Always Be Mine~
Page 14
“More than ready Matthew.” I said, squeezing his hands as he rose to help me out of my chair.
Matthew fiddled with his blackberry a little back and forth throughout the evening.
“Is everything ok? If you need to leave early for work or anything, I understand.” I explained, trying to not make him feel obligated to entertain me for a distraction.
Matthew stared at me like I grew horns and turned blue.
“What?” I asked, looking around.
“Have you lost your mind? Because clearly, that is the last thing I can possibly think of right now with you Emma. Work as far as I am concerned can wait; go to hell, and dry up, whatever. The only thing that matters to me is you. So get that crazy thought out of that beautiful head of yours please.” After tipping everyone he tipped on the way out, having tipped them a second time, I had to laugh.
“Are you always this extravagant?” I asked him as I watched him toss a couple more fifties out to the valets as he escorted me into the car that was warmed and waiting for us.
“Only when it comes to you, my dear. You put me in a wonderful mood and everyone prospers for it.” Matthew said with a kiss to my forehead as he held my hand to get into the passenger seat before running around to his side of the car.
“Don’t move.” Matthew told me in the car. He jumped out and ran around to my side to help me out once we came back to my place, my lips twitching, trying desperately not to laugh at how adorable he was acting.
We walked up to my door, the sensor lights went on when we walked up towards the porch.
“Are you coming in?” I asked, not knowing what to expect.
Before he answered, I almost passed out thinking the house was on fire. I looked into the windows and the entire house filled with a warm glow through the windows.
“What on earth…” I gasped as Matthew took my keys from me and opened the door for us.
He stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and nuzzling his nose into my neck looking on to the splendor I never seen before in my life.
“Matthew…” Was all I could get out in a breathless whisper.
“You like?” He asks me softly in my ear, making his lips trail kisses down my neck and back up to my ear.
“It’s amazing. I can’t believe you did this. Why?” I stepped in this beautiful place that seemed to take me to another world. The front room was completely covered in white candles. Little white lights on strands of wire for Christmas trees, hung over doorways and were decorated all throughout the house. Matthew slipped my mink coat off my shoulders as I glided into the house to look over this magical place he created.
He had flowers, all white, everywhere. Lilies, roses, spider mums, daisies, carnations and babies breathe. There were flower petals sprinkled all over the floor, making a trail to my bedroom.
A bottle of Cristal was chilling in an ice bucket standing next to the couch.
I noticed a white baby grand piano in the house near the lit and blazing glow in the fireplace. All of a sudden, there was someone playing it! I whipped around and looked over to Matthew, leaning his hip against the door way, watching me, with a sexy small smile, and his eyes full of love as he stared at me. Like there was nothing different about the room we stood in. He only looked at me.
I felt like I was floating. “What on earth has gotten into you tonight?” I asked in complete shock, looking back over to everything.
I turned back to Matthew, watching him push himself off the door, walking into the room, handing my coat to a woman dressed in a maid outfit. Luckily, it wasn’t the “sexy” maid costume. Just a mild mannered, woman in her mid fifties maybe.
Matthew walked over to me, taking my hands in his. His kept his gaze on my eyes, never letting his eyes to falter.
He gently pressed his soft lips to the backs of my hands. “You Emma, you are what has gotten into me. I can’t find any possible way, known to man, to express how much I love you. This? This is isn’t anything compared to how I feel about you. You are what keeps my heart in a constant flutter. You are what makes me hold my breath at your beauty inside and out. You are the most alluring, fascinating, gracious, beautiful, expressive, funny and generous woman I have ever met in my life Emma. I have been so blessed to have had you storm into my life like a fantasy I never expected to experience. That is what this is.” Matthew said, looking around the room, and back to me.
My vision blurred from the tears it was trying to keep contained before falling down onto my cheeks, making me laugh through the tears.
“Will you dance with me Emma?” Matthew asked me.
“I would love to.” I told him, in a barely audible voice. I couldn’t catch my breath over the site of everything.
