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Replay: The History of Video Games

Page 67

by Donovan, Tristan

  24. Second Lives

  ‘50 illegal electronic games banned’ (2005) China View, 26 January 2005. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  China bans video games, including FIFA 2005

  Ahonen, Tomi T. and O’Reilly, Jim (2007) Digital Korea. London, UK: Futuretext

  Overview of South Korea’s embrace of the internet, including a look at its online gaming culture

  ‘Average monthly wages of staff and workers 1978-2007’ (2008) China Statistical Yearbook. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  The figures on the average earnings of Chinese workers

  Bigpoint (2008) ‘Bigpoint, Europe’s leading multiplayer game publisher, expands into US market with rapid-fire launch schedule’. [Press release] 3 December 2008 [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  Background on German online games publisher Bigpoint

  Bolande, M. Asher (1997) ‘Patriotic computer games hope to win over China’s youth’. The Nation, Bangkok, Thailand. 21 May 1997, pB4.

  China’s pre-internet game scene

  Castronova, Edward (2002) ‘Virtual worlds: A first-hand account of market and society on the Cyberian Frontier’. In: Salen, Katie and Zimmerman, Eric (editors) (2006) The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press

  Edward Castronova’s groundbreaking study of EverQuest’s economy

  ‘China censors online video games’ (2004) BBC News Online. 1 June 2004. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  Chinese government censors online games

  Heeks, Richard (2008) ‘Current analysis and future research agenda on ‘gold farming’: Real-world production in developing countries for the virtual economies of online games’. Development Informatics, working paper 32, Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  Research into gold farming and its effects

  Jansen, Marius B. (2000) The Making of Modern Japan. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press, Harvard University Press

  Historical background on Japan’s relationship with Korea and China

  Jenkins, David (2009) ‘Chinese online games market grew 63% in 2008’. Gamasutra, 9 April 2009. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  News report on the growth of the Chinese video game business

  Kim, Min-kyu and Park, Tae-soon (2006) Between Cnsorship and Rating: State of Global Screening Systems. Seoul, South Korea: Korea Game Development Institute

  White paper examining efforts to censor and control the content of video games

  Korea Game Development & Promotion Institute (2002) The Rise of Korean Games.

  Report on South Korea’s game industry

  Korea Game Development & Promotion Institute (2004) Trends in Game Immersion (Addiction) According to Changes in Game Environments and Their Significance.

  Research into levels of game playing in South Korea

  Korea Game Development & Promotion Institute (2005) The Rise of Korean Games: Guide to Korean Game Industry and Culture 2005.

  Report on South Korea’s game industry

  Korea Game Development & Promotion Institute (2006) The Rise of Korean Games: Guide to Korean Game Industry and Culture 2006.

  Report on South Korea’s game industry

  ‘Lei Feng becomes online game hero’ (2006) China View, 16 March 2006. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  News story on the Chinese game Learn from Lei Feng Online

  Roberts, Dexter (1996) ‘Let a hundred Chinese video games bloom’. Business Week, 23 December 1996. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  News report on Chinese government investment in video games

  Sanders, Myke (2009) ‘Analysis and control of gold farming transaction activities in the online gaming environment’. [Online] [t accessed: 6 March 2010]

  Research into gold farming

  ‘Swedish video game banned for harming China’s sovereignty’ (2004) China Daily, 29 May 2004. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  China bans Hearts of Iron

  ‘The Professionals’ (2003) GamesTM, Issue 5, May 2003, pp44-49

  Feature on professional gaming that compares the US, European and South Korean scenes

  25. Little Computer People

  Alexander, Christopher et al (1977) A Pattern Language. New York, New York: Oxford University Press

  The architectural theory book that inspired The Sims

  ‘Big trouble in LittleBigPlanet’ (2009) Edge, Issue 197, January 2009, pp8-11

  Report on volume of LittleBigPlanet player creations that breach copyright law

  Brown, Damon (2008) Porn & Pong: How Grand Theft Auto, Tomb Raider and Other Sexy Games Changed Our Culture. Port Townsend, Washington: Feral House

