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Page 20

by Sienna Grant

  “Ahhh shit, are you kidding me?”

  “Do I look like I’m kidding?” I could feel the scowl set on my face, if he thought I was joking he had another thing coming.

  “Do you think this is a good idea?”

  “Nope, just drive.”

  “Roman, I’m sorry…”

  “Look, Gav. If it weren’t for you in the first place, we wouldn’t be here right now. But that fucker thinks he can say what he wants, and I’m not gonna let him. I’m the one in the public eye, I get it, but to attack Paisley the way he has just because we fell in love, is not on. Not only did he attack her, he brought up her past and brought her mum into it. We didn’t know much about her when we were at school and we judged her anyway. She had a hard fucking life, man. That’s made her into the person she is today. So, if you want to say sorry to her then you’ll walk in there with me and stand by me when I knock the dickhead out.”

  “He paid me.”

  The words fell from his lips, but they didn’t quite register with me. “Come again?”

  His fingers curled tighter around the steering wheel and he focused on the road. “He paid me, Roman.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Edward Brantley. He paid me to sell her story. He knew there was something between you two. He looked into us all. He called me and offered me a lot of money.”

  “And you took it….?” My voice rose with disbelief.

  “I had to, Roman. I needed the money.”

  “So, you sold her out? You sold me out?” My voice rose again, as my eyebrows met in the middle. I tried to get my head around this shit. He tapped his fingers nervously on the steering wheel as I continued to stare at him. “Gav?” I pushed.

  “Yes. I sold her out. But I said I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry… fucking sorry. Do you know the shit that girl has gone through recently, all because you wanted to fill your fucking pockets?”

  “It wasn’t to fill my pockets, I was desperate, Ro…” he sounded almost angry with himself. “I have a gambling problem.”

  My head snapped back towards him. “I don’t get it. We’ve been friends for the best part of fifteen years, how did I not know?”

  “Because I didn’t want you to know.”

  The car fell silent, leaving us both to our own thoughts. As we made our way through the traffic lights, I saw Brantley Press up ahead and Gav turned into the car park. Once the engine was off, we sat on the tarmac and I unclipped my seatbelt.

  “Why didn't you come to me, Gav? I could have helped.”

  “I didn’t want you to think I was sponging or using you because you had money.”

  “But shouldn’t that have been my choice?”

  He turned his head to look at me for the first time since telling me, “I didn’t want you to foot my bill.”

  “What about your parents, couldn’t they help?”

  “Ha! They haven’t helped me since they gave me that inheritance.”

  “How much do you owe?” I looked straight on as I stared through the windscreen.

  “Ten Grand.” Gav answered in a low voice.

  “Ten fucking Grand! Are you kidding me?!”

  “No. I’m so sorry, Roman.”

  Dipping my head, I looked up at the small building that housed Brantley Press and sighed. Turning to look at my best friend, I shook my head. “For fucks sake, Gav. So you fucking should be.” I sighed and shook my head before I went on, “Come on, let's get this over with then we can talk properly, with Paisley. You owe her, fucking big time, man.”

  “I know.” Stepping from the car and giving the door a shove, Gav clicked the button on the fob of his white Focus ST and we headed for the entrance.

  “One last question? How much did he pay you for selling her story?”

  He looked me and paled. “I told him I’d do it for what I owed.”

  I had no idea what to say to him so instead, I sucked in a breath and shook my head in sheer disappointment. I couldn’t believe what had become of him. If I was ever going to forgive him, I had to get past it but it would be up to Paisley in the end.

  “I’m surprised you’ve still got your car?”

  “Couldn’t sell it, it’s on finance.” Rolling his eyes towards me, we shared a chuckle, not that any of this was funny, but it’s good to have a little normality again.

  The receptionist stopped us as we went inside and asked for I.D. badges. Knowing we didn’t have any, I wondered how we were going to get in there. “I’m here to see Edward Brantley.”

  “Your name…”

  “Roman Dean.”

