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Her Asian Billionaire: A BWAM Pregnancy Love Story

Page 8

by BWWM Club

Hayley’s wedding took place on a cold winter Sunday afternoon at a small chapel in town. Her fiancé Jonathon had barely returned a week ago and Hayley had told him firmly before his company sent off to God knows where again, they were getting married first. The wedding was small and intimate with a few friends and family and Rosa the only attendant. She was wearing a forest green dress with furs on the sleeves and around the neck and flared out at the waist. Hayley looked radiant in a simple white dress that covered her from neck to knees and molded her body to perfection.

  The ceremony was finished in less than an hour and they had the reception at the restaurant that was soon to be John and Rosa’s. They had tried to get the building Rosa had been so excited about when John took her on their first official date but to her disappointment it had been sold. The owners of the restaurant had offered to sell her the place at a reasonable cost so John was handling that part of it. It still gave her a thrill of unbelievable excitement to know that she was going to be the owner of her own restaurant; her dreams had finally come through.

  The chef had prepared a simple fare of three different kinds of chicken, a pasta salad, macaroni salad and a variety of vegetables and fruit plates. The cake was a three tiered vanilla concoction with creamy butterscotch frosting.

  “You owe me so much that I cannot begin to count.” Hayley told Rosa as they were gathering the wedding presents and putting them in bags. She and her husband were going away for a week to the Bahamas and they would be back in time for Hayley to help her with her wedding.

  “I really do,” Rosa said happily, giving her friend a hug. “I can’t believe that all of this has happened to me in a matter of months.”

  “I am happy for you honey, you deserve it.” Hayley told her gently.

  The place emptied out leaving John and Rosa. She was sitting at one of the tables toying with a piece of cake and slowly eased her feet out of her boots. “Tired?” John came over immediately, crouching on the floor and taking her feet in his hands. Rosa smiled at him lovingly. She was stealing gazes at him when she was at the altar; he was by far the most handsome man in the place. “A little,” she told him with a sigh as he rubbed the instep of her feet slowly. “That feels good.”

  “Ready to leave?” She had finally given up her apartment and had moved in with him much to his delight. He had made some changes to the apartment, wanting to please her by putting a few cheerful rugs his mother had given him around the place. He had also widened the already large built in closet in the bedroom to accommodate her clothes and had insisted on taking her shopping. He had also added her name to his account, telling her that the money was theirs.

  She nodded as he slid back the boots on her feet and helped her up. She had told him the changes she was going to make to the restaurant as soon as it belonged to them. The chef; Alfonso had agreed to stay with her and she was planning to look for a new waitress as the current one was leaving to go back to school. She could not believe that very soon she would be living her dreams.

  They spoke about the plans for the restaurant and how soon she would be staying home and for how long. “I can’t stay home right now, not with the planning for the restaurant underfoot. I have to make sure everything goes well.” She told him a little anxiously. They were in bed after he had given her some tea to settle her stomach which still tended to act up every now and then.

  “You’re forgetting I will be there Rosa and I mean it, you are going to take it easy,” he warned her. He was making circular motions over her belly which was incredibly soothing.

  “I am not going to be a stay at home mother John,” she told him heatedly, pushing his hand away and sliding off the bed. “I am going to be a part of every single detail of what it’s going to be like. I worked too hard to let anything get in the way of what I dreamed about since I was a little girl.”

  “Come back to bed Rosa,” John told her calmly. “I was not saying anything about you being a stay at home mother and I know it has been your dream for a long time and I have no intention of standing in the way of it. I am simply asking you to take it easy; you are not alone, I am here and I want you to always remember that.”

  Rosa felt slightly ashamed. He has been so wonderful to her and had asked for nothing in return, being there for her every step of the way and she kept putting up resistance. “I am sorry,” she climbed back on the bed. He was propped up on several pillows, his chest bare, and his eyes looking at her intently. She slid a hand over his chest. “I get a little prickly when it comes to my independence,” she admitted. “I have to try and remember that I am not alone anymore, that I have a man now.” She gave a slight smile as she brought a hand up to his jaw. “I have a man beside me now and I love it.” She spent the next half hour showing him how much.


  The time flew by quickly, soon it was March and time for the wedding. It was going to be in the same small chapel that Hayley had used and the reception was going to coincide with the grand opening of the restaurant. The takeover had gone smoothly and they had the deed for the restaurant in their hands. Rosa had stared at it in a daze, not daring to believe that she had gone from being an employee to an employer and she had thrown herself into John’s arms, tears streaming down her face. “You came into my life and changed it completely,” she told him emotionally. “I love you completely.”

  He had told her she did the same for him.

  She had wanted to make the changes immediately, that was how excited she was but John had protested that it was going to be too much work for her but Rosa had reminded him that she had him, Hayley and her mother for the bulk of the work. She had gotten bigger and it was only five months but she was determined not to let her belly get in the way of what she had to do.

