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Cherry Blossoms

Page 64

by KT Morrison


  Dino stayed over her looking into her eyes. His thumb pressed her cheek, caressed her.

  She closed her eyes and listened to her heart. It beat double time. She concentrated on breathing, tried to push away all the emotion that deep satisfying sex could bring. She exhaled through pouted lips. She felt him kiss her.

  “Dino,” she whispered.

  He still looked into her. Her legs draped over his thighs and his cock lay on her belly.

  “You remember that time we made love on the beach in Sicily?” he said.

  “Yeah, Dino,” she said, her hands coming to press against his warm and sweaty chest.

  “You remember when—”

  “Dino,” she said and she darted a quick kiss to his lips. She stroked his chest with her nails.

  Dino sighed, his eyes stayed on her. She turned her head up, rolled her eyes to look around the room, wanted to see her husband. She found him. Above her and to her right, watching, one knee on the bed, his face drawn and lugubrious. He wore only a shirt. His penis dwindled, somewhere between flaccid and erect. It was wet. She smiled at him, made a funny face, reached out and touched his tip with her finger. He had come from watching her. She aroused him that much.

  Dino kissed her cheek, said, “I kill you? You know what you did to me?”

  She closed her eyes again and sighed, both hands on his hairy chest.

  “Seeing you grow away for me. I watched you change. I watched you become someone else.”

  “It's so long ago, Dino.”

  “It still hurts. You're the same girl here,” he said, laying his big hand over her heart, “but I saw you change.”

  “Geoff was good for me, Dino.”

  He set his face in her hair, in the space between her neck and her shoulder. “I know,” he said, “he’s too good.” He took a breath, came up, said, “You're so smart, so beautiful. More beautiful than ever.”

  She gave him a peaceful smile. “Thank you, Dino. You’re drunk, okay? Get off me, I have to sleep. Donna’s wedding...”

  He shook his head, eyes locked on hers, narrow and twinkling. “You’re still a bitch.”

  She clasped his cheeks, then ran her fingers through his hair. “Remember that.”

  He raised to his knees and took her hands and pulled her up to him. His arms went around her but she wriggled from him and he sat back on the pillows. Geoff was still frozen at the foot of the bed and she walked on her knees to him and she held him.

  “I love you, baby,” she whispered. She felt him nodding, his beard scratching at her cheek. “Hey, you okay?” she said and he nodded again. She slipped a hand between them and she clutched his soft penis and balls, cold and wet. “You ejaculated?” He nodded again. His arms squeezed her. “I wanted to make you come. Did you jerk off?”

  “No,” he mumbled.

  “You didn’t?”

  “No, it just happened.”

  She sighed, felt for him. How could he want to watch what he just did? It must have been awful. “Aww, baby, really?”


  “I’m that hot?”

  “Can we go to sleep?” he said.

  She felt a tension around her heart. Her eyes drooped with sadness for the man she loved. “You didn’t like it this time?” she said.

  “I did,” he sighed.

  “Your little guy’s not waking up for me, Geoff. Is he mad at me again?” she said. She fiddled with his penis, tugging with her fingers, her other hand cradling and squeezing his balls, but he was unresponsive.

  He whispered in her ear, “I’m scared, Nia.”

  Her eyes swelled, and her heart sank for Geoff. She let his genitals go and she put her arms around him and he hugged her. She hugged him tighter.

  “Don’t ever fuck him without me, okay?” His voice was choked with tears.

  “Okay, Geoff. Why baby?”

  “I’m just so scared, Nia.”

  “I won’t, Geoff. Baby, I won’t.”


  “Come here and lay with me, okay?” she said, and she led him up the bed. Dino lay in Geoff’s spot, crumpled there, eyes open and watching them sluggishly.

  “Give me your shirt, Geoff,” she said, and she helped him pull it off himself. She used it then to wipe herself, to dry off Dino’s semen that had been splashed all over her.