  “Is Mr Brantley expecting you…? She looked me up and down, “Mr Dean.”

  “Go tell him I’m here and he will be. He will want to see me.”

  Narrowing his eyes with a scowl tugging his eyebrows inwards, he turned away and disappeared through the door.

  “Has Brantley spoken to you in person?” I turned to Gav and asked as I waited. I saw the receptionist pick up the receiver and speak to someone.

  “Unfortunately, yeah.”

  “All the more fun.”

  A security guard strode through the door. “Come in Mr Dean.”

  “Ah, thanks.”

  I forced a sarcastic grin on my face. You know what they say, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but it gets noticed. And I’m all for that shit. “Follow me, I’ll take you to his office.” I gave the receptionist a tight grin and followed him.

  The security officer led us down the corridor, through more doors until we reached, what I assume, was the main press office. There were people at their desks tapping away on a computer, others on the phone. We carried on to the back of the room until we reached a separate office, closed off to the others. The security officer knocked on the door, alerting Brantley to our presence.

  Peering through the window he shouted for us to enter. I turned to the guard and nod once with a tight grin. “Thanks for the escort, I can take it from here.”

  Twisting the knob of the door I entered his small, messy office. Brantley spoke as he stood to greet us. “Mr Dean. To what do I owe this pleasure?” His eyes lit up and a smile spread across his face. I could almost see the pound signs in his eyes. “Please, take a seat.”

  He sat back down and tucked himself under the desk, resting his elbows on the surface as he joined his fingers.

  Leaning back in the chair, I pulled one leg up and rested my ankle on my knee. “Well, Mr Brantley, it’s not really what you can do for me but I ‘d like to have a chat with you about a mutual associate. See, to me, she’s much more than an associate but for you, this person was a quick money spinner.”

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean, Roman.”

  “Mr Dean. Only friends call me Roman.” I answered in a snide tone. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gav glance at me.

  “Now, you’re going to print a retraction regarding everything you’ve said about Paisley.” His eyes widen slightly until he regained his composure. “You remember Paisley… right? She’s the one you screwed over to make a quick profit. She’s the one you’re still screwing over with those fucking stories about her. Now, I don’t know what she’s done to you for you to turn against her like you have, but it stops now.” Dropping my foot to the floor, I sat up and moved to the edge of the seat, leaning an arm on his desk. “Do you get what I’m saying, Mr Brantley?”

  “Everything I’ve said is true. If Paisley can’t handle that, it’s not my problem. So, if there’s nothing else I can do for you, boys, I’ve got work to do… that is, of course, if you don’t want to do an exclusive interview while you’re here.”

  Standing from his chair he started to shuffle the mess on his desk, ultimately dismissing me. That got my blood pumping even more.

  “An exclusive interview? For you? I’m not that desperate, mate. But I will make this clear right now. If you don’t leave Paisley alone and drop this bullshit non-fraternisation thing that you’ve plastered across the papers, I swear I will
take you to court for slander and I’ll make sure no fucker uses your paper for anything other than to wipe their arse. You’ll be bankrupt in next to no time.”

  I jumped up out of my chair and stand to face him, my fists curling at my sides.

  “Is that a threat, Mr Dean? Just remember I am the news. I can finish you in no time. One word from me about you and this little visit and it’ll be all over the country within hours. It won’t take long for it to spill into international waters,” he tutted and shook his head at me, “What will Hugo Boss have to say about that then?”

  I stepped closer but Gav grabbed my arm to hold me back.

  “Don’t fucking push me, Brantley.”

  Throwing his head back, he laughed out loud. “You can’t touch me.” The smug expression that’s plastered all over his face pushed me to boiling point.

  “No, he can’t, you’re right… but I can.” Gav moved like a whippet around me and scrunched Brantley’s shirt in his fist. Before any of us knew what was happening, Gavin’s other fist connected with Brantley’s face. A crunch sounded beneath his knuckles and I was left gobsmacked as Brantley crumbled to the floor.