  The Hot Coffee controversy

  ‘Building a better world’ (2008) GamesTM, Issue 68, March 2008, pp14-15

  Interview with Thomas Vu, producer of Spore

  Chaplin, Heather and Ruby, Aaron (2005) Smartbomb: The Quest for Art, Entertainment and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution. 2006 paperback edition. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Algonquin Books

  Profile of Will Wright

  DeMariusel (2008) Spore: The Evolution. Roseville, California: Prima Games

  Overview of the creation of Will Wright’s Spore, including details of the influence of social networks on the game

  Hill, Steve (2004) ‘Hooray for Hollywood…The Movies’. PC Zone, Issue 141, May 2004, pp46-48

  Preview of Peter Molyneux’s machinima-inspired The Movies

  Hölldobler, Bert and Wilson, Edward O. (1990) The Ants. London, UK: Springer-Verlag

  The encyclopaedic guide to ant biology that inspired Will Wright’s Sim Ant and indirectly influenced The Sims

  Kutner, Lawrence and Olson, Cheryl K. (2008) Grand Theft Childhood: The Surprising Truth About Violent Video Games. New York, New York: Simon & Schuster

  Covers the Hot Coffee controversy

  ‘LittleBigPlanet community reaches one million creates’ (2009) PlayStation Blog, 22 July 2009. [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  LittleBigPlanet player creations pass the million mark

  McLean-Foreman, John (2001) ‘Interview with Minh Le’. Gamasutra, 30 May 2001. [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  Interview with the co-creator of Counter-Strike

  Musgrove, Mike (2005) ‘Game turns players into indie moviemakers’. The Washington Post, 1 December 2005. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  The Movies and the machinima film The French Democracy

  Salen, Katie (2002) ‘Telefragging monster movies’. In: King, Lucien (editor) (2002) Game On: The History and Culture of Videogames. London, UK: Laurence King Publishing

  Overview of the machinima movement

  Seabrook, John (2006) ‘Game master: Will Wright changed the concept of video games with The Sims. Can he do it again with Spore?’. The New Yorker, 6 November 2006. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  Profile of Will Wright

  Shoemaker, Richie (2003) ‘Games that changed the world: Counter-Strike’. PC Zone, Issue 125, February 2003, pp134-137

  Overview of Counter-Strike an
d its impact

  ‘The making of Desktop Tower Defense’ (2009) Edge, Issue 206, October 2009, pp104-107

  Recounts the birth of the tower defense genre

  ‘The truth behind the biggest PC game ever’ (2004) Edge, Issue 143, December 2004, pp24-25

  Feature on the creation of The Sims

  26. All-Access Gaming

  ‘9: Don’t do the easy’ (2007) Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun, 12 September 2007. [Online] [Last accessed: 28 March 2010]

  Interview with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata

  Alexander, Leigh (2009) ‘Iwata: ‘Essence of fun’ can overcome gap between Japanese, Western culture’. Gamasutra,font> 6 February 2009. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  Nintendo’s president makes the case for simpler games

  Annual Report 2000 (2000) Sega Corporation. [Online] [Last accessed: 29 March 2010]

  Sega losses in 1997/98. Converted from yen to US dollars using historical exchange rate data from

  Asakura, Reiji (2000) Revolutionaries at Sony. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill

  The history of the PlayStation

  Boctok Inc and Fukuda, Miki (editors) (2000) Bit Generation 2000. Kobe, Japan: Kobe Fashion Museum

  Background on Nintendo and Japanese video game culture

  Caoili, Eric (2009) ‘Iwata: ‘Something is wrong’ with dwindling Japanese console market’. Gamasutra, 5 February 2009. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  Nintendo president on the decline of console retail game sales in Japan

