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Her Asian Billionaire: A BWAM Pregnancy Love Story

Page 9

by BWWM Club

  The office had been expanded to accommodate both of them and he had placed a bigger desk inside the room where they both worked together, although he handled most of the paperwork; which gave her time to supervise the running of the place.

  She was already seven months pregnant and had to slow things down a bit because she had been feeling really tired lately.

  “I think we should have all we can eat Fridays,” Rosa said to him as they sat inside the office. It was almost noon and he was doing the accounting and she had just returned from checking that the tables were ready for the lunch crowd. They had hired two waitresses and a waiter and also a bus boy. It was a Thursday and the place was not very busy. They had a business luncheon book for Friday and they were busy sorting out what to prepare for the over one hundred people they would be serving. John had been doing the rounds of the business places and had gotten a number of businesses from them. Rosa had discovered that he was quite a methodical planner and was very good at getting things done. Her idea of a small restaurant was quickly flying out the window. The business was growing fast.

  “Don’t you think we already have our hands full?” he looked up at her curiously, putting away the book and giving her his full attention. She was wearing black wool pants and a bright pink blouse that made her look like a pregnant teenager. Her hair had grown longer since her pregnancy and instead of her usual corkscrew curls she had done some big braids that went past her shoulders. She had that pregnancy glow that added to her beauty.

  She eased into her chair and eased off her loafers. Her feet were a little swollen and she was feeling a little drained.

  He immediately pulled the chair in front of her and took her feet into his hands to rub them. She sighed as he worked his magic and felt the swelling start to ease. “Oh, you mean with all the business lunches you have been booking?” she teased him as he massaged her feet gently.

  “Exactly,” he told her with a grin. “But we can always discuss it. In the meantime my parents have decided to send most of their business associates here from out of town for lunch or dinner.”

  Rosa looked at him her eyebrows raised in surprise. She had not thought about his parents since she had been to see them several months ago and she did not know that they were in touch. “You spoke to your parents?”

  “Mother called me yesterday just to find out how things were going and Father said he would be sending business our way.” John told her with a shrug. He had been surprised to hear from them as well and even more surprised to know that they had been keeping tabs on them. “I was planning on telling you.” He reassured her. They had made a vow never to keep anything from each other, no matter what.

  “That’s great!” Rosa said; her eyes lighting up and pulling her feet away from him, she pulled her chair closer to his. “Does that mean they are coming around?”

  “Don’t get your hopes up baby,” he told her softly, laying a hand against her soft cheek. “My father is a businessman first and foremost and it simply means that he has checked the place out and realized that it’s a good business deal.”

  “Oh,” Rosa’s eyes clouded in disappointment. Even though she had told herself and him that it did not matter that they were not in their lives and would not be a part of their grandchild’s growing up she had hoped they would come around. After all, what grand parents would not welcome the arrival of their first grandchild? Her mother was so excited that she had gone and done enough shopping to keep the kid in clothes for a month. “I was just hoping…” her voice trailed off and John felt the anger inside him as he saw the expression on her face. He never wanted anyone to hurt her and to think that it was his own parents who were doing so made him want to lash out at them; at anyone who try to hurt her.

  He pulled her up out of her chair and held her arms. “Listen to me!” he said urgently. “I am here and we are a family and I promise that I will never hurt you. I can’t force my parents to accept you or our baby but please don’t let that get in the way of us being happy Rosa, I won’t allow it. Please baby; tell me that you are okay with the way things are.”

  She reached up and cupped his face, trying to ease away the anxiety. She was an idiot for letting how much his parent’s acceptance meant to her but she also wanted it for him as well. “You and our baby are my family and I want you to always remember that.” She told him softly. “I am happy the way things are but that does not stop me from hoping that your parents will want to get to know their grandchild eventually.”

  “Are you sure?” he lifted her chin to stare at her.

  “I am sure,” she told him, running a finger over his lips. He caught her finger inside his mouth and sucked on it. Rosa felt desire slowly coming alive inside her and she moaned as he released her finger and pulled her closer to him, capturing her mouth with his, their tongue meeting together in a kiss designed to feed their desire. It was the ringing of the telephone that broke through their fog of their desire and with a frustrated groan John put her away from him and reached a trembling hand for the instrument.

  Rosa sat back down, her feet trembling; her lips throbbing as she waited for him to finish the call.

  “That was Michael with the vegetable delivery,” he told her as he hung up from the call. “He is all out of fresh lettuce and celery so we will have to find another source and fast. I was thinking we could get your mother to expand her business and start supplying us with her organic produce as well as making her delicious fried chicken.”

  “I think it’s a great idea!” Rosa told him, her eyes glowing as she stood and hugged him.”I will break the news to her right now!”


  “I hate shopping!” Rosa said in resentment. She was with Hayley and her mother and they had come for her at the restaurant because she had kept putting off going shopping for the baby. John had been decorating the nursery with little or no help from her because she had told him that she was hopeless in telling one end of a fabric from the other. They were having a boy so John had gone all out in decorating the room for his son whom he claimed will be a football player as well as an expert in Chinese art.