Matthew took me into his arms, and we slowly swayed to the soft music that was being played. He took my hand, wrapping it into his against his chest, while the other was wrapped tightly around my waist.
I laid my head on Matthews shoulders, following his lead, taking me around in a barely moving pattern of a dance. I closed my eyes, just breathing him in. His arms, holding me so close to his body, keeping me safe and protected, I felt that I never wanted this dance to end. I felt more treasured and loved than I could have ever imagined.
“I don’t want this to end. Ever.” Matthew said to me, making me move my cheek off his chest, looking up to his beautiful face. Matthew, looking down into my eyes, his sparkling like blue Safire’s.
“Me either.” I told him back.
“I love you no matter what the future hold Emma. No matter what happens after we hear what the next step is that we take together. I will be with you every step of the way. Do you trust me?”
“I trust you Matthew.”
“Do you believe I will not allow anything to happen to you that are within my power?”
“I believe you Matthew.”
“I adore you baby. I never want you to feel alone in whatever lies ahead. You are my world. I want nothing more than to keep you safe, healthy and loved. For the rest of your life Emma.” Matthew said as he stopped dancing.
My heart nearly stopped beating. I actually almost fainted as I watched Matthew, move down the floor, on bended knee, as he held my hips, slowly moving his hands to mine. I knew then I was always going to be safe, loved and I couldn’t wait to scream YES!
“I would be honored if you would give me the privilege of trying to make you smile and laugh every day of your life. I would be honored if you would give me the answer to all my hopes and dreams as well as to share them with you for our entire lives.
Will you marry me Miss Emma Evans? Make me the happiest man to walk the face of this earth and say yes?”
Matthew then reached into his pocket and took out a box and opened it and showed the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.
“Oh my God, Matthew… Oh…Oh my God…” I couldn’t stop gawking at the enormous diamond.
“You’re killing me here Emma baby.” Matthew said chuckling.
“Oh Good God, I’m sorry, YES YES YES!!!!! I screamed.
Matthew took the ring out, throwing the box down, placing the diamond on my finger and before I knew what was happening, I was being twirled around in his arms.
After kissing every inch of his face, Matthew laughing, he placed me down.
“I can’t believe you asked me to marry you!”
“I can’t believe you finally told me yes!” He said laughing.
“I love you to the moon and back Emma. I will spend the rest of my life showing you just how much love I have for you baby.” He told me, with his hands on either side of my face, telling me into my lips, a mere inch away from his. His eyes looking into mine, as if our souls were two halves, finally reunited together to become once again.
“I love you back, just as much Matthew. Always.” I told him before we both lunged into each other, keeping our lips meshed into one another’s.
Just then, like I was in a dream, I was picked up and Matthew was carrying me off to the
Once we made it inside the bedroom door, I heard the Thousand Year song, being played in the stereo. The piano music stopped and I froze.
“The two of them are blowing candles out so the house doesn’t start on fire and then texting me when they leave. They work for me and I know them both personally. You have nothing to worry about baby.” Matthew explained as he brushed his knuckles across my jaw gently, putting my body at ease immediately.
There were candles all around the bedroom, flowers as well as flower petals all over the place, including the bed.
We swayed to the music, kissing each other, like we were teenagers.
In one quick swoop, I was squealing in the air, falling on top of my bed. Matthew, stalking over towards me with his own agenda looked sinfully delicious. He looked simply primal at that moment. I took in a long gulp of air once he came to stand at the foot at the bed, looking down over me. He quickly removed my heels, tossing them over his shoulders as he peeled them off each foot. Kissing each one of my toes, before nibbling on each of my baby toes. I leaned back on my elbows, watching him practically ripping his clothes off of himself.
I thought I was going to fall apart just watching my own private strip show.
Once Matthew jumped on the bed, topping me, I could barely breathe.
“Wha… What time do you have to go to work in the morning?” I panted out.