  She had found a dress with the help of Hayley in a cute little boutique after they had been driving around in the freezing temperature for a while. It had an empire waist and flowed delicately to her knees. It was cream and cupped her ample bosom lovingly leaving her shoulders and back bare. The dress was designed to hide the little baby bump and it swirled around her body each time she moved.

  “It’s lovely,” Hayley breathed, staring at her friend as they examined the dress on her in the mirror.

  “I love it,” Rosa agreed, touching the fabric gently. She did not like to shop but this had been worth all the trouble. She had chosen matching cream shoes with a tiny heel and was going to intertwine rosebuds in her hair.


  The ceremony was simple and was finished in less than an hour. The snow had fallen the night before creating a white backdrop that was breathtaking. A watery sun had made its way through the scattering clouds and the pale light sparkled on the piles of snow, making it dazzling to the eyes.

  Rosa had spent the night at her mother’s place and had gotten dressed with Hayley from there. John had called her during the night and they had spoken until the wee hours of the morning. He had complained that he had gotten so used to her sleeping beside him that he could not fall asleep without her beside him. She had teased him and told him that he was going to get tired of her soon. “Never,” he had told her vehemently.

  The crowd was small and even though he knew his parents would not show up, John had held onto the hope that maybe his mother would be there at the very least. He had sent them an invitation but had not heard anything from them. He was too happy to allow them not being there spoil what he considered to be one of the best days of his life.

  His breath caught in his throat as he saw his bride make her way up the aisle on the arms of Alfonso the chef. She was stunningly beautiful and she had taken off the heavy winter jacket she had worn outside to reveal the dress that made her look like a delicate porcelain doll. Her hair was caught up on top of her head and twisted in a knot with small rosebuds intertwined and her make-up was minimal. She was everything he had ever dreamed of and more and he could not believe it.

  He met her halfway and took her hand in his, raising it to his lips; his eyes on hers. "I l
ove you," he whispered.


  "How are you Mrs. Yang?" he asked her gently. They were having their first dance as husband and wife and he held her close as the music played.

  "Very happy Mr. Yang," she smiled up at him, her arms going around his neck.

  She rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes, she was home and she had never been happier.

  "I wanted us to go on a honeymoon," he told her; looking down at her with a tender expression on his handsome face. He wanted to give her the world and more but she had told him practically that they did not have the time and they needed all the money they had. "I am still going to." He promised her, bending his head to take her mouth in a deep kiss.


  The reception was a success. They had announced the opening as a wedding reception for the new owners and it had drawn quite a bit of crowd. John had taken her home to slip out of her wedding dress and put on a dark blue wool pants suit. She had left her hair the way it was and had bundled up in a brand new cashmere coat he had bought for her.

  She had done some slight changes to the décor, replacing the vinyl seating with soft cushion seats and had repainted the interior. There were fresh flowers everywhere and a flat screen television on one of the walls. For the opening, Alfonso had gone all out with the help of her mother and had put fried chicken, beautifully made cucumber and tomato sandwiches, roast beef and a vegetable and fruit platter. There was wine for those who needed it but Rosa had to contend with drinking orange juice from a flute.

  It went very well and she decided they would not come in tomorrow; being Monday they would take the time off and spend the day together.

  Rosa accepted the congratulations graciously as she made her way around the room. Her husband was at the far corner talking to some acquaintances but she could feel his gaze on her every now and then.

  “You done well baby girl,” her mother came up beside her and linked her arm through hers. “I am so proud of you.”

  “Thanks mama,” she told her mother huskily, “I am so happy.”


  They reached home at a quarter past twelve and Rosa realized that although she was tired, she had never been so happy in her entire life.

  “You are not getting out of bed tomorrow,” John told her firmly as he helped her get out of her dress. He had been watching her all night and had wanted to tell her she needed to relax but he was beginning to know his wife and knew when it came to the restaurant she would not listen. He knew she was tired and he wanted her to rest. It would kill him if something happened to her or the baby.

  “Okay,” she told him drowsily, smiling up at him as he rubbed some cream on her feet. “You are the best husband a woman could ever hope for,” she added softly.

  “I have the best wife,” he told her gently, climbing in bed beside her and pulling her against him. “Go to sleep, my love,” he whispered against her ear.

  He stroked her back until he felt her breathing leveled out. He loved the feel of her against him and even though the heat had rushed straight to his penis the minute he had started undressing her he had quelled the feeling of desire. He had been feeling that way since he saw her in that stunning wedding dress and continued all the way for the entire ceremony. He was married to her. He could not believe it was possible for him to love someone as much as the way he loved her and he felt a little fluttering of his heart to think that she held his heart in her hands. He lifted his head slightly, careful not to wake her and stare at her profile in the dim light coming through the window. He touched the softness of her cheek in wonder; her skin was so beautiful and flawless.

  With a contented sigh, he kissed her on the cheek gently and settled back, pulling her closer against him. It was a long time before he drifted off to sleep.


  Rosa woke up before him and realized she had a headache. Her throat felt funny and to her dismay she felt the weakness of her limbs.