  “Fuck, Gav.”

  “The fucker deserved it.”

  Gav crouched down beside the piece of shit as he writhed in pain on the floor, grabbing him again, Gav lifted his body from the ground. “Listen here, fuckface. These people are my friends, stay away from them and stop printing your fucking bullshit.” Shoving Brantley back to the ground away from him, Gav regained his composure while Brantley sat up and covered his nose in his hands holding his head down for the blood to run free. “Oh, and try suing me cockpiece; you won’t get fuck all.”

  “I mean it, Brantley, stay away from her or I’ll slap that charge on you.” My words are spat at Brantley as Gav sniggered at him sat on the floor, the door opened behind us the security officer from earlier pushed his way in.

  “What the…”

  “He fell, mate. You ought to look after him; he's a little unsteady on his feet.” I stepped closer, leaning in just a little and sniffed, “I think he’s been drinking; you know.” I clapped the guard on the shoulder and we left his office. Let’s see who can play nice now. Fucking wanker.

  “I’ll pay your court costs if anything comes from this.” I informed Gavin nonchalantly.

  Gav looked at me in surprise. We clapped hands in a deal and walked out of the building with our heads held high. I had my mate back.

  Now, back to my girl to give her the good news.

  Chapter Forty-One

  I’d been on tenterhooks waiting for Roman to come back. I hoped to God they hadn’t got into trouble. That’d be more work trying to polish his image. I dropped my face into my hands. It felt like he’d been gone hours.

  “He’ll be okay. He’s not stupid… well, he’s stupid but not stupid enough to do something that will get him in the papers anymore.”

  “Gav’s with him.”

  Nikki stared at me. She was trying to gauge if I was taking the piss to be honest.

  “You might want to call the local police station, because Gav’s not only stupid, he’s dense as fuck.”

  “He said sorry…”

  “I’m sure he did. Do you believe him?”

  Nikki’s eyes focused on me. Gav is a tetchy situation. Honestly, I think she liked him more than she let on. There’s way too much conflict there for there to be no feelings.

  “I think I do. What is it with you two? I mean I have a good reason to dislike him, he was the biggest, most entitled moron at school you could possibly ever meet, and he just got worse. He’s lived in Roman’s shadow. I didn’t have much to do with the kids at school but even I saw that. And if Roman spent all his time with him, I can see how Gav would be jealous of him.”

  “How can you do that?”

  “Do what?” I frowned at my friend. I hadn’t done anything…

  “You always see the best in people. Even with yours and Roman’s history, you knew it would be hard to work with him – still, you did your job. You’re such an inspiration, Paisley. I wish I could be more like you.”

  “What and have people walk all over you? Yeah, that’s not fun.”

  She chuckled, “I think you’re forgetting something - I was here the day you put one on Gav. Now that was a sight to behold. I thought someone was going to ring the bell for you to go back to your corner.” Her laughter rang out around the room.

  “That’s not funny.” I answered with a raised eyebrow and a straight face.

  She laughed again, only harder this time. “Oh my God, it’s fucking hilarious. I wonder how long he was licking his wounds from that one.”

  “You’re awful.” But I couldn’t help but laugh along with her. Even I can admit that it felt kind of good to get it out of my system.

  The door opened, startling us and halting our conversation about Gav, damn it. I guess I’d just have to ask her another time. Snapping my head towards the front door I saw Roman, and not wasting another second, I ran to him and threw my arms around his neck. “Oh my God. At least you haven’t been arrested.”

  “There’s still time.”

  I leaned back from him, narrowing my eyes, I silently questioned him. “He may have a broken nose.” Roman shrugged and kissed me before wrapping me up in his arms and pulling me against his warm body. “No-one messes with my girl. Brantley knows that now.”

  “My hero… but Roman, you do realise what you’ve done don’t you?”

  “I’ve done nothing. It was Gav who broke his nose. It was a damn good right hook too.”