  Her mother and Hayley had already done their own individual shopping but she had yet to make a contribution and John had told her sternly that she had the rest of the day off to sort things out and he did not expect to see her back at the restaurant, he would see her when he got home.

  “We know that’s why we are with you.” Her mother told her soothingly, patting her daughter’s back.

  They were in a baby store and Hayley was pushing a cart that was already overflowing with clothes, stuffed toys and blankets. She was reminded that she was almost eight months pregnant and she need to have everything ready in case the baby came a bit earlier than expected.

  Just when she thought they had bought out the entire store Hayley abandoned the cart in the middle of the store and ran into one of the aisles to pick up a cute stuffed monkey that she swore her God son would get a kick out of.

  It was after six before they finished everything and got something to eat. They took a cab and went to the apartment she shared with her husband; not allowing Rosa to carry anything much. Her mother went into the kitchen to put on a pot of tea and insisted that Rosa sit and put her feet up.

  “I can’t wait for this baby to get out of me,” Rosa said with a sigh, accepting the cup of tea her mother had brought her gratefully.

  “You will not remember this moment as soon as you hold that precious baby in your arms,” Joan Hurley told her with a gentle smile. “I remembered the minute the nurse placed you in my arms, I never thought I could love someone as much as I loved you. I kept thinking that such a tiny person could not possibly hold the string of my heart but I was wrong and I did not want to give you back to the nurse and to your daddy even though I was so tired.”

  “Because I was so adorable?” Rosa said cheekily.

  “You go on,” her mother patted her hand fondly as Hayley laughed. “I spent that night nursing you and gazin
g at you in fascination and I could not get enough of you. Your poor daddy felt so neglected that he started complaining.”

  “I can’t wait to get one of my own,” Hayley said with a sigh. “If only I can tie down that husband of mine in one place long enough for him to plant one inside me.”

  “Enjoy the freedom while you can,” Rosa told her dryly.

  They finished the tea and went inside the nursery to admire what John had done with the room. “My husband’s artistic talent coming to the fore,” Rosa said with an indulgent smile.

  The room was done in the very lightest blue, like the sky after the rain and there were Chinese murals on one of the walls and pictures of famous football players on another. He had put up beautiful blue and white borders with wall paper that had pictures of monkeys and bears in various forms of play. He had also set up the crib, a rich brown mahogany with a mobile suspended above it that played classical music. There was a rocker, a changing table and a dressing table to hold the baby’s clothes.

  “My word, your husband went all out,” Hayley breathed in admiration, looking around the room.

  “You got yourself a good man there honey,” her mother said with a shake of her head.

  “I know mama,” Rosa agreed.


  When he came home that night she was in the nursery, sitting in the rocker folding some of the cute little onesies with the intention of putting them away in the drawers. Her mother and Hayley had left an hour ago but she had stayed in the room, just sitting there and visualizing herself feeding her baby or rocking him to sleep.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” he asked her softly, crouching down in front of her and peering at her in concern. The room was dark, only the sliver of light from the hallway coming through. He had wanted to leave the restaurant earlier to come home to her but during the last hour it had gotten extremely busy.

  “Do you think I will make a good mother?” she asked him.

  “I think you are going to be the greatest mother ever,” he told her softly, pulling her up as he stood. “Have you eaten?” He had brought her home some chicken just in case, even though he knew her mother would make sure she ate.

  “I did, stop worrying,” she held his head between her hands. “I love you so much do you know that?” she asked him.

  “I know,” he told her huskily. “I was dying to come home to you and almost wished I had not encouraged you to take the time off, the place was not the same without you there telling me and everyone else what to do.” He said with an indulgent smile.

  “Like you or anyone else listens to me,” she grumbled.

  “We do,” he laughed. “I love you Rosa Yang,” he whispered, bending his head to take her mouth in a gentle kiss. Her arms slid around his neck and she returned the kiss hungrily, moving closer as far as her extended stomach would allow her.

  “Let’s go to bed,” he murmured. “But first I want to give you a bath.”

  He made her sit on the toilet seat and wait until he drew a bath. He had lit candles all around the surface and poured bath salts and oils in the running water. He selected the right temperature and then when he was satisfied, he came over and gently took off her clothes and then his and helped her into the oversized tub.

  “This feels great,” she said with a sigh as the suds swirled around her.

  He used the sponge to bathe her, gently lingering on her breasts which had become incredibly sensitive since her pregnancy. Rosa gasped as he ran the sponge over the nipples, John bent his head and took one inside his mouth and pulled it between his teeth, his tongue going over it slowly. Rosa gripped his hair and arched her back as he continued to pull and suck on the hardened pebbles. He switched to the next one, his hand with the sponge reaching under the water to stroke her, moving the sponge and easing it inside her, rubbing it up and down her. “John,” she said hoarsely, moving in the water restlessly.

  He released her breast and using his fingers he spread the lips of her vagina and moved inside her letting the water act as a lubricant as he slid his fingers in and out of her, his eyes on hers watching her reaction. Rosa was in a frenzy. “Please!” she gasped, reaching for his hand buried inside her.

