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Cherry Blossoms

Page 63

by KT Morrison

  “Nia,” he hissed. “Should we...can we...he’s...”

  She let his cock fall from her mouth and it dropped back to Dino’s belly. “He came here for this, Geoff. He came here to fuck me.”

  “It seems wrong.”

  She sighed, got up on all fours and looked up the bed to Dino. “Dino, Dino?” she said.

  “What?” he mumbled without opening his eyes.

  “I’m going to suck your cock, okay?”

  He grunted, his chest heaved as he inhaled and he adjusted himself to sit higher on the bed.


  “Nia, he’s can’t...”

  “I’m going to wake him up and he’s going to fuck me again right in front of you.”

  He swelled with excitement, felt it travel from his heart down to his fingertips. Everything in him knew this was wrong but he wanted it. Seeing her lust was driving him wild. He went to her, both of them on their knees and he took her by her waist.

  “You sure? He’s out of it, Nia.”

  “You don't know my, Dino.” She took Geoff’s hand, led it now into her panties. She slipped his hand down her smooth belly and he felt the fabric score the back of his hand as she held him by his wrist with both her delicate hands. He felt her wet flesh, sopping and so hot. “He smells that he’ll fuck me. Fuck me til we both come. Put your finger on his lip, Geoff, let him taste me.”

  His face fell at the thought, his eyes widened, wondering if he could do that. He couldn't. “No, Nia.”

  “You afraid?”


  “Let me,” she said and she slid her hand under her panties and he watched the material flex as his wife felt herself, worked her own fingers through her sex, making light smacking noises under the cotton. When her hand came back her long pretty fingers glistened.

  “You’re so amazing, Nia,” he sighed.

  She laughed at that. “You keep saying that.”

  “You are,” he said, bewildered.

  She turned to Dino now and bent. Geoff looked at her unbelievable body. Tanned, lithe, her ass stretching a tight curve in the shape of her black panties. Her black hair hung down around her slim shoulders, her perfect breasts swayed as she made her hand move to Dino’s sleeping mouth. Her first two fingers lightly touched his plump, berry-coloured bottom lip. She smoothed her excitement on him, made his skin shine with her wetness.

  Dino’s eyes fluttered.

  “Dino? Dino?” she said quietly. His eyes cracked to narrow black slits. He frowned and his face pinched at her disturbance. She slapped his cheek lightly, repeatedly. “Hey, hey, baby. Baby? Wake up, Dino.”

  “Mmnh,” he grunted, long black lashes curled, vacant eyes peeping through them now, seeking to comprehend. “Baby, I need you, baby,” she cooed.

  “What?” he croaked.

  “I need you to fuck me, Dino. I need your cock, baby. Please, fuck me, Dino.”

  He dug his elbows in the mattress, his big round tanned shoulders creeping up around his ears. He looked at Nia. Worked himself higher up the pillow, an understanding coming to him. Desire for Nia coming to him. “Yeah,” he said.

  “Fuck me like a real man, fuck me so my husband can see, show him how a man does it, Dino.”

  “You crazy fuckin...God, you’re so hot,” he said, smiling now, his lips peeling to show his white perfect teeth. Geoff wasn't sure he'd ever seen Dino smile before.

  “Too hot for you when you were young.”

  “Yeah? What do you mean?”

  “Now you've got a boring housewife at home you wish you’d stayed with me, do the things I wanted to do. You don't think I'm so crazy do you?”

  “You are crazy.”

  She held his cheeks in her hands and looked in his eyes. “You want that for yourself, I can feel it. You want this. You want to fuck me. You want my husband to watch, don't you? You like being the big man. You like being the hottest fuck I ever had.”

  He was coming wide awake now. The smile vanished and was replaced with resolve. Lust. He was going to fuck her. Going to show her all the things she wanted.

  “Say that again,” he said, his brow lowered, his jaw set.

  She gave him a dirty smile, cocked her head. Her hand slowly travelled his hard body. Taking its time. All three of them knowing where it was going but it was enjoying the journey. Her fingers lightly scratched his bronze flesh, working over the hard ridges of his chest and down his flat stomach. It rode the swell of Dino’s lusty breaths. She scratched her nails through his coarse black pubic hair, eased her grip wide to clutch his cock.