  Twisting around, I faced Gav. He looked almost proud, “Thanks.”

  He nodded and gave me a cautious smile. “Well, no matter what’s happened between us you didn’t deserve all your shit dragged out like that. And I’m really sorry for the hurt I caused you.”

  “Wow.” I’m shocked.

  “Yeah, wow.” Added Nikki. “Is this the same Gavin Wright we all know. I mean maybe I should get this on record or video so we can play it back.” Nikki added teasingly. He lifted his middle finger up at her and she laughed.

  “Screw you, I was just kidding.”

  Still holding his finger up at her he carried on, “Why don’t you sit on this?”

  “Guys, really…?” I intervened while Roman just shook his head at them.

  “Look Paisley, I know I haven’t done much to be proud of and I’m sure Roman will fill you in later on the reasons, but I truly am sorry. I was backed into a corner that I didn’t know how to get out of. Do you think we can try and be friends?”

  “Gav, I’m not the kind of person to hold grudges. I’ve lost too many people in my life to care about superficial bullshit. I love Roman, and I’m sorry you felt like I barged my way in here, but I never expected for this to happen. I tried my hardest to get out of this job. I’m glad I couldn’t, but…” I shrugged because what else could I say.

  “But now we have her, it's so much better. And if you upset her again, she might hit you in that dumb mouth of yours.” Nikki added. The woman just couldn’t help herself.

  “You know, I see a pattern forming here. Do you two not just want to fuck and get it out of your system?” Roman frowned as he looked between them.

  “Oh, and you can fuck off as well.” Nikki growled.

  I turned my attention back to Roman, threading my arms around his waist. “Do you think it’s over now?”

  “Yeah, I don’t think even he’s that stupid to carry on. I’ve told him I’ll finish him if he does.”

  “You know, Roman, that’s a threat, they don’t bode well when you’re a celebrity.”

  “Meh, one threat deserves another, and it’s his word against mine and Gav’s. He’s not that stupid.”

  Pushing to my toes, I planted my lips on his in a sweet and loving, soft kiss. Lifting his hands to my face he held my cheeks, delving his tongue into greedy mouth. “Mmm,” he growled through the kiss, before he pulled away, licking his lips. “I love
you, Paisley Kennedy.”

  “I love you too. Mr Dean.” I smiled, knowing how much he hated being called that.

  “Come with me a second. I got something to tell you.”

  “You know, Roman, using codes to take me to your room aren’t gonna work with these two.”

  “Yeah, and if I wanted sex, I’d tell these two to get the fuck out while I made love to my girl… now are you comin’?”


  Taking me by the hand he led me into the bedroom with Gav heckling about keeping the noise down and Nikki cringing as she smacked him. Taking no notice of them he opened the door, kicking it shut after us, before sitting me down on the bed and dropping to his knees in front of me.

  “I have to go back to L.A. The directors said I could come home to deal with my shit and then I’d have to go back and finish the rest of the shoot. But I want you to come back with me… just us though. No Nikki, no Rhys. I want it to be just us.”

  “Is that wise? You’ll soon be known all over America once your shoot goes viral and the adverts start being televised.”

  “Let me show you something first.”

  He took his phone out and brought up his emails, when he’d found the one he wanted he clicked on it then turned it around, holding it up for me to see.

  I studied the house in the picture. It was a cute little two bedroomed townhouse, with a garage and long drive. “This is the house I want for us.”

  Roman smiled and kissed the end of my nose. I didn’t understand.

  “You look confused…?”

  “That’s because I am.”

  They’ve asked me to relocate. If you don’t want to then we’ll stay here and I’ll commute but I want you with me. This is our decision, not just mine.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack, baby. I will not do this without you.”

  Wow. Standing from the bed and blowing out the breath I didn’t realise I was holding in; I brushed my fingers through my hair and walked the floor. “Paisley. Do you need time to think? If you do that’s okay, you can think on the way back to L.A.”

  “What about the others? Do they know?”


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