  Edge Presents Equip: The Insider’s Guide to the Future of the Xbox (2003) Edge Specials Issue 9. Bath, UK: Future Publishing

  Details about the Xbox and its hard drive

  ‘Facing the camera’ (2003) In: Edge Presents Equip: The Insider’s Guide to the Future of the PlayStation 2 (2003), Edge Specials Issue 6. Bath, UK: Future Publishing. pp12-19

  The development of the EyeToy

  ‘Inside…Nintendo Co Ltd’ (2001) Edge, Issue 100, August 2001, pp60-67

  Profile of Nintendo

  Iwabuchi, Koichi (2002) Recentering Globalization: Popular Culture and Japanese Transnationalism. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.

  Examines Japan’s cultural influence in the west and in Asia

  Iwata, Satoru (2005) ‘Message from the president’. Nintendo Annual Report 2005. Kyoto, Japan: Nintendo Co. Ltd.

  Nintendo’s president sets out the company’s vision for games that appeal beyond existing players

  Japan External Trade Organisation (2007) Japanese Video Game Industry. [Research report]

  Data on the Japanese video game business

  Juul, Jesper (2010) A Casual Revolution: Reinventing Video Games and Their Players. eBook edition. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.

  An overview of the audience and development of ‘casual’ video games

  Kalata, Kurt (no date) ‘Segagaga – Dreamcast (2001)’. Hardcore Gaming 101. [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  A retrospective look at Segagaga

  Kelts, Roland (2006) Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture has Invaded the U.S.. 2007 paperback edition. New York, New York: Palgrave Macmillan

  The influence of Japan on American culture

  Kent, Steven L. (2001) The Ultimate History of Video Games. New York, New York: Three Rivers Press

  Mentions Nintendo’s early exploration of motion control during the development of the Nintendo 64

  Keveney, Bill (1998) ‘Japan’s latest export to U.S.: Pokemon’. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 18 February 1998, p8B

  Pokémon reaches the USA

  Kim, Tom (2008) ‘Eye to eye – The history of the EyeToy’. Gamasutra, 6 November 2008. [Online] [last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  The development and impact of the EyeToy

  Masuyama (2002) ‘Pokémon as Japanese culture’. In: King, Lucien (editor) (2002) Game On: The History and Culture of Videogames. London, UK: Laurence King Publishing

  Pokémon’s significance and Japan’s video game culture

  Kohler, Chris (2005) Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life. Indianapolis, Indiana: BradyGames

  Overview of Japanese video games, including Pokémon

  Larimer, Tim (1999) ‘The ultimate game freak’. Time Asia, Volume 154, No. 20, 22 November 1999. [Online] [Last accessed: 14 March 2010]

  Interview with Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of Pokémon

  ‘Making Waves’ (2005) Edge, Issue 156, December 2005, pp82-89

  An early pre-release look at the Wii, when it was still being called the Revolution

  Molokh (2009) ‘Interview d’Okano Tatsu’. [In French] Dream-Storming Mag, Issue 9, pp7-8. [Online] [Last accessed: 28 March 2010]

  Information about Segagaga

  Nintendo of America (2008) ‘Biography of Satoru Iwata’. [Press release] July 2008.

  Biography of the Nintendo president

  ‘Nintendo stands firm with Revolution’ (2005) GamesTM, Issue 34, July 2005, p14

  Early reactions to the Wii, then still being called the Revolution, ahead of its launch

  ‘Note perfect’ (2009) GamesTM, Issue 82, April 2009, pp78-83

  Interview with music game developers Harmonix and Neversoft

  Orecklin, Michele et al (1999) ‘Pokemon: The cutest obsession’. Time, 10 May 1999. [Online],9171,990959,00.html [Last accessed: 14 March 2010]

  Report on the success of Pokémon

  Palmer, Edwina (editor) (2005) Asian Futures, Asian Traditions. Folkestone, Kent: Global Oriental