“Um, that would be not at all.” He says, lowering his lips to neck. Sucking on my skin, and then soothing his nibbles with his tongue.
“Oh…” I think I was all I was able to manage out.
“I um… I should call in sick tomorrow.” I groaned as he moved his mouth up towards mine.
“Not necessary.” Matthew grunted before devouring my mouth into his.
Our tongue doing some sort of exotic dance together. His hands running down the sides of my body, all the while my hands tangled in his hair.
“Why, shouldn’t I call in sick?” I gasped as I broke the kiss for desperate air I needed to fill my lungs with before he began to tackle my mouth again.
“I called you in already. You are taking a week off with me.” Matthew stated between kisses of each word.
“What! How?” I screeched, trying to pull myself out from under him. Once I crawled myself up towards the head board a bit, Matthew snaked his arms around me and unzipped my dress, pulling it down with his lips not far behind his hands.
As soon as Matthew was able to peel the dress down past my breasts, he froze.
My head was spinning at how he went in for the kill and then all of a sudden stopped. Sat up on his knees staring at my chest.
“What?” I said barely able to catch my breath.
“What in God’s name are you trying to do to me Emma?” Matthew growled looking at what I was wearing as a surprise “under” the dress he bought me.
“Oh this?” I said like I was surprised.
Matthew took his eyes off of my body, shooting them up to mine, glaring. He then looked back down, and continued to peel my dress back. I was silently praying he wasn’t going to destroy the dress, ripping it practically from my body.
I was wearing the palest of pinks colored corsets with little white bow everywhere there was a ribbon.
Matthew took in a deep breath, groaning as he followed his hands with his greedy eyes, tracing every each of my body.
I had matching sheer panties and thigh high lace topped sink stockings in nude color.
“Sweet baby Jesus! You look too good to touch!” Matthew said as he ran the palm of his hand down the middle of my body all the way to the now, drenched panties I had barely on.
“Oh Good God, Emma. You are trying to unman me aren’t you baby doll?” He moaned, lowering his head down between my legs.
“Not even a landing strip this time I see.” He said making me giggle between moans I was mewling out.
“This is my gift to you tonight. You like?” I asked as he dragged my panties down with his teeth.
“Like? Oh no baby, we are far beyond like.” He said ripping the panties the rest of the way off my body once he got them to the lace tops of my thigh high silk stockings.
Lucky for him, he had freed himself of clothing before pinning me down to the bed with his body. His very hard, twitching appendage was poking me in the stomach. I reach down and wrapped my hand around his stiff cock, making Matthew groan very loudly.
“Emma, he panted. You need to stop right now, or this is going to end before it even begins. You are way too tempting right now.” He grunted falling back down between my legs making me utter sounds, almost inhumane like. I was really squirming around underneath Matthew until he moved his hands up my body, and began to fondle my breasts, making me immediately tense under his touch.
He quickly moved his head back up and looked at me. I had already covered my eyes with my hands, hoping to cover the tears begging to come trailing down my face. I took a few quick breaths.
“Emma, what’s wrong baby?” He quickly asked as he moved up to my face.
I shook my head, not answering as I tried to even out my breathing.
Matthew pulled my hands from my face and I squeezed my eyes shut, turning my head away from him. With my tears free falling already.
“I’m sorry Matthew. I didn’t mean to ruin anything.” I began to cry.
“Baby, look at me.” He pleaded as he threaded his fingers through my hair, running the pads of his thumbs across my tears.
“Shhhh. You didn’t ruin anything baby. Please, look at me Emma.” He pleaded again.
I opened my eyes, but looked anywhere but at Matthew.
“Over here Emma.” He instructed me how to find his eyes, making me chuckle.
“Keep going, your eyes have almost found mine. Come on, you can do it.” He joked, making me laugh more.
“There you are. Hi.” He said softly.
‘Hi.” I whispered.
“Tell me what you are thinking Em, please.” He asked, looking back and forth between my eyes.
“No one has called me Em in forever.” I said.
