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Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage

Page 8

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  He sat in quiet contemplation thinking it over for a few minutes.

  "Hey, dad?"

  "Yes, Bryant."

  "Do you think we could have some ice-cream and play a game?" He was smiling with his mother's impish glint in his eyes.

  "Sure son, that would be a lot of fun."


  Edgidio was on the upper deck plate where the Examiner grows fresh fruit and vegetables. Dropping Fleet Admiral Brubacher's name a few times had forced the Lieutenant Commander to give him a small corner of the rice field. He would harvest the rice and lay it out for malting. When it began to sprout, he'd dry it for use.

  Ed was planning a surprise. He would take the required ten days, once the rice malt was ready, to brew a couple of crocks of beer. He would use the correct yeast and season it with just the right amount of hops to make a clear golden lager. He would take the time to bottle and label it. The batch would make seventy- two servings. He would bring two dozen to the pub and the rest would remain in the apartment. Admiral Brubacher would be able to enjoy a great gluten-free beer whenever he wanted one. And, Ed would be able to use the beer in gluten-free beer batters he wanted to employ in the kitchen.


  It's Wednesday, April 3, 2267, and I've been getting weird reports all day. The Orion Federation is under attack. They came in between RA 2.5:0 hours and 20:0 hours and Declination +10º to + 40º. They entered in enormous numbers, and they were inside the border fast. Alpha and part of Delta Commands met them first. It was quite one-sided. Our people kept falling back, as they were continuously being reduced in numbers. Over the next twenty-four hours, the rest of Delta was added to the fray. By the end of the second day, Alpha and Delta were reduced to around forty ships apiece. Each had started with nearly six hundred warships, thirty-two hundred fighters, and supporting infrastructure. And, the enemy had secured Kappa Pegasus, 79 Pisces, and 109 Pisces, by that point in time. Only one of those was Federation colony. But the others had significant value in establishing a beachhead. By the end of the second week, they were secure in every system between the border and 54 Pisces and 51 Pegasus at under forty light-years from the heart of the Federation. Those two systems put them on either side of their attack corridor. As the two prongs came at Sol, and the stars on the route, Beta Command stepped into the fight; only to be severely mauled. By the end of the third week, Earth was in our opponents' hands. They were mopping up at Barnards and had pushed forward towards Rigil.

  Beta had decided to sacrifice itself in the name of intelligence. Gamma, Epsilon, and Zeta Commands were being fed constant images and sensor data on the raging battles. Their intent was to give us a chance to find a weakness.

  Through it all, Gamma, Epsilon, and Zeta kept falling back, on the recommendations of those on the front line. And, the remaining C&C wanted something left to fight with, at a later time. It was foolhardy to keep tossing away more assets. In the first twenty-one days, the enemy had driven a stake in our heart without losing one ship.

  Into the fourth week, they surged forward from Rigil Kentaurus. Columns moved into Boötis, Draco, Virgini and Leo. They kept widening their scope fanning out into more and more of our Federation. We retreated farther. We all crossed the border at various locations when 44 Boötis fell. They were almost entirely across the Federation.

  I was stunned when I studied the images sent by Beta HQ. They engaged against three hundred enemy Cruisers. In the background I could see a ghostly spherical image; but, no matter how we tried to enhance the video, we could not determine its purpose or capabilities; or even if, it was a man-made object. And their warships' shields deflected our weapons as if they were ping pong balls. Every once in a while a craft would enter or exit Normal Space. But the motive power was uncertain from the sensor readings we had. All this and, their weapons penetrated our shields as if they were nothing. We were more like a pesky nuisance than an adversary.

  All seemed hopeless.

  Chapter 8 When Friends Die

  Thursday, March 21, 2267

  "A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." John F. Kennedy

  For Fleet Admiral Tso Shah the day started like most others. The morning meeting with his COS and Deputy HQ Commander included discussions of the patrol status of all thirty-two Fleets within his four Tier 3 operations. Security, ship maintenance, and Fleet deployments were all reviewed. These may be dry subjects; but, it's important to keep your fingers on all the buttons you control.

  He wound his way through the labyrinth of corridors, elevators, and hallways that comprised the route from his Flag Bridge office to the Officers' Mess for a light breakfast. He could have eaten in the Flag dining room; but, this journey provided a daily opportunity to examine a good portion of his Mobile Headquarters.

  The FSS Apollo is the Headquarters Mobile Command for Delta -HQ which he leads. It is one of the massive Supercarrier Class vessels employed by the OFSA for this purpose. There are six more of them in the unit. Two are the homes of the next level of authority subordinate to him. And, four are the bases for the levels below that. Level Eleven Admirals, Roger Linkletter and Egi Oh run the Tier Two ventures. Four Level Ten Admirals Run the Tier Three outfits. His thirty-two Fleets and all the HQ Commands employ nearly two million personnel. A massive internal logistics operation make the whole thing self-contained. And, the unit's four Mobile Hospital units ensure the best of care for all his people, though each ship in the flotilla is well equipped for medical needs. The Apollo and all the other crafts in his Command are formidable fighting platforms, and each Carrier and Supercarrier can launch a barrage of Raptor Class fighters to extend their reach. Over three-quarters of a kilometer long and more than three hundred meters abeam, the one hundred sixty-one meter tall vessel is gargantuan. It is virtually a small city boasting nearly every service a traveler could want or need.