  “Geoff watches because I told him no one did it like you, Dino,” she said, putting on a dirty show for him. Talking low and breathy, looking in his eyes, stroking the thing he had.

  “Oh fuck, Nia,” Dino said, his cock swelling right in front of them.

  “I begged for this cock, Dino, right? You said that. You know why, baby? You fill me up. Fill me up and make me feel like no other man has ever done.”

  His hips started to work with her. His eyes were locked on hers, thrilled and charged by everything she was saying. His cock flopped in her grip, longer, thicker, heavier.

  “That's it, Dino, I want this thing so hard, baby.”

  “Kiss me,” he said.

  She moved to him, and their lips met, gently at first, pressing their soft perfect shapes together, then working with each other's movements, twisting and sucking, their breaths coming in loud gasps now. His hands went to her, touched her sides, felt her beautiful body.

  Geoff groaned at the sight. So beautiful and so tragic at the same time. He wanted this for her, wanted her to feel what she was feeling, but he wished it was him that did it. Wished he was born big. Born with muscles and good looks and a big cock. Wished he had that drive, that masculinity, that animal charm.

  He touched her too. It made his wife gasp. He instantly wanted to withdraw his hands. Felt like an intruder on his wife’s pleasure. But her body didn't shy from his touch. She didn't move away. His hand smoothed her back, touched her waist, moved in synch with Dino’s hands. Stayed far away from his. If they were to touch, Dino would take her away, take her for himself. He bit his own lip and admired her as she kissed and stroked this other man. His hands slipped into the back of her panties, curved over her rump. He flexed his wrists, pried her panties away from her and slid them down her thighs, down to her knees. He slipped his hands up again, found her centre, felt how hot she was, how wet, how prepared she was for her lover’s large entry.

  She raised up, broke her kiss from Dino and got to her knees, eyes lowered to him. She dropped his cock, rigid now, grotesque, and their hands came together as they looked in each other’s eyes.

  She said, “Show me. Show him. Show us who's the fucking man in this room, Dino. Teach me another lesson...”


  “Teach me...”


  “Fuck me, Dino.”

  Geoff sat back now, sat at the corner of the bottom of the bed as Dino sat up. Geoff’s cock still ached and as he sat, pre-cum surged from him, swelled his hard glans and streamed down to the bedspread. He sat with his legs open, wearing just a T-shirt and watched Nia and her lover come together.


  She had ignited her Dino. Stroked him on the outside to get him hard, stroked him on the inside to drive him wild. She’d challenged him, inspired him. The look in his mean and narrow eyes was very familiar to her. That thing between his legs was hard and he knew what he was going to do with it. She loved that look in his eyes. It brought her breaths faster, raced her heart. When she was twenty, she wanted that every day. He was unstoppable now. He would get up from the bed and he would fuck her, do things to her that made her sweat and cry, and put a runaway excitement through her as he fucked her.

  “That’s it, baby,” she said as he got to his knees. Her hands stroked his cock while their lips met again. She peeled his foreskin back and she touched her fingertip to his sensitive hole
. He groaned long until it turned to a snarl. He gripped her by her arms and pulled from her. She gasped and looked in his eyes.

  He guided her back til her head lay on the bed. She saw Geoff above her, watching solemnly, their familiar stucco ceiling around his silhouette. Their eyes met briefly, then she was taken. Dino consumed her. His kisses ravaged her and her hands went over him, her breath coming chugging and desperate now, aching for his union. His hardness was evident between them, its large size laying heavily on her belly. He gripped it and dragged it back, she felt the tip along her belly button, lower and lower across her bare mound then slipping through her wet folds. He eased it into her and they both grunted. She dug her nails into his hard shoulders. He eased forward again, his eyes locked on hers, his lower lip painfully pinched under his strong white teeth as he enjoyed her uncomfortable tightness squeeze his girth.