  She put herself next to Dino, moved Geoff to where she would usually lay. She would be in the middle. Dino got himself under the covers, his eyes were lazy, his breaths came heavy. He held the duvet up for them to slip under. Geoff turned away from her and lay facing the window. She cuddled to his back and put her chin on his shoulder. Geoff felt Dino put his hand on Nia’s hip.

  “Don’t be scared, Geoff.”

  “I can’t help it, Nia. I don’t want to be, but my heart is hurting.”

  She lay her hand on his chest, whispered, “Baby, don’t hurt, okay? This is good. This works.”

  He nodded, wanting it to work, wanting it to be exactly the way he wanted but knew it couldn’t be. This wasn't all about him. If he wanted her sexual happiness it had to be about her too. Not just him. He had to learn how to make this work. He put his hand over hers.

  She sucked on his earlobe, and her breath tickled him, made him shiver. “You want to fuck me, Geoff?”

  “I don’t know,” he said.

  “I want you to. I want you to make love to me. It’s important.” Her hand slid from under his and worked its way down his slim belly. She found his shrivelled penis there and her fingers ran up the shaft to the tip, drawing to a point. “Get hard for me, Geoff. I want it.”

  He felt a stirring, felt a surge in him, her words making him feel better, his wife’s love soothing him, her desire for him meaning something infinite.

  “We looked good, didn’t we?”

  He nodded his head, staring out the window at the black night while she played with his penis and his balls.

  “We made you come?”

  “Yeah. It just came out. I couldn't stop it.”

  “Really? You didn't touch yourself?”

  “No, I just happened...spurted out...”

  “Holy...that’s so fucking hot, came from watching me like that?”

  “Yeah,” he said.

  He stiffened in her hand and now she could grip him. His shaft not much for her to stroke laying like this, not like the thing she’d just enjoyed, but she treated it with enthusiasm. Twisting and teasing. “You came like a little boy in high school, Geoff. I make you like that?”

  He groaned, feeling her pleasure now, and his eyes closed. She sucked his neck and sucked his ear. “Did you like holding Dino’s cock for me?” she whispered to him.

  “Sort of,” he whispered back.

  “Remember I said Dino was the best? That he was the hottest ever...”

  “I know,” he said.

  “We did that together. It’s you and me. You're the best lover I ever had. You get me. Rocco and Dino are just big cocks and hard bodies and masculine energy. I love it when they take me, fuck me. But you're my lover. You're the best lover I ever had.”

  He turned to her and they lay face to face. He kissed her lips and he took her tongue. She twisted her hips in his arms, turned her rump to him, kissing him now over her shoulder. He held his cock and he stroked it between her legs. She was slick and loose from her lover and he slid easily into her. She gasped into his kiss and his mind reeled. He clutched her breast and he stroked himself in and out of her. They kissed and sucked each other's lips.

  She was loose and wet and she was wonderful. She felt so good to him. The idea that another man had done that to her, had worked her sex so hard it hadn’t recovered had him like steel again.

  “I feel you, Geoff” she said, looking in his eyes. “I feel you.”

  “I love you,” he said.

  She sighed and he saw her relief, saw she knew she was forgiven and safe. Her expression washed love over him. She was dark and dirty and she h
ad secrets but she was just as scared as he was in many ways. She needed him and he needed her. He grunted as he came again tonight. Pumped her with his seed, spit it into her as deeply as his average penis could.

  She sighed, heavy and happy, said, “That was nice, Geoff.”

  “Tell me, Nia.”

  “Tell you what?”

  “Please, tell me what happened,” he said and he held her, his slick little penis slipping out of her and laying in her seams. “Please.”

  Her eyes quivered as she held his gaze. Point blank, staring into each other. She chewed her lower lip.

  “Please, Nia.”

  She turned her head to regard Dino. He’d fallen asleep under the covers with them while they made love. His eyes were closed, he was turned on his side to face them, his pouted lips lightly parted.

  She looked back to him, brow furrowed, she stroked his arm that lay on her chest. “He hit me.”