  She did not get sick, she thought feverishly as she slowly tried to ease out of John’s arms, but as soon as she raised her head, it felt dizzy. He woke up immediately. “Baby what’s wrong?” he asked her, instantly alert.

  Rosa sighed in resignation. “I think I am sick,” she said hoarsely. He placed the back of his hand against her forehead. It was burning up.

  “You have a fever,” he said, gently moving his arms away from her. “I am going to get you some water, don’t move,” he ordered.

  “Where would I go?”She croaked.

  He was back in a few seconds with a glass of water and a small towel and a bowl. She drank the water down thirstily and gave him back the glass. He had piled some pillows behind her head and sitting on the edge, he wet the towel and started sluicing down her face and her body trying to bring down the fever. “I can’t give you anything because of the baby,” he told her, his face anxious. “I am going to make you some soup.”

  “I love you,” she whispered, holding his hand as he wiped the cloth gently down her chest.

  “I love you too,” he bent and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  He went out shortly after and came back with some chicken soup which he fed her patiently, wiping her chin when some dribbled onto it. His tenderness and patience brought tears to her eyes and she wondered how she had gotten to be so blessed to have him in her life.

  She finished off the soup and he sluiced her down again, changing her nightgown for a fresh one and pulling the comforter around her as she fell asleep.

  He quietly left the room and went to get himself something to eat, coming back into the room to make sure she was all right.

  She slept for three hours straight and when she woke up it was to find him in a chair at the side of the bed, reading newsprint in Chinese. His head lifted as he heard her stirred and he came over immediately, checking her temperature with his hand. “The fever is gone,” he said with immense relief. “How do you feel?”

  “I feel great, thanks to my husband,” she told him with a grin.

  “I love when you say that,” he told her huskily, reaching down to take her lips with his. She put her arms around his neck and with a ragged groan he deepened the kiss, his mouth moving over hers hungrily. He broke it off abruptly, backing away from the bed. “I would be the lowest eel if I made love to you right now as much as I am dying to.”

  “I wouldn’t mind,” she told him cheekily.

  “I would,” he told her firmly; hurrying out of the room with her laughter following him all the way to the kitchen.

  He made them dinner. Some of the fried chicken they had brought home from the restaurant and stir fried rice and potato salad. He placed a table in front of the fireplace in the living room and they ate there.

  “I buried myself in work because I wanted to fill the void that was inside me.” Rosa started as he came back to the table after cleaning up the table. He refused to allow her to do anything and this time she was not going to override him on that. “The relationships I had been in was disappointing and I am not blaming the guys because I think I had something to do with it as well. I was so determined to make something of myself that I did not have time to build a relationship and when it did not work out I told myself that I had tried and left it at that. For the first time in my life, I don’t care that much about my ambition and it’s because of you, I love you and I never thought it possible to love someone so much. It’s kinda scary,” she admitted with a slight laugh. “But it’s a good scary.”

  He had removed the table and they were stretched out on the soft rug in front of the fire and she was propped up against him as he held her close. “I dated a lot of women,” he told her contemplatively. “Because I wanted to defy tradition and my parents and because I told myself I wanted no part of an arranged marriage. I wanted something, more than what I see my parents had. I told myself that there had to be more and I was right,” he rested his head on top of hers. “When I met you I knew that I had found that something special I had been searching for a
nd instead of wanting the lifestyle I grew up with I knew I wanted only you.”

  She turned her head to look up at him. “You don’t miss having all that money at your disposal?” she asked him curiously, his words touching her very core.

  “I was always conscious that it was my parent’ money and it was never mine,” he admitted, kissing her forehead tenderly. “I enjoyed the benefit of it for a long time but I always wanted to do something for myself. So my darling wife, no I don’t miss it. I have everything I will ever need right here.”

  Rosa felt the tears blur her eyes and she blinked them back. “So do I, “she told him huskily, settling back against him, his arms tightening around her waist. “When I first saw you I thought to myself that this guy was way too handsome to be interested in a relationship, and what was more, Hayley told me you were a billionaire and used to dating all those wealthy debutantes.”

  “Is that so?” he said in amusement. “I saw you across the room and you bowled me over with your beauty and I knew that was it for me.”

  She sighed with happiness and closed her hands over his around her waist. She told him about her dad and how they'd had to go without a lot of things but she had not minded because the home was a very happy one. “He used to sing to me at nights, “she reminisced.

  “This will be a very happy home as well my darling,” John promised her huskily, lifting her face to kiss her lips tenderly.

  Chapter 9

  The restaurant was up and running and it was as if the owners had not changed. They had changed the name to ‘Chicken and Chinese Delight’, a combination of his culture and hers and it was working. He was true to his word because he was there every day with her; sharing the responsibilities. Rosa had thought it would be weird with him there but she was actually glad he was, because with his input they were making great strides. Mondays and Fridays were ‘Chinese' days and only Chinese dishes were served. He had gotten all his friends and acquaintances to come to the restaurant in support of that and it had actually been a great success. He helped in the kitchen those days but they had also hired a Chinese chef who Alfonso had first resented but now they were adjusting to each other.


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