  “Oh, baby,” she moaned for him. Moaned for Geoff.

  It slid deeper and hurt for a moment but there was no resistance. He felt so good, so perfect. He slid deep and she sighed and gasped, rolled her eyes at the pleasure that washed over her as he started to fuck her. She brought her knees up, tucked them against his ribs, smoothed the soles of her feet along his hard slim waist, swallowed the drive of his passion.

  “That’s it, Dino, oh baby, you feel so fucking good...”

  “God, Nia, you’re the best, fuck, God, you’re so tight...”

  “Give it me, Dino, deeper, baby, I want it,” she said and she scratched at the back of his neck. He kissed her then, pressed his lips to hers again and she sucked his tongue into her mouth as he thrust and thrust.


  Dino and Nia were amazing together. Watching them the last time had been a shock and it hurt his heart. He saw their beauty but it wasn’t the same as how he saw it this time. It still hurt but the shock was deadened. His heart clutched seeing her like this, knowing it wasn’t him making her fervid. Her face was twisted in passion, pleasure gripped her whole body. Nipples hard, flesh warm and wet from excitement, her sex engorged and sopping, her breaths pounding, her heart racing, the slight squeak from her as he thrust. Those were things another man did. Not her husband, not the man that loved her the most in the world. Not the man who gave everything every day for her.

  He couldn’t do those things. But those things could be done. He wanted them for her if she wanted them. And no denying what it did to him as well. He could be selfish and say that this was all for her, that all the credit goes to him for providing her with this unbelievably selfless gift. What other husband would be strong enough to give the gift of ecstasy? His cock ached, his heart hurt, but it raced too, just like Nia’s. He wanted this. It wasn’t just her. She was giving him something he wanted too. She knew it. He didn't know how she knew it but this wasn't all for her. She was putting on a show. She loved every inch she was being given, loved his big hands, loved the feel of her lover’s sexy body but she was giving something away too. He snuck a hand along the sheets, slipped it along the fabric until his fingers wove through her spread out fan of tangled black ponytail. Its silky feel on his skin made him swell with joy.

  Then she was gone. Her hair sweeping up as she gripped Dino and he sat up with Nia sitting in his lap. Her legs draped over his hips, her feet on the bed and her arms wrapped around him and he fucked her. She kissed him passionately. Faces twisting, bodies bouncing. Her pussy made wet sounds as he fucked her. Geoff touched her bare back. Felt her heat, felt her skin. Hoped she would come. Hoped this man made her feel so good that her insides exploded with excitement.

  She bounced in his lap, her pretty sex skewered by the wide and garish thing Dino had between his legs. He lay back and she rode him. He flipped her around and, while she straddled him facing Geoff, her eyes were closed and she was lost in ecstasy. She looked gorgeous. He looked gorgeous. Geoff watched her pretty breasts sway and bounce, watched her nails scratch and dig at Dino’s thighs while he fucked her. Dino grabbed her ponytail and he wrenched her back so she pressed against him. Their wet pink and brown union exposed to the light. He watched carefully as Dino’s glistening cock spread his Nia’s wet sex wide. Watched her folds gulp and struggle around her lover’s massive girth. His intrusion must have been painful, her membranes were bright and they rolled and folded as Dino thrust it into her.

  Geoff put his hand over his heart. In love with and disturbed by what he saw. He eased himself down to lay on the bed next to them. They rolled to their sides and he smiled as he came face to face with Nia. She lay with her legs wide, spread like a frog’s, one foot resting flat on their mattress. Dino gripped her hips as he fucked her from behind. Nia was vacant, gasping and grunting with his thrusts, her eyes closed but a glint of light under her lashes showed she could see. She touched him and his heart jumped. Her long-fingered hand came to him and she ran her nails through his beard and she smiled. He wriggled in close and he kissed her lips. She kissed him back. Her kisses were clumsy, her body rocked by her masculine lover, but she sucked on his mouth, his chin, she panted against his cheek, she gripped his shoulder. His hand slipped between them and he rested his palm on her belly. He felt Dino’s movement inside her. Felt his size stroking in and out of his wife. He slipped his hand lower until he felt her wet and slippery flesh. Dino’s cock pounded her soft mound, made it surge and squirm under his fingers. He felt her swollen button against the underside of his fingers. It made Nia cry out. He sighed against Nia’s neck and wondered how good this man made her feel. Dino took her from him. Pulled her back and kissed her over her shoulder. She spun around with his big cock still inside her and she sat herself in his lap again.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” she panted now as her bottom shook each time she plunged against him. Something building between them. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” she sighed, hissing breath between her teeth. Dino kissed her chest, he grabbed her breasts in his hands and they never looked smaller. Her hard plump nipples were squeezed in his grasp and he sucked on them. She arched her back and she cried out, her head turned up.