  Geoff’s eyes tingled and he blinked away a sudden tear. His breath chugged as he reacted, trying not to sob out loud. He pictured her hurt. He pictured her humiliated and he couldn't bear it. “What?” he gasped, his voice barely a whisper.

  “Not my face,” she said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He punched me in the stomach.”


  “Yeah, he punched me. Made me throw up. I couldn’t breathe...”

  “Nia, what the fuck...”

  “It’s all right...”

  “No, it’s not, I mean...”

  “I deserved it.”

  “No, you—”

  “Well, no, no, not deserved it, but I expected it.”

  “How the can you...I want him out of here...” He could hear his own sad desperate whine.

  “Geoff, it was one time. He wasn’t like that...”

  “What did you do?”

  She stared into his eyes. He could see she wouldn’t say, but her eyes darted back and forth between his as she wondered what it might be like to tell him. He could only imagine. She kissed his chin.

  He said, “I don’t want him here any more.”

  “Geoff, it’s fine.”

  “It’s not fine, Nia. He hurt you.”

  “Geoff, believe me when I say it’s fine. I got him back.”

  “What did you do?”

  She looked at him and smirked. “I got him back. And I got you instead.”


  She woke up in the arms of two men. All three of them were naked. The sound of Geoff’s alarm gently chimed from his phone, hollow tin tubes and jungle sounds. The room was dark.

  It was Donna’s wedding day. She smiled. She was fucking crazy. A week of depression. A week spent feeling like she could hurl herself from a bridge and now she was waking up to spend the day celebrating her good friend’s union, her husband’s arms around her, her lover pressed to her, his hard warm body against hers. She felt amazing. Satisfying sex like she'd never had before. Love and warmth. Two men. And somewhere also a feeling of closure. Putting to bed something between Dino and her. And it wasn't as hard as she thought it would have been but she couldn’t have done this before. Now was the time. And the man pressed to her back, his beard scratching her shoulder, he made that possible. He was amazing.

  She caressed Dino’s cheek while he slept, felt his stubble under her thumb. She kissed his forehead.

  “Baby,” she said to Geoff, turning and rubbing his arm. Sleepyhead snoring right through his own alarm. “The alarm, Geoff, honey...”

  He stirred, groaned, his face worked into an angry frown, his arm came away and left her cold as he rolled to his back.

  “Fine,” she sighed, and she slipped her bare body over Dino, straddled him and reached Geoff’s phone off his night table.

  “What the fuck?” Dino mumbled, his lips stuck together, his brow low and puzzled, his hair sticking up. “Nia?” He had no clue what was happening. She smiled down on him between her open legs as she held Geoff’s phone and swiped the alarm away.

  Dino startled, twisted under her, drew a sharp intake of breath. His head whipped in the pillow as images flooded back to him. He saw Geoff laying next to him. “Oh fuck,” he groaned and he settled back into the bed. Nia tossed herself in between them again and pressed herself to Geoff. “We have to get him out of here before Odie gets up,” she whispered.

  “I know,” Geoff said, looking up at the ceiling.

  “Fuck, what time is it?” Dino blurted now and he bolted upright.

  Geoff said, “Six-thirty.”

  “Six-thirty?” Dino repeated and he jumped out of bed. He stood naked in the early morning dark and looked around the floor. “Nia, fuck, Nia, where’s my pants?”

  “They're on the floor there somewhere. By the bed,” she said.

  Geoff hugged her and they watched her naked stud scramble, grab his pants up and pull his phone out of the pocket. He read the screen. His face was troubled as he scrolled down, then grew disheartened and finally dismayed. “Ah, fuck,” he sighed and he slumped to sit on the edge of the bed.

  “What?” she said.

  He turned and extended the phone to her.

  She took it and read it. Texts sent from his wife, starting at about two in the morning. Right around the time he was fucking her.

  Stacy: where are u?

  Stacy: Are you coming home?

  Stacy: Tell me you’re ok

  Stacy: Freaking out...

