kate. I stand back and smile. He’s so fuckin rough around the edges but so tender and gentle with her. I walk closer and he releases her. He turns and surprises the fuck out of me when he man hugs me. “I missed your moody ass Brother.” He says making us laugh. He puts his arm around Kate drawing her closer. “I need to sleep for a while; I want to be up for dinner with the kids. Yeah?”
  “Yeah. I just got here so I could see you before you fell asleep. I love you my badass pirate man.” She rises up to kiss him. He bends and really kisses her. It's like his fuckin signature. I smile.

  He raises his head and looks at me. He cracks up and looks at Kate; she’s smiling and nods her head. “All fuckin in Brother. Nice welcome home.” He slaps my back, picks up his bag and walks to the stairs.

  Kate laughs, kisses my lips and walks out the door. I stand in the empty kitchen with a huge fuckin smile on my face. Fuckin Danny. Thank God there are no fuckin cameras here.


  I hear the kids and smile. I missed the fuck out of them. I get up and shower giving them time to get their homework done. If I go down too soon it will never get finished. I watch from the stairs. Tess is doing homework with Victor and Ben is signing with Darren getting his assignment done. I almost can’t believe my fuckin eyes. He’s explaining about tectonic plates. I sit in the living room until I hear them handing snacks out.

  I smile and walk in, they all come running. I laugh and fall on my knees. They jump me and I try to stand. Fuck, they are getting heavy or I’m fuckin old. I hold as many as I can then bend to release the older kids. I hold onto Ally and Aaron. Alex is running around saying something but I can’t understand him. Ben laughs telling him to sign. He runs around signing, ‘our other dad is home.’ Fuckin kids. I bury my face in Ally’s hair hugging her. When I lift up I see Ben at the sink looking out the window. Jessie and Little Ben watch me and Ben with a smile. Darren signs, ‘took him long enough.’ Fuckin Kids. I laugh and they notice me watching. Jessie shrugs. I put Ally and Aaron down and they start running around with Alex. I ruffle Victor's hair and he starts running too.

  Tess laughs reminding me she’s still here. I walk over and stand in front of her. She nods and I hug her. “Thank you Tess.”


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