“That I am nearly positive is NOT what you are thinking. So try again. Make it seem more, I don’t know… Believable.” He said, through a smile.
I snort laughed, making myself laugh even harder. I groaned then, wanting to hide.
“Still waiting.” Matthew stated.
“What if I loose them? You won’t want to look at me.” I whispered.
“I see. So, you are thinking that as long as whatever we are told, so long as you don’t loose your breasts, I will stick around or continue to love you?” He asked me as he moved his hands down to my jaw, caging my head to keep my eyes from moving with my head in any attempt to hide from him and his glare.
“I suppose if I had one nut you wouldn’t love me anymore right?” He asked, making sense I sounded foolish, making me shake my head.
“Or how about if I loose all my hair. There can’t be any reason you could possibly still love me then right?” I mean, let’s be honest here baby. I would want to know this now. You know, to prepare myself if the time should ever come.” He explained sounding serious, even if I really knew; he was just trying to make a point.
“If there is a man, alive that could be that heartless, that plain stupid, he doesn’t deserve the beautiful woman he has. I could give two rats ass’s to be quite honest, whether or not you have one breast, two, four or none. If it bothers you that much, we will just get you a new set.” He said, making me laugh hard this time.
“What? I mean it Em, I think you are extraordinarily beautiful. Inside and out, with breasts or without. You could have blue skin, horns and four nipples, with no legs and I would still be utterly in passionate love with you. So, let’s move past these flesh problems. If they mean that much to you, and you have to have them removed, and you feel a loss of some sort because you can’t see them, well, then we can tell the wonderful dr. to have them preserved in a jar. That way you can look at them anytime you wa
nt. Me however, I could care less. Which is why I wanted to make absolutely positive I asked for your fathers blessing today, and you to marry me BEFORE we got any results back?” Matthew said, making my eyes as wide as saucers by what he admitted.
“You had seen my father today?” I squeaked.
“MmHmm.” Matthew said, nodding his head up and down as he climbed up between my legs, running his cock between my bare, extremely wet folds, making me push the back of my head into the pillow as he guided his hard cock to my opening.
“Now, can we continue where we left off, because I need to be inside of you before I explode?” Matthew declared.
“I absolutely love you with all my heart Matthew.” I whispered into his lips that hovered over mine, as I pulled his face closer to mine with my hands cupped on either side of his face.
“That’s good because you already said yes, so now you are stuck with me.” he said as he entered me slowly only to thrust deep inside once he entered me.
“Mine.” He grunted as he pulled himself out and grounded himself back into me.
“Every beautiful square inch of you is mine.” He grunted again as he moved quicker, pulling and pushing back into me making me thrash around underneath him.
“Yes, more Matthew, harder. Please.” I mewled out.
Chapter 21 ~ Matthew
We laid wrapped in each others arms after a couple hot and heavy rounds of crazy passionate love making.
I can’t imagine Emma would worry about such a crazy thing like me not loving her or wanting to look at her if she had to have her breasts removed. My crazy baby doll is all I could think.
After I filled her in on our plans for the week, going to see her father first, then off to introduce her to my crazy sisters, and finally stop over at my parents for a couple days.
We did get the call from the Dr. on our way to see my parents on our flight down to Florida.
Thank God, it was stage 1 only. Emma got regular annual check ups so they caught this early on. We were both relieved.
Once we laid everything out for our families on the happenings of what Emma’s plans were for radiation, and treatment, we began planning our life out together. Wedding details, I could have cared less about, this conclusion I finally came down to after I just decided to hand over the check book and my black Amex card. I gave up worrying about goofy details. She could have whatever made her happy. If she’s happy, then I get to be happy.” So I finally told her, “Look, I’ll be where ever you want me to meet you. I’ll be the one in the front of some sort of gathering or alter, the one wearing the best looking tux of course. I’ll look for you wearing white, as long as you say I do, the sky is the limit for you to plan Em. Go nuts.” I told her.