  “Shh-shh,” Geoff reminded her.

  “Ahh,” she cried, bouncing harder.

  Geoff got off the bed, and trotted to the bedroom door, his cock too stiff to even bounce. It was like iron. He checked that the door was locked.

  He stood by the side of the bed and watched. They were spread out flat again. Nia on her back, her legs locked around Dino, he pumped his cock into her and she cried and gasped, her eyes closed. They held hands.

  “Is this how you like it?” Dino grunted.

  “Yes, oh yes, Dino,” she said.

  He fucked her harder, drew their gathered hands down below her rump. Her breasts shook and bounced. “You miss this?”

  “Yes, ah,” she cried, her head thrust back in the pillows.

  “He can’t please you with that little thing, can he?” he said, looking over at Geoff standing next to them, what he was born with sticking straight up and never harder in his life.

  “No,” she whined.

  “This is Nia’s cock,” he said, pounding deep and hard.

  “Oh, ah-ha,” she yelled, “this-s is my...oh, cock...”

  “Nia needs this cock...”

  “She d-dooes, ah...”

  “Take it, Nia, take me, fuck,” he growled.

  Nia came. Her face went red, her mouth peeled to a snarl, her face mostly disappearing, buried in the sheets. All the cables and tendons jumped out of her neck. A vein wriggled there. Dino thrust deep and held it, let Nia squeeze it and hold it in her, work herself against it the way she liked as she came.

  Geoff’s brows raised high watching her, his breath clutched in his chest and he felt rigid. She writhed against him, hissing and moaning, her thighs clamped to him, squeezed him, all her muscles stood out for a long time.

  “Ah, mm, oh,” she moaned and she released. Her chest heaved with breath.

  “Oh shit, Nia, oh fuck,” Dino growled. He withdrew that brutal club from her, slick and shining, he got over her, hand pressed d
own into the mattress next to her, the other gripping his hard cock. Nia’s legs fell wide, spread for him, exposed her body to him, wanting to feel his hot seed spread on her. She rubbed his arms and his sides, her long fingers scratching at his beautiful muscle while he jerked himself furiously between her legs, and over her belly.

  “That’s it, Dino, baby, come for me,” she sighed, “come all over me, baby, I want it, Dino, I want your come...”

  “Argh, agh,” he blurted as he came. Long thick streams jetted from him, fell on his wife fat and heavy. It kept coming and he kept stroking and squeezing, choked sounds from his throat.

  Nia cooed and sighed as she felt it. Her hands coming up and smoothing over his evidence, running her hands through it and smearing it over her body. He kept spewing up her arms, over her breasts and up to her neck. “Oh baby, that’s it,” she said, “I love it, I love your come...”

  “Oh!” Geoff blurted. His cock exploded unexpectedly. A surprise that ripped through him. He gasped and watched a wet clear spritz of semen splutter from him. It rained on to the bed next to his wife without manual provocation. “Ah, oh shit,” he said, startled, excited and disappointed, standing naked but for a T-shirt that came just to his pubic hair. His cock flexed and bounced, and semen spattered from his tip onto the bed. His knees shook and a shudder rifled through him, made his shoulders shake. He laughed and gasped, panted for breath, watched the long ropes now pulse from him. An ecstatic fountain sending thick white arcs that cambered from him and into Nia’s hair. He huffed and breathed, still in awe at what was happening.


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