  Then at four this morning:

  Stacy: don’t come home

  At four thirty:

  Stacy: find my phone asshole you piece of shit. I know where you are

  Stacy: I fucking hate you

  She held his phone to her chest. “Oh, Dino. Fuck, I’m sorry.” She turned to Geoff and mouthed “Stacy knows he’s here.”

  Dino sat still, now with his head in his hands. She put her hand on his back, leaning over and laying her palm just near the bottom of his ribs.

  He moaned, “What the fuck did I do?”

  Geoff said, “You don’t remember?”

  “No, I remember it all. I remember everything. Why? Why the fuck did I do it?”

  “That’s a better question,” Geoff said, arms folded on the pillow, head in his hands and looking up at the ceiling.

  Dino looked over his shoulder at him like he was going to knock him out.

  She rolled to Geoff and she put her arm over him, snuggled her cheek to his shoulder. “Geoff, baby, maybe...”

  “I know, Nia, I know.” He sat up and he looked out over the dawning sky out their window.

  “Fuck,” Dino hissed and he thumped the bed.

  Geoff shushed him, frowning, saying, “Sssh-shh-shh,” jerking his head, meaning there were other people sleeping in the house. Odele. She needed Dino gone. Right now. The panic of him and Geoff and Odie all together in her house made her hands shake. Geoff took Dino’s phone from her and he looked at the screen. He said, Call home and waited for the phone to dial.

  Dino whipped around, wild-eyed and he got up on all fours on the bed, moving to Geoff. She sat up and she got in his way. “Dino, shh. It’s okay, let him...”

  Dino watched over her shoulder and she rested her hands on him.

  Geoff got an answer and they sat on the bed, holding their breath and listening.

  “Stacy? It’s Geoff, Geoff Kane...Nia’s, listen...I know, but...he’s here...”

  Geoff spoke calmly, his back to them, they could hear Stacy’s angry electronic voice coming from the speaker, not the words just the tone.

  “No, he’s fine...everything’s okay...we should have called sooner...we didn’t even think to...yes, he’s fine, he’s with us...he was at a bar with friends last night, right around the corner...I don’t know...someone called and said he had too much...right, I, I told Nia to get someone to get him here...not driving...I know...he slept here, Stacy...he slept in our guest room...I was here the whole, he wants to talk to you, he’s here...okay,
he’s upset...we should have called you, I’m sorry, it was late, we didn’t even think of it...thank, it’s...okay, I’m going to pass him over...bye, Stacy...” he handed the phone to Dino past her, his face blank and cold. Her sociopathic lying husband. Doing it for her, doing it for her lover. She stifled a laugh.

  “Geoff, you’re something,” she said, and she held him.

  “Nia,” he said, “we have to get ready, we have to get Odie to my sister, you have to be at makeup for ten, don’t...”

  “I know, Geoff, God, I’re so amazing,” she said, squeezing him. “Please, please, get Odie out of the house. Take her to the bakery, get her out of here...”

  “I will. I don’t want her here. This is wrong. This can't happen again.”

  “It won't, Geoff, we’ll talk,” she said, motioning with her head to Dino behind her, talking softly and sweetly on the phone to his wife.

  “I’ll get her now and get her out of here. You get rid of him...” he said, looking over her shoulder.

  “We’ll shower while you're gone...”


  “Yeah. Or no. It’s just...”

  “Nia...what I said...”

  “Geoff, he’s going to go home right now, he has to wash me off him...I have to get ready...”

  “Nia, come on...go,” he said, urgent, “go now, get in the shower, Jesus...”

  “Geoff, wait, I didn’t mean...”

  “Please, Nia,” he said, and he stood up and walked around the bed, a slight stomp to his step.

  “Okay, okay,” she said. She got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom and ran the shower. Dino still sat on the bed talking to Stacy, and Geoff slipped some underwear and sweats on. She stood with her hand under the stream waiting for it to get warm and watched those two men. So different. So amazing each in their own way. Glad both of them were in her life. Astounded at the situation they found themselves in. And grateful for it too.


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