  “Let me love you,” he whispered. He helped her up and they stepped out of the bath. He reached for the towel and rubbed her down slowly. He went on his knees in front of her and used the towel and gently wiped between her thighs. He put the towel away and with his hands he opened her vagina, reaching his tongue inside her slowly at first as she gripped his head, her body shivering as his tongue slid in and out of her; his teeth grazing her vulva, sucking it inside his mouth while his tongue explored her thoroughly. She was on the verge of exploding inside his mouth when he released her abruptly and stood up in front of her. She was fighting for control. He led them to the bedroom and laid her on the bed, opening her legs to receive him. He placed his erection at the tip of her opening and entered her slowly, wrapping her legs around his waist. He did not move immediately, but stayed inside her; his hands on her swollen stomach, moving over it in wonder, his erection growing inside her.

  “I can’t love you more,” he told her hoarsely. “I want to explode with the way I feel about you, my wife. Feel me.” He started moving inside her; his hands holding her stomach gently as if holding his child close to them. Rosa felt the unbelievable tenderness of his lovemaking and felt the tears prickling her eyes as she moved to match his thrusts. He pulled her to the edge of the bed and placed her feet flat on the bed, holding her knees as his thrusts increased in tempo, his face tensed as he moved inside her, feeling the intensity of the love and passion between them.

  Rosa lifted her hips to get closer to him, the orgasm building up inside her like a storm about to break loose. “John!” she cried out as the feeling increased and she gripped the sheets; her head moving from side to side as she pulled him in with her, wanting them to release together. John gritted his teeth and with a hoarse cry that ended in a sob, he came with her, his body shuddering as he emptied himself inside her, over and over again.

  He pulled out and climbed on the bed beside her, taking her into his arms and holding onto her as tight as he could without hurting her as the shudder went through their bodies.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he told her huskily, reaching between them to touch her wetness, putting his fingers inside her. She was still shivering and she opened her legs as his fingers moved inside her, slowly, soothingly easing in and out of her wetness, his fingers slippery with her moistness. He reached for her lips and his tongue touched hers while his fingers made their way in and out of her. Rosa whimpered against his mouth as she rode his fingers eagerly. She came against his fingers, crying out his name as he continued to move inside her; his movements, slow and unhurried as he helped her ride out the storm of her orgasm. His fingers came out of her slowly and he brought them to his lips, sucking on them, his eyes on hers, as he savored the taste of her. She reached for his semi erect penis and stroked it; reaching for the tip and using a nail to scrape against it, causing him to shiver against her.

  “Rosa,” he groaned as she rubbed her finger over him, her nail scraping against the flesh, sending an electric current through his body.

  “Just returning the favor,” she told him huskily, leaving his arms to slide downwards and take him inside her mouth, bathing him with her saliva, moving over him; her tongue working itself all over him. His teeth clenched and his hands bunched in the sheets as she continued her assault on his manhood, groaning deeply as she squeezed his testicles gently.

  “Baby,” he managed to call out before he felt the seed rushing upwards and erupted inside her mouth. He shuddered and called out her name as he emptied himself inside her mouth, his body shaking uncontrollably as he fought for control. She was his undoing and he had never felt such a total loss of control in all his adult life. She finally released him and moved up and into his arms resting her head on his shoulder. John held her to him without speaking, he could not; at least
not right now, he was still trying to get control of his emotions. He realized that his body was still shivering in the aftermath of the passion she had evoked inside him.

  “I never knew anything like this existed,” he told her quietly. He was humbled by her and did not have the words to express how he really felt. He wished he was a poet so that he could pen the words to let her know exactly how he felt. “I grew up thinking that what my parents had; was what there was but I always expected more; wanted more but never anything like this.” He was making slow circular movements over her back as she relaxed on him.

  “I never knew either,” she told him softly, curling beside him with a contented sigh. She was sleepy but she wanted to stay awake with him for a little while longer. “I am glad I found something like what we have.” She hesitated for a brief moment. “Do you miss them?”

  “My parents?” he asked her.

  She nodded.

  “A bit, mostly my mother. She always tried to give me some semblance of a normal life but my father was just someone who was authority and also made sure that the rules were enforced.” He told her with a shrug.

  “No regrets?” she asked him, raising her head to look at him.

  “None whatsoever,” he reassured her, raising his head to kiss her softly on the lips. “Never as long as I live.”

  Chapter 10

  Rosa contemplated for a long time. She had told her husband she needed the day off because she wanted to get some rest. He had looked at her anxiously and she had assured him that she was all right but she needed to rest a little bit. She was going on eight months and a week pregnant and the baby seemed to be playing football inside her womb. She had reluctantly agreed with John to cut back some of her hours because she had been getting more and more tired.

  She had called Lucy Yang and told her she wanted to meet with her and the woman had agreed after a brief hesitation. She had told Rosa she should come to the house as her husband was away for the day so they could talk without fear of interruption. She hated hiding things from John but she wanted to see if she could fix whatever it was that was wrong.


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