  Several teams are already on patrol in nearby systems; but, even with only a little over a quarter of Delta Command nearby, the space around the Apollo is much like the downtown of a busy city. Supply vessels travel from Base Stations to Fleet members and back. Others move between the various Tiers of Supercarriers. Shuttles journey from ships to Stations on important business and there is constant traffic between all the different elements and the Mobile Hospitals. Wherever parked, each Command HQ always employs its "Traffic Control" to handle the constant "rush hour" conditions.

  Admiral Shah enjoyed his ancestors' traditional fish and rice; but, always had a couple of over-easy eggs with the entree. And instead of tea, he enjoyed a big mug of dark roast coffee. He was just downing the last gulp of his second cup when the annunciator on his data pad sounded off. Pushing his plate forward on the table, he moved the pad to a more accessible location in front of him. There was mail. He tapped the icon; then navigated to the item. It was marked "Urgent." He touched the listing to bring up the full communications.



  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root Om-T2-X@Y2365-906-**

  From:Admiral Egi Oh Commander Delta T2-1

  To:F. Admiral Tso Shah C&C / Delta HQ Commander

  C.C:Admiral Roger Linkletter Commander Delta T2-2


  Date:March 21, 2267


  Several Fleets within my chain of command have reported scores of heavily armed unidentified vessels within their patrol areas. They are under attack. According to reports, our forces are unable to penetrate these ships' defense systems. Meanwhile, this enemy is quite capable of effortlessly destroying our crafts.

  I have attached communiques from both the Aquarius and Pegasus Fleet Commanders describing the intensity of the attack and giving exact locations. I am ordering my entire T2-1 Command into these actions and
holding T2-2 until I determine if other assaults are in progress.

  Admiral Egi Oh

  Before Admiral Shah could finish, his annunciator sounded again.



  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root OM-T2-2-Q@G1165-423-%^

  From:Admiral Roger Linkletter Command Delta T2-2

  To:F. Admiral Tso Shah C&C / Delta HQ Commander

  C.C:Admiral Egi Oh Commander Delta T2-1

  Re:Enemy Attack

  Date:March 21, 2267


  I am attaching e-mails from V. Admirals Brittney Agnew of Cygnus Fleet and Jasper Congrave of Eridani Fleet. Both are currently attempting to defend against massive attacks. They describe the attacking vessels, their strength, and location in the e-mails. Since both operations are part of the same Tier 3 Command, I have ordered the rest of the unit into action to assist. I am holding my other Tier Three Commands in reserve until I know more.

  Admiral Roger Linkletter

  Shah studied the attached e-mails carefully. The two Fleets mentioned in the first communique are fighting near Kappa Pegasus. The two in the other notice are near Theta Pegasus. Off the top of his head, he calculated they are about thirty light-years apart. This is a significant surge.


  Alpha HQ Commander Fleet Admiral Iku Shagotha was likewise enjoying breakfast when he received similar notifications.



  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root ALP-T2-1-Y*R2342-740-&%

  From:Admiral Onda Obini Commander Alpha T2-1

  To:F. Admiral I. Shagotha C&C / Alpha HQCommander

  C.C:Admiral Julianne Mercado Commander Alpha T2-2


  Date:March 21, 2267


  Vice Admiral Klog Meget and Vice Admiral Alicia Blackman have both filed reports indicating they are under attack. I have attached their notifications which include ship descriptions, formation strengths and assault position. I have inserted the rest of their Theatre into this operation and am holding the other one in reserve for the time being.

  Admiral Onda Obini



  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root ALP-T2-2-K?R1357-086-+$

  From:Admiral Julianne Mercado Commander Alpha T2-2

  To:F. Admiral I. Shagotha C&C / Alpha HQCommander

  C.C:Admiral Onda Obini Commander Alpha T2-1


  Date:March 21, 2267


  I believe we are under attack. I have received reports from two Fleets indicating they are fighting pitched battles. Aeris and Triangulum Fleet are currently taking heavy casualties. Their reports are included.

  Admiral Julianne Mercado

  Admiral Shigotha took the time to study the supporting information. The Fleets involved were situated at 79 Ceti and 109 Piscium.


  Vice Admiral Meget is at the expansive viewing window. The big monitors are working fine; but, he wondered if he was seeing correctly and went to the portal to get the real truth. But, it's all factual. Ceti Fleet's weapons are just bouncing off this adversary's shields. And, their antagonists' weapons are devastating. The only thing that has kept so many of his ships from being destroyed is the fact they were employing the Nichols' maneuver to complete their patrol of the 79 Ceti system.

  Within minutes of encountering the intruders, the FSS France was destroyed. It all happened so fast he isn't really sure he has it right in his mind. The much larger carrier had laid a sound pounding on an enemy vessel, to no avail. Then one shot from the opponent was all it took to obliterate them.