  Japan’s cultural relations with Asia

  Pattison, Louis (2003) ‘Peripheral vision’. PSNext, Issue 1, June/July 2003, pp44-47

  Report on the EyeToy

  ‘Pokémania v globophobia’ (1999) The Economist, 18 November 1999 [Online] [Last accessed: 11 March 2010]

  Report on the international success of Pokémon and Japan’s rising cultural influence‘Pokemon zaps US cinemas’ (1999) BBC News Online, 15 November 1999. [Online] [Last accessed: 14 March 2010]

  News story on the success of Pokémon: The First Movie

  Porter, Michael E. et al (2009) The Video Games Cluster in Japan. [Online] [Last accessed: 14 March 2010]

  Figures on the Japanese game industry including the popularity of role-playing games

  ‘Remote composer’ (2008) Edge, Issue 196, Christmas 2008, pp58-62

  Interview with Shigeru Miyamoto

  Rheingold, Howard (1991) Virtual Reality. 1992 edition. London: Mandarin Paperbacks.

  The development of the Power Glove

  Sage, Adam (2009) ‘Console yourself if you can’t afford a DS: a pencil and paper will get your brain working’. The Times, 26 January 2009. London, UK. p4

  Research questions the benefits of the Nintendo DS game Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training

  ‘Saudi Arabia bans Pokemon’ (2001) BBC News Online. 26 March 2001. [Online] [Last accessed: 28 March 2010]

  Fatwa against Pokémon

  ‘Sega scraps the Dreamcast’ (2001) BBC News Online, 31 January 2001. [Online] [Last accessed: 7 March 2010]

  Sega stops production of the Dreamcast and abandons the console manufacturing business

p; ‘The final countdown’ (2009) Edge, Issue 201, May 2009, pp64-71

  Feature on Final Fantasy XIII and a look back at the Japanese role-playing games

  ‘This is how you make successful games’ (2008) Edge, Issue 191, August 2008, p68-73

  Feature on Segagaga

  Tobin, Joseph (editor) (2004) Pikachu’s Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press

  Extensive examination of Pokémon’s global success, meaning and influence

  ‘Viva la revolution’ (2005) GamesTM, Issue 30, March 2005, pp10-11

  Pre-launch report on the Wii while it was still being called the Revolution

  ‘What caused Japan’s recession?’ (2002) BBC News Online, 14 August 2002. [Online] [Last accessed: 28 March 2010]

  Background on Japan’s 1990s recession

  ‘Who dares wins’ (2007) Edge, Issue 177, July 2007, pp62-71

  Feature on Nintendo’s Wii and how it broke with video game tradition

  ‘Wiitness the fitness’ (2008) Edge, Issue 185, February 2008, pp12-13

  Wii Fit preview

  27. The Grooviest Era Of Crime

  Barson, Michael and Heller, Steven (2001) Red Scared! The Commie Menace in Propaganda and Popular Culture. San Francisco, California: Chronicle Books

  Overview of Cold War US propaganda

  Barton, Matt (2008) Dungeons & Desktops. Wellesley, Massachusetts: A K Peters

  Background information on The Elder Scrolls series of role-playing games

  Birdwell, Ken (1999) ‘The Cabal: Valve’s design process for creating Half-Life’. In: Salen, Katie and Zimmerman, Eric (editors) (2006) The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press

  Valve founder Ken Birdwell looks back on the development of Half-Life

  ‘Computer games: classification’ (1998) House of Lords debates, Hansard, 13 January 1998, Vol. 584, cc931-3. [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]

  The UK Parliament debates Grand Theft Auto

  Cousins, Mark (2004) The Story of Film. 2008 paperback edition. London, UK: Pavilion Books

  Hollywood’s move towards blockbuster movies in the late 1970s and 1980s

  Dailly, Mike (2008) ‘Mike’s Homepage: About Me’ [Personal website] [Online] [Last accessed: 13 March 2010]


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