  Meget is aboard the FSS Eritrea the Flagship of the Eritrea Group and Ceti Fleet's Task Force One. It also flies the pennant of the Ceti Fleet with Vice Admiral Meget in Command. Four hundred enemy vessels are bearing down on the seventeen remaining craft in Ceti. Though they will be momentarily more vulnerable, he has to find the right moment to pull them out of their patrol pattern; so, they can more directly confront the intruders.

  In the meantime, Meget has transmitted a report to his superiors and a request for help to his sister Fleets of Alpha HQ - T1-2. But, the way things look he'll be lucky if anyone shows up in time. He finally decides no moment will be truly better than the next and orders his Fleet to execute a maneuver that will put them in an arrowhead formation facing their foes.

  As they move, the Frigate FSS Philadelphia Flares into non-existence. It's followed shortly after by the Cruiser FSS Michigan. "At this rate, there'll be nothing left in another ten minutes," he thinks to himself.


  Vice Admiral Alicia Blackman the daughter of Fleet Admiral Blackman the Gamma HQ Commander is as tense as at any time she can remember. She pulled her entire Pisces Fleet together as fast as she could when she received the call from her friend and colleague Klog Meget. They were racing to 79 Ceti to answer his call for help.

  But as her Fleet enters normal space and glides into the system, all they see is shrapnel, scrap, and flotsam spiraling through the region on random courses to nowhere in particular. She goes to the view window.

  "Sensor Station can you find Ceti Fleet?" She Barks.

  "This is it, sir."

  "What's it? I don't see anything but flying garbage."

  "Yes, sir. That's Ceti Fleet. There's tons of the aluminum alloy we use for our hulls. Lot's of plastics, too. And. there are considerable numbers of corpses and lots of body parts."

  "Any sign of the bastards that did this?"

  "No, sir. There gone. And, there's no trail."

  "Son of a bitch! I can only assume they're headed deeper into our territory. Set a course for HD 1461 and get us there at forty percent, Helm." She snaps as she walks weakly to the Command Center and collapses into her chair.


  Vice Admiral Otoko of the Aquarius Fleet has had the ships in his Fleet following evasive patterns since the first encounter with the unknown enemy. It's the only thing that's kept them alive this long. Aquarius weapons have been ineffectual; while their pursuer has no trouble destroying them.

  Though it seems like an eternity, its only been five minutes since the first encounter. And their opponent has already demolished a Carrier, two Cruisers, four Frigates and forty Raptors. Otoko has reported and put out emergency calls for support. But, he's not sure anyone can get there in time. At the rate things are going, they'll all be dead in a few more minutes.


  Vice Admiral Gozel Giz has been struggling to keep the ships in Pegasus Fleet alive since the enemy entered Theta Pegasus half an hour ago. As soon as their first ship was demolished, he realized their only hope was an escape. They have been struggling to open jump points, ever since. But, their antagonist destroys the conduit thresholds as fast as they can project them.


  Admiral Tso Shah is beside himself with worry for the Fleets in his command that are under such an incredible onslaught. He calls in his COS Admiral Eugenio Volpe.



  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root OMG-T1-HQ-Z*R1397-986-*&

  From:F. Admiral Tso Shah Commander Delta -HQ

/>   To:All Delta subordinate Commands



  Date:March 21, 2267


  It is apparent, we are in the midst of a widescale intrusion by a powerful enemy. All Delta HQ forces are ordered and required to execute the following.

  Delta T2-1 will order half its forces to assist at 79 Ceti. The other half will be held in reserve until it is determined they are needed.

  Delta T2-2 will order half its forces to Theta Pegasus to intercept and engage enemy forces there. The other half will remain nearby as a reserve unless needed.

  Please note that no forces have been able to mount a successful attack on this enemy, yet. All caution should be taken to protect the personnel in your charge. But, the defense of the Orion Federation is a priority.

  F. Adm. Tso Shah

  "Gene, can you make sure this is okay and encrypted. Then get communications to send it out - pronto!" Shah ordered as he tapped various icons on the screen of his data pad.

  "Yes, sir. I'll get it right out.” Volpe responded, stiffened, saluted, and left the room.

  Shah thought for a moment about how fortunate the discovery of Volpe had been. Eugenio had been traded to him in a deal with Epsilon Command. He graduated the Academy in 2251 and had been commissioned as an Ensign in a Fifth Mobile Fleet. By 2255, he had risen to Executive Officer of the Shenzhen, an Epsilon autonomous Frigate. From then to now, he had advanced steadily through tactical Commands until the trade with George, last year. But Tso often silently patted himself on the back for spotting Gene's administrative abilities, and had been responsible for his movement through the Headquarters' Tiers to finally arrive as his COS at the rank of a Level Ten Admiral.

  The attack continued as a repeating pattern for the next few days. By then, there was nothing left of Alpha HQ and very little of Delta HQ remaining. Both operations even threw their Headquarters Supercarriers and Security Flotillas into the fray in a suicidal attempt to turn the tide. It didn't work.


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